The secret war is silent

Chapter 579 Coordination Meeting (2)

By the time Luo Yao got home, it was almost midnight.

Gong Hui kept waiting. For her, if Luo Yao didn't come back, she couldn't let go and couldn't sleep.

She can now understand why her mother had to wait for her father to come home every night before going to bed.

This is a concern.

"You've been drinking. I'll put some water on you so you can take a bath?" Gong Hui took the coat that Luo Yao took off and asked.

"Yeah." There will be a coordination meeting tomorrow. I smell drunk, so it will definitely be inappropriate for me to go to the meeting.

He doesn't have the habit of taking a bath in the morning, and sleeping in a hot bath is also very comfortable.

"Brother Yao, what did Director Wang of Channel 43 say?"

"It's a good thing, he suggested that our two families unite first, and then compete with the secret inspection office." Luo Yao said.

"What about the conditions?"

"Minister He is very thoughtful. He wants to cooperate in depth with intelligence." Luo Yao nodded.

"You agreed?"

"Can I agree? I am nothing, so what should I promise?" Luo Yao smiled bitterly, "However, it is difficult for me to refuse Minister He's proposal."

"You should have formed an offensive and defensive alliance, right?"

"Well, that's about it. I won't be isolated at the coordination meeting." Luo Yao nodded. No matter what, he only had one ally to help him speak now. "You go to bed first, I can do it alone." .”

"Okay, don't soak for too long and go to bed early."


Luo Yao's mind was always thinking about what to say at the coordination meeting and what kind of difficulties he would encounter. When he felt that the water was cold, he quickly scrubbed himself, put on his clothes and got out of the bathtub.

The coordination meeting will be held in Shangqing Temple, where the chairman's attendant's office is located.

For his own convenience, Lin Weiwen naturally chose a place closest to him, which also saved him from having to go out.

Of the four people in the meeting, Luo Yao was the farthest. If he wanted to get back from Ciqikou, he had to leave early in the morning.

The other three people basically live nearby. The nearest one is five or six minutes away, and the farthest one is only a quarter of an hour away.

The most unwilling person is Wei Daming. He was not notified to participate in today's coordination meeting, which made him very unhappy.

If nothing unexpected happens, the four people in the coordination committee will all join the management of the new organization in the future, and he is obviously excluded.

He is a student of the leader of wireless communications in the party and state, and one of only three and a half radio experts. If he is not qualified, who else is?

It's useless to lose his temper. His current identity is not the head of any code-breaking organization, and he is not qualified to participate in the meeting.

However, even if he does not participate, it does not mean that he cannot influence the process of the merger plan. Mao Zongxiang was able to unite Wen Yuqing, and his role in mediating is absolutely indispensable. No matter who is appointed as the head of the organization, he will be indispensable.

He wanted to see how this junior named Luo would continue to be arrogant in the future.

Because it was a formal meeting, Luo Yao naturally wore a military uniform. Likewise, everyone who came to the meeting also wore military uniforms.

Lin Weiwen was a lieutenant general, Wen Yuqing also held the rank of lieutenant general, then Mao Zongxiang and Wang Jinglu were major generals, and only Luo Yao was a colonel.

"Mr. Wei." Lin Weiwen graduated from Baoding Military Academy and joined the army very early. Although he was only a lieutenant general, he was qualified to hold the rank of general. When he was the director of the Quanxu Hall, he crossed out his name twice. name.

This man is from Zhejiang. Although he was not born in Huangpu, he has always been used by the old man as the first director of the attendant's office. This position can only be filled by an absolute confidant.

What's more, Lin Weiwen also serves as the director of the Military Command Bureau. Strictly speaking, he is Luo Yao's direct boss.

When Luo Yao saw him, he not only saluted, but also showed great respect. Even when Dai Yunong saw him, he did so as a junior.

"You are Luo Youning. Brother Yunong is full of praise for you, saying that you are his favorite student." Lin Weiwen laughed, reached out and patted Luo Yao's shoulder gently, very affectionately.

"Mr. Wei is so complimentary."

"I've read the plan you submitted. It's very thoughtful, but it's not appropriate for the time. Don't be too radical when you speak later, understand?" Lin Weiwen reminded.

"Understood, thank you Mr. Wei for the reminder." Luo Yao agreed with a smile.

Because Luo Yao got up early and was afraid of not being able to catch up, he was the first to arrive, so he was the first to arrive. He took a photo with Lin Weiwen in advance and said a few words.

The next three people came over one after another.

Wen Yuqing, a doctor studying in the United States, was the most punctual and came on time, followed closely by Mao Zongxiang, and finally Wang Jinglu.

Lin Weiwen sat at the top of the rectangular conference table. On his left were Wen Yuqing and Mao Zongxiang, and on his right were Wang Jinglu and Luo Yao. Luo Yao was the least senior, so he naturally sat at the bottom of the table.

"On the order of the commissioner, I invited the four of them here to discuss how to merge the code research and deciphering organizations managed by the four into one organization. Now we have received a total of three draft plans, three-thirds Each draft has its own advantages and disadvantages. I have summarized the three drafts. Some are similar and some are different. You can review them first, and we can discuss the terms of the draft plan one by one!" Lin Weiwen's opening remarks were simple.

Lin Weiwen's adjutant began to distribute information to the four people. They were all transcribed by hand. The handwriting was neat, almost like printing.

The sound of turning paper kept ringing.

Everyone was watching intently. Only Lin Weiwen picked up the teacup, blew the floating tea leaves on it, took a sip, put it down, and then closed his eyes to rest.

He was the drafter of the document, and the content was already in his mind, so he didn't need to read it again.

Luo Yao read it from beginning to end, and he knew that this plan was designed based on the secret inspection agency. Of course, there were also some methods he mentioned in the plan.

The essential difference between a secret interpretation room and a secret inspection office is not the people, but the combination and separation of research and translation.

The secret inspection office separates the two. The advantage is that they do not interfere with each other and the confidentiality effect is good, because the researchers only analyze the content of the message, and the actual content of the message requires a translation process to truly understand it.

Because, in advanced coded communication, secret words and code words are still used. If you don't know this, even if you decipher the message, you still don't know what the message says.

For example, the Japanese army used a "number" to replace a certain person in all secret communication messages, or something was wrong. If you don't know this, you also don't know what the message says?

Research is the process of literally cracking the code, while translation is the process of translating the literal meaning of the code into something everyone understands.

This is why it is difficult to decipher the secret message in dialect. It transmits only one sound. Only those who understand the dialect can understand what it means by reading it in conjunction. If you don't understand this dialect, you will not know what the message says even if you think hard.

Luo Yao's secret interpretation room combines the two, and research and interpretation are seamlessly connected. They work together and obtain information from each other, instead of artificially separating the two, so that the efficiency of deciphering will be higher. .

Of course, this is also because there are few people in the secret interpretation room. When there are more people, this method may not be applicable.

The work assignment of the secret inspection office is that one person does one thing, and only does his or her own part of the process. The next step has nothing to do with him. In this way, confidentiality is naturally the best, because there is only one person who can do one process. Without knowing the situation of the two processes before and after, even if he leaks the secret, his own loss will be limited.

The disadvantage is that it cannot fully mobilize everyone's enthusiasm for work. You must know that the last department, which is the research and interpretation department, deserves the most credit for deciphering the secret code.

The research and translation department certainly deserves a lot of credit for deciphering the contents of the message, but the credit of other departments cannot be taken into account.

Over time, other departments became less active in doing things.

Luo Yao's approach is to separate interception and interpretation. After all, interception and interpretation are two different types of technology.

There is no problem with this separation.

Instead, they are divided into groups within the research and translation team and receive tasks in groups. From statistics, research to research and translation, they are all in the same group. If this group deciphers the message, the result belongs to the entire group, and all team members have credit. All will receive awards.

There are also a set of rules for how to distribute credit and bonuses, and they are not even. That is unfair.

However, this can exactly stimulate the enthusiasm and energy of the entire group of people to work, and it can also create a competitive atmosphere.

It’s also easy to get results.

This is also an effective method he has explored.

If the secret inspection office does not do well, they can blame each other and blame each other, and no one is willing to take responsibility. But if the secret interpretation room does not do well, if it does not do well, your entire team will not be able to do it well. If the research fails, all the data must be handed over and replaced.

Lin Weiwen told him that his plan was very thoughtful, but it was inappropriate for the time. Of course Luo Yao understood why he said that.

The personnel structure of the merged organization is very complicated. There are Wen's faction, Mao's faction, and secret interpretation room faction. In this group, there are also Luo faction and Wei faction. If these factions are organized according to Luo Yao's plan, it will be really difficult. It will be chaos. By then, the new organization will waste considerable manpower and material resources just on internal fighting. How can it have the energy to decipher the enemy's code?

The secret inspection office was originally established by transferring people from various ministries. It was a hodgepodge. Although the organizational structure was somewhat inefficient, it has always been able to operate. This is currently the best reference plan after the merger.

There is only one possibility to realize Luo Yao's merger plan, and that is to completely exclude Wen Yuqing, Mao Zongxiang and Wei Daming from the new organization.

But is this possible?

Does the old man dare to hand over such an important secret institution to a young man who is not yet thirty years old?

I'm afraid there will be more opponents by then.

"How about it? You can tell us what you think. This is a draft. The final method of merging the meeting will have to be agreed upon by everyone." Lin Weiwen asked, scanning the faces of the four people.

"Director Lin, I think this draft plan is very good. It can be finalized directly with just a few corrections and additions." Wen Yuqing said.

"Dr. Wen, please speak."

"Director Lin, you can consider adding a consulting room, which will make it easier for us to attract talents. For example, some people have their own jobs but have mature experience in deciphering passwords. For example, experts in this field hired from foreign countries can all be hired as consultants. He joined us as a person." Wen Yuqing explained.

"I have overlooked this point. What do you think of Dr. Wen's proposal?"

"Dr. Wen made a good point. To fill in the gaps, there should be a consulting room. This is also a way to recruit talents. I agree." Mao Zongxiang said.

Wang Jinglu also nodded, this is a trivial matter.

Luo Yao was the only one left who didn't speak.

"Director Luo, what did you say?"

"I have no objection to the establishment of a consulting office, but if it is just for the sake of establishment, it is in name only. If some people only do it for the reputation of a consultant, or for a monthly consultant's salary, then it is unnecessary." Luo Yao I came here today because I was supposed to be a villain, so the words of a villain would naturally not sound good.

Just say it once and for all!

Isn't it just a clever name and a means of corruption? How could Luo Yao not know what these people were thinking.

The code interpretation room also has consultants, but you can’t get paid if you don’t work. Although Wei Daming was also a consultant before, he never came to the code interpretation room to provide guidance. So the code interpretation room will not pay a cent of the consulting fee, so Wei Daming takes a little from him. There is no way.

It's the end of the month, and the monthly ticket is still short of 200. If you have a guaranteed monthly ticket, please vote!

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