The secret war is silent

Chapter 662 Intractable Diseases

Over the past year, the secret interpretation room has accumulated a lot of "difficult and complicated problems", most of which have not been deciphered or even written down.

Only a few cases have achieved breakthroughs.

When it comes to deciphering secret codes, it is very difficult to decipher the original copy unless you get the code book. But how can this code book for encrypted communication be easily obtained?

Some signals will continue to exist after they are discovered, and finally some situations can be determined through analysis.

For example, where it was sent from, sometimes you can also determine the identity of the other party by identifying the sender...

Sending a telegraph is a technical job, although in theory, as long as you are not a fool, you can do this job through training.

However, some confidential messages cannot be sent to just anyone. They must be limited to familiar people.

So as long as you master the telegraph operator's sending technique, you can identify who sent the telegram and where it was sent.

This requires years of data collection to form a database, and the ears of the listening personnel are particularly important.

No machine has yet been invented that can identify radio wave signals, and the identification process can only be completed by human ears.

Therefore, people with special abilities like Wen Xueren are very important. Luo Yao must be very careful to find them. As long as he hears of such people there, he will do everything possible to get them.

Of course, it’s not just those with good ears who are competent, but those who can identify the differences. Therefore, out of ten ears with good hearing, one or two will be selected. After special training, none of them may meet the requirements.

This job is not easy to do, especially because it requires a working environment. In the secret interpretation room, there is a special quiet room with the best sound insulation materials.

This quiet room is a place for them to work, in order to avoid any external noise from disturbing them.

The "Golden Ears" class is a special group of beings and is a top secret.

The top secrets in the secret interpretation room are not only the "Golden Ears" class, but also the early "L" project, which specializes in deciphering the highest level of Japanese diplomatic code: Purple Secret.

This group has very few members, only a few people.

These naturally extended to the military technical room.

The secret communications between Hong Kong and Yamashiro, and such long messages, are definitely not the work of ordinary Japanese spies. If it is a commercial radio station, what kind of report needs such a long length?

Could it be...

Luo Yao thought of a situation, but he didn't dare to say it. This matter was not only top secret within the military command, but also highly sensitive and confidential within the national government.

He must go to see Dai Yunong once. Maybe this is a key opportunity to understand this plan.

He picked up the confidential phone on the table and put it down again. All calls made here, even confidential calls, are recorded. It only ensures that the dedicated line will not be eavesdropped by the outside world.

I made an excuse to leave Liu's Garden early and headed towards the main city.

No. 51 Zengjiayan.

Dai Yunong was obviously not here, and the person who greeted him was actually Yu Shuheng. She was half the hostess here. Luo Yao explained his purpose.

Yu Shuheng personally made him a cup of tea and brought it over. He knew very well that Dai Yunong's attitude towards Shuheng was probably the most special one before that person appeared.

If he hadn't imposed the ban, he probably would have changed his title. Now, her identity is still the life secretary, but her status is completely different.

Unlike Zhou Xiaoying, Yu Shuheng was very sensible and did not mention any inappropriate requests that did not belong to her.

Zhou Xiaoying took herself too seriously, which is why she ended up like that. Of course she met Luo Yao.

If it had been another person, I'm afraid it wouldn't have ended so well. He would have been imprisoned in Xifeng Camp at this moment.

"I have already called Mr. Dai. He told you to wait for a while and come back soon. Please stay with me." Yu Shuheng explained and went out. Although they were once colleagues, in order to avoid suspicion, Yu Shuheng went out. It's better not to be in the same room.

It was relatively close from Luojiawan No. 19 to Zengjiayan. Twenty minutes later, I heard the sound of a car outside.

Dai Yunong should be back.

"You Ning, why did you come here so suddenly without calling me?" Dai Yunong came in from outside and greeted him warmly.

"Sir, the student's sudden arrival has caused you trouble." Luo Yao stood up quickly and said.

"Hey, you and I still understand. It must be something urgent before we do this. Come on, let's go to the study to talk." Dai Yunong waved his hand, showing a rare pleasant look.

You must know that everyone in the army knows that Boss Dai has a bad temper, and he often curses and even beats people.

It’s rare to have a smile on your subordinates’ faces.

"Sir, please."

"Sir, this is a signal that one of our listeners has never discovered before. It was sent from Hong Kong. There is a response signal from the mountain city. The communication time is as long as an hour. This is too unusual... …”

Dai Yunong took the information handed over by Luo Yao, glanced at it, and pressed it down.

"Such a long communication is definitely not for ordinary departments. According to the procedures, such discoveries were to be sent to the research and interpretation department for research and deciphering, but I temporarily stopped it."

"You Ning, you did the right thing. This does involve the top secrets of the party and state. From now on, whenever you encounter such messages, you should ignore them and just let them pass without monitoring them." Dai Yunong said directly.

"Understood, student, take your leave." Luo Yao stood up directly and said.

"Wait a moment?"

"Is there anything else, sir?" Luo Yao asked.

"Aren't you curious about what's in it?" Dai Yunong asked.

"Since this is the top secret of the party and state, students naturally cannot ask and dare not ask. Why should they know? Isn't that asking for trouble?" Luo Yao explained.

"Well, you will know about this sooner or later." Dai Yunong nodded, very satisfied with Luo Yao's reaction and attitude, "Let me tell you, we are having a secret negotiation with the Japanese in Hong Kong. "

"Negotiation, sir, why do we need to negotiate with the Japanese?" Luo Yao asked excitedly.

"You Ning, please don't get excited. I know your past experiences and your hatred of the Japanese. But from a government level, it is impossible for us to have no contact with the Japanese. In the military, there is a saying that if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles. It is just a negotiation. , even if we drive the Japanese away, we still have to sit down and talk."

"When we talk at that time, we can talk openly and openly. It is a negotiation between the winner and the loser's aggressor!"

"The international situation is turbulent. We need to have secret contacts with the Japanese to find out the other side's bottom line and strategy. Moreover, this negotiation was not requested by us. It was the Japanese who came to us. You understand me. Is that what you mean?" Dai Yunong explained.

"The Japanese are looking for us to negotiate. Why?"

"If we are in trouble, won't they be in trouble?" Dai Yunong asked, "Their domestic economy has deteriorated seriously, and now it is just covered up by the victory of external wars. If they can keep winning and plundering, they can still sustain it for a while, but once If the war is lost, contradictions will emerge, and they need a stable blood supply machine, and this blood supply machine is China."

"So, they no longer have the strength to fight us?"

"That's not to say. If they try to die together, then we may not be able to see the day of victory. No one can say this kind of thing." Dai Yunong said, "The purpose of talking is to find out the other party. The bottom line is for fighting, and fighting is also for negotiation. This is politics, You Ning, you are still young, you will understand this later."

"Sir, I only know that the Japanese have invaded our beautiful country, killed my parents, insulted my sisters, wives and children. They are enemies of the country and the family. They are sworn enemies of the country. If they don't kill all these invaders, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart! Luo Yao said angrily excitedly.

Dai Yunong has nothing to say. Don't persuade others to do good without suffering others' suffering.

"Okay, You Ning, sir, I know the pain in your heart. I also know that you hate the Japanese very much. Sir, I hate the Japanese invaders. But as a human being, we still have to look forward. We can't lose our minds because of hatred. Are you still so naive? As many people as you kill me, will I kill as many of your people as compensation?"

"I don't care about others, as long as they don't fall into my hands, anyone with blood on their hands will be killed without mercy!" Luo Yao said with red eyes.

"Didn't you take the initiative to build a 'Y' project on your own initiative? How come you still get into trouble?" Dai Yunong asked in confusion.

"That's different."

"What's the difference? Those captured Japanese spies had blood on their hands. Even if he didn't do it directly, he did it indirectly. Didn't you kill him too?"

"That's giving them a chance to atone!"

"Okay, You Ning, we won't discuss this issue anymore. It's understandable that you go back and think about it carefully. At the same time, it needs to be kept confidential and cannot be mentioned to anyone. Do you understand?" Dai Yunong said seriously.

Everyone loses their mind sometimes, young people, sometimes they will inevitably get into trouble and have some childish ideas.

This is all normal.

When the negotiations reached that stage, Dai Yunong did not say anything. With his caution, it would be good if he could tell him this, but he would not say the actual content.

This has made Luo Yao very satisfied. At least it has confirmed that the "Tong Work" does exist and is actually in progress.

Moreover, what Dai Yunong said just now about understanding Japan's bottom line and strategy is probably part of it. The old man still has some luck with Japan. He also uses negotiations to make the Japanese give up their support for the Wang family, or even prevent the Wang family from doing so. Return the capital to Jinling.

There are many ideas, but the Japanese are not stupid. This secret negotiation can work, but it just confuses the Japanese a little and buys them a little more time to prepare their weapons.

If you want to get more information about the "Hong Kong secret talks", it is probably impossible to join the military command, and it will easily arouse Dai Yunong's suspicion.

However, the old man must always keep track of the progress of such negotiations. Someone in the Attendant's Office must know about it. The intelligence of the Military Command Bureau is usually processed through the Attendant's Room 1 and 2 Group, and some is handled by the Attendant's Sixth Group. Generally, it is the intelligence of the Chinese Communist Party.

At the time, the secret messages from Japan that were decoded by the secret code room were also directly submitted to the Second Attendant Group. The interaction between the encryption room and the Attendant Office was not short, but the two parties only had a working relationship and did not develop any other particularly close relationships.

Moreover, the Secret Interpretation Office was under the military command at the beginning, so they did not dare to get too close to the Attendant's Office, lest Dai Yunong become overly concerned.

Now that there was no such obstacle, he could not help but get closer to the attendant's room.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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