The secret war is silent

Chapter 362 Headache

"Don't touch me, I have a headache, my brain hurts..."

"I've taken the medicine, what's the matter, is this little girl confessing to you again?" Shen Yu said with a smile, "Little sister Hui is here, is there any other girl who can get close to you?"

"Brother Six, you'd better go find Sister Sister Six. I'm a grown man and I can't take care of you." Luo Yao was really upset. As soon as he asked Osborne, this big trouble, to leave, Shen Yu came over.

"Why should I go to find her in broad daylight? She also has her own job. I'm going to find her. This is not to disturb her job. If the inspector finds out, she will be punished. These are the rules you set." Shen Yu. Hehehe smiled.

Yes, this can be considered as tying yourself up in a cocoon.

"Then you have nothing to do by yourself? Are you so free?" Luo Yao asked, "Don't you like to stare at the Zengjiayan area?"

"It's pointless to keep an eye on them every day. These Communist Party members are really rigorous in their work, with strict discipline and no leaks. What can I do?" Shen Yu said.

"Although I have never dealt with the Communist Party, I have heard that those people are extremely shrewd. They are like monkeys if they touch their hair. They are very powerful."

"What you said is true. They are indeed slippery, but sooner or later you will have to face each other." Shen Yu chuckled.

"Let's talk about it later." Luo Yao didn't want to discuss this issue too much with him. This topic was too dangerous and he couldn't let him say anything against his will.

"Make your own tea. You know where the tea leaves are."

"The case of George Kevin has come to an end. He pleads guilty, provides clues, makes atonement for his crime, is sentenced to one year in prison, and then deported." Shen Yu said.

"In fact, you don't need to go to jail, right?"

"Well, including the time in previous detention, if you stay in prison for about two months, you can apply for medical parole, and then you'll be gone. That's what it's all about anyway," Shen Yu said.

"Well, in two months, the intensity of this case will have cooled down. It is estimated that no one will ask about it by then. It is a solution that has the best of both worlds." Luo Yao nodded, and all subsequent communications with Mudir It was left to Shen Yu, who could provide some opinions at most.

Anyway, as a principle, George Kevin must not be acquitted. This will cause endless troubles. When the time comes, the possibility of being beaten down is extremely high.

Don't expect the British to talk to you about gentlemanly behavior. The Anglo-Saxons who follow the law of the jungle will never reason with you. They only talk about fists.

Only if your fist is bigger and stronger than his, will they talk to you as an equal.

"Where are the people?"

"Still detained in the detention center, but will be transferred to Shancheng No. 1 Prison soon." Shen Yu said.

"Can George Kevin be detained directly in the detention center without being transferred to the No. 1 Prison?" Luo Yao asked, "We still need to know some information from him at any time. Once he is transferred to the No. 1 Prison, it will be inconvenient to question him."

"This can be discussed. We can go through the formalities first. It's not a big problem if people can't come through for the time being." Shen Yu said, "But we need to communicate with the British. They have the right to visit."

"Well, when will the equipment and supplies we need arrive?" Luo Yao asked.

"If it comes from the UK, it will take at least two months, but if some equipment is temporarily borrowed from the British army in India and Myanmar, one month will be enough." Shen Yu said.

"There is no need to transport it from the UK. The principle is to be close to you. The sooner you get the things, the sooner you will feel at ease." Luo Yao said.

"Heroes see the same thing, and I think so too." Shen Yu smiled and nodded.

"Where's the money? Do we have enough?"

"Don't worry, it's enough. What we got this time are all good things. Those people are rushing to get them. Anyway, if they are out of stock by then, I won't suffer any loss if I return the money to them." Shen Yu said.

"Aren't these people afraid that we will keep our money for ourselves?"

"Firstly, these people are not short of money, and secondly, they are not ordinary buyers, and they are not afraid of our dirty money. Think about the Ma family in Qingbei, who bought five houses in one go without blinking." Shen Yu Hehehe smiled.

Of course Luo Yao knew that the Ma family in Qingbei was a "bloody feud". However, the situation was different now, so he could only put aside his grudges for the time being.

Logically speaking, the Ma family was not facing the Japanese invaders directly. They bought so many radio equipment to increase their strength. Although they were local warlords, they could not threaten the old man.

Shen Yu also considered the buyers he chose. Big bosses such as Gui Clan and Yan Laoxi'er who had problems with the old man in the past should have little chance. On the contrary, second- and third-rate warlords like the Ma family have no ability to challenge the big ones. , might as well add some power to them.

Firstly, you can drive away tigers and devour wolves, and secondly, you can also play with balance.

There are also some local small warlords who have soldiers and money. These are all potential enemies. The old Liu family of the Sichuan clan, although they all have the same surname, their interests are not consistent. In the past, they were even fooled. However, if you have money, let alone Shen Yu, just release those few.

Let them all out, and it won't be a problem for these people to eat them.

If the British are willing to cooperate and continue doing this business, then they will really make a lot of money. Unfortunately, there is only one chance.

These British thieves, wouldn't they be able to make more money by doing business with these people themselves? The military commander would make money from such a huge price difference?

Luo Yao didn't know how Lao Wu went back and told his family. The family also got in touch with Shen Yu through that channel and ordered the radio station.

He didn't want to ask in detail, lest he arouse suspicion. Dai Yunong would then feel that he stretched his hand too far.

"By the way, how is Wen Laosan doing in Hong Kong? Is he in contact with you?" Shen Yu asked with concern. George Kevin's two huge sums of money deposited in the bank have not been seen yet. .

"I contacted him using the agreed telegram code. Everything is going according to plan. Don't worry, there will be no problem." Luo Yao nodded.

"How much money is in those two accounts?"

"One account contains US dollars and one contains British pounds. There are about 120,000 US dollars and 30,000 British pounds. These are the gray income that George Kevin has earned in China over the years, including the money he received from the transfer of the German Mansion. The 60,000 yuan he arrived was also converted into US dollars and deposited in Citibank. Moreover, when he left the mountain city this time, he was not going back to the UK, but to the United States." Luo Yao said.

George Kevin holds passports from many countries. Except for the identity of George Kevin, which is a real British passport, the others are all issued with false identities.

Money can make the world go round, and this is also common practice in the West.

"According to the current exchange rate on the underground black market, this guy is still an out-and-out multimillionaire." Shen Yu said. (in fiat currency).

"The depreciation of legal currency has been severe. Many people are now directly converting legal currency into silver dollars, gold and other hard currencies, and those who have the means to exchange it into US dollars and pounds. Some people have also started an exchange rate business, borrowing legal currency from banks and converting it into US dollars. When the legal currency depreciates, then exchange the US dollars for legal currency, return the money to the bank, and make a lot of money. Do you know who is doing these businesses?" Luo Yao smiled and asked.

Shen Yu is not stupid. He has access to people on the fringes of the upper class. How could he not know that some high-level people in the government are doing these dirty things in private? This is not just about making money for the country, it is simply digging up the roots of the government. Son.

These people happened to be high-ranking officials of the government, sitting on high-sounding thrones, looking compassionate and pointing out the country.

Those who are targeted are the little people who have no money and no power. Does the Ministry of Finance dare to attack the really big people?

"Sixth brother, a gentleman loves money and gets it wisely. We can take advantage of loopholes, but there are some loopholes that we cannot." Luo Yao reminded solemnly.

"You Ning, it's not like you don't know. I also have my own bottom line. Besides, if I have more money, I will be hated and remembered easily. I'm not stupid." Shen Yu laughed.

"Liuge, you have nothing else to do, why don't you go give a lesson to the newcomers?"

"Have I really become your free labor?"

"I have a lot of things to do. I don't have time to chat with you. You don't go to my sister-in-law's place. How about you go for a walk by yourself?" Luo Yao said.

"what are you busy at?"

"Brother Six, don't you know that Soviet Russia signed a secret agreement with Germany?" Luo Yao asked.

"I heard that the two countries suddenly stopped fighting. It was a bit unexpected. Britain and France didn't know what they thought." Shen Yu nodded.

"The skies over Europe are now covered with war clouds. I'm afraid that the war will rekindle soon." Luo Yao said, "In addition to the messages intercepted by ourselves, there are also messages sent in from various observation stations every day. Hundreds of messages are sent every day. For analysis, do you think I can be busy here?"

"It's boring, I'd better go find Cao Hui to practice."

"Please do as you please." Luo Yao chuckled. Shen Yu was a martial arts practitioner. His kung fu skills were well-known in the military. He was a master and was praised for his iron palms.

Such a sparring partner is really both joyful and worrying.

Not many people can afford Cao Hui's treatment.

Blessed are you.

The Osborne matter really gave him a headache. If this American really wanted to marry Xu Zhen, if he tried to stop her, it might not have much effect.

This American just goes his own way and does whatever he wants. He is also very insistent on private matters like marriage. It is not easy for him to change his attitude.

Perhaps from Xu Zhen's perspective, if Xu Zhen disagrees, the result will be different.

But doing this will probably arouse serious dissatisfaction from Osborne, and conflicts will arise again at that time, but this is the best way. You will definitely not be able to do it yourself, and you will have to find Gong Hui.

"Xiao Wu, go ask the deputy station director Gong to come over."


"Brother Yao, what's the matter?" Gong Hui came in. Seeing that there was no one else, she changed her name to an intimate one that they usually used when they were together.

"It's troublesome." Luo Yao sighed and told her that Osborn told him that he "wanted to marry Xu Zhen."

"Is this American really showing his feelings?"

"He wanted Xu Zhen to live with him. I didn't agree, so he said he wanted to marry Xu Zhen. In this way, Xu Zhen would be his wife and they could live together according to the regulations. Otherwise, she could only I came here in the name of visit. In fact, I turned a blind eye to them both. Even when Xu Zhen occasionally stayed overnight, I didn't ask. What else is he dissatisfied with?" Luo Yao said, "I can't take the lead. Have you broken the rules you set?"

"He is a consultant, so it shouldn't be a problem to enjoy some privileges, right?"

"Osborne is a good consultant, but all he has access to are secrets, even top-secret documents. If he only comes here occasionally, that's fine. But if they live together for a long time, Xu Zhen's identity is worth discussing." Luo Yaodao.

"Wouldn't it be better? If she really has a problem, put it under our noses and see it more clearly?" Gong Hui said with a wave of eyes.

"This..." Luo Yao fell into thinking.

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