The secret war is silent

Chapter 1134 Night Talk

With Dai Yunong's acquiescence, Luo Yao's idea can naturally be implemented.

But it needs to be considered again.

Pay attention to the details.

Some people and some things still need to be clarified.

Luo Yao came out of Luojiawan No. 19 and headed back to Huangjiaoya. He slept for no more than twelve hours in five days. He was too tired.

You still need to maintain your image when doing things. Now that you're home, you don't have to worry about your image anymore. You lie down in the car and fall asleep.

The car was bumpy all the way, but Luo Yao was not woken up.

When he woke up and got up, Luo Yao looked out the window and was shocked. It was dark outside.

Looking again, it turned out to be at home.

It was Cai Xiaochun who sent him back. When he came in, he was half asleep, but he just didn't want to wake up.

Then I put it on the pillow and continued to sleep.

I turned on the bedside lamp and looked at my watch. Oops, it was past two o'clock in the morning. I actually slept for more than ten hours.

If he hadn't been so hungry that he woke himself up, I would have been able to sleep until dawn the next day.

My body was sticky and my stomach was still growling with hunger.

Now it would be unkind to ask the old man to get up and cook food for him, so he might as well do it himself.

He still knows what food is available in his kitchen, and there is no problem in making a bowl of noodles.

Got up and put on a coat.

Autumn is cool, and the temperature at night is much cooler than during the day.

Open the door carefully, but don't wake up the family. Gong Hui, Xiao Nan and the old man are all asleep.


In the kitchen, there are already hand-made noodles cut up on the chopping board.

The water in the pot is warm, so it must have been put there. The residual heat from the firewood in the stove has warmed the water, so I must have thought about it a long time ago.

No need to prepare any side dishes, just boil water.

As the fire in the stove started to burn, Luo Yao looked at the fire and was lost in thought. There was something else in this case that he had ignored.

"Brother Yao, the water is boiling."

"Ah?" When Luo Yao looked up, Gong Hui came to the kitchen at some point, wearing a pair of pink silk pajamas, with her hair scattered on her shoulders, looking lazy.

Although he had seen her a lot, Luo Yao couldn't help but feel excited about Gong Hui like this.

Opposites attract.

This is normal, not to mention that they are two people who belong to each other.

"I was hungry, so I came to the kitchen to have a look. There happened to be noodles..." Luo Yao explained without a trace of embarrassment.

"Let me go, you go take a shower, you're covered in stinky sweat." Gong Hui said, covering her mouth and nose.

"Why, you don't like it even before you get married?"

"If you act like this every day, which woman will be willing to marry you?"

"Stinky man, stinky man, if a man doesn't stink, a woman won't love him!" Luo Yao laughed, stood up and said.

"That's nonsense, hurry up and wash yourself, I'll make you a side dish." Gong Hui said.

"No need to bother, just have a bowl of noodles to eat."

Luo Yao took a long hot bath and returned to the kitchen. Gong Hui had already prepared the noodles and side dishes.

Shredded pork with green pepper, two fried eggs, a large bowl of hand-made noodles, a few green vegetable leaves floating on the clear noodle soup, oily flowers on it, the smell of lard.

Just looking at his face, he has a decent appetite.

It's just a bowl of noodles. There's no need to go to the restaurant, just eat it in the kitchen. Moreover, the kitchen is far away from the living room and the noise is small, so you can't wake others up.

"It's so delicious. If you don't have some, there's some in the pot, and I can't eat that much?" Luo Yao ate the noodles. Seeing Gong Hui just watching him eat, Luo Yao couldn't help but say.

"When I came back at ten o'clock, I had eaten supper and I'm not hungry now."

"Well, how about you go to sleep? There are still several hours until dawn. You don't need to stay here with me?"

"Can't sleep."

The reasons are strong.


Luo Yao continued to eat noodles, and soon a large bowl of noodles entered his stomach. Gong Hui got up and went over to serve him.

"Don't eat, it's almost done. I'm too full now and can't eat breakfast anymore. It's just right now." Luo Yao said.

"What's going on over there in the Green Fruit Forest?"

"A little guy, I was caught on the spot, but he died anyway." Gong Hui said in a sullen voice, thinking that he was careless.

"It seems that our opponent is very cautious and cunning, and never shows up directly." Luo Yao nodded.

"Yes, we are checking the identity of the deceased and his social relations, but there may not be any clues." Gong Hui said.

"There are two dead soldiers. How many such dead soldiers can she have under her command? If one dies, one will be missing. This is not a bad thing for us." Luo Yao said.

"Didn't this guy speak?"

"A woman named Tomoko was mentioned. I guess she must be Michiko Uchiyama," Gong Hui said.

"It could also be a smoke bomb deliberately released." Luo Yao nodded.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"Mie Hase seems to have confessed all the problems, but in fact there are many doubts about her. First, although she explained the theft process very clearly, there are three details that do not match up. First, the time, whether it is Lao Lin or his wife, , and the waiter at the soup restaurant can confirm that she did not commit the crime at the time. However, it is hard to say whether the Hase Mie who was in the vegetarian soup restaurant during this period was him. It cannot be confirmed now. Secondly, it is to unlock the door. , Xia Fei looked at the keyhole, one of which was opened with a key, and the other was opened with a professional lockpicking tool. Hase Mihui said that she had already obtained the pattern of the other key through Wang Youmei, who was dead. , There is no proof of this. Thirdly, there is the fingerprint on the trunk of Miss Kong Er’s car, the fingerprint on the door frame of the ruined temple, and the fingerprint on the pot of herbal tea she gave me. The two are different. Hide The person who left in the trunk of Miss Kong Er’s car was not Mie Hase. After Mie Hase was arrested, was a fingerprint comparison done?”

"I did it. I heard from Sister Yang that it was inconsistent." Gong Hui said.

"That means we can find reasons to explain the first doubt, but how to explain the last two?" Luo Yao nodded.

"Why didn't you ask during the interrogation?"

"You can't play all the cards in your hand at once. I plan to go through all the relevant criminals first, and then try this Hase Mie." Luo Yao said.

"Do you need my help?"

"You can be my adviser." Luo Yao nodded. Three cobblers are still as good as Zhuge Liang. He is not omnipotent.

"Yes." Gong Hui nodded. What she wanted was a sense of participation. It didn't matter whether she made contributions or not.

The two men discussed the case in the kitchen.

Gong Hui only became involved in this case at a later stage. She had no knowledge of the early investigation and knew less than Yang Zhaojie who had been involved in the case.

However, her familiarity with Changgu Meihui was better than that of Yang Zhaojie. Now Luo Yao broke down the details of the case bit by bit and told her them in pieces.

Gong Hui's understanding of the case skyrocketed like a rocket taking off.

Gong Hui was also surprised by Luo Yao's speculation and analysis of the deformed triangle of teacher-student love between Amamiya Mu, Hase Mie and Uchiyama Michiko, but she is a woman and can think about problems from a woman's perspective.

Luo Yao told Gong Hui his judgment, also wanting to hear whether her analysis and judgment made sense.

"What if Yu Gongmu didn't tell you the truth from the beginning?"

"I have thought about it, but Yu Gong Mu was imprisoned by us and did not disclose any information to the outside world. We even let the news out early, saying that we had executed Yu Gong Mu. If there was no special relationship with Yu Gong Mu, how could they do everything possible to do it? Luo Yao said, "My guess is that Michiko Uchiyama guessed it, but Mie Hase was an accident to her. The first time I took Mie Hase's When the photo was given to him, he didn't say anything. He probably wanted to protect her subconsciously, but we didn't know their relationship at the time, so it was impossible to test him with Mie Hase's photo."

"But he already knows that Hase Mie is coming to Yamashiro, and he also knows that Uchiyama Michiko is coming. Isn't he not worried at all when these two women are coming?"

"I don't know about this, but what surprised Amamiya Mu was that these two women actually joined forces, at least this is what we know so far." Luo Yao said, "Mie Hase's disguise technique was taught by Mieko Uchiyama of……"

"Brother Yao, you never thought that Mie Hase doesn't know the art of disguise at all. From the beginning to the end, it's Michiko Uchiyama. Even when she disguised herself as Mie Hase to see Wang Youmei, she was accidentally broken by Lu Wei. ?”

"Are you saying that Michiko Uchiyama acted under the identity of Mie Hase and ultimately blamed everything on Mie Hase, and then she could escape safely?" Luo Yao instantly understood what Hui Hui meant.

"It's not impossible." Gong Hui said.

"Then, their relationship is even more complicated." Luo Yao clicked his tongue.


"Mie Hase could have left originally, but she didn't leave. She probably had her own plans." Luo Yao said.

"Did that Xiaomei lure us there on purpose?"

"Not necessarily, but Mie Hase can definitely guess that her identity has been exposed, and Xiaomei may not have deliberately arranged it."

"Do you think she was caught by me because of Yu Gongmu?" Gong Hui asked.

"It's not impossible. She said it herself. Her biggest goal in coming to the mountain city is to rescue Yu Gongmu."

"Since we can't be saved, why not be arrested together with the one we love?" Gong Hui said, "With such a stupid woman, how could she know that she would definitely see Yu Gongmu after being arrested?"

Luo Yao smiled coquettishly, women are mostly emotional, and some of their ideas are difficult for rational people to understand.

So it is not surprising that anything happens to women. Both Hase Mie and Uchiyama Michiko had abnormal childhood lives, which had a huge impact on the formation of their characters.

Suspicion, sensitivity, and paranoia are indeed of great help to those engaged in intelligence work.

It is easy for this type of people to have problems, but once they go to extremes, the harm will be great.

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