The secret war is silent

Chapter 569 More opportunities

Gong Hui sighed. Luo Yao was indeed a little too harsh on Osborne, but compared to other members of the secret interpretation room.

Again this is very loose.

She was also very conflicted. After all, Osborne was an expert in cipher codes that the military commander had spent a lot of money to bring back from the United States.

With the help of Osborne, a complete system of cryptographic code deciphering was established and a large number of talents were trained. Especially in terms of being in line with international cryptography, these Chinese colleagues who were halfway to becoming monks have made great progress.

People have made contributions, and this must be acknowledged.

Of course, Osborne's living habits, behavior, and other aspects are different from those of the Chinese, but he should not be criticized harshly. After all, he is not Chinese, and there are differences. Since he invites others to come, he must naturally follow their wishes. .

In the beginning, she was still tolerable, but now, she seems to have noticed that Luo Yao's tolerance for Osborne is getting lower and lower.

Even a little disgusted.

She knew Luo Yao and would never anger Osborne because of a Xu Zhen. After all, they were two people, so the problem was obvious. He didn't like this American from the beginning, and he only tolerated it because of the cooperative relationship. hair.

This is a bit like burning bridges.

It was hard for her to say anything, at least Luo Yao didn't do anything extreme, it was just a change in attitude.

"Jiang Xiaoyu has always been with me and has very few opportunities to go out. Next, should I give her some opportunities to go out and do errands?" Gong Hui decided not to argue with Luo Yao on this topic.

"Well, sure." Luo Yao nodded, "Xiaohui, have you ever thought about it. Once the secret interpretation room and the secret inspection office are merged, we may not be able to work together. What are your thoughts on where to go?"

"Me?" Gong Hui was stunned. She had never thought about this. She had been following Luo Yao since she graduated from the temporary training class. She was used to being with Luo Yao for such a long time. She had never thought about leaving Luo Yao. This time I couldn't help but feel a little panicked.

Because the security force of the new organization will probably not allow the military reunification to continue, her position will be awkward by then.

She would definitely not want to go to the bureau's headquarters. The restrictions were too great, and there were too many intrigues inside.

There are not many people who can go. One is to stay in the Juntong Mountain City Special Zone. She is also the leader of the Shapingba Group.

With her achievements, she can definitely be promoted to one level and serve as the captain of the entire mountain city special zone's operations team.

The next step is to go to the Inspection Office of the Shancheng Garrison Headquarters, which is also a department controlled by the military. If she goes there, what will Wen Laosan do?

You can't squeeze Wen Laosan's position away. This butt has just been sitting and getting hot for a short time.

Police detective brigade?

This is also an option, but Gong Hui may not be willing to go.

Of course, there are some institutions that are also under the control of the military, but if you are unfamiliar with those institutions, you will have to work as their subordinates if you go there.

Gong Hui must not be willing to go.

The main reason is that Gong Hui is a woman, which limits the jobs she can do. Some organizations need men.

In addition, her military rank is already high, which makes it even more difficult to arrange.

In fact, not only Gong Hui, but also Cao Hui and the people from the Guizhou training class brought over by Yang Fan were not easy to arrange.

It turns out that with the secret interpretation room, these are no big deal. Once it is merged into the new organization, these people will no longer be needed.

Cao Hui can still go in and continue his security work, but what about the others?

Including Qi Zhibin, it's hard for him to bring people in now because he doesn't have such a big say in the new organization.

If it weren't for people like Lao Chi and Yang Si, he really wouldn't want to work in the new organization and let Wen Yuqing and Mao Zongxiang do the work.

However, everyone has feelings, and this job can really help the war.

He also enjoyed code-breaking work.

"You think about it and choose a few directions. I'll ask your husband what he means." Luo Yao solemnly said to Gong Hui.

This must be considered now. We cannot wait for an order from above to transfer to a department that we don't like and that is not suitable for us. Then it will be much more difficult to arrange it.

"Brother Yao, aren't we going to be separated in the future?" Gong Hui's eyes were full of reluctance.

"It's about separation of work, and I'm not asking you to move out. What are you worried about? I can't take care of Xiaonan by myself," said Luo Yao.

"Then it doesn't matter, I can do anything." Gong Hui said with a smile.

Luo Yao shook his head. Women's thoughts are indeed different from men's, but with Gong Hui by his side, he does feel much more relaxed. Gong Hui can help him arrange many things in advance without him having to think about them.

This is the benefit of having a good partner and a good wife.

I don’t know if Dai Yunong listened to Luo Yao’s advice. After New Year’s Eve, the military commander’s retaliation against the Central News Agency subsided a little.

However, the people arrested before, the materials seized, and the problematic mail, packages, etc. are all being detained.

The president of the Central News Agency, Cheng Canghai, and the head of the Propaganda Department, Wang Xueting, had a not-so-good year at all.

Although the military commander did not arrest anyone again, they did not release those they arrested before, and they still looked like they would deal with them strictly.

This is clearly revenge.

Even a fool can see that since a report caused such a big disturbance, everyone said that Dai Yunong was ruthless, cruel, and extremely unreasonable. Today they have seen it, and they have to add another one, especially to protect his shortcomings. .

Once something spreads and ferments, it cannot be hidden, not to mention that the mountain city is so big, and so many military and political institutions of the party-state are here.

Even during the Spring Festival, the conflict between the military commander and the Central News Agency still spread among the party and government agencies in the government.

If it hadn't been for the Chinese New Year, the news would have spread faster within the agency, and there would have been more discussions. Even among the people, some people started to talk about it.

The military commander did not relent, nor did he put forward any conditions. In fact, everyone knew that the military commander was waiting for the other party to take the initiative to lower his stance.

But the Central News Agency is not an ordinary organization, not to mention that it has a Propaganda Department, which is the power organ of the party-state.

What is the military commander? It's just a group of eagle claws raised by the old man. It's a secret service agency. Not to mention the level is not equal. It's not qualified at all.

The Propaganda Department is arrogant and has a condescending attitude. Juntong is not a small yamen. In terms of power, it is much stronger than a Propaganda Department that only holds a pen. Even if the Propaganda Department is mobilized, the power of public opinion is also considerable.

However, at least the Central News Agency has not exposed the conflict directly. Both sides have maintained a kind of restraint, but no one is willing to bow.

There has been a lot of news in the past two days, both trivial and major. Luo Yao can basically receive a lot of it every day.

One of the messages said that Dai Yunong secretly found some newspapers and asked them to write articles to refute the report by "Central Daily News" reporter Jiang Lin.

Luo Yao also found those newspapers and read them. There were indeed some articles that questioned and refuted Jiang Lin's report, but he felt that these articles had shaped his image a little too high, even for himself. All blushed.

This is high-level blackness, and if you don't do it right, it can have side effects.

If you beautify a person too much, it will create an extremely unreal feeling, which will actually cause the reader to feel disgusted.

If it is the operation of the military commander, it is equivalent to helping the opponent. If it is the opponent, then the person behind the plan is simply too powerful. He has thoroughly understood human nature.

After careful consideration, Luo Yao still called Mao Qiwu, but he couldn't do bad things with good intentions and send bullets to his opponents.

After asking, I found out that it was really a newspaper agency hired by the military commander in an attempt to clear his name in this way, but the force was too much.

Those who write articles are not above the level of ability, so they know that mindless praise can be more deadly than direct criticism.

No wonder there is no follow-up report from the Central News Agency. They don't need it at all. The military commander's magical operation is enough.

Maybe people are still enjoying themselves secretly.

Mao Qiwu discovered this situation when he received a call from Luo Yao. He didn't believe Luo Yao's living methods at first. It wasn't until he sent someone to investigate that he realized that this was simply a good intention to do bad things, so he quickly called it a halt. .

And immediately reported the situation to Dai Yunong.

Dai Yunong was also very embarrassed after hearing this. He had thought of the method, but now it had the opposite effect. As a decision-maker, he was naturally very embarrassed. Fortunately, Mao Qiwu followed Luo Yao's reminder and put all the blame on the person who wrote the article. On people.

If these people are not capable enough, the articles they write will naturally not be good. If they were more objective and impartial, then it would be fine.

Or they were using too much force.

Deng Yi brought news two days later. It was basically certain that the mysterious radio signal was located in the Shancheng Hotel.

And the other person is not Chinese, but a foreigner.

This foreigner named Pop is of Honduran nationality, but he flew from Paris to Hanoi, and then from Hanoi to Diancheng to enter China.

"Why are you sure it's him?" Luo Yao called Deng Yi over and asked.

"First of all, this Pop moved in just before we discovered this mysterious radio signal. This person never moved out after moving in. He claimed to be an engineer and was hired by a company belonging to Jinghai to inspect the property. Yes, this person is basically out during the day and only comes back at night. No one knows what he is doing outside. However, he spends money very generously, but the money he uses is very problematic..."

"Counterfeit money?"

"Yes, it is a counterfeit currency with a high degree of imitation. It is difficult for ordinary bank employees to distinguish it, let alone ordinary people. I can't distinguish it, but I kept an eye out and consulted the experts at the mint. I asked someone to look at it for me and I realized it was a counterfeit currency," Deng Yi said.

"Has the source of the counterfeit currency been found?"

"I don't know if he carried it himself or if someone exchanged it after arriving in the mountain city." Deng Yi said, "But experts say that this kind of counterfeit currency is still rare in mountain cities, but it is more common in North China. The Japanese use counterfeit currency to cover Taking away our people's supplies not only causes the devaluation of our currency and inflation, but also the flow of counterfeit currency into our control areas, causing great damage to our economy."

"Where's the radio station?"

"When he checked in, he carried three suitcases. One of the suitcases was relatively heavy, but he refused to let the waiter help him carry it to the room. He insisted on carrying it himself. He didn't go out for the past two days, so we used Japanese air strikes to launch air defenses. When I heard the alarm, I went into his room and took a look. He hid the box under the bed. When he opened it, it was a custom-made RF4 radio station inside," said Deng Yi.

"Didn't you alert the snake?"


"Then don't move for now, send someone to monitor him, and then when he goes out, follow him to see if he has contact with those people, what he has done, and what he has said." Luo Yao ordered.


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