The secret war is silent

Chapter 595 The person behind the scenes

"Mr. Qin, although you are the commander of the military, you must know that the power behind Mr. Ye is beyond your imagination. I advise you not to cause trouble yourself, otherwise, there is nothing impossible about another floating corpse on the Jialing River! "

"Do you really think that I can't beat Mr. Ye?" Luo Yao smiled, although he didn't know much about Mr. Ye.

But he also knew that his biggest reliance was the Brother Pao organization in the mountain city, but although this organization was a Jianghu gang.

But the basic morality is still talked about, such as benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, trust, these are their five halls, and naming them with these five characters shows that they also know that the brand of morality must be established.

Without this thing, no matter how big the Jianghu gang is, it will be destroyed in an instant. This has been a rule for thousands of years.

How many people who claim to be evil and do all kinds of bad things can survive for a long time?

Of course, if you want to say that good people don't live long and the harm lasts for thousands of years, that's just making excuses. There is still a difference between individuals and gangs.

As long as murder and arson are not the mainstream in this society, and there is still basic order, it must conform to mainstream values.

This is "potential".

Whoever masters this "power" will be invincible. Of course, there must be a prerequisite. You must have the capital to fight.

"I'm afraid you don't know the relationship between Young Master Ye and Third Master Shi of Anshe. They are as close as father and son. If you offend Young Master Ye, you are tantamount to offending Third Master Shi. Do you understand?"

"Oh, so that's it. However, I still stick to my opinion and restore the original truth of this matter."

"Is the truth that important?"

"Lu Fang, don't forget that you are a lawyer!"

"So what about lawyers? In this world, if you have money and power, you will have the truth and make sense. If you don't have money and power, you can only accept your fate." Lu Fang said, "Mr. Qin, I advise you to accept your fate as an anti-Japanese soldier." The title of hero cannot help you. Look, those so-called anti-Japanese heroes are famous on stage, but a few have good endings off stage. They are just a fig leaf promoted by the government for the public to see."

"I didn't expect that your ideas are so extreme and you would be so aware of the government's actions." Luo Yao frowned slightly.

"It's not that I'm being extreme, but that's the truth. Do you want me to give you a few examples? I'll tell you, these examples I mentioned were all based on my on-the-spot investigation, not just hearsay." Lu Fang was a little excited. The way.

"Can I hear it?"

"Mr. Qin wants to hear it, of course I can tell you, but after you listen, just pretend that I never said it, okay?"

"Okay." Luo Yao nodded.

The first one is the story of the War of Resistance in Sichuan. I won’t mention the specific unit numbers. Two brothers were drafted into the army one after another. The elder brother died in the battle first and received a certificate of honor and a pension of 20 yuan. The family used the 20 yuan. Dayang arranged a marriage for his younger brother. Not long after the marriage, his younger brother was not drafted into the army. Not long after, the family got the news that his younger brother also died in the war. At this time, his younger brother's daughter-in-law was pregnant with a child, but in addition to the elderly in the family, There was no other man left for his father. The two brothers died for the country one after another. The father was so angry that he let go and went west, but his family’s few acres of paddy fields were remembered...

Luo Yao could have guessed the ending of the story. The family was destroyed, the old mother committed suicide by drowning in the river, the younger brother's child died, and the wife went crazy.

But this is the home of two anti-Japanese heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country. If they had not joined the army, would they have ended up where they are today?

The second story is about a businessman with a little bit of money. He became a positive figure because he supported the anti-Japanese war and donated money and materials. However, he was also targeted. As a result, he was framed as a communist and his family property was confiscated. It is said that the local police The director took away three cartloads of things from his house, and the house was occupied by the people who framed him. He didn't take it seriously, and even took his own family into it.

The third man was a battalion commander of the Sichuan Army. He fought bravely and made many military exploits. However, he had a bad temper and was not good at currying favor with his superiors. During a battle, one of his legs was blown off by a cannonball. His life was saved, but He couldn't stay in the army anymore. When he returned home, he found that his wife and family property had been usurped by others. He wanted to file a complaint, but no one made the decision for him. After the last bit of disability pension was exhausted, he could only beg on the street.

The Japanese bombed the mountain city, and he was killed because he could not walk fast on one leg. In the end, even if they wanted to build a tomb for him, they could not find any decent clothes.

These three people are all heroes, but their endings are tragic. Is this an individual case, or is it universal?

Luo Yao knew very well that if something like this happened, it was probably not an isolated case, and the internal conflicts were suppressed by external conflicts.

Of course, Luo Yao is different from these people. They are heroes, but they are unable to resist, or they resisted but were suppressed.

Lu Fang didn't know his true identity. Maybe he had never heard of him before, so he spontaneously put him into the range of people he knew or was familiar with.

If he were the Sichuan Army battalion commander whose leg was blown off, indeed, he wouldn't be able to fight those people, and the most he could do would be to stay away from this sad place and die silently.

He is not that patriotic businessman. He only has money, but does not have the power and force to protect his wealth.

"Mr. Qin, it's better not to pursue the matter. There are some people you really can't afford to offend."

"But now it's not me who wants to be held accountable, but they who want to put me to death. Can't I even fight back?" Luo Yao asked rhetorically.

"Well..." Lu Fang was also stunned for a moment, and then said, "Actually, Mr. Qin can find someone to set up a table with wine and apologize sincerely. This shouldn't be so difficult."

"Hahaha..." Luo Yao laughed.

"Mr. Qin, if you are willing, I can help. After all, I know a few people in the mountain city..."

"No need, I thought you were a lawyer with a sense of justice, that's why you asked people to come over for a talk. I didn't expect you to be the same as those people." Luo Yao sneered, "Forget it, today's conversation That’s it, I’ll treat you to this cup of coffee.”

Lu Fang was stunned. This guy surnamed Qin was really stubborn and refused to listen to advice at all. This kind of person is young and energetic, and he will never look back until he hits the wall.

"Mr. Qin, for the sake of inviting me to drink this cup of coffee, I would like to give you one last piece of advice: a good man never suffers immediate consequences. If you provoke someone you shouldn't provoke, the best way is to spend money to eliminate the disaster. Consider yourself unlucky!" Lu Fang stood up, glanced at the coffee, and said sincerely.

"Thank you. Maybe it's not me who provoked the person I shouldn't have provoked?" Luo Yao sneered.

Lu Fang shook his head, smiled, and left without looking back.

"Boss, who is this person? How dare you refuse you?" Xin Xiaowu had been observing the goings-on here, and when he saw Lu Fang leaving, he immediately ran over.

"An arrogant lawyer who calls me a human being." Luo Yao chuckled, "Xiao Xin, I'll give you a task. Help me find out the details of Lu Fang in detail."

"Yes, boss." Xin Xiaowu nodded. He promised to know the color of Lu Fang's underwear every day and how many times he went to the toilet.

"Cook me a simple meal. I'll eat it and take a rest here." Luo Yao ordered, "Don't make it special for me. Just make it the same as your lunch."


Just as Luo Yao was about to eat, Gong Hui came over.

"I knew you would have lunch here." Gong Hui saw Luo Yao's simple employee meal and smiled, "Xin Xiaowu, give me one too, my sister hasn't eaten either."

"Okay, sister, come right away." Xin Xiaowu quickly agreed. Fortunately, there was still room for what he had done today, otherwise he would have been embarrassed.

"How did those two people meet?"

"It's okay. That Li Hu is really stable. It can be seen that he is still a little resistant to this case, but he finally took it."

"Where's Yan Ling?"

"I refused directly, but after my persuasion, I took on the case." Gong Hui said with a smile.

"Oh, what did you say?" Luo Yao asked.

"I told her, you litigated cases for so many poor women and fought for justice for them. Didn't you accuse people unjustly?" Gong Hui said.

"Did she miss the case?"

"Yes, when I first started working, I fought a lawsuit for a woman. I helped her win the case and received a lot of compensation. Later I found out that the woman Hongxing cheated on her, but the bad guy complained first, and in the end the man He was poisoned to death by a woman and an adulterer, and he also took possession of other people's property, and he is still at large!" Gong Huidao.

"Didn't she turn the case over?"

"Everyone is dead, and there is no proof of death, not even the person who suffered the death. How can we reverse the case?" Gong Hui smiled bitterly.

"Is that why?"

"She has a knot in her heart, and I said we should help her and let that bitch couple go to hell," Gong Hui said.

"She is a lawyer, but she actually knows how to break the law?"

"She didn't break the law, and I might not break the law. If she can't do something, I might not," Gong Hui said.

"It's interesting. After taking this step, there will be a second step and a third step. You are dragging a person who originally adheres to principles into the abyss. I don't know whether you have done a good job or a bad job. "Luo Yao was stunned.

"If she can't untie this knot in her heart, she will be tortured to seal it sooner or later. I'm helping her." Gong Hui said, "What about you, Lu Fang, have you convinced him?"

"This Lu Fang is too arrogant. He believed that I would lose and even advised me to stop. It would be better to bow my head and admit my mistake and ask for the other party's forgiveness." Luo Yaodao.

"Oh, there is such a person?" Gong Hui was surprised, "Doesn't he know your identity? Would he say that?"

"He knows that my opponent is more powerful, Mr. Ye, and behind him is Mr. Shi from Anshe. What do you think?" Luo Yao smiled bitterly.

"He actually knows that Mr. Ye is behind Jiang Lin. It seems that this Lu Fang is very well-informed. Does he know so much?" Gong Hui was a little surprised, although it was also rumored that Jiang Lin had a boyfriend named Ye, who was very popular in the mountain city recently. Have a reputation.

But the fact that Lu Fang could say it with certainty is enough to show that this guy is not very well-informed. It's just that he doesn't know who Luo Yao is. If he knew, he probably wouldn't say this.

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