The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 998: Angry cold is different! (2)



The Emperor Anzhen’s heart repeatedly complained, and quickly stopped in front of the cold, and said to the Hunting Saint, “The predecessors are all bad friends, and they don’t go through the brain. You don’t have to know him. cool down……"

"Get out of my way!" Waiting for the emperor to finish the words, the hunting sacred is extremely rude and pulls the emperor to the side.

The emperor of Anzhen is also the body of Wancheng. It is extremely noble. It has been treated so rudely by Hunting. It can be said that the face of a king has been thrown home. [

"Family! Dare to be rude to the majesty, the old man is looking for death!" The Emperor Anzhen wanted to be a good person, but the result was greatly beyond his imagination.

On weekdays, the cold is not warm and the fire is very calm, but today it is like eating a gun "medicine", and it will be fried at a time, even if it is facing the famous hunting saint, it does not care.

Emperor Anzhen was pushed by the hunter, and when he was struggling to stand firm, the cold suddenly burst into a burst, and he slammed straight toward the chest of the hunting saint.

Hunting for the sanctuary for so many years, few people dare to shoot in front of him, cold different palm, so that Jinxiu is also taken aback, a pair of eyeballs have to come out from the eyelids.

"Well! Your kid is big enough to be bold!" Under the horror of Jinxiu, the spiritual power of the body like "tidal" was not idle, and an invisible coffin was laid directly in front of him. In the end, it is a hunting saint. In the end, it is a powerful monk in the eight-level peak. Although the power of this different palm is quite full, it is a delusion to want to hurt the splendid.

The colder different palms, although printed on the chest of the splendid, but failed to build the inch of power, but instead was the splendid of the splendid, giving the earthquake a few steps back.

Although the hunter is a person, the cold is full of disappointment, but he can not deny that the repair of the sacred sacred has indeed reached a point that makes him difficult to look back.

"Too old age, I want your child's life!" Cold and different palms returned without success, but it greatly angered the hunting saint. I saw the hunting right hand of the right hand, like a thunder, straight to the cold and caught the chest.

This catch seems to be random, but it is concealed, and the spiritual power accumulated in it is not small. Cold difference only feels a stiff body, threatened by the hunting sacred offensive, even let him have a feeling that can not move, let the slaughter.

"Hunting the predecessors, the mercy of the men!" An Zhen emperor saw the cold in different dangers, and quickly shouted.

For many years, he has been busy with the state administration, but it has been ruined. Even the Princess of Anzhen is not as good. It is far worse than cold. In the face of the existence of the level of hunting, he also only shouted a scorpion. As for the shot to stop hunting, he never thought about it.

Hunting has never given him face, and this is no exception. The emperor’s exclamation of the emperor had not yet landed, and the cold had already screamed and flew out.

I saw blood spurting in different mouths, and the blood was even more **** at the chest. The claws of the hunting sacred did not know how to use a few points of force. Even the cold was different. A six-level monk was wounded like this.

"Kid, this is the end of your daring disrespect to the old man!" Hunting St. proudly stood on the spot, staring at the coldness of the standing, staring at the gloomy road.


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