The secret war is silent

Chapter 1149 Trial

"I know you have a poison sac hidden in your mouth. You can bite it open now. I won't stop you. You are not an unwelcome guest tonight."

"Sir Luo, don't you want to know the true content of the 'Fog City No. 1' plan?" "Jiang Lin" was shocked and asked with a faint smile on her lips.

"Can you say it?"

"of course not."

"Then why am I asking you?" Luo Yao chuckled.

"Sir Luo, let's change the place where we talk. It's too festive here, isn't it suitable?" Jiang Lin said.

"I don't like talking to a fake face either, please."

"It's better to send your people to check on Jiang Lin. After a long time, I can't guarantee whether something will happen to her?"

Luo Yao's face changed slightly. Michiko Uchiyama disguised herself as Jiang Lin and was able to sneak in. Then Jiang Lin must have been knocked unconscious or dazed. If it goes on for a long time, it might be really dangerous. .

Before she goes back, she will definitely make sure Jiang Lin doesn't show up.

Otherwise, she is exposed.

There is no special interrogation room in Danzishi, but some separate confinement rooms have been built in underground air raid shelters.

These cells can be used temporarily as prison cells to hold prisoners, and of course, can also be used for interrogations.

"I heard that no one can withstand the torture of the military commander. Sir Luo, are you planning to try it on me?"

"You'd better take off your disguise first."

"There is a small brown bottle in my bag. It is my special potion for removing disguise. Only with it can I do it."

"Give it to her!"

I found a glass bottle without any label from the leather bag that "Jiang Lin" carried with me. Instead of giving it to the other party immediately, I gave it to Axiang first and took it out.

"Chief Luo's caution is breathtaking."

"How could I dare to be careless against an opponent like you?" Luo Yao was not displeased. There were too many things that capsized in the gutter due to carelessness.

After a while, Axiang came in with the bottle and nodded to Luo Yao, meaning that there was nothing wrong with the potion in the bottle.

"Jiang Lin" laughed, took the bottle, unscrewed it, poured the liquid in the bottle into the palm of her hand, then smeared it on her face and patted it gently.

After a while, I saw a layer of something on the smooth jade face, and then I reached out and peeled it off.

Revealing the face of "Zhou Ran" inside.

Luo Yao's eyes became sharp.

"Sir Luo, don't be surprised. Zhou Ran's face cannot be restored in a short time. It cannot be done by simple disguise." "Zhou Ran" chuckled and explained. road.

"You had plastic surgery to look like Zhou Ran?" Luo Yao was surprised. Is it possible that in this era, such powerful plastic surgeries have already been performed?

"Plastic surgery, you can say. In fact, I practiced a kind of ninjutsu to achieve this point. If I return to my original state, I have to lose my strength. Therefore, for the time being, I have to use this face to talk to you." Michiko Uchiyama said.

"This method should be quite harmful to you, right?" Luo Yao asked.

"You need to look for faces with similar contours. The fewer times the better, otherwise the face will completely collapse and even become irreversible. It will be very ugly by then."

"I originally thought you wouldn't come."

"Didn't you set up this trap just to trick me?" Michiko Uchiyama chuckled.

"That's what I think, but I guess you can tell. However, women are emotional animals, especially they can't control their curiosity." Luo Yao nodded.

"So, I still fell into your scheme?" Michiko Uchiyama asked, "Have you known my identity for a long time?"

"I don't know. You are just one of the people I suspect, but you are also the one I least want to suspect."

"You failed to see through Zhou Ran, but you saw through that I am not the real Jiang Lin. This is indeed my failure." Michiko Uchiyama said.

"You are too confident, and you still have a sense of luck. Of course, you also want to see with your own eyes what it would be like for the man you once loved to marry another woman today. You can't control this desire, and in the end... That step was taken." Luo Yao explained and analyzed.

"Sir Luo, I understand why the military intelligence agency would put you, an enemy you don't face directly, on the kill list. Your ability to see into people's hearts is too strong. It's not that our lurking agents are incompetent. , but compared to you, they are too weak." Michiko Uchiyama sighed.

"You have lifted me up. This is not something I can do alone."

"Humble, low-key, calm-minded, meticulous, and as cunning as a fox. An enemy like you is really scary and chilling."

"Thank you for the compliment. You are also the most powerful opponent I have ever encountered. To be honest, you have very few flaws. I have found almost nothing and can only judge by feeling."

"Sir Luo, let me ask you a question, what would you do if I didn't show up tonight?" Michiko Uchiyama asked.

"Early tomorrow morning, someone will go and bring you back." Luo Yao said.

"I see." Michiko Uchiyama nodded, and at the same time she understood that even if she changed her mind, she might not be able to escape.

The opponent has already arranged everything.

"Can you talk about your mission to the mountain city?"

"Doesn't Commander Luo know everything?"

"I don't know about some of them, like the 'Fog City No. 1' plan?" Luo Yao asked.

"I've told you this a long time ago and I won't say it."

"Let's talk about something else, such as your relationship with Amamiya Mu. I'm very curious. Why did you two break up? He avoided you like a snake and a scorpion?"

"Didn't he tell you?"

Luo Yao shook his head and said, "No."

"He didn't tell you, and I won't tell you either." Michiko Uchiyama looked at Luo Yao and said slowly.

"Okay, don't tell me. Anyway, from now on, you will be strangers." Luo Yao nodded and stopped asking further.

There was a hint of hatred in Michiko Uchiyama's eyes. Although she quickly concealed it, Luo Yao still noticed it.

Whether it is love or control, it is unacceptable for a woman to see the man she likes with another woman.

"Sir Luo, can I see him?"

"It's not appropriate at this time tonight."

"Does Chief Luo really intend to let them have a night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber?" Michiko Uchiyama asked rhetorically.

"Of course, I am a person who keeps my promises. Even if I tie them to the execution ground tomorrow, I will still keep what I promised him today. As long as they are husband and wife for a day, they can naturally be buried together after death. Yes, when the time comes, I can also pay privately to erect a monument for them!" Luo Yao said.

"Sir Luo, I don't care if they get married tonight or not, but they must not be buried together after they die. If they are buried, that person is me too!" Michiko Uchiyama said.

"It's a joke. They are a couple who have gone through a ceremony and worshiped in the church. It is in line with the ethics of heaven and earth for them to be buried together. You and Amamiya Mu just had a relationship and were not a couple at all. How can you let others leave your wife and be buried with you?"

"Amamiya Mu and I have a child." Michiko Uchiyama took a deep breath and said, "After we broke up, he went to Germany, and I found out that I was pregnant, and then I gave birth to the child."

So bloody?

Luo Yao also almost bit his tongue when Michiko Uchiyama blew herself up.

"How can I believe that?"

"Send someone to my house and search my room. On a mezzanine inside the dressing table, there is a photo of my son and I. He will recognize it as soon as he sees the photo." Michiko Uchiyama said.

"Okay, I will send someone there early tomorrow morning." Luo Yao nodded.

"Thank you." Michiko Uchiyama thanked her.

"It's not very safe here. I'll move you to a safe place later." Luo Yao said, "If you have nothing else to say."

"I am a prisoner now, do I still have the right to choose?"

The specially-made prison car has been prepared for a long time.

After being searched and put into prison clothes, Michiko Uchiyama was put in a black hood and put into a prison van. She was the only prisoner in the prison van, and the other one was the two military special agents who were watching her.

For a Japanese spy like Michiko Uchiyama, people don't want to watch and they don't feel at ease.

Now Huangjiaoya Detention Center is not as safe as the underground air-raid shelter of the military technical room, so Luo Yao decided to imprison Michiko Uchiyama in the military technical room.

This also facilitates her interrogation. There are many secrets in this woman's mind that are worth digging into.

Liu Family Garden, Military Technical Room, Luo Yao's Office.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

"Waiting for you." Luo Yao is still studying the case of Michiko Uchiyama. Although he has been arrested, the most critical "Fog City No. 1" plan has not been solved yet.

Trying to get information from Michiko Uchiyama seemed impossible for a while. This woman looked like she had received professional training. Maybe the "truth serum" had no effect on her.

However, Luo Yao would not hesitate to use it.

"Go back. There should be nothing to do tonight. You have a meeting tomorrow. Do you have to rush there early in the morning?" Gong Hui said.

"Futuguan..." Luo Yao muttered the name of this place. He was very familiar with it. After all, he had stayed there for a month. Although he was not allowed to go out, he had a little free time and he touched the door of Futuguan. A thorough one.

"Many important people will attend the meeting tomorrow. The confidentiality and security of the meeting are very tight. It is required to enter at least half an hour in advance. You are just attending the meeting and you cannot be late." Gong Hui reminded.

"Xiao Hui, tell me that there will be a meeting tomorrow. What will be the consequences if such a big shot is stewed in a spoonful?" Luo Yao's eyes drifted out of the window and muttered to himself.

"Brother Yao, this is not a joke. This is impossible." Gong Hui said hurriedly, "For tomorrow's meeting, Futuguan has deployed at least three regiments of security forces. Who can be so capable?"

"It doesn't work on the ground, but what about in the sky?"

"Japanese planes have significantly reduced the number of air raids on mountain cities. Furthermore, we have air defense radars. As long as Japanese planes approach, they will be discovered and captured by our radar, and then our air force will take off to intercept..."

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. What if the Japanese first dispatch fighter planes to use tactics to lure the enemy, and then dispatch another wave of fighter planes?"

"Once there is enemy situation, the meeting will be canceled immediately..."

"We only have four radars, which have certain blind spots." Luo Yao said slowly. He got the radar from the British.

He knew best that although the mountain city had radar and the early warning system was greatly enhanced, there were too few radars after all, and only targeted deployments were made, especially at several major military airports where Japanese planes took off to bomb the mountain city.

If the Japanese are allowed to touch the blind spot and make a surprise attack...

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