The secret war is silent

Chapter 587 The whole city is in turmoil

"Brother Yao, what should we do now?" It was also the first time that Gong Hui encountered such a difficult matter. She was a little confused. She couldn't just pretend that it didn't happen and just let it go, right?

"First call the Central News Agency to inquire about the situation. Let's be polite first and then fight." Luo Yao ordered, "Then find a law firm and file a lawsuit."

"Brother Yao, is this useful?"

"Whether it's useful or not depends on who files the lawsuit. If it's an ordinary citizen, even if it's justified, they probably won't be able to win the case. But if it's a military commander, that may not be the case," Luo Yaodao said.

"Our military affairs have never been resolved through others. Will this make outsiders laugh?" Gong Hui said.

"There are many ways to deal with the problem, and it depends on who the other party is. This time we are facing the public opinion circle. Using strong methods will only be counterproductive. Instead, they will gain wider sympathy. By then, who will care about the facts? The truth?"

"What you said seems to make sense." Gong Hui thought for a moment and nodded.

"The best way to deal with public opinion attacks is for you to fight yours and I to fight mine, or to directly take decisive measures, but you and I obviously do not have this ability. Of course the military commander can do it, but this will only attract attention. Unless it is ordered by the competent department of the party and state, but this matter involves the Central News Agency, so there is no hope, just do what I say. First collect evidence, prepare the materials for prosecution, hire a lawyer, and then open the reporter Yes." Luo Yao ordered.

"Having a press conference?"

"Go ahead and prepare as I said. The lawyer should be chosen with a certain background, and of course his character and ability should also be good."

"I understand. You'd better leave quickly. Don't delay the meeting." Gong Hui took a coat from the hanger and put it on Luo Yao.



The phone on the desk suddenly rang. It was the internal line of the Military Command Bureau. Luo Yao was shocked and gave Gong Hui a look.

Gong Hui understood it and waited for the phone to ring five or six times before reaching out and picking up the phone: "Hello, Veterinary Station No. 84."

"He just walked for a short while. How far should he go... Okay, okay, I understand. I will send a car to catch up to him immediately and notify him."

In fact, without Gong Hui speaking, Luo Yao could tell that the person on the phone was Mao Qiwu, so he called him to go to Shulu first.

"I know what to say, just don't move, stay at home and wait for my call at any time." Luo Yao ordered.


"Go to Luojiawan No. 19 first. Drive faster." After Luo Yao got in the car, he ordered Yang Fan who was driving.


By the time Luo Yao arrived, Mao Qiwu had been waiting in Shulu for a long time, and Dai Yunong was obviously in a bad mood.


"You Ning is here, your trouble is coming." Dai Yunong sighed when he saw Luo Yao.

As an old agent, how could I not see that this storm of public opinion was not directed at the military commander, but directly at Luo Yao himself.

Although a pseudonym was used, the identity of the interviewer was reported in a descriptive manner. Anyone with connections could know it by asking around through internal connections.

Luo Yao is no longer a nobody, and his identity is not only known to those within the military command. It is impossible to keep it secret even if he wants to, not to mention that all the Japanese military's secret service agencies know about it.

"Sir, I know everything. I didn't expect them to do anything to deal with me." Luo Yao nodded calmly.

"They, you mean..." Dai Yunong's expression changed.

"He's Japanese, sir." When Luo Yao saw Dai Yunong's face, he immediately realized that it might be a misunderstanding.

This misunderstanding is terrible.

"Japanese?" Dai Yunong was stunned. He had indeed misunderstood just now. He never thought in that direction.

"The Japanese know that I am in charge of the military secret interpretation room. If I continue to be promoted and continue to preside over, more Japanese military and diplomatic secret messages will be deciphered, and then they will have no secrets at all. , they want to kill me, but it is difficult to find an opportunity, so they will use other ways to achieve their goals, such as making my reputation bad. If my reputation is bad, even when everyone calls for beating, I will be hidden. Or be demoted and transferred, as soon as I leave the code deciphering department, their goal will be achieved in disguise." Luo Yao spread his hands and explained calmly.

Dai Yunong and Mao Qiwu couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning after hearing this. This is really possible.

"You Ning, how did you come up with this?"

"Actually, the student was thinking about this issue on the way here. Obviously the matter has calmed down. The female reporter also knew in her heart what she had done, but she was only expelled. Given her family background, this kind of thing would have no impact on her. It doesn't have much impact, and she doesn't have to bite me. After all, I haven't really done anything to her, but why is she acting uncharacteristically, as if she wants to fight me to the death? This is not in line with common sense. Unless she is a lunatic, but I have been in contact with her, and she does not seem to be a lunatic, unless there is another purpose behind it, or someone is using her to achieve what they want."

"Also, the scandalous things mentioned in these newspapers are simply false. With the reputation of the Jiang family, if such a thing happened, her parents should have come forward to cause trouble for me a long time ago. It is impossible to put such a Publicizing a family scandal in a newspaper is also very unethical."

Dai Yunong and Mao Qiwu nodded together.

"Thirdly, if there are only one or two newspaper reports, it may be someone maliciously spreading rumors to cause trouble, but at the same time, so many newspapers are reporting the same thing. If there is no one behind this, I will be beaten to death. If you don’t believe it, based on that female reporter Jiang Lin’s ability, I don’t think she can do it.” Luo Yao continued his analysis.

Dai Yunong said: "That's true. This matter will probably ferment soon and become a topic of public opinion. If you don't do it well, you will be ruined, You Ning."

"Don't they just want me to be ruined?" Luo Yao said calmly, "But I just can't let them get what they want."

"I have already called Minister Wang Xueting and asked him to use administrative means to investigate and deal with these newspapers that are making up nonsense and spreading rumors. If we find one, we will shut down one!" Dai Yunong said.

"Sir, it is better to guard against the people than to guard against Sichuan. If only one or two newspapers are reporting randomly and spreading rumors to cause trouble, of course we can use regular methods and directly investigate and deal with it. But now that the other party can actually mobilize so many newspapers to spread rumors, it shows that The other party is not afraid of our military commander. In addition, buying a newspaper also requires money, and the financial backer behind Reporter Jiang is not simple!" said Luo Yao.

Dai Yunong was silent.

To say that the mountain city is not afraid of the people and forces of the military, there are quite a lot of them. Who has ever been afraid of those with power and guns?

But the military commander doesn't have to provoke such a person unless he has a strong handle, which is another matter.

Luo Youning has always kept a low profile in the military. If he had to say he had a grudge against anyone, it would only be the Japanese.

If a spy lurking in the mountain city is really causing trouble this time, then the power of this spy would be too terrifying.

"Can we find this person out?"

"If he didn't take action, it would be really difficult, but he has already started to take action, and the fox's tail has been exposed. Is it still far to catch him?" Luo Yao explained, in fact, this is also a good thing, if it is true as he guessed If this person continues to lurk, he will be more destructive in the future, but he jumps out now.

Then it is tantamount to actively exposing yourself.

"Okay, then find him out."

"Sir, there is no need for a special response from the military commanders. They want to compete with us in public opinion, so let's defeat them in public opinion openly." Luo Yaodao said, "They failed this time. They will try to use similar means again in the future. If you frame us, no one will believe it."

"I understand what You Ning means. If we win this time, it will be equivalent to getting a gold medal to avoid death. If something similar happens next time, the people will not believe it." Mao Qiwu said.

"Yes, if we use other means to suppress this matter, there will be endless troubles in the future, and the military commander will eventually be cast aside by everyone because of the more negative comments he gets as he gets older."

Dai Yunong looked at Luo Yao with brighter and brighter eyes, and he liked him more and more. Unfortunately, he did not have a daughter, and the Dai family did not seem to have a woman of the right age. Otherwise, it would have been okay...

"You Ning, are you just making such arbitrary remarks?"

"Yes, the student made a mistake."

"You Ning is right. Loyalty is hard to hear. Our military command also has to take into account its reputation externally. The Communist Party calls us executioners all day long. Even within our party-state, many people call us this. Of course, they are afraid of us, but they are also There are some things we do that are really easy to criticize. These are things we need to correct. This may be an opportunity for the outside world to change their views on our military uniform!" Dai Yunong said, "You Ning, if you have any ideas, you might as well say it. ?”

"The student union is personally suing these slanderous newspapers and the writers of the reports. In addition to a public apology, they also need to compensate me for mental and reputational damage. My request is not high, and the mental and reputational damage costs are one yuan each." Luo Yao said.

"Isn't this too cheap for these newspapers?" Mao Qiwu asked.

"How could it be? Once they are found guilty of defamation and ordered to apologize and compensate, our press and publishing authorities can ban their qualifications to run newspapers, revoke their licenses, and then set up a roster of tainted journalists. Any newspaper that hires a tainted reporter or publishes an article written by a tainted reporter must be reviewed by the press and publishing authorities..." Luo Yao continued.

Hearing this, Dai Yunong and Mao Qiwu's eyes lit up. This method is good. There are many things that can be done here.

This is much smarter than sending people to destroy the newspaper office, and it will not be criticized by others, and it is completely morally defensible.

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