The secret war is silent

Chapter 574 Boss Dai’s dissatisfaction

"Did they really go to Wei Daming's mansion?"

"Yes, even though they all changed their clothes and the car they were in was not their usual car, they were recognized as soon as they got off the car."

Mao Qiwu explained.

The military commander has a tradition of monitoring his own people, especially high-level officials like Wei Daming. How could there be no one around him?

Even if it wasn't available before, Mao Qiwu will make arrangements for it now.

"Is that Osborne also getting involved with them?" Dai Yunong asked with somewhat disgusted eyes.


"What's going on over there at You Ning? Can't you see anyone?" Dai Yunong showed a hint of displeasure in his tone.

"Since the last time Osborne and Xu Zhen got married, Luo Youning's use of Osborne has begun to decline. He is not allowed to participate in the most core secrets. He now does not occupy a dominant position in the secret interpretation room." Mao Qiwu explained.

"In other words, we are now completely self-sufficient. Can we get rid of this Yankee now?"

"You can't say that. This person still has a certain value for us, and we can't get rid of him yet." Mao Qiwu said.


"Osborne can help us draw the attention of the Japanese. I think he is getting mixed up with Wei Daming, Wen Yuqing and others at the moment. It is probably Luo Youning's deliberate arrangement." Mao Qiwu said.


"I also guessed that Luo Youning is not a loser. The last time Osborne was tricked by Wei Daming, he almost lost his life. In the end, he returned to the secret interpretation room obediently. This time, it may be different. , but it’s not him who should suffer.”

"You have confidence in him?"

"I have confidence in you, Boss Dai. Everything is under your control. These people can't make waves."

"You should try your best to say something nice. The four of them must have come together to share the power after the merger. I'm worried that You Ning will be alone and unable to defeat them." Dai Yunong was really worried.

"Boss, please mention this news to the old man. As long as the old man says a word, it will be useless for these people to join forces." Mao Qiwu said quietly.

Dai Yunong gave Mao Qiwu a strange look.

Mao Qiwu smiled and said nothing more.

It is true that when a child is bullied outside or loses a fight, it really hurts his self-esteem to go to his parents. However, why should he call his parents because he is incapable of solving the problem?

If we don’t rely on parents for everything, then what role can parents play?

The relationship between Dai Yunong and the old man is similar to the relationship between a child and his parents. Boss Dai should act weak in front of the old man and seek his protection. In fact, this is also a kind of self-protection.

Let the old man feel that everything you have in Dai Yunong is given by the old man and me. You can't solve everything, and you also need the old man and me.

I am the source of your power.

The old man merged several major code-breaking agencies to hand them over to trusted people for his use, not to give them a tool to fight for power and eliminate dissidents.

As long as I mention this matter to the old man tonight, the impression of these people in the old man's heart will definitely drop by three points.

Of course, Wei Daming is also a member of the military commander. He has a thousand murderous intentions, can injure himself eight hundred times, and cannot even control his own subordinates. This will also make the old man doubt his ability to control the military commander...

He couldn't say this himself, he had to find a suitable person to say it. Dai Yunong searched for a suitable person in his mind.

"Boss Dai, do you want to talk to Luo Youning about what happened tonight?" Mao Qiwu asked.

"It's so late, don't call him, tell him tomorrow morning." Dai Yunong shook his hand and said, "I estimate that a discussion meeting on the merger plan will be held soon, but I don't know who will be the convener. .”

"My subordinates judge that it is more likely to be Director Lin from Division One."

"Lin Weiwen?"

Dai Yunong's heart moved, and he had some ideas about the candidate in his mind. He waved his hand to indicate that Mao Qiwu could go down.

"Brother Yao, Kinoshita Zhishui has agreed to work for us. When do you plan to arrange for him to enter the secret interpretation room?" Gong Hui already knew. Luo Yao went to the Xiaohei Coal Mine and asked Kinoshita Zhishui and Konano Naga Qiu Du brought it back.

"Don't worry, let him recover first and speak Chinese fluently by the way." Luo Yao said, "Now that he's out, he speaks with a Japanese accent, and others can tell it right away."

"Is it because the merger is about to happen that you want to hide people first and use them after the merger?" Gong Hui asked.

"It can't be said that Kinoshita Shisui is very familiar with Japan's domestic secret code system. This is something we urgently need to understand. I plan to let him write the materials first and then let him participate in the work. This will make it easier for us to understand the system. In specific circumstances, sharpening the knife will not waste time chopping wood."

"Okay, what about Imano Yongqiu? How do you plan to arrange it for him?"

"Go to Lao Qi as an assistant. This guy is a top student in the Department of Economics at the University of Tokyo. After graduation, he went to study in Europe. Later he came to China. He was valued by the Second Section of the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters and was recruited to join the spy organization. This guy is still good at business operations. Very capable. If Dongchuan Company had not been seized by us, its operating situation would be much better than that of many companies. Of course, there are Lin Dongchuan's connections and resources. Without these, he is still a skilled woman who cannot make a living without rice." Luo Yao explained. .

"I'll tell Lao Qi tomorrow, but Imano Yongqiu knows a lot of people in Shancheng. Even if he changes his name and stays in Shancheng, will there still be trouble?"

"Well, I plan to arrange for him to go to Tengchong. I plan to set up an office there. Next, as our only land channel for supplies, we will establish our own transportation fleet and material storage in Tengchong. "Luo Yao said.

"But, Imano Yongqiu is Japanese, is he worthy of our trust?" Ranger Gong Hui asked worriedly.

"He is not alone. As long as he is supervised well, he can't make waves." Luo Yao said with a smile, "We have no one to use it now. In fact, if the teacher can be in charge, then I don't have to worry. "

"This requires sir's nod."

"Yes, but we can't do it now. We have to wait for a short time. When Mr. anger subsides, find a reason to beg Mr. to let him go." Luo Yao said.

"Xu Zhen called me today. I heard that Osborne went out to a banquet tonight, but he didn't take her with him," Gong Hui said.

"Oh, coming to the banquet, Wei Daming?"

"Maybe it wasn't just Wei Daming, but there were other people who didn't take his own car. Wei Daming sent a car to pick him up," Gong Hui said.

"how do you say?"

"I asked her to keep an eye on Osborne's whereabouts at all times and report them in time. I didn't say anything else." Gong Hui said.

"Nothing unusual, right?"


Kinoshita Zhishui and Han Xianglin lived together in Qiao Kui's (Takahashi Toshio) small courtyard. This independent small courtyard has many houses. Apart from Qiao Kui and the people who take care of food, daily life and security, there are still several empty rooms. .

Qiao Kui is very happy that there are new people here and they are still inmates, although his daughter Yingzi comes to see him every once in a while.

But Yingzi can't live with him. Every time he comes, he comes in a hurry and leaves in a hurry. He only talks about life, not work.

He also knew to some extent that Yingzi had joined the military commander and was working for the military commander. There was nothing they could do about it, so they couldn't help it now.

However, this period of time was the most peaceful he had ever lived in the past ten years. He didn't have to think about anything. He slept until he woke up naturally every day. The days of hiding his identity, lurking in a foreign country, and being unable to sleep at night were too difficult.

Although there are opportunities for outdoor activities in the small black coal kiln, everyone rarely talks to each other and only know each other's names.

Once you come out, it will be different.

There is a spy who has been lurking in the mountain city for many years, one who is a disciple of Ono Zhiki, an expert in cipher code communication, and Han Xianglin, who was originally Chinese, but because his hometown was ceded to Japan, he became a second-class citizen in the colony.

The three of them unexpectedly gathered together in this small courtyard.

"Mr. Konno has also been released. However, he has not arranged to live here. He must have other arrangements." Han Xianglin brought news about Kono Nagaaki to Takahashi Toshio.

"Really?" Takahashi Toshio was surprised. His relationship with Konno Nagaaki can be said to be very deep. He accomplished many things through Konno Nagaaki. He also knew that Konno Nagaaki was imprisoned with him in that dark place. In prison, however, whether he can survive and gain freedom is a personal choice, and he cannot make the choice for Imano Nagaaki.

"Yes, he was taken out of that place with me." Kinoshita Shisui nodded. His communication skills were not very strong. He only knew Konno Nagaaki and didn't speak much. Moreover, he was in prison. Basically he stayed in the cell, unwilling to come out for a break. He would rather stay in the cell and solve mathematical problems.

"That's great, I wish I could survive." Takahashi Toshio sighed with emotion.

"Mr. Takahashi, Mr. Kinoshita and I are going to stay with you for a while. Please take good care of us."

"I'm living under someone else's roof. If you can live here, I still have someone to talk to. It's not too late to be happy!" Takahashi Toshio said happily.

"Then please."

"We all have a Chinese identity now. In the future, we must learn the Chinese way of life and temporarily forget those Japanese habits and etiquette." Takahashi Toshio said, "This is also for our safety."

"I understand the teachings of my seniors."

"Live here well. If you have time, you can learn more about Chinese culture. This will be of great help to your life here." Takahashi Toshio is like a person who has been here to give some advice on Kinoshita Shosui. Newcomer.

"Thank you, senior, I understand."

"You choose your own room. If you need anything, tell the people here. As long as it's not too much, they can satisfy you." Takahashi Toshio smiled.


"Come over for dinner tonight, and I'll treat you to the most delicious hotpot in the mountain city, which you can't get in that place." Takahashi Toshio extended the invitation.

"Hot pot?" Kinoshita Zhishui looked blank. It was obvious that he had never heard of this thing, but Han Xianglin beside him had already begun to drool.

Although he had not been in Shancheng for a long time, he was deeply impressed by the hot pot in Shancheng. He had not had it for a long time.

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