The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 976: Terrible!

The ninth and seventy-six chapters are terrible!

"Don't say a word!" Luo Xiongfeng sneered, and slammed his hand to Hu Li.

This palm, fast and awkward, hides at least 60% of the repairs of Luo Xiongfeng. This kind of trick is thrown out, let alone Hu Li, even Zhou Quanyong has to do a good job.

Looking at Hu Li, the line will be drowned by the wind of Luo Xiongfeng, and the shadow will be exclaimed. Zhou Quanyong is also a dead face, only to think that Hu Li is going to die on the spot.

Obviously at this time, they have forgotten that Hu Li is no longer the same Hu Li. [

Although Luo Xiongfeng’s momentum is amazing, he still can’t let Hu Li stand up. When the wind rushed to the front, Hu Li’s figure swayed, and the whole person floated like a feather. With a three-fold twist, the body shape is changeable, and the palm of the wind is avoided.

"Li Ge!" Seeing this scene, Qing Ying shouted loudly and excitedly.

"Good boy, it really is a good time!" Zhou Quanyong is also a big heart.

Luo Xiongfeng was shocked. He never thought that it would only be a few days, and Hu Li would grow to such a degree. A pair of brows could not help but wrinkle together.

"Miao! Ali's move is really wonderful!" In the corner that is not noticed, Qin Dong and Xiao Ting quietly appear. Looking at the Hu Li of Dafa Shenwei, Xiao Ting sighed.

Qin Dong’s face is also full of praise, nodding frequently.

"Xiaodong, when do we shoot? I can't support the Qing family." Although Hu Li escaped the attack of Luo Xiongfeng, the situation facing Qing Qing is still difficult.

Qin Dong shook his head. "No hurry! I hope this opportunity will let Li Ge experience and practice. In addition, the people of Jubaoge have followed us all the way, I have not yet understood their intentions, let me see."

"The people of Jubaoge followed us all the way?" Xiao Ting looked at Qin Dong unexpectedly.

Qin Dong frowned, and he was puzzled by this matter.

"Good boy, I look down on you!" Hu Li escaped a trick, Luo Xiongfeng's face "color" is very ugly.

Hu Li is a big rise in confidence, a cold scream, and a fight out of thinness, like a volcanic eruption.

"Mr. Luo, don't waste time, Qing Zhuo will soon break through!" He felt a keen sense of the surrounding aura activity, and shouted.

Luo Xiongfeng no longer hesitated, his body shape slammed forward, lightning-like "forced" to Hu Li, using his deep spiritual power to trap Hu Li's death within his set range, making Hu Li's The body can't be used at all, and it can only be hard.

The repair of Hu Li is far worse than the Luo Xiongfeng, and it is so tightly forced by Luo Xiongfeng that the situation is really bad. It didn't take long for Hu Li to be able to support it, and it was smashed by Luo Xiongfeng.

I saw Hu Li’s blood squirting, and I was definitely not hurt. Luo Xiongfeng also ignored his life and death, and after the Luo Xiongfeng flew, he immediately pulled out and slammed into the secret room of Qing Zhuo.

Once the door of the Chamber of Secrets is broken, all the efforts made by Qing Zhuo will be lost, and even the "sex" life will be difficult to keep. Qing Ying sees this scene, and the immediate death of the soul is so big that even the claws that Hao Shi randomly explored have not been able to hide, and they have been caught by Hao Shi.

"Wang Ba Gu, I haven't died yet!" At this moment, Hu Li suddenly made a sigh, and his palms suddenly pushed forward. The strong spiritual power was like a torrent of rushing, and then slammed into Luo Xiongfeng.

Luo Xiongfeng apparently did not expect Hu Li to be so difficult, his brow wrinkled, he had to temporarily hold his body shape, and turned to remove Hu Li’s palm. [

"Luo Xiongfeng, you can't cope with a little Huli, really let this seat be disappointed!" Seeing the aura that permeates the sky, the stock is being sucked into the secret room, and the heart is in a hurry, no longer blindly Waiting, but screaming, personally went to the secret room of Qing Zhuo retreat.

Zhou Quanyong was afraid of smashing his hand. At this time, his heart was hammered, and he felt that his eyes were dark and all his hopes were shattered.

"Hey... Zhou Quanyong, today is the time when the Qing family was destroyed. I advised you to still know your time, lest your father and son's "sex" life be ruined here." Hao Wan snorted and waved straight to Zhou Quanyong Chest.

Zhou Quanyong’s steel teeth bite, in the face of Hao Wan’s attack, not only did not dodge, but instead sighed and greeted him.

Zhou Quanyong’s move in this way undoubtedly surprised Hao Wan, and asked “What do you want to do?”

Zhou Quanyong just kept sneering, but he did not say a word.

There is no barrier, Haowan's palm is just above Zhou Quanyong's chest. Between the spiritual force and the vomiting, the blood in the Luoxiong vent is sprayed, and he is seriously injured.

Hao Wan thought that Zhou Quanyong had any conspiracy, but did not expect that Zhou Quanyong was bent on his death, and he was shocked. Then there was a burst of ecstasy, killing Zhou Quanyong, and there would be no threat to the Qing family. The overall situation will be fixed.

"Ha ha ha ... Zhou Quanyong, you have today!" One stroke succeeded, Hao Wan could not help but laugh.

"Hey... it’s still very early!" Hao Wan was smiling happily. Zhou Quanyong suddenly gave a sneer, and his eyes flashed.

Hao Wan’s heart suddenly sinks, and the subconscious wants to take back the palm of his hand, but he does not think about it. An inexplicable suction makes his palm stick to the roots of Zhou Quanyong’s chest, so he can’t get it back.


Just when Hao Wan was furious, Zhou Quanyong broke out. The hair seemed to have been shocked, and suddenly the roots were erected, and the clothes were swaying, and the face was full of violent gas. After waiting for the words, Zhou Quanyong’s palms were like a hot wheel. Hao Wanlian did not have time to guard, just listened to a series of muffled sounds, and sounded again and again. Only the blink of an eye, Hao Wan will at least marry Zhou Quanyong a dozen palms.

Hao Wan shouldn’t have been so embarrassed, but he never thought that Zhou Quanyong would make such a fierce plan, and he would not hesitate to hurt himself, then hurt the enemy and ate a big loss. When the body is swaying, the blood is sprayed like a spring, and the meridians are at least half broken. The injury is heavy, far more than Zhou Quanyong.

"" Hao Wan pointed to Zhou Quanyong, resentment and serious injury, and squatting, and even said that it is unfavorable.

Zhou Quanyong simply didn't bother to listen to him. He flew at his foot and plunged himself into front of him and blocked his way.

"I... I won't let you hurt my big brother..." In a short sentence, Zhou Quanyong stopped for a few moments, and his mouth kept spilling out of blood. Hao Wan’s palm is not a vegetarian.

The brows wrinkled, and looked at the lying on the ground, the painful Hao Wan, sneered, "Hao Wan, you are more and more useless!"

If you are awkward, you will let the mouth of Haowan’s mouth full of teeth, but everything is because of his carelessness, who can blame?

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