The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 981: Protect the Lord's Spirit!

The ninth eighty-one chapter protects the spirit of the Lord!

Without the shelter of the guards, these monks can be imagined. Each claw blow of the Dark Winged Dragon can bring a large piece of blood and rain. Before and after the use of less than a tea, the dozens of luxury monks, only half left. The whole world is full of disgusting **** smells, just like **** on earth.

The "sex" of the rain is weaker in the end, so where can I see it? Close your eyes and hide behind the shadows.

The Qingying is a little better, but at this time, the flowering of the cockroach has lost its color, and it is stunned.

Looking at the dark-winged dragon, the face is becoming more and more dignified. Obviously, the mighty power of the Darkwing Dragon has exceeded his expectations. [

"Grandpa, should we take the shot? If we go on like this, the people of Haojia will die, and with our strength, I am afraid I will not be able to surrender this dark wing dragon." Said the voice.

He shook his head and said, "Let's wait! I haven't found the flaws of the Dark Wings."

"Brothers, fight this animal!" Lu Xiongfeng was **** at this time, already red eyes.

The remaining few monk monks, at this time, almost lost their senses. In the greetings of Luo Xiongfeng, they ran wildly and slammed into the front of the dark wing dragon.

When several noble monks and the dark-winged dragons made the final battle, Luo Xiongfeng was in a stature, quietly behind the dark wing dragon. Seeing the dark spirits of the dragons and dragons, they leaped high and swelled, and they all gathered their hands on the palms.

The dark-winged dragon is just a spiritual beast. The mind is not as clever as human beings. Naturally, it cannot be seen through the plot of Luo Xiongfeng. Seeing this palm of Luo Xiongfeng, the soul of the dark wing dragon is getting closer and closer, and he can't help but hold his breath, and several eyes burst in the eyes.

Although the Luo Xiongfeng and the dark wing dragons are far from being repaired, if this palm is actually broken, it will certainly be able to hit the dark wing dragon.

Luo Xiongfeng’s abacus is extremely good, and he sacrificed several monks and monks in exchange for the opportunity to make a striking blow. If he is replaced, he will not hesitate to do so.

But whether it is Luo Xiongfeng, or hey, they all miss a person, that is Hu Li. The dark-winged dragon can't understand the plot of Luo Xiongfeng, but Hu Li can.

"Dragon, be careful behind you!"

Hu Li’s voice screamed and the heart of Luo Xiongfeng slammed. Sure enough, just as his palm was about to hit the dark wing dragon, the dark wing of the dragon's huge head suddenly turned, just right with him.

"啾啾啾~~~~" The big mouth of the dark-winged dragon is a series of screams, and the huge right wing is shot like a lightning bolt toward Luo Xiongfeng.

Luo Xiongfeng was shocked in the heart, and hurriedly took over the defense. The wings of the dark wing dragons were so strong that they could not resist the repair of Hu Li. I saw the dark wing of the dragon, the whole person is like a baseball that was drawn, flying in the air and flying straight out of a dozen feet.

"Damn!" After landing, Luo Xiongfeng only felt that the whole person had to fall apart, and the painful grin, almost didn't faint on the spot.

The original abacus was destroyed by Hu Li at the last moment. Not only was Luo Xiong’s heart irritated, but even he was annoyed. One finger, Hu Li, shouted, "killed the kid!"

The two masters of the monk next to him immediately pulled up their physique and murdered toward Hu Li.

The masters of these two national teachers’ associations are all at the third level, and they jointly deal with a rookie who has just broken through the congenital monks. The situation of Hu Li can be imagined.

Not to mention how sharp the moves of these two third-level monks are, but the pressure from the two is enough to make Hu Li drink a pot.

"Lie Ge, let's help you!" Seeing Hu Li in danger, Qingying's heart was anxious, waved his hand, and took a few of the Qing family's unsatisfied monks, and rushed out. [

"Take me back!" The cockroaches that have never been shot, suddenly burst into a burst, the right hand flashed out, a pure and powerful spiritual power, and in the air, a huge palm shadow was formed in the air, descending from the sky, covering the shadow Wait for others.

The five-level monk's shot has already won the power of the world. The Qing Ying, together with the monks of the Qing dynasty, was unable to resist, and the hard-boiled ones were forced back.

"啾~~~~" was at the same time as Qingying and others were forced to retreat. At the same time, the dark-winged dragon suddenly turned into a shape, and abandoned the Luo Xiongfeng and the masters of the family, turning around and directly attacking the force. The two national divisions of the three divisions rushed over.

"Give me a stop, even if there is only one second!" I saw it, and hurriedly rushed at Luo Xiongfeng and others. As long as it can block the dark wing dragon for a second, two third-level monks are enough to kill Hu Li.

In the snoring of the hustle and bustle, Luo Xiongfeng suppressed the severe pain in his body, and with only the few remaining monks, they sacrificed their strongest moves, and the brains rushed to the dark wing.

What surprised everyone was that the dark-winged dragons simply ignored the attack of Luo Xiongfeng and others, and the one-minded guardian rescued the driver and rushed straight toward the two monks of the two national divisions.

Even though the dark-winged dragon skin is thick and thick, and has a spiritual body, it is also a very risky thing to be able to fight with several monks such as Luo Xiongfeng.

Sure enough, the huge body of the Dark-winged Dragon trembled a few times, and the body apparently splashed and shot several blood arrows and was injured.

Even so, the dark-winged dragon did not stop, and the whistling sound of the mouth became more and more intensive, and it rushed out of the surrounded by several monks such as Luo Xiongfeng.

“How could this be?” I saw this scene and frowned.

Most pets are very loyal to their owners, just like the dark-winged dragons, for the sake of the Savior, even the "sexual" life is to get rid of the pets that are not needed, but it is rare. You must know that there is a pet that is spiritual again, and it is not a human after all. Can not sublimate the feelings to the point of forgetting life and death. They rely more on instinct. When in danger, the instinct of most pets will automatically drive them to choose to avoid risks, regardless of the danger of the owner.

Just as the performance of the Dark Winged Dragon was astonished, the huge figure of the Dark Wing Dragon had already reached the top of the two National Masters.

These two third-level monks were also unlucky enough to come home, and they even encountered a heterogeneity in the pets of the dark-winged dragon. I thought that Luo Xiongfeng and several monks and monks could drag it on for a while, but never imagined that the dark-winged dragon would fight for himself, and the one-minded Savior would not be entangled with Luo Xiongfeng. So quickly swept over.

When they realize that they are not right, and they are eager to take care of themselves, everything is too late. The two claws of the dark-winged dragon, while catching the two, are quick and urgent, and they have to pay attention to it. Not to mention that there are two third-level monks, even if they are four-level and five-level, they also want to resist the living. In the blink of an eye, they are caught by the secret claws of the dark wings, and they are caught in a mass of broken meat!

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