The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 989: No mercy!

The ninth and eighty-nine chapters are merciless!

It is ten times more difficult to kill a five-level monk in the air than to kill a five-level monk. Looking at the figure of Erye was so fixed in the air, squatting on the body, even a hair can not move, everyone in addition to the stunned stunned, can no longer do other reactions.

Xuanyantong finally understood why the Princess Anzhen suddenly changed her strategy and changed from Qindong to Qindong. With Qin Dong doing this, how can he be a good result with him? The heart can't help but admire the wiseness of Princess Anzhen.

"A person like you is already incapable of "medicine". Only death can prevent you from continuing to marry the world!" Qin Dong's voice is cold and biting, and it smells like hell.

Don't say that the second horror is horrified, even the mysterious eyes, the Princess Anzhen and other people are also frequently shocked, all shocked by the power of Qin Dong. [

"You..." Erye’s life is probably the first time. It’s so close to death. The whole person’s face is stunned by the color of the face. I want to say a few words to Qin Dong, but unfortunately Qin. East did not give him a chance.

Not to wait for the second to say a complete sentence, Qin Dongyao pointed to the palm of the second master, stunned, five fingers and one received, the number of the same as the sharp edge of the general strength, the effort in the blink of an eye, will turn the second master into a broken The body.

The five-level monk is absolutely a top-ranking master on the mainland, but in the hands of Qin Dong, it is like a pig and a dog. If the people were not clear about Qin Dong’s cultivation before, the death of Erye was enough for them to see the terrible Qindong.

When Erye died, Qin Dong’s gaze immediately locked in. When the heart was cold, even Qin Dong’s eyes could not withstand it, and he could not help but retreat three steps back.

"People like you can't change at all, only die!"

"Give me a kill!" Qin Dong’s voice did not fall, and he slammed his mouth and slammed back like a blast.

"Hey, you can't escape today!" Princess Anzhen wants to get rid of it. It's not a day or two. It's rare to have such an opportunity. Dozens of monks who saw the National Teacher's Association blocked Qin Dong, and seized the opportunity to escape. Princess Anzhen was willing to let him succeed, and his body vacated and chased him up.

At this time, I was eager to escape, knowing that even if I had to wait for a second, I would never be able to go anymore. Seeing the Princess An Zhen chasing after the volley, a bite of the teeth, the whole body of the repair to the extreme, a mad "chaotic" overbearing palm power, out of the sky, let the whole world become the "color" change.

Princess Anzhen did not expect that it was so vicious, and was really taken aback. I wanted to avoid it first, but I could think about it. With a slap in the face, it would take only a moment to escape. Instead of spending time to dodge, it is better to fight and hurt, leaving you to stay. Making up his mind, Princess Anzhen turned a blind eye to the palm of his hand, only to promote the spiritual power of the body, stretch the powder arm, a pair of jade palm, and flat chest launched.

"Princess!" When I saw Princess Anzhen’s move, the mysterious eyes almost didn’t fall to the ground. Although the cultivation of Princess Anqing is not weak, it is worse than two. At this time, the embarrassment is another ‘scarred beast’ that has been forced into the desperate situation. This power is so great that even he does not dare to resist. Princess Anzhen does this, even if it cannot be said to be "suicide," it is equivalent to self-harm.

When I saw the movement of Princess Anzhen, I was also taken aback. However, the shock was only a little pause on his face, and he was immediately replaced by a smudge of sputum. Instead of converging, the palm of the hand has once again added a three-point force, and it has killed the posture of Princess Anzhen.

As the two kept on approaching in the air, Princess Anzhen realized that she was a little naive.

The cultivation of the shackles is much deeper than she imagined, and the power of this palm is not within her tolerance. The closer you are, the more obvious this feeling is. At this time, it is too late to change the move.

"Death and die!" In the mind of Princess An Zhen, she passed through such a thought. The silver teeth bite and closed her eyes.


When the Princess Anzhen’s jade palm and cockroach were relatively real, the pain she expected did not come. On the contrary, there was a scream of miserable monks.

The Princess An Zhen was shocked. He opened his eyes and immediately saw that the whole person was like a broken kite, flying straight away to a place more than ten feet away. The blood in the mouth is like a note, and it hurts at first sight.

"How could this be?" When Princess An Zhen stayed, she couldn't believe it. This palm was actually issued by herself.

"Are you okay?" Just as Princess Anzhen was in a daze, Qin Dong’s voice suddenly sounded in her ear. An Zhen princess looked back in horror, I don’t know when Qin Dong actually stood behind her. [


Princess Anzhen was surprised by the look of her face. She was asked to open her mouth. Qin Dong’s figure was swept away and people had swept past her.

"Oh my Royal Highness Princess, how are you so slammed? Do you know that if you didn't take Mr. Qin's shot, you would die under the shackles." Xuanyantong ran all the way, with a few faces on his face. The blame of concern.

"Is he?" Princess An Zhen turned to look at the back of Qin Dong.

Xuanyan passed a nod and looked at Qin Dong’s gaze, full of gratitude.

" can you..." When the trembled stood up from the ground, Qin Dong had already arrived at a place far from him. I don’t care about the severe pain of burning the internal organs. I pointed to Qin Dong and asked with fear. "You are not entangled by my men. How can it be so fast..." Looking at the monk who turned his head to his hand, he looked over.

This is not only a question of embarrassment, but also a place where the Princess Anzhen can't figure out. At the same time, when she turned her head, she was full of doubts and confuses and looked back.

This hope, the two people are so shocked that even the eyeballs are about to jump out of the eyelids. The monks of the dozens of national teachers' associations were poked on the spot like electric poles. They didn't move, and those who didn't know thought it was a wax figure.

Just when the two people speculated that these dozens of people had been affected by Qin Dong, suddenly, the snoring of the blood "liquid" splashed, and the sound of the rain rang. From the hearts of dozens of people, the throat, the heavenly place, and so on, almost simultaneously spurting out the red blood arrow, straight into the blood between the heavens and the earth into a **** rain, red eye-catching, red scary.

Until dozens of monks fell to the ground at the same time, the people in the room still couldn't react, and they were all stunned and trembled, such as electric shock!

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