The secret war is silent

Chapter 1113 The key to breaking the situation

"So, Zhou Yan knew that Wang Youmei stole the documents and even helped him. How could he be so bold?" Zhang Xiaozheng said.

"Being seduced by beauty, men have long been obsessed with it. This is so daring." Yang Zhaojie snorted coldly.

She is the most aware of how her husband Li Haihuai was seduced by a female actor, and now this female actor has been confirmed to be a Japanese spy.

And now, he also got his comeuppance.

No matter how hard he fought for his official position, he was secretly taken to a mountain city for trial. What awaited him might be jail time.

Although she felt happy, she was also secretly worried. If she had not divorced Li Haihuai, she might have been implicated.

"Did Zhou Yan say that the Wang Youmei who entered the secret room that day was any different from the one he saw before?" Luo Yao asked.

"He didn't talk about this."

"Based on his confession, we should understand the consequences of helping Wang Youmei steal top-secret documents, but he had no choice at the time and had already boarded the pirate ship. And this was not the first time. In the past, he had helped Wang Youmei steal many confidential documents. There were about five or six copies before and after. Before, there was no need for the original document, just take a photo with a camera. This time, the original document was stolen. The risk was too great. He was unwilling at first, but was threatened by Wang Youmei and finally agreed. Wang Youmei also taught him a set of tricks to mislead the investigation and delay the investigation," Yang Zhaojie explained.

"If the envoy hadn't sent someone back to pick up the documents, open the safe, and find that the documents were missing, I'm afraid they wouldn't have found out until the inspection the next day. His responsibility would definitely not be escaped," Luo Yao said.

"Wang Youmei told him that he must be responsible for the theft of documents, but the crime will not lead to death, because he holds one key to the safe, and if the other one is at the adjutant's office, and the password is held by another person, The case is likely to go unsolved, and then he will be sentenced to jail at most, released after a few years, and will receive a sum of money as compensation."

"Does he believe this?"

"Wang Youmei has given him a lot of money one after another. Without this money, where would the luxury watches he wears, the leather shoes on his feet, and the imported perfume he buys for his girlfriend Xiaolian come from? Just with his own salary. , it’s simply not enough.”

"It seems that Section Chief Yang has also investigated." Luo Yao nodded. Although he saw the famous watch on Zhou Yan's wrist, he did not deny that it is normal for some people to be children of wealthy families and join the military for training. of.

You can't always conclude that there is a problem with the other party just based on a famous watch. This is too arbitrary.

"Early tomorrow morning, take him to identify the body to see if he is the same person as Yan Chunhe and the person he came into contact with." Luo Yao ordered.

"What about comparing fingerprints with palm prints?"

"Not the same person." Yang Zhaojie said.

"It seems that our guess is correct. The person who stole the documents is two different people from Zhou Yan and Yan Chunhe. But the person Yan Chunhe came into contact with, and the person Zhou Yan last contacted should be A woman with exactly the same face as Wang Youmei." Luo Yao analyzed and judged.

"Are there two identical people in this world?"

"It's the art of disguise. The skill of disguise is enough to confuse the fake with the real one. Even relatives may not be able to recognize it." Yang Zhaojie answered for Luo Yao.

"So now the case has been solved, the murderer has not been caught, and the documents are unknown where they are?" Zhang Xiaozheng said, spreading his hands.

"Who is the murderer? We have very few clues at the moment. Someone who can disguise herself as Wang Youmei must have a similar body shape and face shape to her, and even the length of her hair. Otherwise, it will be easy to see through. And more importantly The most important thing is that she is very familiar with the inside of Huangshan Mansion and Yunxiu Tower. The most important thing is that she has to know the people here. Otherwise, if she makes a mistake, it will be fatal. Therefore, it must not be the first time for her to enter as Wang Youmei. Huangshan Mansion." Luo Yao analyzed.

"I agree with Deputy Director Luo's judgment. She must have done enough homework beforehand to disguise herself as Wang Youmei. Moreover, she came back the night before and didn't implement the plan until noon the next day. It is easy for this to happen during this period. There were many things, how could she ensure that she would not be exposed? Even if Wang Youmei told her the internal situation of Huangshan Mansion and Yunxiu Tower, there were many waiters and attendants in Yunxiu Tower, and Wang Youmei had been working for a long time, so she should know them all. Yes, if she doesn't recognize each other after greeting each other, her identity will be revealed easily. I think if she dares to disguise herself as Wang Youmei, she must have something to rely on in addition to taking risks!" Yang Zhaojie agreed.

"Although we can continue to dig deeper into the past of 'Wang Youmei', the most important thing right now is to find the person who disguised himself as Wang Youmei and recover the stolen documents. If you have any ideas, please speak freely and let's brainstorm!" Luo Yao said. A pack of cigarettes was taken out, and several men smoking dispersed.

"This woman is so powerful, she must be hiding something deep, and her identity must be something we didn't expect..." Hu Yingjie said.

"Nonsense, if we could have thought of it, we would have arrested him long ago." Zhang Xiaozheng refuted politely.

"Deputy Director Luo said that this person will be secretly observing our reactions. I think she should be among the people we know, but we can't notice her now."

"We know so many people, how do we know who she will be?"

"First of all, she was not among the attendants and waiters who were sent to the Huangshan Mansion. Except for Wang Youmei, everyone else was on duty, and no one was left out. If she pretended to be Wang Youmei, she would definitely disappear. Moreover, Wang Youmei is dead, and the possibility of committing suicide is extremely high. "Small, the homicide is very serious, and after the incident, the mansion has been sealed off, no one is allowed in or out, and those who came back from leave have been quarantined for investigation, and so far no suspicion has been found." Cai Xiaochun said.

"This person will definitely not put herself in danger. If she is trapped by us, it will be difficult for her to escape. If it were me, I wouldn't do this either." Yang Zhaojie said.

"Furthermore, she knows that once the case is exposed, it will most likely be handed over to the military commander for investigation, and there is a high possibility that I will participate in the military commander's case. Even if I did not participate at the beginning, if the case is not solved, it will not be solved halfway. It is possible for me to join. After all, I am not bragging. I have too many successful cases and experience in investigating Japanese espionage cases. For such an important case, I will definitely solve the case within a time limit and catch the murderer. In terms of candidates, I am the most likely, she will definitely assume that I will do this case and what steps I can take, so so far, she has cut off all the clues we can find," Luo Yao said.

"I've seen what Deputy Director Luo is capable of. If I were to handle this case, I'm afraid it would be a mess and I wouldn't be able to understand the stakes involved. However, Deputy Director Luo handled it in less than two days. "I'm afraid not many people can do this to reconstruct the whole process of the case. Boss Dai made the right choice by recommending Deputy Director Luo to solve the case!" Zhang Xiaozheng praised.

"Adjutant Zhang was so impressed. How the case happened is important, but what's more important is catching the murderer and getting the documents back. We only have one day and one night left. If we can't complete the military order, I will definitely bear the brunt." , those who are going to be punished will probably be implicated by me as well."

"Deputy Director Luo, you don't need to say that. You have done a good enough job. If you really can't catch the person or recover the documents, it won't be your fault."

"Actually, there is a suspect in my heart, but I don't know what identity she is in the mountain city now, but I have known about this person in the mountain city for a long time." Luo Yao said, "Her name is Michiko Uchiyama is an agent directly under the Second Section of the Japanese Army General Staff Headquarters. She is known as the Flower of Agents and the 'Variety Witch'. She was born in a lock-making family in Tokyo and is the second daughter in the family..."

"So, Deputy Director Luo has been tracking Michiko Uchiyama?"

"Yes, I have been secretly pursuing it. Unfortunately, the information we have is quite limited, and she is good at disguise. I have no idea what identity she will show up in the mountain city, and our intelligence agent is unable to provide more information. Such effective information, so there hasn’t been much progress. As soon as the theft of the secret room in Yunxiu Tower happened, I had another hunch. This is my closest chance to get close to Michiko Uchiyama."

"Deputy Director Luo judged that this was the work of Michiko Uchiyama, but we don't know her disguised identity now. How can we find her?"

"This is why she wants to silence Wang Youmei. Wang Youmei must know something about the situation or have seen her face to face. Therefore, after successfully stealing the documents, she must completely silence her to ensure that her secrets are kept secret. Vent." Luo Yao said.

"But Wang Youmei is dead."

"So, we must now find out how Wang Youmei died before this case can proceed." Luo Yao said, "If it was poisoning, what kind of poison was it, how was it poisoned, the time of death, etc. All we can do now is wait. Waiting for the autopsy and drug test reports to come out.”

"And tomorrow's newspaper must not contact us about the discovery of Wang Youmei's death." Luo Yao added.

"Is this meant to confuse her on purpose?"

"She will definitely pay attention to the news of Wang Youmei's death. If it is reported in the newspaper, it means that we did not find it on our own initiative and will treat it as an ordinary death case." Luo Yao explained.

"Then aren't we already secretly looking for Wang Youmei?"

"Isn't this the identity Wang Youmei used in Hongbin Tower? Even if it can be thought that they are the same person, as long as no one identifies the body, they will use the excuse of food poisoning to close the case and bury the body directly."

"Director Luo, is he using the dead Wang Youmei to lure him to show up?"

"Ordinary people will not be interested in this case, and if it is the person behind it, they will definitely confirm whether Wang Youmei was really buried, and his future troubles will be completely solved." Luo Yao explained, "Of course, this is just a way, just If you can give it a try, it may not work.”

"No matter whether it works or not, we must give it a try. If it is true as Deputy Director Luo said, Michiko Uchiyama will appear and confirm that Wang Youmei's case is closed, then it will give us a chance to catch her." Zhang Xiaozheng said with a fist. .

"But how to determine his identity?"

"Let's confirm the suspect first." Luo Yao had no better way, so he could only take one step and take a look.

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