The secret war is silent

Chapter 355 It takes time

"Lao Chi, let's have a drink tonight. I called Team Leader Yang." Luo Yao handed the fish to Lao Pan to clean up, went upstairs, and said to Chi An, who was still working.

"Okay, wait until I translate this message." Chi An was really working hard.

"What message?" Luo Yao walked in naturally. He was the biggest leader in the code interpretation room, and all decrypted messages had to go through his hands.

Yang Si was embarrassed. It was not good for him to decipher this kind of top-secret message. After all, it was in a secret interpretation room, not a secret inspection office. It was naturally no problem in a secret inspection office.

"Japan's ambassador in Moscow, Togo, distributed it to the country." Chi An explained casually.

Luo Yao nodded. Ever since he learned that a secret German delegation had arrived in Moscow and was conducting secret negotiations with the Soviet Union, Luo Yao had focused the secret interpretation room on this.

When Yang Si, who was standing at the door, heard this sentence, his hands inevitably trembled.

The secret interpretation room has actually been able to decipher the top-secret messages of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. What kind of level is this? Although the secret inspection office can also decipher the top-secret messages of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they still have no clue about the top-secret messages.

"Webmaster, that's it. Take a look and I won't have to go to your place." After Chi An deciphered it, he picked it up and handed it to Luo Yao.

Luo Yao took a look and saw that it was Dongxiang who was reporting to the country on the progress of the secret negotiations between Germany and the Soviet Union. The negotiations were intense, but progress was rapid, and it was estimated that an agreement would be reached soon.

Dongxiang tried to stop the negotiations from proceeding, but the Security Bureau was not a vegetarian and did not give him this opportunity. Although Germany and Japan were allies, the demands and interests of the two sides still differed.

Otherwise, the relationship between Germany and China would still be maintained and not interrupted.

The Japanese Kwantung Army has been provoking Su Jing on the border in an attempt to avenge its past humiliation, as well as its ambitions for the territory of the Soviet Far East, which is very much in the interests of the army.

Once the Soviet Union and Germany signed the agreement, when the pressure on Europe on the Western Front was reduced, Soviet Russia would have enough troops to cope with the pressure from the Japanese army on the Eastern Front.

This is a good thing for China's anti-Japanese war situation, because with the Soviet army containing the huge Japanese Kwantung Army in the Far East, the number of troops they can use within the Kwantung will continue to shrink unless they continue to train new troops from home. of troops.

The quality and combat effectiveness of the new troops are definitely not as good as those of the old troops that have experienced actual combat.

From a long-term strategic perspective, this is a good change, but in the short term, the Japanese army will definitely set off a climax of offensive on the Chinese battlefield in order to defeat the effective strength of the Chinese army and then force the old man to surrender.

As long as this wave of attacks is withstood, the next stage will be a strategic stalemate. The Japanese army cannot win quickly on the Chinese battlefield, and the north does not dare to take action against the Soviet Union. The only way to solve its own predicament is to go south.

Japan's choice of strategy to go south seems to have become inevitable at this time.

Because Luo Yao knew that the Japanese army would lose at Nomenkan next. If they lost this battle, their ambition to advance north would be shattered.

Of course, there was no turning point. When Germany attacked Soviet Russia, if it had put up a fight, there might have been a chance. However, the Japanese Army was mired in the quagmire of the Chinese battlefield and could not mobilize enough troops.

Therefore, this is a false proposition.

Japan's defeat is certain.

Luo Yao quickly processed the consequences in his mind, and he could basically determine the general direction of the future. Everything that happened in reality almost completely coincided with what he saw and heard in his dreams, and he became more and more convinced. That memory that doesn't belong to me is real.

"Lao Chi, what's the date today?" Luo Yao took the message and was stunned for a moment, then asked.

"August 20th, webmaster, you won't forget what day it is today, right?" Chi An chuckled, what does it mean to be able to forget about the day?

The webmaster's recent days have been really chaotic.

"which day?"


Luo Yao nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Let's go to my office to drink tea, relax first, and then go to eat."

"Team Leader Yang, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting outside the door for so long." Luo Yao and Chi An came out and apologized when they saw Yang Si standing outside the door for a long time.

"It's okay, Deputy Director Luo. You were talking inside just now. I overheard you mentioning that Togo, the Japanese Embassy in Moscow, sent a secret telegram to Tokyo?" Yang Si couldn't help but ask. This curiosity was almost like a demon. , If he doesn’t figure it out, he probably won’t be able to sleep that night.

So he asked shamelessly.

In fact, if Luo Yao didn't want Yang Si to hear, he could just say hello to Chi An and walk away. He actually did this on purpose.

"Lao Chi, come and explain to Team Leader Yang, I'll make tea for you two." Luo Yao chuckled and kicked the ball to Chi An.

Chi Anxin understood and briefly explained the situation to Yang Si. Of course, he never mentioned the method of deciphering.

This is the core secret of the secret interpretation room now.

Yang Si didn't expect to learn from Chi An how the code room deciphered Japan's secret diplomatic messages, but the news he got from Chi An was shocking enough.

Although what was deciphered was not the top "Purple Secret", this level of secret code was still a stumbling block for the Secret Inspection Office, and there had been no breakthrough.

Of course, regarding the "Purple Secret", the Secret Interpretation Room and the Secret Inspection Office have conducted research. At present, they have not found an accurate direction because of lack of time.

"Team Leader Yang, in fact, we and the two secret inspection agencies should put aside their prejudices, unite and cooperate, and pool the strength of both families to take down the hard nut of 'Purple Secret'. What do you think?" Luo Yao brought two cups of tea and came over. , placed on the coffee table in front of the two of them.

"Deputy Director Luo, let me put it bluntly. Our secret inspection office is in competition with your secret interpretation room. You are now achieving great results, but we are still treading water. Dr. Wen is a scholar and a noble person. I want to convince him I'm afraid it will be difficult to cooperate." Yang Siwei was confused.

"Actually, we can set up an interest group in private, with a small number of people, about three or five people. You, I and Lao Chi, and find two people who have research on purple secrets as assistants, we can do some direction work What do you think of the research?" Luo Yao suddenly suggested.

"This..." Yang Si was startled. This was openly inviting him to join the gang. If he agreed, he would become a "traitor" of the secret inspection office.

"Team Leader Yang has been communicating and studying in our secret interpretation room for half a month. How do you feel after getting along with him during this time?" Chi An chuckled and quickly helped Luo Yao change the topic.

"Very good. The working atmosphere in the secret interpretation room is very good. It's tense, efficient, and cooperative. Everyone is working hard. It's amazing." Yang Si breathed a sigh of relief. It was too difficult for him to answer the question just now.

"Team Leader Yang, you might as well consider the suggestion I just made. If you feel it's hard to talk to the secret inspection station, I'll go and talk to you."

"No, Deputy Director Luo, please don't embarrass me. It's not that I don't want to, but you have to understand me. After all, I'm still working at the secret inspection agency." Yang Si said with a bitter face.

"Okay, I won't embarrass you, let's not talk about this matter." Luo Yao waved his hand magnanimously, and the matter of establishing the "Purple Secret" interest group was revealed.

Luo Yao is a man of his word. During dinner in the evening, he never mentioned this matter again. There was no talk about work at the table. He only talked about some interesting things from school and memories of his hometown.

Although Luo Yao has lived in Jinling for a long time, he returns to Jinghai every Qingming Festival to worship his ancestors. He also studied in university in Jinghai, so he is very familiar with Jinghai. Jinghai talks better than anyone else.

The fellow villagers burst into tears when they saw the fellow villagers. What's more, they are two people who share the same language, talking about life, love, ideals, and beliefs...

In the end, Yang Si was very drunk, and Luo Yao personally drove him back to his station.

Yang Si drank to his heart's content and expressed his feelings, feeling relaxed. However, when Shi Jiaqian came back from socializing outside and saw him so drunk, his face instantly dropped, as black as the bottom of a pot.

Especially when he learned that Luo Yao had sent Yang Si back in person, Shi Jiaqian almost lost his temper on the spot.

Although Luo Yao was not drunk, he returned to the small courtyard of Ci'en Temple smelling of alcohol. The lights were still on in Gong Hui's room. He probably heard the noise outside, opened the door and walked out.

"Still not asleep?"

"How much did you drink?" Gong Hui covered her nose with her hand and asked with a slight frown.

"Not much, I had a drink with Yang Si." Luo Yao chuckled, "I'm not drunk, you don't have to worry, I'll take a shower and go to sleep in a while."

"I have something to tell you. Let's wait until you finish taking a shower." Gong Hui said.


Luo Yao took a shower, changed into clean clothes, poured a glass of cold water, drank it in one breath, and then knocked on Gong Hui's door.

"Come in, the door is open."

"Come out and say it, it's cool outside." Luo Yao didn't go in, he shouted directly inside, then turned around and sat down on the stone bench in the small pavilion in the yard.

Gong Hui walked out wearing a set of loose silk pajamas, her perfect curves looming, and she walked over swaying: "Come to my room to talk, can I still eat you up?"

"That's not certain." Luo Yao raised his eyes to look at her and smiled.

Gong Hui rolled her eyes at him. This man was guarding her as much as he was guarding against a thief. It was really boring, but this way you could come and go and life would be more fun, which was also good.

At least, Luo Yao did not resist himself.

"Tonight, Shi Jiaqian was entertaining guests for dinner at the Shancheng Hotel. Wang Zhenhuan, Huang Jibi, Nie Wenxun and others were in attendance. I heard that Wei Daming was originally invited, but he didn't go," Gong Hui said.

"Are all three parties gathered together?" Luo Yao chuckled. Wei Daming did not deal with him. It can be said that he had a deep grudge. There was no personal grudge against the Secret Inspection Institute. It was just a competitive relationship, related to the survival of the institution. Dr. Wen would not be against him. He was merciless, but the Military Commission's Secret Telecommunications Team did not seem to be completely inclined. Mao Zongxiang and Wen Yuqing also had grudges in the past, and their relationship was very complicated...

"We are in the limelight now, and we will definitely be targeted. Do you want to use some means against Shi Shi?" Gong Hui asked.

"No, although the three parties may collude now, they each have their own conflicts. If we push too hard, it will accelerate their alliance, which is not good for us. We need time." Luo Yao shook his head, he knew the secret very well. The shortcomings of the translation studio are not in technology, but in fundamentals. The foundation requires time and merit to solidify.

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