The secret war is silent

Chapter 507 This is a conspiracy

Diancheng, secret inspection station, Wen Yuqing's office.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening. Wang Weijun, the chief secretary, was called over by a phone call. He knocked on the door and walked in: "Doctor, are you looking for me?"

Wen Yuqing's face was not very good, and it was obvious that he was hit by some bad news. It seemed that there had been almost no good news since the appearance of the secret translation room.

Wen Yuqing, an authority in deciphering secret codes, is now basically a useless outcast.

It turns out that there was a telegram of concern from Shancheng at half past three, but now, a telegram of concern has not arrived for ten and a half days.

In the old man's heart, I'm afraid he has gradually been forgotten, only the military commander is the one.

"Look at this." Wen Yuqing threw a telegram to Wang Weijun.

The message was sent by his brother-in-law Huang Jibi, who worked at the Shancheng Military Commission. The core content was that the old man intended to reduce the working funds of the secret inspection office by about 30%.

Originally, the secret inspection office's monthly budget was about 20,000 yuan. If it were reduced by 30%, it would suddenly drop by 6,000 yuan.

At this time when prices are rising and the cost of living is rising, funding is cut, which means the salaries of the staff working in the secret inspection station will also be reduced. This life is not easy, so why not do this?

Wen Yuqing's inner anger can be imagined. Although he himself embezzled a lot of funds, cutting funds would mean that his income would be reduced by more than half.

This is intolerable.

"Doctor, this is just an intention, not actually implemented. Maybe it's just a rumor someone deliberately spread?"

"Rumor, do you think that under the current circumstances, if someone gave the old man such a suggestion, would he agree?" Wen Yuqing asked.

"This..." Wang Weijun was embarrassed and couldn't answer.

"You can guess where the funds withheld from us go, without me having to tell you, right?" Wen Yuqing said angrily.

"Is the military commander at work here?"

"It's not them or who?"

"The last time you went to Shancheng, didn't you secretly reach a consensus with Wei Daming, the director of the Military Telecommunications Department?" Wang Weijun asked.

"I don't know if that kid Luo Yao is lucky or if he has already noticed the relationship between us. After returning from Xiangcheng, he actually reorganized the secret translation room and merged the research and translation room and the statistics room into one large research and translation room. room, and then grouped into groups in the research room. According to the direction of deciphering, Wei Daming's people took the lead in deciphering the diplomatic code, and Wei Daming has now become our competitor." Wen Yuqing said helplessly.

"How is this possible..." Wang Weijun's mind slowed down a little, and by the time he said it, it was already too late.

The secret office's main focus is on deciphering Japan's confidential diplomatic messages, and it has also set up monitoring stations in some Southeast Asian countries to intercept confidential diplomatic communications between Japan and major countries in the world.

The secret interpretation room suddenly came to a corner in their main direction to overtake them, and then the secret inspection office stopped. Although they could also decipher the Japanese diplomatic secret messages, they were in the mountain city and were always one step ahead of him, so, The Secret Inspection Office always follows behind and eats the dust.

In addition to diplomatic secrets, they also broke through the Japanese Army's secret communications. It is said that the breakthrough was obtained from three code books provided by the CCP. However, the secret inspection office also has those three code books, and so far nothing can be found.

He wanted to steal his master, but he was very guarded and had no chance at all.

In the operation of the Xiangcheng Battle, they simply excluded their secret inspection office. Wei Daming and Mao Zongxiang, they promised well, but when the need arises, they will ignore you at all.

"Doctor, what should we do now?"

"Now the Code Interpretation Room is desperately suppressing us in the diplomatic code. If we can make some achievements, it will make the old man feel that we are not inferior to the Code Interpretation Room, and we can even surpass them." Wen Yuqing said, " But look, how many people in the institute are doing serious research?"

"Doctor, why don't you let my cousin come back and let him continue to preside over the work of the second group?" Wang Weijun suggested without losing the opportunity.

"He, let's forget it." Wen Yuqing sneered disdainfully, "This morning, someone came from the secret interpretation room and went directly to the hospital. The two of them had a very happy conversation."

Wang Weijun was stunned for a moment. How come he didn't know anything about this? It's true that his cousin was meeting the people in the secret interpretation room at this time. Wasn't this a knife being handed to Wen Yuqing's hand?

"Do you think it's possible for him to stay and help us now?"

"Doctor, I think you can give it a try. My cousin is a very emotional person, and you are not unkind to him. He shouldn't be able to leave the secret inspection station at the most difficult time." Wang Weijun tried to say.

"I received news that tonight, they were having dinner at the Diancheng Hotel. Your cousin personally gave it to the original study group..."

Wang Weijun was stunned.

"Do you think he can still stay now? Isn't he a double-faced person?" Wen Yuqing was also very angry. He wanted to order the person to be stopped at that time, but in this way, the people in the secret inspection station were completely disorganized.

"Doctor, we still have a chance. These are only a few people. Even if they all leave, it doesn't matter. As long as we can decipher the JN-25 code, we can surpass the code room in one fell swoop. By then, not only will the funds not be reduced, It will increase." Wang Weijun said.

"How long will it take for us to break through the JN-25 code?"

"Three months should be enough."

"Three months, three months from now, the secret inspection station may not exist yet." Wen Yuqing said.

"Doctor, I'm going to talk to my cousin..."

"No, you can book a flight ticket for me tomorrow. I'm going to the mountain city." Wen Yuqing ordered.

"It's so urgent, what are you going to do?"

"I want to meet the old man and report to him on the work of the secret inspection office." Wen Yuqing said, "I want to inquire about the situation by the way."

"You might as well ask your wife to come forward, and you will still have room for maneuver." Wang Weijun suggested.

"Madam is already in the mountain city. I will meet her when I arrive in the mountain city." Wen Yuqing said.

After coming out of Wen Yuqing's office, Wang Weijun drove to Diancheng Red Cross Hospital by himself.

My cousin should still be awake at this time, and he has to do some research. We all know that there are many chores during the day, which is far less peaceful than at night.

Yang Si is hospitalized alone and does not need anyone to take care of him. It is not that he cannot take care of himself, he is just recuperating. Treatment is only an auxiliary means, and recuperation, recuperation, and recuperation, the focus is still on recuperation.

During the period of recuperation, you must not drink alcohol. It is a stomach problem. If you drink alcohol, isn't it asking for trouble?

However, it is not easy to change the daily routine. Therefore, Wang Weijun calculated correctly that Yang Si's assassin must not have rested yet.

Sure enough, when Wang Weijun opened the ward door, Yang Sigong had just finished drinking a glass of milk and was going to go to bed soon.

He was a little looking forward to and a little excited about this matter today. Although he was ready to rest according to his usual schedule, it was hard to say whether he would be able to sleep or not.

Looking up, my cousin is here.

"Weijun is here, why didn't you say anything before you came?" Yang Si got off the bed and greeted him warmly.

"Cousin, did anyone come to see you today?"


"Is he from the secret interpretation room?"

"Well, what's wrong?"

"Cousin, I asked you to hide in the hospital just to prevent you from having anything to do with the code translation room. Why did you take the initiative to contact them?" Wang Weijun complained.

"What about proactive contact? Aren't you all in control of my external communications? During the time I was hospitalized, apart from writing letters and sending telegrams to your cousin in Hong Kong, I didn't do anything else?" Yang Si He also got angry, "I came to see me from the mountain city on my own initiative."

"Then you can't see me either?"

"What, my friend came to see me and I can't see him anymore?" Yang Si was also angry, "He Wen Yuqing is too overbearing."

"It's not Dr. Wen's intention, it's just inappropriate at this time." Wang Weijun quickly explained.

"Okay, if you come to see me and chat with me, I welcome you. If you talk about those things again, then please forgive me for not sending you off." Yang Si said angrily.

"Cousin, don't you know how difficult it is for Dr. Wen to go to the secret inspection center?" Wang Weijun said.

"How difficult can he be? He must be doing it for his own status and power. If the secret inspection office is abolished, how can he control everything?" Yang Si also sneered unceremoniously.

We are all decent people who have gone to school, and we don’t want to say everything.

"Cousin, have you misunderstood?"

"Misunderstanding, Weijun, you have been with him for the longest time. How much is the monthly fee for our secret inspection office? How much salary do we need to pay each month to the more than 100 people? After deductions, how much is left? You won't Do you know?" Yang Si asked back.

There was a hint of sourness in Wang Weijun's mouth. Of course he knew that in addition to the fixed 20,000 yuan, there was also a foreign currency reimbursement quota. Overseas monitoring stations also needed money to maintain. Therefore, after all, the secret inspection station spent money every month. That's a lot. How much of it was spent on the secret inspection station?

As the chief secretary, of course he knew that the accounts were only managed by Wen Yuqing's cronies.

He could probably guess a figure. Wen Yuqing could embezzle at least more than 8,000 yuan every month.

Wen Yuqing has no other livelihood. Without this money, how can the Wen family live a life of masters in Hong Kong?

"Weijun, it's not that I don't miss my old feelings, or that I have a problem with him, Wen Yuqing. There are many people who are more greedy than him in the party state, but he can still do a good job, but I really want to stay here. I can’t go down anymore.” Yang Si also made it clear today.

Wang Weijun suddenly felt that he should not have come tonight. If he had not come, there might be room for redemption.

"Cousin, can't you think about it again?" Wang Weijun was almost pleading.

"I will continue to waste time in the hospital and wait for a hopeless result?" Yang Si asked.

"Dr. Wen has actually wanted to ask you to go back to work and restore all your previous positions." Wang Weijun said against his will.

"Hahahaha..." Yang Si laughed, "Is it because the superiors are going to cut the funds for the Secret Inspection Institute? He needs to make achievements to prove the value of the Secret Inspection Institute, so that he can keep his own funds from being cut. ?”

"You, you know everything?"

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