The secret war is silent

Chapter 524 Screening Room

In the guest house, there is a screening room.

This is specially used to play some videos. The latest equipment is naturally used in it. If Luo Yao wants to watch a movie.

That's it here.

Of course, this place is obviously not for watching movies. It has other uses. Some special materials are made of images.

This information cannot be leaked, and the number of people who can watch it is limited, so there must be such a special screening room.

The construction of such a screening room required special approval from Dai Yunong, and a special amount of funds was also approved.

If Luo Yao is asked to pay for it himself, that is not impossible, and he will inevitably be criticized.

Dai Yunong came to the screening room in person after it was built, and he came several times after that, naturally to accompany "people".

Everyone in the guest house was tight-lipped about these matters, and no one dared to say more than a word.

However, since the screening room was built, Luo Yao, the actual manager, seems to have never officially used it once.

The opportunity suddenly came.

Gong Hui actually borrowed a camera from the film company and filmed the meeting between Takahashi Ryoko and the fake "Takahashi Toshio".

He didn't understand. Wouldn't doing this make Takahashi Ryoko suspicious?

When the father and daughter met in prison, was it necessary to be so solemn and to record the meeting as video and save it?

Is this trying to retain some "handle"?

It's a shame she figured it out.

However, Gong Hui also explained that the description she reported may not be completely accurate, and it would be more intuitive to take pictures of the process of their meeting.

The prison chosen was the Shancheng Detention Center, which was Deng Yi's territory. There was no problem at all in borrowing a place.

No wonder Luo Yao felt familiar at first glance.

Isn't this the room where he met George? It was obviously directly used and became the place where the "father and daughter" met for the first time.

In Luo Yao's opinion, Mr. Zou's performance was very good. Both his acting skills and his demeanor captured the essence of the character.

Luo Yao has dealt with Takahashi Toshio a lot, and he has observed this person very carefully. This Mr. Zou is also very careful. Some of his subtle movements, especially the changes in his eyes, completely achieve a state of spiritual resemblance.

He didn't see many flaws. As for Takahashi Ryoko, it's hard to say. Anyway, Takahashi Ryoko was very excited from the beginning.

Then the scene of the father and daughter holding each other's arms and crying was really touching.

Although a script is prepared for the "actors", this is no longer a performance, but a test of an actor's ability to react on the spot.

After all, that's not the real Toshio Takahashi. He doesn't have those memories of being together with his wife and daughter in the past. When it comes to these things, he can only be a listener, and then he has to think carefully and not say the wrong thing.

"How was Ryoko Takahashi's mood after meeting the person?"

"She was a little depressed. After she came back, she stayed in the house alone, ignoring everyone and didn't eat dinner," Gong Hui said.

"It's understandable, but she may not trust us anymore." Luo Yao said.


"She saw the flaw and knew that we had found a similar actor to act in a scene to deceive her." Luo Yao explained.

"But we didn't notice it at all?" Gong Hui said in surprise.

"There is nothing wrong with Mr. Zou's performance, including his demeanor and voice. They are all very similar. However, what is fake is fake. Unfortunately, we met a very sensitive person, Ryoko Takahashi. It's not about judging one's father through these, but the feeling, the feeling in the heart. You may not have noticed that when they hugged, their limbs were not so gentle. After all, Mr. Zou is not her father, and Takahashi Ryoko is. A beautiful and young girl, Mr. Zou is a normal man..." Luo Yao couldn't continue.

"I'll go ask him."

"Don't go and ask. Isn't that embarrassing? Besides, this is a normal physiological reaction. I don't blame them." Luo Yao said.

"A hundred secrets and a sparseness, if I had known earlier..."

"Just what?" Luo Yaoxiao asked.


"Let's make arrangements so that I can see Takahashi Ryoko again." Luo Yao thought about it and decided to meet Takahashi Ryoko again and told Gong Huidao.

"What did you say when you saw her?"

"Showdown." Luo Yao said, at this point, there is no need to continue to beat around the bush, the only option is showdown.


"Just today."


"Miss Liangzi, you must be used to living in a mountain city. The mountain city is very humid and the taste is spicy. I wonder if you can get used to it?"

"Thank you for your concern, it's okay." Takahashi Ryoko bowed slightly.

The Japanese are like this. They are obviously very dissatisfied, but they still have to pretend to be polite.

So deceptive.

No wonder everyone thinks that if they greet you with a smile one second, they may wield a butcher's knife against you the next second.

Such a fickle and hypocritical character is vividly reflected in a little woman, let alone those men?

"Have you met your father?"

"Hai, I've seen it before." Takahashi Ryoko said with a low eyebrow.

"Miss Liangzi, you don't have to pretend in front of me. I think you already know that we have been testing you, haven't we?" Luo Yao lit a cigarette and took a puff.

"Testing, has Mr. Qin been testing Liangzi?" Takahashi Liangzi raised his head and asked with the corners of his eyes slightly raised.

"Miss Liangzi is smarter and more courageous than I expected. Therefore, we have to be cautious. Your father is very important to us, and we must be responsible for his safety."

"Does Mr. Qin think I will be harmful to my father?"

"It's not like we haven't encountered such an example before. When you kill someone, you don't recognize your relatives. We don't dare to take risks." Luo Yao said slowly.

"How do you want me to prove it?" Takahashi Ryoko raised his head and asked Luo Yao with his eyes fixed on him.

"No need, I believe you are here to save your father." Luo Yao shook his head, "Your father does need your rescue. He is being held in a certain place now. I can arrange for you to see him. But, you also have to show your sincerity?"

Takahashi Ryoko looked at Luo Yao like this for half a minute, and then he said: "Zhenwu Photo Studio, No. 24, Jingang Old Street, Beibei District."

"Very good, Miss Liangzi, I think we should have reached a consensus, right?" Luo Yao nodded.

"Mr. Qin, I have said everything I need to say. You should be able to trust me now, right?" Takahashi Ryoko asked.

"Miss Liangzi, if you had said it earlier, wouldn't there be so many things?" Luo Yao sighed.

"If I had told you earlier, would Mr. Qin believe it?"

"Miss Liangzi deserves to be from Kitano School. Qin admires her for understanding human nature so well." Luo Yao gave a thumbs up.

"Mr. Qin, whether you believe it or not, I really came here for my father. From the moment I knew he was still alive, I told myself that I must come to China and take him back." Takahashi Ryoko said.

"So, you have always been very wary of us?"

"Yes, Mr. Qin is testing Liangzi. Liangzi is testing Mr. Qin. Liangzi wants to know whether my father is really still alive." Takahashi Liangzi said.

"Understandable." Luo Yao nodded, "Now are you sure, is your father alive?"

"Yes." Takahashi Ryoko nodded, "Although I don't know where Mr. Qin found such a person who can act like my father so much, I think he should have seen my father or even observed it up close. Living the way he lived, I almost truly regarded him as my father."

smart girl.

She was born to be a master of reasoning from the fake father to infer the situation that the real father was still alive.

"You will see your father soon, if what you say is true." Luo Yao gave Takahashi Ryoko a promise.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin." Takahashi Ryoko bowed.


"Brother Yao, this girl is so smart." Gong Hui opened the door from the next room and walked out, saying to Luo Yao.

She heard every word of the conversation between Luo Yao and Takahashi Ryoko just now.

"Non-my family, its heart must be different."

"What, you want to kill her?" Gong Hui was startled.

"Killing her is just a bad idea." Luo Yao shook his head and said, "The best thing is to turn her into a person like you and me."

"You've already said that those who are not of my race will have different hearts. How can we change this?" Gong Hui rolled her eyes at him and said.

"Identity can be transformed, otherwise, what is the meaning of our 'Y' work?" Luo Yao asked rhetorically.

"Doesn't the 'Y' job involve these captured Japanese spies working for us?" Gong Hui said, "As for whether they recognize us or not, does it matter?"

"Of course, if they don't agree, they may betray at any time. Of course, if they rebel again, the consequences will be even worse. So, this is actually a good thing for us." Luo Yaodao, "Capture Takahashi Toshio's The practical significance is not great, but the symbolic significance is great, and I will make him a role model."

"What about Takahashi Ryoko?"

"Of course she has a more important use, but this girl is very smart and sensitive. I have to think carefully about how to use her," Luo Yaodao said.

"You can use it however you want, but there's one thing you can't keep with you." Gong Hui warned.

Luo Yao chuckled: "If I can find someone who can respect her and be a strong opponent, I don't care."

"I have a choice, but I'm afraid you won't agree with it."


"Wen Laosan, if Takahashi Ryoko is handed over to him and she is asked to be Wen Laosan's assistant, what do you think of this arrangement?"

"It's good, but it depends on Wen Laosan's own ideas. We can't force people to him." Luo Yao thought for a while and found that Wen Zishan is really a suitable person, and the Inspection Division of the Garrison Headquarters is also Key departments also mainly target Japanese spies and traitors. If Takahashi Ryoko goes there, he may have unexpected effects.

There are too many secrets in the code translation room, so it is not suitable for someone like Takahashi Ryoko who has insufficient trust. She and Yoshida Touyama are completely different people.

"I'm going to inform Wen Laosan to arrest him. Don't let him always think that you, the eldest brother, are partial and don't give him a chance to make meritorious deeds." Gong Hui chuckled. Beibei District is on the north bank, and some agreed rules must be followed.

Gong Hui ran over to arrest people. Someone would have objections, but it would be different if the Inspection Division of the Garrison Headquarters came forward.

Keep asking for monthly tickets and subscriptions, fellow veterans, it all depends on you if Xiaofeng can add chicken drumsticks to his meal next month!

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