The secret war is silent

Chapter 654 Get in my car

"You Ning, get in my car."

Luo Yao was dragged into his car by Dai Yunong, which disgusted Mao Qiwu. This position was originally his.

But it doesn't matter, Luo Yao is no longer in the military system, and no matter how favored he is, his status cannot be threatened.

"You Ning, you really saved me this time when I went to Liuzhou. If something happens to the principal, I will be the first to be unlucky." Dai Yunong still felt a little frightened when he thought of the bombing.

The Japanese army actually dispatched nearly fifty aircraft, which was equivalent to sending all the aircraft capable of carrying out bombing operations from the 7th Flying Regiment stationed in Guangzhou.

This was obviously a premeditated action against the old man.

The Japanese just wanted to blow up the old man.

At this moment, in Hong Kong, the Japanese were still pretending to be secretly negotiating with them. This humiliation made Dai Yunong angry to the core.

The enemy is strong and we are weak. Even with his violent temper, we have to endure it.

"Sir, don't say that. Without your decisiveness, we would not have been able to capture our internal spies so easily, and the Japanese attack would have failed, and a batch of precious aviation ammunition would have been lost in vain." Luo Yao said hurriedly.

"Your humble character is what I like best. Some people think they have made a little contribution, so they raise their tails to the sky!" Dai Yunong snorted.

Luo Yao still knew what was happening in the military system. Dai Yunong was dissatisfied with Cao Lijun, who was working in Jinghai and had a conflict with Chen Gongshu, fighting for power and profit.

He was no longer part of the military command bureau, so he couldn't comment on this, so he could only respond with an awkward smile.

"Sir, the student knows that you are reminding me that I must be more modest and cautious when arriving at the military technical room, have a good relationship with Dr. Wen and his colleagues, and don't offend others easily..."

"Is that what I mean?" Dai Yunong rolled his eyes and glanced at Luo Yao and asked.

"That's not what you meant, what does that mean?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it." Dai Yunong waved his hand and asked, "By the way, why do you think that the Japanese are targeting the principal based on that sealed message?"

"Didn't the student explain it to you on the phone? He just guessed." Luo Yao said hurriedly.

"Really guessing?"

"This is not a random guess. It is also a reasonable guess based on the communication patterns between the Japanese Army's Third Division and the flying group below. The secret code was suddenly changed, and the envoy to Liuzhou was stuck again. At that time, it can be seen from the literal meaning of the code that there was a very secret bombing plan. Now that the Battle of Guinan is over, both sides are summarizing and resting. What secret operation requires the use of aircraft bombing at this time? ?”

"How do you know it was a bombing?"

"Then rain doesn't just fall from the sky."

"It makes sense. Hey, let me tell you, You Ning, you have such a quick mind, I was right about the nickname 'Fox of Military Command' I gave you." Dai Yunong nodded.

"Sir, you're complimenting me, but I'm just a little clever and not worth mentioning in front of you." Luo Yao said.

"You kid, you can sweeten people to death even if you have a sweet mouth. No wonder Gong Hui is devoted to you." Dai Yunong pointed at Luo Yao's nose.

With all conscience, he has never said anything "sugary" to Gong Hui.

"Gong Hui is following you, and I can rest assured. When I was in Jinmen, she helped me a lot. At that time, she was a female student who graduated from the police academy. There were very few girls in the police force at that time. She She is so beautiful, and she is very popular in school. Many male students like her, but no one can persist for three times. I once had an operation and needed a girl to cooperate, but she had to be a stranger, so I went to the police academy. Choosing someone, I fell in love with her..." Dai Yunong suddenly talked about the past acquaintance between him and Gong Hui.

"After that mission, I arranged for her to join the Peking City Police Station. After that, I didn't contact her for several years. Unexpectedly, by the time I thought of her again, Peiping had already fallen, and she was unwilling to sacrifice her life for the Japanese. I took off my police uniform and started working as a private detective. I didn't work for long. After I learned about her current situation, I sent a telegram to ask her to go to Jinghai. Her work in Jinghai is very good..." Dai Yunong said to Gong Hui. of the past, with a very nostalgic expression on one side.

Luo Yao listened quietly. He really didn't know about Gong Hui's past, and he had never asked about it. Everyone has a past. If she doesn't want to talk about it, you have to know it, but it will affect the relationship. If she wants to talk about it, If you come out, you will naturally speak out.

"Gong Hui hasn't told you any of this, right?"

"Sir, Gong Hui has indeed never mentioned this to the students. I know that her home is from the Northeast and she used to work in the Peking Police Department." Luo Yao nodded.

"She has only been working in Jinghai for a few months, and then she entered the temporary training class. You were also assigned to the same group. This is your fate." Dai Yunong said.

"Sir, what are you..."

"Everyone who knows about you two knows, why do you need to talk about it?" Dai Yunong asked with a smile.

Luo Yao smiled, it seemed that he really had to go to Gong Hui.

"You are no longer in the military command. The family rules I made are no longer effective for you. When will things be settled?" Dai Yunong's next words almost scared Luo Yao and bit his tongue.

"Sir, although the student no longer works in the Military Command Bureau, he is still a member of the Military Command. You set these family rules. I am your student. If I don't abide by it, how can I get other colleagues to abide by it and be convinced?" Luo Yao Ke never thought about getting married at this time. Even if he wanted to get married, it would have to be after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

Dai Yunong was stunned. Luo Yao was right. He was his most proud student. If he didn't abide by the prohibition he had set, then if someone didn't abide by it in the future, wouldn't he be able to use this as an argument?

Who will take the rules he set seriously in the future?

Dai Yunong couldn't help but regret a little. He asked the two of them to take care of the matter before the ban was issued. Then everything would be fine.

"You guys living together without knowing anything about each other will always make people gossip," Dai Yunong said.

"We live under the same roof, but we don't sleep in the same bed. Those who are clean will clean themselves up, and students are not afraid of being criticized," said Luo Yao.

"Isn't this what happened with Reporter Jiang this time?" Dai Yunong said.

"Next time there is an interview like this, just arrange a male reporter for me. Then everything will be fine."

"I can't tell you about this matter, so let's talk about the current matter." Dai Yunong said, "I don't want to call you over to report. Your current status is not suitable for going to the bureau headquarters."

Luo Yao nodded. The military technical room was organized under the attendant's room. According to the affiliation, he now belonged to the old man.

If he goes to Dai Yunong's place frequently, no matter what he does, he will be suspected of something bad. Whether he wants to or not, he has to avoid suspicion.

"Your command."

"What are you going to do with that Shi Xiaoxian?" Dai Yunong asked.

"Isn't this what you said?" Luo Yao kicked the ball directly to Dai Yunong. It is true that he alone cannot decide how to deal with this person. If the superiors are not satisfied, it will be useless no matter how well he does.

"According to his crime, how many years can he be sentenced?"

"The ban on smoking is a national policy. If you are charged according to the national law, you may have to go to jail." Luo Yao said matter-of-factly. With Shi Xiaoxian's sales volume, if he were an ordinary person, he would really have to go to jail.

"Is it possible to do something that has been closed for a year and a half?"

"Of course, the premise is that he doesn't take all the trouble on himself, then we have to stop the public from talking?" Luo Yao said.

"Hasn't he spoken yet?"

"It's a little loose, it should be soon." Luo Yao said, if this person were placed in the future, he would be a heinous crime, enough to be shot countless times, but now, he can be shot, but who will bear the consequences?

The Kuomintang is not the Communist Party, and it really doesn’t have the courage.

This matter must be left in the base area. Once the public trial is held, he will be taken directly to a graveyard in the suburbs and shot in the back of the head. He will be reincarnated as a good person in the next life.

"Let him speak as soon as possible, find him a better lawyer, sentence him to three to five years, and put this matter to rest." Dai Yunong ordered.

"Understood." Luo Yao nodded. These days, Dai Yunong is probably under a lot of pressure. Brother Pao has a close relationship with the Sichuan Army. Naturally, the generals of the Sichuan Army have to work together to protect people. They can't afford to look for Luo Yao. In fact, It was useless for them to look for him, Luo Yao couldn't talk to them.

They put pressure on Dai Yunong. Each of these military leaders is in charge of troops. They may not be active if you ask them to do things, but they are absolutely good at causing trouble for you. Moreover, some of them have secret connections with the north. Rise up against the central government’s infiltration.

This is a headache.

It would be really troublesome to force these people to unite.

"Has Ye Chuan's identity been found out?" Dai Yunong continued to ask. Anyway, it was still a long way back to the city, which was enough for them to talk about everything they could in the car without wasting time on returning.

"It's hard to say Ye Chuan's identity right now, but the possibility that the woman named Axiang next to him is a Japanese spy is very high."

"Spy, was your original guess right?" Dai Yunong was surprised.

"I think Ye Chuan comes from such a background, and his vision and knowledge are not bad. Why would he use this method to deal with me? This motive is really puzzling." Luo Yao said, "But if he was bribed by the Japanese, or he is If you were a spy, then all this would make sense.”

"This interview can reveal so many things, and also uncover a hidden spy. You Ning, I don't know if your luck is good or bad." Dai Yunong sighed.

"Of course I hope I don't have such good luck. The fewer spies in the mountain city, the better." Luo Yao smiled.

"This time the principal went to Liuzhou for a meeting. The person who leaked the secret of his whereabouts may not be in Liuzhou, but probably in the mountain city." Dai Yunong said.

"Has it been checked over there?"

"Although the principal took confidentiality measures before going, the itinerary was still made public to a small extent, but it is difficult to check now. Those who know the information are all important officials of the party and state, and some people just speak freely. Now when I get home, I will leak it casually. In a word, that is all possible, who can guarantee that all the servants in the family will have no problems?"

"Based on my understanding of the Japanese, once they fail, they will not give up easily. There may be a second or third time. Japan is a country that likes to play conspiracies and engage in misdeeds. If you win on a frontal battlefield, It's really shameful to think of using these crooked ways without us!" Luo Yao said angrily.

Dai Yunong chuckled: "Your summary is very insightful. The Japanese are like this. They always play such dirty tricks that cannot be put on the table. We will definitely win this war."

"Students also believe that the War of Resistance will definitely be won. It is just the darkness before dawn." Luo Yao said.

"Very good, having confidence is a good thing." Dai Yunong nodded, "This Ye Chuan has a special status. His father is a wealthy businessman in Nanyang. It is said that he also funded Mr. Sun Yat-sen's revolution back then. Although Ye Chuan is not his eldest son, he is also his. Son, I sent him to the country this time because I wanted to do my part in the war of resistance. Without conclusive evidence, we still have to be cautious."

"The student understands that that's why Deng Yi was granted bail. Otherwise, even if he has a foreign passport and wants to keep him, there is still a way." Luo Yao nodded, and Dai Yunong had already spoken. Unless there is substantial evidence, there is no way to keep him. If you want to arrest Ye Chuan, you must have conclusive evidence.

"No matter what, Ye Chuan cannot be freed from the crime of participating in smuggling and selling D products. He cannot blame others for this."

"Where's the kidnapped reporter?"

"There is no direct evidence pointing to him. Apart from Axiang, there is also a key witness that has not been found." Luo Yao said.


"It's Uncle Xiang who bribed and secretly commanded the bandit leader Xie Daba."

"Isn't it Guo Xiang, the housekeeper of Ye Mansion?"

"No, there is another person. Xie Daba has identified him and is sure that he did not accept Guo Xiang's order. He is another person who calls himself 'Uncle Xiang'." Luo Yaodao.

"The evidence chain is incomplete, and it can't even implicate Ye Chuan, but why did Guo Xiang surrender?" Dai Yunong asked strangely.

"Uncle Xiang and Xie Daba hid in the village under the name of 'Uncle Xiang' under Ye Chuan. Shi Xiaoxian must know this. Otherwise, how could Shi Gui agree to let Xie Daba and his gang hide in the village? Ye Chuan can't get rid of the relationship. If he doesn't admit it and blames Xie Daba for everything, he can get rid of the relationship, but that will trick Shi Xiaoxian. Can Shi Xiaoxian take the blame for him?" Luo Yaodao , "I think it was out of such considerations that he asked Guo Xiang to surrender, so that he could pick himself out. As for the things we copied from Zhuangzi, we had to let Shi Xiaoxian carry it alone. "Luo Yao explained.

"Well, it makes sense. The goods in Zhuangzi were confiscated. That is Shi Xiaoxian's problem and has nothing to do with Ye Chuan. On the contrary, Ye Chuan suffered huge losses because of it. According to this logic, Shi Xiaoxian will definitely not betray Ye Chuan out of loyalty. "Yes." Dai Yunong nodded. This case requires understanding the thoughts of these people before analyzing their motives.

Ye Chuan took the initiative to admit that he did it, and then arranged for Guo Xiang to surrender the next day. In fact, it was just for Shi Xiaoxian to see. He did not avoid what he had done and the responsibility he should bear. He was not deliberately cheating. his.

All this was done by the military commander, and it was even hinted that the military commander was just waiting for this opportunity to get him in.

Then he was calculated and used.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?

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