The secret war is silent

Chapter 629: Tang Bureau claimed to be ill

Half an hour later, Luo Yao took off his headphones.

This Lu Fang does have a way of talking, and his words are impeccable. Of course, Ye Chuan is also a smart person, and there are basically no loopholes that can be exploited.

As for the woman named Axiang, she hardly spoke during the whole process.

They must have communicated privately.

Others couldn't hear it, but Luo Yao could hear it. It was the sound of fingers writing with water on the table, although the pickup effect of the eavesdropper was not very good.

"After they left, we went in and took a look. Although the tabletop was wiped, we could see water stains on it." Gong Hui told Luo Yaodao.

"Have the recording been listened to by Li Hu and Yan Ling?" Luo Yao nodded and asked.

"Not yet. This is our secret method. If they know about it and spread it, I'm afraid it will have a bad impact." Gong Hui shook her head. How could some of the military commander's methods be known to outsiders.

"It's okay. Know yourself and the enemy. Li Hu and Yan Ling also need to understand this Lu Fang, otherwise how will they defeat their opponent?" Luo Yao said, "The means and process are not important, as long as the result is just."

"Okay, let them come over and listen to this recording." Gong Hui nodded.

"The location and personnel of the military technical room have basically been decided. We have to go back for a meeting in the evening to explain the situation to everyone." Luo Yao said, "Why don't you go back first, and I will explain the matters here later. , go back too.”

"Okay, where is the location?"

"Huangjiaoya on the south bank, Liu's Garden." Luo Yao said.

"It's almost as we predicted in advance. Can we start preparations for the move now?" Gong Hui said.

"Well, we can proceed after the documents are officially issued." Luo Yao said, "But we can look for some good houses in advance, first come, first served."

"Well, I'll call Lao Qi later and ask him to come over immediately and rent the best house for us first," Gong Hui said.

"There will definitely be a lot of people taking care of their families this time. After we move out, the Military Command Headquarters in Ciqikou may move part of it there. In this way, the Military Command will also give us part of the settlement allowance. I have to look for this money. Director Yang of the General Affairs Office..." When Luo Yao thought about it, it was really a lot of things.

"Brother Yao, Sister Hui, come here." Deng Yi appeared at the door and greeted.

Luo Yao and Gong Hui nodded, walked out, and followed Deng Yi to another room, which was also his usual office.

"Brother Yao, this is Xu Huanshan." Deng Yi took out a photo and handed it over.

The person in the photo has a slightly taller build and is not very tall. More importantly, his face is completely different from the "Xu Huanshan" that the photo team took.

"This Xu Huanshan is not in good health. He rarely even goes to his own store..." Deng Yi reported the findings from the investigation to Luo Yaohui.

"It seems that someone took advantage of this and assumed Xu Huanshan's identity." Gong Hui said.

"Such fraudulent use can be easily detected, and this Xu Huanshan is also a frequent visitor to Fanxing Cafe..."

"Unless he is sure that he will not be exposed, or even if he is exposed, he can get away with it?"

"If this Xu Huanshan goes to the cafe again, send someone to follow him." Luo Yao ordered, "Remember not to alert the enemy."

"Understood." Deng Yi said, "I will make arrangements now."

"Is it her?" Gong Hui asked Luo Yaodao in a low voice.

"I'm not sure, but it looks like it."

"If it's really her, then she's really hidden, and we've all been deceived by her." Gong Hui said.

"Didn't we never believe her anyway?"

"That's true."

"Then I'll leave first." Gong Hui said.

"Slow down on the road and be careful." Luo Yao warned.

"Brother Yao, do you want to take measures against Nanhua Trading Company?" Deng Yi and Cao Hui walked in together and asked Luo Yao.

"Well, without further ado, this matter should be repaid as soon as possible."

"The ingredients of the cough water have been detected and contain highly addictive substance D. It is the responsibility of our police department to combat opium, tobacco, and substance D. Nanhua Company is the source of this batch of cough water. We should seal it and Control the person in charge." Cao Hui agreed.

"Not only Nanhua Trading Company, but also all pharmacies selling this kind of cough syrup in the city are under investigation, and all cough drops sold are sealed and impounded!" Luo Yao added.

"Understood, but for such a big operation, the director of Tang Bureau must issue an order." Deng Yi said, although the detective brigade has a lot of power, the branches do not listen to them.

"Tang Bureau will support it." Luo Yao chuckled.

Tang Yi was sitting in the office, his head was pounding. This afternoon, intercession calls came one after another.

Although he is the chief of the Shancheng Police Department and the Sheriff of Shancheng, he is not a small person, but now Shancheng is the capital, and all the officials of the Republic of China government are here.

If you compare him here, he is very insignificant, not to mention the generals in the Sichuan Army, all of whom are inextricably related to Brother Pao.

Shi Xiaoxian's status is so special. Those who have received favors and have friendship with him cannot just sit idly by.

Of course, anyone who can become a general must have some brains. This time Shi Xiaoxian committed a serious crime and was caught. He couldn't do it forcefully, so he had to do it softly.

Moreover, the intercessors were getting older each time, so I could only explain patiently. Some people had very bad tempers and would not listen at all. If their intercessors did not make sense, they would curse and threaten...

Tang Yi wanted to cut off the phone line.

But he didn't dare. If the superiors really wanted to find him, and he deliberately cut off the phone line, the consequences would be very serious.

After finally getting off work, he didn't want to stop for a moment. He just packed up, got in the car and left.

According to this situation, I can't go back home, I can only hide with my lover.

But when his driver just started the car.

A man stood in front of the car with a smile.

"Ouch, my Director Luo, why are you here again..." Tang Yi was full of resentment. He couldn't order the driver to run over him directly.

"Please sign two orders. One is to seal down Nanhua Trading Company. The other is to confiscate and seal cough drops from all pharmacies selling in the city. At the same time, seal up Tiantong Pharmaceutical under the name of Anshe." Luo Yao handed over the order that he had prepared long ago. The paperwork was taken out.

"Director Luo, haven't you done enough?" Tang Yi said, "Shi Laosan was caught by you, aren't you satisfied?"

"The ban on smoking is a national policy, and the cough water produced by Tiantong Pharmaceutical in imported packets contains highly addictive D-substances, which is prohibited from sale internationally. After drinking this cough water, it will be like smoking opium, and you will never be able to smoke again." We can't live without it, do you want to seal it up?" Luo Yao explained.

"So serious?" Tang Yi was also shocked.

"This is the test report. Not only was it done by the bureau, I also asked experts to conduct the test. The conclusions are the same." Luo Yao also handed over the test report.

"Even if you seal up and arrest people, you're not in a hurry?"

"What if the other party destroys the evidence and then absconds in fear of crime?" Luo Yao asked rhetorically.

"Sign now?"

"Yes, right now."

"But I'm already off work. Besides, even if I sign, it needs to be stamped to be valid..." Tang Yi still wanted to delay it.

"I have a pen here. In addition, I sent someone to ask your secretary to bring out the official seal!" Luo Yao took out his personal pen and handed it over.

Tang Yi almost bit the tip of his tongue. There was nothing he could do. If he didn't sign or seal it, Luo Yao would go find someone to complain as soon as his butt changed.

At that time, he will be the first to be unlucky, and no one will be left behind if they are arrested and sealed.

Only then did he realize that this young man with the nickname "Fox of Military Command" was also extremely ruthless in his actions.

This is catching your opponent and biting him to death.

Offending such a person will set the grass on the ancestor's grave on fire.

"Thank you Bureau Tang. The order will be issued to all branches immediately. Actions will be launched in the city and surrounding counties to seize the cough drops sold in pharmacies tomorrow morning. The seizure of Nanhua Trading Company and Tiantong Pharmaceutical will be carried out tonight!" Luo Yao got it. Order, thank you.

"Director Luo, why don't you, the chief of the police station in this mountain city, just let you sit here so that I can have my leisure time?" Tang Yi said with a dark face.

"If you feel uncomfortable with your heart, you can rest for two days. When you recover, you can come back and take charge of the work." Luo Yao chuckled.

The speaker may not be unintentional, but the listener is intentional. This is really a way to find an excuse and hide out, right?

As the case briefing was held and a day passed, public opinion began to reverse.

After all, Mr. Ye Chuan has been arrested and sent to the police station, and his dog food is gone. Those newspapers that are unconscionable for money will naturally stop working hard to speak for Ye Chuan.

The chief executive of Anshe was actually involved in the kidnapping case of "reporter Jiang Lin". This is something that is shocking.

The facts and evidence are all in front of you.

Mr. Shi was also forced to leave the Shi Mansion on his own initiative, and was then taken away by the detective brigade of the police station for investigation.

If he was really wronged and Mr. Shi could still be so good-tempered, he would probably have given up his job long ago.

If Brother Pao quits and goes on strike, the life and public order of the people in the mountain city will be completely disrupted.

But now that there is no such serious situation, it is obvious that Mr. Shi is really guilty and is in the wrong.

In fact, Luo Yao got the news quietly from Dai Yunong that the old man had ordered the military police and the Central Army troops stationed near the mountain city to be prepared. If Brother Pao really made any move, the old man might order a suppression.

The old man is serious this time.

Even the special area of ​​​​Juntong Shancheng, the special agent brigade directly under the bureau headquarters, and the field teams at all levels below have received orders to be on standby and are on standby.

Dai Yunong was betting on the fate of the military commander this time. He cooperated with Luo Yao to play a big game, and Luo Yao naturally wanted to maximize the benefits.

If it ends hastily, I would be very sorry for Boss Dai’s strong support.

After delivering the order to Deng Yi and explaining the precautions, Luo Yao left Yang Fan and others to help.

Driving back alone.

On the way back to the headquarters of the secret interpretation room, he passed by Shapingba and planned to spend twenty minutes to meet with Old Wu and exchange reports on the recent situation.

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