The secret war is silent

Chapter 339 Clues

Luo Yao is indeed in trouble.

George Kevin, who was imprisoned in the detention center, had asked to see him many times, but he had been rejected by Deng Yi at his instigation. Of course, this was also to give him a hard time.

If he hadn't been an Englishman, he would have been tortured long ago. Why would there be so much trouble?

Finally, when he was done with it, this guy actually went on a hunger strike in the detention center. Now he knew that the heat was almost over and it was time to see him for the third time.

Meeting room.

"Mr. George Kevin, we meet again." Luo Yao's attitude changed and he was a little stiff. Of course, all this was intentional.

"Lawyer Li William, I finally see you again, when can I go out?" George Kevin was so excited when he saw Luo Yao,

"Mr. George Kevin, have I ever told you that I am your lawyer and you should not hide anything from me, otherwise the consequences will be very serious?"

"I'm not hiding anything..."

"You haven't concealed it yet. Why didn't you tell me about your close relationship with the Wang family in the past?" Luo Yao asked.

"Here, what's the problem? Mr. Wang and I are just acquaintances, not even friends. He is a big shot in the government." George Kevin defended himself.

"Are you just friends?" Luo Yao asked, "How did Miss Xu Zhen meet Mr. Wang? How did you keep this secret for him? Also, who was Miss Xu when she went to Hong Kong a while ago? Arranged?"


"You actually exchange letters with Zhou Fuhai and others in Hong Kong, don't you?"

"I..." George Kevin was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, "Lawyer William, how do you know this?"

"The military command will prosecute you for espionage and planning to kidnap an American consultant, and it will be tried by a special military court. Of course, they told me these things." Luo Yao was very angry and asked, "George ·Mr. Kevin, you want me to help you, but you lie again and again, how can I help you, and how can I defend you in court?"

"Lawyer William Li, I really didn't know that things would be like this, and I didn't hide it. What does my relationship with Wang have to do with this case?" George Kevin felt extremely aggrieved.

"They suspect that you accepted instructions from the Japanese, planned the kidnapping of an American consultant, and attempted to abscond from the country. You are guilty of espionage and kidnapping. If found guilty, you will likely be sentenced to at least ten years in prison!" Luo Yao said.

"ten years?"

"This is the best result. This is because you have a British passport. If you are Chinese, you don't even have a chance to go to court. According to the wartime decree they promulgated, you can be executed directly!"

"I don't want to go to jail, I must not go to jail, I want to get out, I want to get out..." George Kevin shouted excitedly.

"Your relationship with Mr. Wang is relatively easy to handle. In the mountain city, there are many people who are close to Ms. Wang. They used to be Wang's colleagues. As for Miss Xu, as long as he is willing to testify in court and confess that she is voluntary Yes, it has nothing to do with you, so this charge does not need to be established. However, if you are identified as the main conspirator for kidnapping an American consultant, it will be a big problem."

"I'm not the mastermind, I don't know at all..."

"The driver named Han Xianglin has been arrested. His identity is still a Japanese spy. His real name is Momojiro Iwasato. He has confessed that you instructed him to do all this." Luo Yao said.

"No, he lied. All this was arranged by the white fox and has nothing to do with me!" George Kevin slammed his fists on the table in excitement.

"The question is, did you tell them?"

"If I told you, wouldn't I be an accessory?"

"If you don't tell them, they will identify you as the main culprit. They need to give an explanation to the higher authorities and to the Americans. The U.S. Embassy has paid attention to this matter, and the Americans are also putting pressure on them. These days, for Regarding your matter, I went everywhere to find people to find out the inside story. Do you think I didn't do anything?" Luo Yao asked very rudely.

George Kevin asked: "Then what will happen if I say it?"

"At least the sentence will be light, and if you are willing to cooperate with them in arresting the main culprit, the punishment may be reduced. It is not impossible for the embassy to communicate with the United States and allow you to regain your freedom earlier on the pretext of medical parole. ." Luo Yao has pointed out a "broad road", it depends on whether George Kevin is willing to leave.

"I can't say it. If I say it, I'll be dead."

"Then I'm sorry, I can't help you anymore. Mr. George Kevin, please ask someone else." Luo Yao stood up directly, picked up his briefcase, and walked out without any hesitation.

"Wait a minute, Lawyer Li William." Just as Luo Yao was about to reach the door, George Kevin suddenly spoke and called him from behind.

"Is there anything else?" Luo Yao simply omitted the "title", fully demonstrating the coldness and ruthlessness of a professional lawyer.

"I did help the Japanese secretly, but I was just a middleman, and it was only for money." George Kevin hesitated and said, "But I am not a spy, absolutely not."

"You help the Japanese, and you say you are not a spy. Do you think the military commanders will believe it?" Luo Yao turned around, sat down again and asked.

"I'm just a matchmaker. I really don't know what kind of deal they have in private."

"Wang's departure from Hanoi, are you involved in this?" Luo Yao asked back.

"No, I didn't know beforehand." George Kevin denied.

"What about Bai Hu's plan to kidnap an American consultant? You should have known about it in advance, right?" Luo Yao continued to ask.

"Well, I know, I want to make a fortune, then leave the mountain town and never come back again." George Kevin nodded.

"So, you suddenly sold off the German Mansion just to prepare for leaving the mountain city?"

"If I take the initiative to invite Osborne as a guest, once he disappears, I will definitely be traced. And if I invite him to a farewell dinner, the reason is very legitimate. Even if I am suspected, I will not be in the mountain city long ago. , but I didn’t expect that people from the military command actually stopped me at the airport.” George Kevin was very frustrated. Everything was a seamless plan, but he didn’t know what went wrong, which affected him.

"Since this Osborne is an American consultant hired by the military commander, how could there be no protection measures for him?"

"Osborne hates being followed, so every time he goes out, he doesn't do anything on his own with the people around him, and he gets rid of the people who are following him to protect him, so that night, there were only two of him and Miss Xu. I came here without any bodyguards."

"Mr. George Kevin, you should say these words to the person who caught you. This may be helpful to you." Luo Yaodao.

"Really? Doesn't what I said mean admitting my crime?"

"If you don't tell them, won't they convict you?" Luo Yao said, "They now have enough witnesses. If you can't prove your innocence, you will probably be sentenced."

“Lawyer William Li, what should I say?”

"You don't have to explain things in detail in the past, but this time around the kidnapping of American consultant Osborne, you must clearly identify the mastermind. The more clues you provide, the more likely they will be convinced that you are not the mastermind. Naturally, the better. If we can catch the white fox, it will be considered a meritorious service. Then we can communicate with you and give you greater leniency." Luo Yao thought for a moment and suggested.

"Then can I ask for your presence?"

"I can't say this. I guess they won't allow lawyers to be present at the interrogation. This is against the rules, and it's impossible to make an exception for you."

"It's almost time, it's time to end the meeting!" Deng Yi opened the door and walked in, announcing loudly.

George Kevin was escorted out by two prison guards.

Deng Yi was called in by Luo Yao. He tapped the briefcase a few times and fed it back to Deng Yi next door.

There was nothing more to say about his conversation with George Kevin, so it was best to stop it immediately.

"Deputy Director Luo, what should we do next?"

"Arrange the interrogation. I guess he will take the initiative to ask for some information soon." Luo Yao ordered. At this point, if George Kevin is still stubborn and refuses to say anything, then he can only let him know. He suffered a little.

This guy should know a lot of secrets.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right now."

Luo Yao's guess was correct. Not long after George Kevin was escorted back to the cell, he asked to see Deng Yi, saying that he had some important information to provide.

Luo Yao immediately gave Deng Yi an outline of questions and asked Deng Yi to follow this outline for questioning.

About half an hour later, Deng Yi came back with a transcript of the inquiry.

Luo Yao took it and read it carefully from beginning to end.

In the transcript, George Kevin confessed part of the truth about his involvement in the Osborne kidnapping case, but he still emphasized that he was not the mastermind. The mastermind was a person codenamed "White Fox". This "White Fox" found him and offered to He paid him a sum of money and asked him to invite Osborne out, make him drunk, and then kidnap him.

All of this was planned by this person called "White Fox". He was only bribed by him and participated in it. As for the purpose of "White Fox" kidnapping Osborne, he had no idea.

He was a middleman who never asked his employer what he wanted.

As for the "White Fox", he didn't know much about it. Why he came to him was introduced by a friend in the past. As for who this friend was, he refused to say at first.

However, in the end, under Deng Yi's questioning, he confessed that his friend's name was Hashimoto, codename: "Viper", and he was the leader of the intelligence team stationed in the mountain city of the Second Department of the Japanese General Staff Headquarters.

Hashimoto had been arrested a few months ago, but he did not confess his relationship with George Kevin.

As for the relationship between "White Fox" and "Viper" Hashimoto, George Kevin didn't know. He said that he was forced to help "White Fox". He was afraid that his relationship with Hashimoto would be exposed and he would be in danger. .

This was also the reason why he left the mountain city.

It is difficult to tell whether this confession is true or not, but George Kevin actually knew "Viper" Hashimoto. This clue surprised Luo Yao.


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