The secret war is silent

Chapter 1127 The Last Day (3)

"Xiaomei, please leave quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

"Miss, what's wrong with you? Okay, where did you want me to go?" Xiaomei rushed over to report the news, but Suqing asked her to leave.

"You shouldn't have come."

"She really shouldn't have come!" A voice came from outside the door, and it reached the ears of the two people very clearly.

The person should still be outside the yard, but the sound has arrived.

Su Qing sighed. She understood that she couldn't run away: "Xiaomei, please go out in a while. Don't talk."

"Miss, I'll cover you, you hurry up and leave..." Xiaomei also realized that she had brought the enemy here and said anxiously.

"I can't leave anymore. Instead of running away and being captured in humiliation, it's better to face it calmly." Su Qing said with a slight smile.


"I have made up my mind, no need to say more." Su Qing said solemnly.

Xiaomei still wanted to persuade, but Suqing had already opened the door and walked out. Luo Yao, Gong Hui and Axiang also entered the small Zen courtyard.

"You are indeed here."

"If Xiaomei hadn't brought you here, you wouldn't have found it." Su Qing admitted readily, which made Luo Yao and the others a little surprised.

"Is it really you?"

"Yes." Su Qing said calmly.

"Where are the files?"

"Will the document still be in my hand after so many days?" Suqing chuckled, looking like you were a bit too "idiotic" to ask this question.


"No need to search me, I don't have any deadly poison hidden in my body." Su Qing said with a smile.

"You really hide it deep enough."

"Haven't I always been suspected by you? Hiding deeply and being useful?" Su Qing said.

"But, I still didn't control you right away, and it ended up being a big mistake." Luo Yao regretted.

"That's because you have principles and bottom lines as a human being. You are different from those Kuomintang military commanders." Su Qing said.

Luo Yao was silent. This principle and bottom line were indeed his biggest flaw, but you can't say that everyone in the military system is evil, but there is no one who can climb up in the military system without the blood of innocent people on his hands. of.

This is also true.

The biggest advantage of Luo Yao is that he is now a technical officer and does not get involved in the most front-line work.

He never gets involved in things that don't concern him, but he is very cautious about things that concern him. His title of "Fox of Military Control" is due to his wisdom in countering Japanese espionage, not because he kills and arrests indiscriminately like others, or even abuses the death penalty. .

He tries his best to avoid this kind of thing. You can call him hypocritical, but he has to do it. Only he knows the reason.

Life is long, and once you make some mistakes, it may take you most of your life to repay them.

"Xiaomei is innocent. She doesn't know my true identity. Please don't embarrass her." Su Qing said.

"We need to take this back for review. If she is really innocent, we will naturally not embarrass her." Luo Yao nodded. Without Xiaomei, they would not be able to find Su Qing. This can be regarded as an indirect meritorious service.

"Suqing shouldn't be your real name, right?"

"Yes, my Japanese name is Hase Mie, and Suqing is my Chinese name." Suqing nodded slowly.

"Hasgu Mihui?" Luo Yao frowned slightly, as if the name surprised him a little.

"Chief Luo, are you a little surprised? In fact, I am the daughter of Hase Shoushan who was caught by you." Hase Mihui explained.

Luo Yao remembered that when Changgu Shoushan was arrested and searched Jufeng Restaurant, he found a photo from Changgu Shoushan's belongings. It was a photo of young Changgu Shoushan and his daughter. This was normal. Items, and there is no information in this photo, because the father and daughter in the photo are all dressed in Chinese clothes.

"My mother is from the Korean ethnic group, and I grew up in China before I was ten years old, and then went to Japan."

"Your father came to China five years ago, and you came three years ago. Are you and your daughter really planning this?"

"My father actually came here very early. He spent half of his time in China, and I didn't come to China because of him."

"What's that for?"

"my teacher."

"your teacher?"

"Chief Luo will probably not forget the code name 'Kappa', right?"

"Amamiya Mu is your teacher?" Luo Yao was shocked. Hase Mihui actually had such a relationship with Amamiya Mu, and it was a teacher-student relationship. Is this guy so charming?

"Are you surprised?"

"It does surprise me a little." Luo Yao nodded, "But after thinking about it, it makes sense."

"Why don't you find an opportunity to contact the military commander, and instead try to get involved with the central commander? Isn't this the opposite?"

"Yes, I originally planned to find opportunities to get close to Commander Luo, but the opportunities to get close to Commander Luo are too rare. For me, it is almost impossible. Therefore, I can only find another way, and the same is true for choosing the Qi brothers. It was a last resort." Mie Hase explained.

"This is not the place to talk. Let's talk somewhere else, shall we?"


"Donor Qin, Mrs. Qin, master invites you to go to the dining hall to have a vegetarian meal!" At this time, the little nun who had just received them ran in from outside.

"Little Master Mingjing."

"Miss Suqing, master also invites you to come with us." The little nun Mingjing also quickly put her palms together and bowed.

"Thank you, Master Huiyin. I may have to leave..."

"Don't worry, we are also hungry. Let's finish our fast before leaving." Luo Yao interrupted Hase Mihui's words.

The vegetarian food at Jingjing'an is indeed good and delicious, but for people who like meat, eating it once in a while is nothing. It is just to cleanse the intestines, and eating it every day is unbearable.

After finishing the fasting meal, Luo Yao kept his promise and gave the money for the sesame oil that he had agreed to earlier, and then left the Tranquil Temple with Changgu Meihui and Xiaomei.

After Zhang Xiaozheng went to notify the anti-smuggling police on the water, he informed Hu Yingjie that he had brought people to support him. There were signs left by Luo Yao on the road.

They met naturally on the road.

Zhang Xiaozheng was a little surprised to see Su Qing without any "mechanical equipment". They were arresting a very dangerous person. Aren't they afraid that she would break out, injure someone and run away?

"If she runs away, she will die." Luo Yao explained. If she were alone, Changgu Meihui might still be able to fight. Now he and Gong Hui are here, plus Xiaomei, three people, although Axiang His marksmanship is slightly inferior, but his skill is not bad, and Hase Mie has a little beauty as a burden.

Mie Hase is different from the general spy. She seems to have her own moral bottom line.

But Zhang Xiaozheng is not Luo Yao, and his subordinates have no intimidating power, so naturally they will not give Hase Mihui the same treatment.

He was handcuffed and put into the car.

"Go to Huangjiaoya, the detention center there can be used as a temporary detention and interrogation place for them." Luo Yao said.

It is obviously inappropriate to take the prisoner directly to the Huangshan Mansion for interrogation. A suitable place must be found for interrogation. Huangjiaoya is Luo Yao's current home base, so it is naturally the most suitable.

Zhang Xiaozheng was also worried. The Huangshan Mansion only had a solitary room for solitary confinement, not to mention rooms for interrogation and various instruments of torture.

It would be best to go to Luo Yao's side. Anyway, Luo Yao is now leading the investigation of this case.

And the time is coming, there is only half a day and a night left.

In the interrogation room.

Luo Yao personally presided over the trial. After all, no one knew this case better than him. If someone else tried the case, he would still need to be familiar with the case, and he might not be able to implement his intentions during the trial. Especially, this Hase Mie is not an ordinary person. Can be dealt with.

"Mie Hase, I know you have the desire to tell stories, but I am not in the mood or have the time to listen to your stories right now. I just want to know if you disguise yourself as Wang Youmei and use her With his identity, he sneaked into the secret room of Yunxiu Tower of Huangshan Mansion and stole the top-secret documents in the safe?" Luo Yao sat down and asked directly without too much nonsense.

"As far as I know, you have met Wang Youmei no less than seven times, and according to the information we have, you have been unable to meet her at least four times unless you have the cloning technique." Luo Yao will not easily believe Mie Hase. You must know that there are many doubts in the rhetoric, especially the time doubts.

"I don't go every time. Sometimes I can't leave, so Mizutani Hikaru will go for me." Hase Mie said.

"Okay, I will ask Mizutani Guang for questioning." Luo Yao continued to ask, "Tell me in detail how you stole the top-secret documents in the safe."

"It's very simple. I disguised myself as Wang Youmei and easily entered the Huangshan Mansion. Moreover, I had already obtained relevant information about the mansion. Although it was very risky, as long as I concealed it well, I could get through it. , In fact, I did it." Mie Hase seemed to be describing a trivial thing.

"How did you get into the secret room?"

"It's very simple. My job is to clean. I was doing routine cleaning work at noon that day, and Zhou Yan, the confidential officer in the secret room, had long been hooked by Wang Youmei. I didn't need a key at all. I just knocked on the key. The door, he opened the door.”

"No matter how deceived Zhou Yan is by beauty, he will not dare to help you steal the top-secret documents in the safe, not to mention that he doesn't know the password and another key."

"Yes, he didn't help me, so after I went in, I coaxed him to eat an apple with anesthetic, and he fell asleep after eating it."

"The safe in the secret room cannot be opened by ordinary people. You only have one key. How do you do it?" Luo Yao asked.

"Actually, I have already obtained the pattern of the other key. As for the password of the safe, it does not seem difficult for someone who knows how to open locks." Hase Mie said with a smile.

"Is it Wang Youmei?"

"Sir Luo, why do you ask questions knowingly?"

"But I know that she is not qualified to enter or leave the adjutant's office area. How did she steal the key and make a model?"

"I don't know that."

Luo Yao took a breath, this is dead without evidence, Wang Youmei is dead, Hase Mihui can say whatever she wants.

But he remembered that Xia Fei inspected the keyholes at the scene and said that one of the keyholes was opened using a special unlocking tool, and the other keyhole had no relevant traces.

If Xia Fei's judgment wasn't wrong, then Hase Mie was lying.

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