The secret war is silent

Chapter 649: Give up

Before the results of Su Li's interrogation came out, Wen Zishan called, and Guo Xiang couldn't bear the pressure and spoke.

Luo Yao takes a rest.

When the wine was almost gone, he called Yang Fan and drove to Wen Zishan.

"Brother, Guo Xiang has basically confessed that he doesn't know Xie Daba at all, and he was not the mastermind behind the kidnapping of reporter Jiang Lin. Someone asked him to do all of this. His previous confession was given to him by Axiang. , surrendered, and took the blame were all what Axiang instructed him to do."

"Axiang, isn't it Ye Chuan?"

"Guo Xiang said that Axiang trusted Ye Chuan far more than him. He was just someone sent by Master Ye to look after Ye Chuan's food and daily life. Ye Chuan left many things to Axiang, and he couldn't interfere. I didn’t dare to ask any more questions after I got started." Wen Zishan said.

"It seems that what we expected is correct. Guo Xiang is nominally the housekeeper of Ye Mansion, but in fact he has no power at all. Axiang is Ye Chuan's most trusted confidant." Luo Yao nodded, "We asked about Axiang's origins. ?"

"Axiang is also a Chinese from Malai, but he had no connection with the Ye family before. He was brought back from outside by Ye Chuan after he returned to Malai. When he first came, he was dirty and looked like a beggar. Later, he became She became the girl in Ye Chuan's room, and he couldn't explain their relationship clearly. Anyway, Axiang is very afraid of Ye Chuan and obeys Ye Chuan's orders!" Wen Zishan emphasized at the end, "This is Guo Xiang's. Exact words."

"Guo Xiang has made a breakthrough here, which is a good thing." Luo Yao nodded.

"Brother, since Guo Xiang has confessed, the mastermind of the kidnapping case is Ye Chuan. Can we apply to arrest Ye Chuan again?"

"Don't worry, Ye Chuan is just a cooked duck now and can't fly. Unless he runs away on his own, there is no need to arrest him now." Luo Yao shook his head.

"Indeed, as long as he keeps an eye on Ye Gongguan, he won't be able to escape." Wen Zishan nodded.

"Have you asked anyone related to the Nanhua Trading Company that was seized?"

"Well, except for a few middle-level managers, everyone else knows very little. They just work to earn money. There is nothing suspicious about it."

"Then make arrangements and ask family members to come over as guarantees and release the person." Luo Yao ordered.


"Where's Tiantong Pharmaceutical?"

"Tiantong Pharmaceutical has been sealed. Their pharmaceutical factory and warehouse have been sealed. The manager, workshop director, engineers and technicians are all temporarily detained. They are all insiders and have confessed to the crimes they committed. However, the specific relationship between Shi Xiaoxian and Ye Chuan is not very clear, but they all know that the original solution of cough water is transported from the Zhuangzi where Shi Gui is guarding. After arriving at the pharmaceutical factory, they dilute it and pour it into the pharmaceutical factory. After packaging and disinfection, they are then sent to various pharmacies for sale. The amount produced every day will be taken out of the factory, and the supply exceeds demand."

"These harmful things must be destroyed in public and must not be kept to continue to harm people!" Luo Yao said.


"If the case is clearly handled, it will be handed over to the relevant agency for prosecution. The criminals will be handed over to the detention center. We are going to handle this case for all the people in Shancheng to see. There must be no flaws." Luo Yaodao, "Those who spread rumors and slander in newspapers, In the same way, after conviction, prosecution will be submitted together, and the punishment will be left to the judge.”

"Brother, do you want to use this case to clear the name of our military commander?"

"Well, it's not only for myself but also for the military commander. It kills two birds with one stone. Why not?" Luo Yao nodded.

"Of course, but when did our military commander need the approval of others?" Wen Zishan said.

"You, if the sky is crazy, there will be rain, and if people are crazy, there will be disaster. This is true for a person, and it is the same for an institution and an organization. There is no harm in restraining yourself." Luo Yao reminded.

"That's what the elder brother taught me." Wen Zishan agreed, but he didn't agree in his heart.

"That Hu Youjia still refuses to confess, right?"

"Luo Xue has been fighting with him." Wen Zishan said, "This guy made rude remarks, which angered Luo Xue and suffered a lot."

"After all this, he still dares to do this?" Luo Yao was a little surprised. This is not something that an ordinary person can do.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

This Hu Youjia is afraid that he also has a secret. Why should he hide it for Ye Chuan and refuse to tell Ye Chuan life or death?

The problem now is that a complete chain of evidence cannot be formed. As long as Shi Xiaoxian or Hu Youjia has an opening to connect the cough water with the box of Substance D, he will not be able to escape the severe punishment of the law.

Guo Xiang only stopped at A Xiang's side. Shi Xiaoxian refused to reveal Ye Chuan for the sake of brotherly loyalty. Hu Youjia should be the actual operator, but he did not admit the relationship between Nanhua Company and Ye Chuan, even though he knew that he was acting for Ye Chuan. Kawadai holds shares and is in charge of the company, but there is nothing he can do.

When the Nanhua Company was searched, no relevant equity documents were found. It was obvious that these documents had been removed or hidden.

As long as Hu Youjia insists that Nanhua Trading Company belongs to him, Ye Chuan will not be convicted in court.

If Axiang takes over the kidnapping matter again, Guo Xiang may not be able to find a suitable motive, but this is not necessarily the case for Axiang. She can completely use a woman's "jealousy" as a motive. When the time comes, plus lawyer Lu Fang's In defense, it is really possible for him to be exonerated.

If he hadn't been the son of a patriotic overseas Chinese from Nanyang, Luo Yao would have been able to find a crime against him.

It is not difficult to set up Ye Chuan. The problem is to offend the people behind it. With his influence in Nanyang, I am afraid that it will affect a large number of people's dislike of the government and even affect the safety of the Yunnan-Burma artery.

This is no joke, more than half of the truck drivers and mechanics on that artery are descendants of overseas Chinese from Nanyang.

If the Ye Chuan case arouses their dissatisfaction and a general strike is launched, who will be responsible for the consequences?

Jiang Lin came out to testify?

This Luo Yao never thought that his grudge with Jiang Lin had actually been settled long ago. It can be said that Ye Chuan took advantage of this incident to cause the rest, and she was also considered a victim.

He didn't want to leave an "aggressive" impression on the old man of the Jiang family, as long as she wouldn't stand up against him again.

"Deliberately irritating Luo Xue and distracting her is a way to resist interrogation. Most people don't have such awareness. Only people with special training or people with interrogation experience can do this." Luo Yao said, "Have you checked Hu Youjia's background?"

"After checking, he is not an overseas Chinese from Nanyang. He entered the country from Hong Kong. His place of birth is Fuzhou, Fujian. His age is 30 years old."

"Has a Xiecha notification been issued?"


"Send a co-investigation notice and see if we can find out anything. There are too many people in the mountain city now, and refugees have entered from all over the country. It is difficult to identify their identities. This also facilitates many people who are interested." Luo Yao ordered. .

"Okay, I'll go to Sixth Brother to approve it and send a co-investigation notice to the Southeast Station from the Inspection Office." Wen Zishan said, "This way they will also take it seriously."

"Where's the fortune teller at Zhang Fei Temple in Yunyang County?"

"I've returned to Yunyang County. He's gone a long time ago. I don't know where he went. This kind of person wanders around and won't stay in one place for long. It's hard to find him." Wen Zishan replied.

"Can you show me Hu Youjia's information?" Luo Yao didn't want to compete with Wen Zishan for any credit, but his brother would still do it if he could.

"Brother, you are out of touch when you say this." Wen Zishan said hurriedly and ordered someone to get Hu Youjia's information.

Hu Youjia's information is not much, only two pages. The first page is basic information, which is basically the same as what Wen Zishan said just now.

The second page is a resume. Before coming to Shancheng, I had very little resume. The general idea was that I worked as a deputy manager in an export trading company in Hong Kong.

The rest are all about the situation in the mountain city for more than a year, including interpersonal relationships, preferences, daily leisure, etc.

"This Hu Youjia likes to play Go?"

"Yes, he is a Go enthusiast. A rich man like him cannot just find a place to play dragon gate with others in the streets and alleys. Places like teahouses are too noisy, so he often goes to a club. This club is a membership-based club that brings together many Go enthusiasts, and many celebrities are still chess friends with him!" Wen Zishan explained.

"Who owns this club?"

"The eldest son of the Kong family."

"That's right. If Hu Youjia is from Ye Chuan, but he never goes to Ye Mansion, then how can he report to Ye Chuan, and how can Ye Chuan give him face-to-face instructions?" Luo Yao chuckled, "Ye Chuan He should also be a member of this club, right?"

"I really don't know about this. The identity information of their senior members is absolutely confidential and cannot be checked." Wen Zishan said.

"Check, was Hu Youjia also there when Ye Chuan went to this club? Is the timeline correct?"

"I understand, I'll send someone to investigate right now." Wen Zishan said urgently.

"Don't worry, these are easy to investigate and the clues will not disappear." Luo Yao laughed and stopped the anxious Wen Zishan.

"Brother, it's you who came here. Why didn't I find such an important clue?" Wen Zishan praised.

"You have no experience in this area. You will naturally have experience when your case is much worse." Luo Yao said, "No one knows this in one day. The opponent is very thoughtful and has already thought of his retreat. What does it mean?"

"It shows that this guy is very cunning."

"It's not only cunning, but also insidious. Ye Chuan deliberately framed me like this. Have you ever thought about his motive?"

"Brother, of course I have thought about this. Jiang Lin, a mere reporter, should not be allowed to use this method to deal with him. His target is brother, and the article Jiang Lin interviewed you and wrote can just be used. Big Brother Making a fuss, and at this time, the secret translation room is just about to be merged into a military technical room, and the eldest brother is going to take a step further. Once the eldest brother's reputation is ruined, everything will be in vain..."

"Have you noticed that Ye Chuan interacts with those people?"

"At present, there is no such thing." Wen Zishan shook his head, "Is it the one from the Kong family?"

"I have a grudge against Lin Dongchuan, but it is not for personal gain, but for public good. Of course, he almost ruined his future because of me, and even went to jail. It is natural to hate me, and it is understandable that he wants to ruin my reputation, but I always feel that I still have a grudge." No." Luo Yao leaned into Wen Zishan's ear and whispered, "I'm telling you, only you are allowed to know, this is just my guess..."

"What, brother, is this true?" Wen Zishan asked in shock and disbelief after hearing this.

"I'm confirming this guess, but now I have to pretend that I don't know everything, and I can't alert the enemy. Do you understand?"

"Understood, I won't tell anyone, brother, don't worry!" Wen Zishan swore.

"Okay, if I didn't believe you, I wouldn't tell you."

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