The secret war is silent

Chapter 1095 The temptation of overwhelming wealth

"So fast?"

In just one day, Luo Yao got Zhou Ran's converted musical score and was a little surprised.

"This is the only thing I can do." Zhou Ran said, "As for the original score, I still need a little time."

"It's okay, don't be in a hurry, just write slowly." Luo Yao nodded.

He knew nothing about musical notation, but he was sensitive to numbers. After the musical notation was converted into simplified musical notation, it was a different situation.

"Copy it immediately and hand the original to a group for research and analysis. Remember to arrange for the rhythmic person to do it. It may get twice the result with half the effort." Luo Yao returned to the military technical room and directly told his secretary Xiao Wu.

"Yes, Director."

The information provided by Amamiya Mu cannot yet be completely distinguished between true and false, but we can investigate along the lines of the information he provided.

Michiko Uchiyama was sent to China. It was the news from Jinghai. It should be less than a year or so.

But Michiko Uchiyama's disguise skill is magical. She can transform into someone who looks similar to her. This makes it much more difficult.

Who knows who she can become?

However, unless she does nothing, as long as she wants to cause destruction in the mountain city and takes action, her feet will definitely be exposed.

One thing is certain, Michiko Uchiyama will probably disguise herself as a woman. As a man, it is easy to reveal his secrets in this season.

There will also be problems in daily life, unless she lives alone.

As he was about to get off work, suddenly the phone on his desk rang. It was an outside line. Luo Yao picked up the phone in surprise: "Hello, Institute of Geology, who is this?"

"Brother Yao, it's me. Han Yun is here to see you." Xin Xiaowu's voice came from the phone.

"What happened?"

"I didn't say anything, but she seemed very anxious and told me to contact you as soon as possible." Xin Xiaowu said.

"You stabilize her first, I'll be right over." Luo Yao thought about it for a moment, then hung up the phone.

"Xiaohui, come with me to the city." Luo Yao called Gong Hui, and the two drove to the city.

"What are you so anxious about?"

"Han Yun wants to see me at Xin Xiaowu's place." Luo Yao explained.

"What's going on with this woman? She didn't teach her enough last time, so she's coming again this time?" Gong Hui said angrily.

"I heard from Xin Xiaowu that she looked very anxious and didn't know what was going on. How would I know what was going on if I didn't see her?" Luo Yao said.

"Don't let anything happen again. She has multiple identities. Let's not cause trouble ourselves."

"Whether it's troublesome or not, we won't know until we meet him."

Gong Hui said nothing more. Although she felt very unhappy, she also knew that Luo Yao and Han Yun had no personal relationship at all. They were both Zhou Ran in the family, and they were still a bit of a threat.

When we arrived at Twilight Cafe, it was already dark.

"Brother Yao, Sister Hui, you are here." Xin Xiaowu ran out to greet the two of them, "We are in the private room. If I ask anything or say anything, I have to wait for you to come."

"I know." Luo Yao nodded, "There's nothing unusual about her recently, right?"

"No, as usual, I went to a church in NA district to worship the day before yesterday, and then went to Fanxing Cafe for a cup of coffee, but I didn't see anyone." Xin Xiaowu said.

"Yeah." Luo Yao nodded. Fanxing Cafe might be the place where Han Yun met someone, but the contact person didn't come. This is the most likely situation.

In Shancheng, Han Yunming was ostensibly a member of the Central Government, but in fact she had nothing to do with the Japanese special agencies. She was a double agent.

Even the people in Zhongtong knew it, but they could tolerate it because they needed Han Yun to serve as a bridge.

To put it bluntly, Han Yun is just a mouthpiece, with no other special value. Even if he is caught, it will be difficult to obtain many secrets. If he is killed, the intelligence line with some people within the Wang puppet will be completely cut off.

Moreover, behind Han Yun seems to be Xu Zhaolin, the district chief of the Suhu District of the Central Government. Xu Zhaolin was able to escape from the Japanese spy plane's raid, and Han Liangze and his daughter played a key role in it.

After Xu Zhaolin escaped from Jinling City, he returned to the mountain city and took over the position of director of the Zhongtong Mountain City Experimental Zone.

He was considered to be a high-ranking official within Zhongtong. With him as his backer, Han Yun's life in the mountain city was quite comfortable.

Knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Luo Yao walked in, while Gong Hui stayed outside. However, Gong Hui could completely hear their conversation.


"Call me Chief Luo or Deputy Director Luo." Luo Yao said lightly, walked over and sat down in front of Han Yun.

"Sir Luo." Han Yun called out somewhat cautiously. She knew that the poor boy she once looked down on was now more powerful than her father, who served in the Wang Puppet Police Department. many.

She did have a trace of regret, but it was useless. Once the choice was made, there was no possibility of turning back.

From now on, I am destined to just look up.

"You are so anxious to see me, what's the matter?" Luo Yao asked.

"I have a huge fortune that I want to give to you." Han Yun said.


"This wealth is worth at least tens of millions of French currency." Han Yun continued.

Luo Yao frowned. Tens of millions of French currency was not a huge sum of money. It was a huge amount of wealth. It could already be said to be as rich as any country.

However, why should Han Yun give such a huge sum of money to herself?

Such a heavy gift is not easy to get. As the saying goes, someone who is receiving a gift must have something to ask for, and it must be very difficult.

"A gentleman loves money and gets it wisely. Han Yun, I'm not interested in this wealth." Luo Yao refused directly.

"Sir Luo, in addition to wealth, you can also make a great contribution to the military commander." Han Yun said.

"Then I'm even less interested." Luo Yaodao said, if it was such a great achievement, why didn't Han Yun do it herself? If she didn't do it, she could have provided it to Xu Zhaolin. Why should she give it to herself? There is no such thing as a free lunch, so he just Not that stupid.

"When the Bank of Communications withdrew from Jiangcheng, it stored a batch of printed legal currency. It was originally intended to be transported to the mountain city. However, during the transportation, the car broke down and broke down. The following ordered that this batch of legal currency be destroyed, but Due to the war and chaos at that time, these legal coins were not destroyed but were hidden. The exact number is still unknown," Han Yun said.

Luo Yao frowned slightly. This script seemed to be in his memory. Wasn't this the trigger for Xu Tailai's downfall a few years later?

Why did it surface so early?

This batch of legal currency has been destroyed by the bank based on the ticket number records left behind. However, unless it is taken to the bank to be deposited or exchanged, the ticket number on the legal currency will not be checked, and if it enters the circulation area directly.

How many people would know that this batch of legal currency has been banned from circulation? They are exactly the same as the money circulating in the market, and ordinary people cannot tell them apart.

Of course, once it enters circulation, it will inevitably be discovered...

Therefore, it is not that easy to spend such a large amount of legal currency. There is a high probability that after getting it, it will all be waste paper, and it will be hard to wipe your butt.

"Where are these legal coins?" Luo Yao asked calmly.

"In the hands of the Zhongtong Hubei Investigation Office."

"Not in the mountain city?"

"Not here, but it may have arrived." Han Yun said.

"Why did you come to tell me this news? What do you want to get?" Luo Yao was very surprised. Han Yun was from Zhongtong herself, so how could she come over and tell him such a confidential matter of Zhongtong.

"Doesn't Commander Luo know about what happened in Zhongtong recently?" Han Yun asked.

Luo Yao was silent.

Of course Luo Yao had heard about the power struggle within Zhongtong, but he knew better that the turmoil within Zhongtong actually stemmed from Xu Tailai's ambition and backstabbing.

If Xu Tailai hadn't been too greedy for power and betrayed his past benefactor, no one could shake his position in Zhongtong.

But now, Xu Tailai's leadership ability has been questioned one after another, and coupled with his ex-wife's sexual manipulation, his position is already in danger.

No wonder someone is thinking of replacing it.

Xu Zhaolin is also considered one of the more competitive candidates, and if Xu Zhaolin really takes the position, Han Yun's status will naturally be different.

But when Xu Zhaolin came to power, it was also an internal competition within the Central Unification Committee. Once outsiders were involved, especially if the military commander-in-chief intervened.

I'm afraid Xu Zhaolin doesn't have a chance. The Central Unification does not prohibit the use of external force, but if this external force comes from the Military Unification, it will definitely be strongly resisted internally.

Of course, it is not impossible to borrow power, but how to borrow it, colluding with the military commander, and betraying the leader are taboos in the secret service, even if the military commander and the central commander are subordinates of the old man, they cannot be his right-hand man.

Is it that Xu Zhaolin doesn't know this truth, or is it that Han Yun is good at making her own decisions and has her own whims?

In Luo Yao's view, the Central Command has not yet reached the point of changing the director, and it is unlikely that Xu Zhaolin and others will want to replace him.

Moreover, it would be fine if the internal competition is benign. Once vicious competition occurs, I am afraid that the person who was originally in danger will be advantaged.

Or maybe Han Yun is harboring evil intentions?

"Han Yun, I, as an outsider, cannot interfere with the internal affairs of the Central Unification Committee." Luo Yao said, "I had never heard of today's matter at the time. You can leave."

Han Yun was stunned. Luo Yao was not moved or took the move. This was beyond her expectation. When she came, she was full of confidence.

"Sir Luo, for you, this is not only a great achievement, but also a huge fortune at your fingertips?"

"Money and silk touch people's hearts. They have to earn their lives, and they must spend their lives." Luo Yao said coldly, "Miss Han, please."

Han Yun had an incredulous look in her eyes. In the end, she had no choice but to slowly take over: "Sir Luo, I hope you won't regret it."

"I never regret it." Luo Yao said.


"Brother Yao, this woman is really uneasy and kind-hearted. It's better not to have any contact with her in the future to avoid getting burned." As soon as Han Yun left, Gong Hui came in.

"Did it get recorded?"

"Well, all your conversations with Han Yun were recorded."

"Make a copy and send it to the Military Command Headquarters and hand it directly to Director Mao of the Secretary's Office." Luo Yao ordered.


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