The secret war is silent

Chapter 1065 Falling into a trap!

The weather is hot and dry, and even the air has a hint of fire.

Coupled with the continuous bombing of the mountain city by Japanese aircraft in recent days, there is a trace of anger in the hearts of the soldiers and civilians in the mountain city.

This trace of anger can be completely ignited as soon as a spark touches the ground.

The War of Resistance Against Japan entered a stalemate stage. The frequency of fighting between the Kuomintang-controlled areas and the Japanese army was gradually slowing down, while the security operations in North China became increasingly fierce.

The authorities seemed to have only verbal support for the Communist Eighth Route Army, which was fighting alone in North China, but no substantive support at all. They even secretly issued orders and restraints.

Facing the powerful Japanese invaders, they still tried to play the trick of "driving the tiger to devour the wolf". Anyone with a conscience will know how despicable this approach is.

A fierce battle is going on in Zhongtiao Mountain.

Luo Yao naturally has to focus his main energy on this. As for the other things, he can only make do with things.

This time the military technical room did not send a "technical team". This time it mainly faced the Japanese North China Front.

The military technical room was relatively unfamiliar with this Japanese army and was unable to grasp its secret code. Even if it sent people there, it might not be able to have much effect.

Furthermore, they may not necessarily welcome you, because this time we are not fighting against the Japanese army in a war zone.

Not long after the military technical room itself was attacked, the old man did not force the military technical room to send a "technical team" there.

However, the battle of Zhongtiao Mountain was really miserable for the Chinese army. Although Luo Yao himself was very good at military command, normal people could see that the biggest problem exposed in the entire battle was that he misjudged the enemy and the command system It was confusing. The commander of the first theater actually came to the mountain city to report on his duties before the war and was detained. When the battle started, he remembered to transfer the man back.

As a result, Commander He disrupted all the previous arrangements. This battle was really a hopeless one.

In such a situation, Luo Yao didn't want to go there. It wasn't that he didn't want to help, but that he couldn't help at all.

He is a small technical officer. Even if he carries the sign of Major General on his shoulder, it is okay if someone listens to him. If no one listens to him, then he is nothing. If not, people will just give him a big pot. It's light even if you carry it on your back.

Human beings are animals that seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. What's more, he really can't get away, and the military technical room can't get rid of people.

In the end, some personnel were removed from the Military Telecommunications Department and went to the first theater, and those who went were Hu Shoushan's troops.

Based on the relationship between Dai Yunong and Hu Shoushan, he would never refuse as long as Hu Shoushan made a request.

The battle at Zhongtiao Mountain was very difficult. The Japanese army attacked very fiercely and fought hard. The Chinese army was beaten back and forth. Not only was the command chaotic, not to mention the communication system.

Although the fighting in Zhongtiao Mountain was fierce, for the people in the mountain city, there was nothing more than discussing the battle reports reported in the newspapers. In fact, in the past two years, news of the defeat of the national army had appeared in the newspapers every once in a while. When news breaks out, there are occasionally one or two news of victory, which may create a bit of excitement. News of defeat is something that the people are accustomed to.

But some occasional novel news can arouse the interest of the people, even more than they pay attention to the battle ahead.

It's about Twilight Corporation.

A newspaper broke the news that Twilight Company had operated behind closed doors in the preliminary selection of the architectural plan for the new Twilight Building.

Some companies used disgraceful means and took advantage of their relationships with senior executives of Twilight Company to achieve their goal of passing the primary election.

This company has been talked about a lot among people in mountain cities recently. In addition to the fact that women are in charge, this company still retains a trace of warmth for ordinary people among the many capital compradors who eat people without spitting out their bones.

Not only did they actively donate materials to the frontline anti-war soldiers, but when some merchants and factories went bankrupt, they did not want to break the bones and suck out the marrow when making acquisitions, as many people did, but they also left a little bit of capital for the other party to turn around and leave room for improvement.

The general environment is like this, and Twilight Company cannot be a saint. It would be too hateful, and it would be easy for it to be set up and attacked by a group of people.

Twilight Company has always had a positive image, but finally a scandal broke out.

But this is hardly a scandal.

Even if someone passes the preliminary evaluation of the new Twilight Building's construction plan through connections, that is Twilight Company's own business.

Passing the preliminary evaluation does not mean that you will be finally selected. Anyone with a bit of brains can see it when it comes out.

This must have been caused by someone who failed to pass the preliminary evaluation and was not convinced and deliberately exposed it.

As soon as the newspaper comes out.

Secretary Lu Jingyi bought a copy and delivered it to her desk.

Seeing her husband's hand on another woman's waist, the woman's shy expression, the close intimacy.

Even though she knew that all this was a show, Sister Xing couldn't help but break the pencil in her hand, her expression extremely ugly.

"Sister Xing, these unscrupulous reporters are messing around to attract attention. Don't be fooled." Lu Jingyi hurriedly persuaded.

"I know that if I send a lawyer's letter to this newspaper to warn them that they will publish such nonsense and baseless news again, I will sue them for defamation in court. When the time comes, I will ask the newspaper to compensate Drop it to the bottom!" Sister Xing ordered.

"Yes, Sister Xing."

"In addition, make a call to Chenguang News Agency and publish a statement in the "Fog City Morning News" tomorrow morning, clarifying that Mr. Yu Jie and Ms. Linda, the chief architectural designer of Madil Company, only have a working relationship, and at the same time announce our preliminary evaluation of these seven projects. Although Yu Jie is a company consultant and my husband, he does not have much weight in the company and cannot influence the selection of plans. At the same time, the seven plans we launch will have announced reasons for selection and authoritative evaluations! "Sister Xing said again.

"Okay, Sister Xing, I guess after today's incident, a reporter will definitely ask to interview you. Otherwise, your outings today will be suspended, right?"

"No, if I stop my activities, things will become troublesome. My schedule will remain the same." Sister Xing said coldly.


"You Ning, did you already know that something like this would happen?" Yu Jie also saw the newspaper. When he came back in the evening, he couldn't wait to bring the newspaper to Luo Yao and asked.

Luo Yao did not deny it. In fact, he had also seen the newspaper: "But both Dongyu Architectural Design Office and the "XX Newspaper" have the shadow of Zhongtong, so this matter is a bit interesting."

"Why did Zhongtong get involved?"

"Then Xu Tailai originally came to Wu Tiecheng to find the position of deputy director of transportation. Unfortunately, he was implicated in Qi Yaorong's case." Luo Yao said, "He hated me because of this and thought that I was against him. Of course, he even I believe this was what Mr. Day instructed me to do.”

"The Central Government will naturally not let go of anyone or anything that has anything to do with me. Therefore, as long as someone hands them a knife, they will stab me with the knife without hesitation." Luo Yao analyzed and explained. road.

"Did you really get into trouble with Zhongtong?"

"I didn't want to fight with them. They were deliberately causing trouble for me. What can I do?" Luo Yao said, "I can't hide away."

"What should we do?"

"Someone is using the help of Zhongtong to disgust me. Of course, there may be some other conspiracy." Luo Yao said, "What does Sister Xing say about this?"

"Of course your wife understands that I have been framed, and also knows that my contact with Linda is just acting. But as a woman, she will definitely feel uncomfortable when she sees such news. I think if Xiaohui sees you with any woman, Even if they have a close relationship, they will get jealous," Yu Jie said.

"Didn't you call Sister Xing?" Luo Yao tilted his head and asked.

"We are an old couple, and we still have this little bit of trust. There's no need to call." Yu Jie said with a blush.

"Teacher, you are wrong about this. Sister Xing believes that you are right, but she also hopes that you can explain it to her personally. This is the psychology of a woman. She must clearly know her position in your heart." Luo Yao said that Yu Jie is usually a bit chauvinistic. Luo Yao knows this very well. Men in this era are basically like this. It's not that they are bad to their wives, but they are just not delicate enough in some aspects and cannot take care of their wives' emotions.

"Is this necessary?" Yu Jie said, but in his heart he felt that what Luo Yao said seemed to make some sense, but he was a little embarrassed to ask Sister Xing to take the initiative to call Sister Xing to talk about it.

"Give me a call. Sister Xing probably hasn't come home from get off work yet."

"Well, I'll go to your study to call..."

"just go."

Yu Jie hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, went into Luo Yao's study, and called Sister Xing, who was still at work.

After talking for only two or three minutes, Yu Jie came out of the study: "Your wife said that she only knew that someone deliberately framed me, and would not believe such random gossip in newspapers."

"That's good, but teacher, how should you deal with Miss Linda?" Luo Yao chuckled.

"You brat, what are you doing?"

"When something like this happens, logically speaking, she shouldn't come to you again. However, if this matter has anything to do with her, then she will definitely find a way to find you and explain to you that it has nothing to do with her, because if it is What she did, why expose it, it will not benefit her at all." Luo Yao analyzed.

"Then why did she do this?"

"Appear as an innocent person to win your sympathy, and then take advantage of it." Luo Yao said.

"How to take advantage of the situation?"

"When there are problems in your relationship with Sister Xing," Luo Yao said, "So, you and Sister Xing have to have a fight."

"You didn't ask me to call her just now, why do you want me to quarrel with her again?" Yu Jie didn't react for a moment.

"Acting, acting, for outsiders to see. If not, how can we let this Linda get involved?"

"Are you risking your teacher's life and even using a beauty trick?"

"Teacher is in his prime. It's no big deal to call him a handsome man." Luo Yao hurriedly complimented him.

"I finally understand, I have fallen into your trap."

Recommendation: Zhuo Muxian's new book "Securing the Tang Dynasty".

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