The secret war is silent

Chapter 542 Telephone

"I've already submitted my suggestion. I didn't want to do it at first, but I have no choice but to do it now. This is the only way."

"What do you mean, Mr. Dai?"

Luo Yaoming and Baong Hui asked what this meant. They had no autonomy and had to listen to Dai Yunong in everything.

"Mr. Dai naturally listens to the Chairman." Luo Yao chuckled bitterly. The trend was unstoppable, and he knew it.

"Then don't think about it, just wait for the merger." Gong Hui nodded, "After the merger, the technical staff will definitely not need to be laid off, but it's hard to say for others."

Gong Hui's words reminded Luo Yao that after the organization merged, Chi An and the others didn't have to worry, the new department would definitely not abolish them.

What should the service logistics and support departments of the cryptographic translation room do?

In the new department, if I go there, I can bring some people there, but these people are in the minority after all.

Moreover, we still don’t know where the new department’s office will be, and everything is still undecided.

"We are now going to separate the industry that the Encrypted Interpretation Room operates. We don't call it Veterinary Station No. 84 to the outside world. Then we will first build a new department in the name of the Veterinary Station. This department will focus on action..."

"You want to set up an organization specializing in radio detection?" Gong Hui understood what Luo Yao was thinking.

"The new department will definitely divest some businesses that are not code deciphering, and we have to prepare now. We can't wait for the order to merge, or we will be in a hurry." Luo Yaodao.

Of course, the main business of the code interpretation room is the deciphering of Japanese military secret codes, but there are many other things surrounding this main business.

For example, the Secret Interpretation Room also has an orphanage, Ci'en Temple Orphanage, as well as teahouses, restaurants, teahouses and other industries.

The new department must be funded by financial funds. Luo Yao does not need to find a way by himself. In the case of insufficient funds, he transfused blood himself.

These assets should belong to the owner of the secret translation room. This Luo Yao can be transferred to his own name and no one will say anything.

But he won't do that.

It must be divested first and then distributed. Luo Yao plans to allot it to all employees of the secret interpretation room through allotment of shares.

In this way, no matter what position these people hold in the future, there will be a thread holding them.

"We must handle this matter as soon as possible. We cannot delay it. Once the merger order is issued, if these have not been divested, they may be directly merged into the new department. Then we will have no way to deal with it and it will be an advantage for others." Luo Yao solemnly reminded .

"Okay, I will have a meeting with Qi Zhibin and Cao Hui tomorrow to finalize this matter." Gong Hui nodded. What Luo Yao said really needs to be prepared for a rainy day.

Once the order for the overall annexation is issued, these things will probably no longer belong to them. By then, the family wealth accumulated through hard work will be at an advantage to others.

Regardless of whether there is this merger or not, these will have to be separated. If they are entangled again, it will be more troublesome in the future.

“Set up a company and concentrate all these assets into one company, so that your future interests will not be damaged.”

"Do we need to explain Mr. Dai?"

"I'll explain this, sir. I'm sure he won't object." Luo Yao nodded. Although this is his own business, if he doesn't say hello to Dai Yunong, if he doesn't agree, it really won't be possible. .

"Transfer all the human relations of Tiger and the others to the veterinary station, so that our operating space will naturally be much larger..."

"The guest house will also need to change its affiliation. Starting from tomorrow, the guest house will not belong to the secret interpretation room. It will be temporarily changed to the name of the Veterinary Station. I will confirm which department it will be assigned to after I ask your husband for instructions."

"How about we say hello to Sixth Brother and transfer the guest house to the name of the General Affairs Office. Is this reasonable?" Gong Hui suggested.

"Okay, I'll call Brother Six tomorrow and listen to his opinion. If he is willing, he can take action on this matter." Luo Yao nodded.

"There is another issue, and that is whether Osborne will stay. With our merger, although he has renewed his contract with us for half a year, if he wants to return to the United States, he can use this as an excuse to leave." Gong Hui reminded road.

"I really haven't thought about this issue." Luo Yao nodded, "How about we sign a binding supplementary contract with him?"

"I'm afraid he may not be willing. This month, he has secretly met twice with Major Barrett, the intelligence attaché at the US Embassy." Gong Hui said.

"It's going to rain, and my mother wants to get married. There's nothing we can do about it." Luo Yao said calmly. A year ago, Osborne's role was still indispensable, but now, it is no longer so important.

The little stuff in his stomach has basically been emptied, and the next step is up to the Chinese to figure it out.

With or without Osborne's guidance, it doesn't mean much.

Although their ability to decipher secret codes is not at the top level in the world at the moment, it is at least much better than most countries.

Ordinary countries simply cannot build such an institution. Without relevant talents, how can we decipher the encryption code?

In terms of deciphering level, China and Japan are actually at the same level, and are even better than each other in some aspects.

In terms of compiling secret communication codes, Japan is indeed much better than China. This must be admitted.

Japan can easily obtain advanced equipment and materials from the world, while China is restricted. The West is unwilling to see this Eastern power that they once bullied and wanted to carve up completely but failed to achieve its goal rise again.

Because they are scared to their core.

"How is Xu Zhen doing lately?" Luo Yao asked.

"Wen Laosan investigated Changya Study and discovered something very interesting." Gong Hui said with a slight smile.

"Is this Xu Zhen a frequent visitor to Changya Study?"

"Yes, and the person who contacted Ling Hui confessed that the day before Changya Study Room, Xu Zhen went to Changya Study Room. After the contact person was arrested, the owner of the study hall, Hou, quickly moved the study room out, and Xu Zhen went to Changya Study Room. I’ve never been there again,” Gong Hui said.

"There are no three hundred taels of silver here. Does she know that we are spying on her?" Luo Yao asked.

"You shouldn't know that after he married Osborne, we apparently gave up tracking and monitoring her, but in fact, we arranged people at several places where she often goes, and whenever she goes out there is something unusual. situation, we will use reverse investigation to determine her whereabouts. However, except for the two suspicious points that she has been to Changya Study House and Nanhua Company, we have not found anything else."

"How was the investigation by Nanhua Company?"

"So far, there is no problem. Xu Zhen has a small share of the shares in Nanhua Company, which George bought for her. The boss of Nanhua Company rarely shows up. There is always a manager named Hu who manages the company. There is no investigation on the operation. There's a big problem." Gong Hui said.

"What's the name of the boss of Nanhua Company?"

"My surname is Ye. It is said that my father is an overseas Chinese from the Philippines. His family is relatively wealthy. Sons from wealthy families are very popular among the children of high-ranking officials in mountain cities." Gong Hui said.

"Has this person been to the German Building?"

"I don't know. I should ask the girls who used to live in the German Mansion to find out. However, he is very rich and has a close relationship with Shi Fengxian."

"Shi Fengxian, the eldest brother of Shancheng Wutang Paoge Headquarters with the word benevolence." Luo Yao frowned slightly, this man was not someone to be trifled with.

When the military commander first moved into the mountain city, Dai Yunong sent Mao Qiwu to pay homage to the mountain. He also signed an agreement on "mixed establishment and mutual training" and gave him the rank of major general.

Luo Yao didn't like this kind of gangster in his heart. To put it bluntly, they relied on bullying the good to maintain their authority, and they lived a life of splendor and wealth that others envied.

"Does the boss of Changya Study have any clues?" Luo Yao asked.

"After he took out the study room, he disappeared. We checked all the docks and stations in the mountain city and found no trace of this person." Gong Hui said.

"Where is the contract document for transferring the study? Also, how did they do the transaction? Was it cash or bank transfer? Have you checked these?"

"He asked for cash, and it had to be gold bars." Gong Hui said, "The price is 30% lower than the market price."

"We found a buyer so quickly. Have you checked the details of the buyer?" Luo Yao asked.

"Buyer?" Gong Hui was stunned. What does this have to do with the buyer? But then she thought about it. It would take four or five days to sell out a study, or even a month. If it is listed on the first day, the third It was cashed out in two days. If this was not prepared in advance, it would not be credible.

"How do you know the buyer and seller are not the same person?"

"The same person?" Gong Hui said, "It's impossible. How is this possible? Brother Yao, your inference is baseless."

"When I say the same person, they are people in the same organization." Luo Yao explained, "The fastest is when the left hand is followed by the right hand."

"Tomorrow, let Wen Laosan lead a team to search the buyer's home to see if there are any unexpected gains." Luo Yaodao.

"If that's the case, the nickname our husband gave you as the 'Fox of Military Command' is absolutely right." Gong Hui said, most people would never think of this kind of thinking.

"I also hypothesized a possibility. What if I guess it right?" Luo Yao chuckled, "This is a reasonable suspicion. We must learn reasonable doubts and then verify them one by one. Even if we are wrong, we will not be wrong." It’s okay, you are allowed to take detours on the way to the truth.”

"I can't help you. It's getting late anyway. I should go to bed. I have to supervise Xiao Nan to practice martial arts tomorrow." Gong Hui said.

"Go ahead, I still have some documents to read."

The phone on the table suddenly rang. It was already at this hour. If you were calling home, there must be something important.

Just as Gong Hui was about to leave, she stopped curiously.

Luo Yao picked up the phone receiver: "Hello, who is this?"

"Yes, I know I know it, and I will definitely go there on time." Luo Yao said immediately after listening to the message conveyed on the phone.

"What's wrong?"

"Notice from the Chairman's Attendant's Office that there will be a meeting at the camp tomorrow morning." Luo Yao put down the phone and explained.

This was his first time in the mountain city, and the attendant actually called his home.

It’s the fourth update today, please give me a monthly ticket again, haha!

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