The secret war is silent

Chapter 612 Why...

"Who among you is the leader?"

"Sir, I, I..." A man who looked a little older and had a scar on his left cheek raised his hand and stood up.

"Come out, I have something to ask you!"

"Hey, okay." Scarface didn't dare to be careless and walked out quickly, followed by the members of the detective brigade.

Zhuangzi is half a warehouse and half a house. It is inhabited by people and is an important stronghold. It is normal for gangs and gangs to set up private courts.

Therefore, there is no shortage of dungeons and torture chambers, which saves trouble.

"What is your name?"

"Thank you, thank you Daba..." Scarface bent over and said submissively, not even daring to raise his head.

"Where are you from?"

"Qianxi Dog Farm."

Luo Yao was stunned for a moment. He knew about Qianxi, but he had never heard of the name of this dog farm. China is such a big place, so it was normal for him to have never heard of many place names.

"How did you get to the mountain city?"

"A few years ago, there was a riot at home, so I ran away in order to survive. In the past few years, I have been on the move. I couldn't stay in one place for three months, so I had to move. It's like a bereaved dog." Xie Daba said.

"Why don't you join the army?"

"I don't dare to go. How many of those who came out of Sichuan to fight against the Japanese came back alive? I'm afraid of death. Once they get to the army, they will definitely be destined to be cannon fodder. The Japanese are all as ferocious as green faces and fangs..." Xie Daba said while still showing a hint of fear.

"Who told you that Japanese people have green faces and fangs?" Luo Yao was angry. What kind of rumors are these?

"That's what the fortune teller said."

"Where is the fortune teller, where?" Luo Yao asked with a little more caution.

"Yunyang, Zhang Fei Temple." Xie Daba said, "Everyone there knows that there is a fortune teller named Mi Banxian'er."

"You came to the mountain city under the guidance of Mi Banxian'er, right?"

"How do you know, sir?"

"Did he say that your noble man is in the mountain city? As long as you bring your brothers here and meet the noble man, you will become famous?" Luo Yao chuckled.

"Sir, do you know this Mi Banxian'er?" Xie Daba raised his head in surprise and asked.

"Haha, I don't know him."

"You don't know me, how do you know what Mi Banxian'er said to me?" Xie Daba's eyes dropped in shock.

"Hahaha..." Except for Xie Daba, everyone else in the room was happy. Needless to say, don't all fortune tellers in the world have this routine?

"Did Mi Ban Xian'er tell you who the noble person you met is?"

"He didn't say anything. He said the secret must not be leaked. He only said that he would know when I arrive." Xie Daba shook his head.

"You believe it?"

"I didn't believe it at first, but after I arrived in the mountain city, I could only lead a group of brothers to work hard on the dock. Finally one day, a man named Uncle Xiang was looking for someone to work on the dock. I saw that the wages were good. The work was not very heavy, so he took a dozen of his brothers there, and then we started working under him. Uncle Xiang said they were some kind of secret military organization..."

Hearing this, Luo Yao's expression changed drastically. On the ground in the mountain city, there was actually someone pretending to be a military organization!

This is simply appalling.

"Is this the order they gave you to kidnap Reporter Jiang?"

"Uncle Xiang personally gave the order. He said that this woman published an article in the newspaper that slandered military unification and asked us to teach her a lesson." Xie Daba said.

"Do you know where this place is?"

"I know, Uncle Xiang said, this is a secret manor and warehouse belonging to Shancheng Pao Brother, the helmsman, Zi Renzi, Anshe Shi Sanye. Shancheng Pao Brother and Juntong are from the same family. We have arrested people and sent them here. It is the safest Already." Xie Daba said.

"Do you know the people in the village?"

"I don't know. All our actions were arranged by Uncle Xiang. After we came here, we were arranged to live in the east wing. In order to keep it confidential, we were not allowed to talk to the people in the village. When the time came, they would bring us food... "

"Can you read?"

"I haven't studied, I don't know how to read..."

"Take him down and write down what he said verbatim, and ask him to press his fingerprints and make a mark!" Luo Yao ordered.


"Brother Yao, this group of people is so audacious. They actually pretended to be our military commander and took hostages. This is the birthday man eating arsenic. Are you tired of living?" Deng Yi and others were very popular.

"If they are not military commanders, how can they confirm the military commander's kidnapping of Jiang Lin?" Luo Yaodu said, "This Xie Daba, he was arranged to be a scapegoat from the beginning. He thought he had met someone noble!"

"But, I can't figure it out, how could they frame us?"

"A hero saves the beauty. Mr. Ye and Mr. Shi teamed up to rescue the kidnapped reporter Jiang. Finally, they found out that the kidnapper was a military commander. The military commander's ID was found at the scene. When the time comes, we won't be able to explain it clearly." Luo Yao sneered.

"This, this is too vicious."

"Vicious, if the time comes to catch someone alive and confess what I ordered, then you can't even get rid of it even if you jump into the Yellow River!"

Deng Yi and others all took a breath of air. If this is really the case, it would be too cruel.

"But Mr. Shi is also a prominent figure in the mountain city. How could he do such a thing together with someone like Ye Chuan?"

"You think that a prominent figure like Shi Xiaoxian will respect his identity, but you are also impressed by the fact that he has done many dirty things behind his back?" Luo Yaodao said, "Selling cigarettes and harming the people of the country, can this be considered a good person?"

"Gangsters like Shi Xiaoxian don't take the government seriously at all. They think they can do whatever they want with tens of thousands of Pao Ge gang members. They need to be resolutely suppressed without mercy!" Luo Yaodao.

"Call the man in charge of the village named Shi Gui!" Luo Yao ordered.


After a while, a middle-aged man wearing a brocade-covered cotton robe was brought in. He was short in stature and had a three-inch beard under his chin. He looked shrewd.

He was different from that Xie Daba. He didn't look scared at all, but had a calm expression.


"Yes, sir."

"Do you know why I called you here?"

"I am a good citizen. I have always abided by the law. I don't understand why the commander sent troops to surround this place." Shi Gui asked in a tone that was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Kidnapping and smuggling, are they considered violations of law and discipline?" Luo Yao chuckled. He knew that Shi Xiaoxian was not an ordinary person, and his subordinates must have always been defiant.

"Kidnapping, where's the evidence?"

"Is the Miss Jiang in the east wing also from the mansion?"

"Miss Jiang is not from our village. He just lives in the village. How can we talk about kidnapping?" Shi Gui denied.

"Did she take the initiative to sojourn, or did someone else ask her to stay?"

"This..." Shi Gui stopped asking. His answer will have a lot to do with it. If he takes the initiative, then he will be inseparable from the "kidnapping". If it is someone else who is staying, then Ye Chuan will definitely be involved. .

This Ye Chuan was his good brother who was in charge of the helm. If he knew that he had betrayed Ye Chuan, that would be fine.

"Of course Miss Jiang took the initiative to stay!"

"Yesterday was the Lantern Festival. Miss Jiang shouldn't have gone home to celebrate the festival with her parents. How could she take the initiative to live with you?" Luo Yao continued to ask.

"How do I know this? Miss Jiang is our third master's friend. She wants to come and stay for a few days. Of course I can't refuse!"

"Did you tell Mr. Shi about Miss Jiang's sojourn?"

"No, I haven't had time to report yet."

"Shouldn't such an important matter be reported immediately? Are you hiding something?" Luo Yao pressed forward step by step.

"No, yesterday was the Lantern Festival, I was so busy that I forgot!"

"Forgot?" Luo Yao smiled. This Shi Gui was obviously trying to protect and cover up Ye Chuan. He even guessed that Shi Xiaoxian might not know about it.

But for such a big matter, Luo Yao seemed to be implicated in Shi Xiaoxian, so how could he pretend that he didn't know about it?

"You lied. You called your Third Master Shi once last evening, right?" Luo Yao asked, "You remember to call your Third Master Shi to report the matter on Zhuangzi. You won't put Jiang Have you forgotten about Miss’s ears?”

When Shi Gui heard this, a layer of fine beads of sweat instantly appeared on his forehead.

"You conspired with gangsters to kidnap former Central News Agency reporter Jiang Lin in an attempt to blame the military commander and provoke a confrontation between Mr. Shi and the military commander. Am I right?"

"No, that's not the case, I didn't." Shi Gui tried his best to retort. He knew that once this crime was placed on him, he would die without a burial.

"No, now there is irrefutable evidence and everyone has the stolen goods. What else can you say?" Luo Yao sneered, "This arrest operation was carried out under the witness of ten reporters. Your crimes will be committed tomorrow morning." I'll meet with the newspaper, and then let's see how you explain it to Mr. Shi!"

When Shi Gui heard the words, he panicked instantly. This was killing people and hurting his heart. He knelt down to Luo Yao with a bang: "Sir, I really didn't do it. All of this was Mr. Ye's intention. He asked me to do this." made."

"Master Ye, Ye Chuan?"

"Yes, it's Young Master Ye Chuan." Shi Gui lowered his head and said.

"What did he tell you?" Luo Yao continued to ask.

"He just told me that he wanted to send Miss Jiang to stay with me for two days to avoid the limelight. It would be troublesome if she fell into the hands of the military commander," Shi Gui said.

"Didn't he tell you how he sent Miss Jiang to you?" Luo Yao asked.

"He didn't say that. He and Miss Jiang are boyfriend and girlfriend. It's only natural that he sent Miss Jiang here." Shi Gui said, "There is no doubt about this."

"Deng Yi, show him." Luo Yao gave Deng Yi a look.

Deng Yi took out a ticket from his pocket and handed it over.

Shi Gui reached out and took it. When he opened it, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He had clearly been tricked.

"Do you understand now?" Deng Yi took the "extra number" from his hand and said.

"Sir, I really don't know why Mr. Ye did this. He is..." Shi Gui was frightened and spoke incoherently.

"Place the blame on the military commander and set off another storm of public opinion. When the time is right, he will come out as a hero to save the beauty and become a hero praised by everyone."

"But Mr. Ye, why did he do this?"

"Because he wants to completely ruin my reputation." Luo Yao said calmly.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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