The secret war is silent

Chapter 680 Take a seat

"Brother, this is Cai Song's confession."

Luo Yao took it and glanced at it. Basically, what he said was what he already knew or mastered. There was nothing new.

"Ask him, where did he go at noon yesterday and who did he meet?" Luo Yao ordered.

Wen Zishan was stunned for a moment?

"If you are asked to go, just go. You will know in a moment." Luo Yao did not explain, but urged.


Standing behind the reverse glass, Luo Yao spent a lot of money to get this piece of glass back from the British.

Although this thing will be worthless in the future, it is not easy to get now, at least there are not many in China, and if it is imported, it will cost a lot of money.

But it is very useful in interrogations. At least it allows more people to see the interrogation through the glass and avoid being seen by the prisoners.

You can keep track of the interrogation dynamics at any time.

The situation, sounds and movements in the interrogation room can all be heard or seen after installing this glass.

When Luo Xue, who was directly involved in the interrogation, asked the question, you could clearly see the change in Cai Song's face, and his feet moved inward unnaturally.

Typical escape response.

Luo Xue didn't need to remind Luo Yao, Luo Xue naturally saw that Cai Song had hidden something and didn't explain it.

At this time, she didn't know how to take advantage of the victory, so it would be useless for her to serve in this preliminary trial.

Under Luo Xue's questioning, Cai Song still wanted to quibble and deny, but since the flaw was exposed, how could Luo Xue let him go?

Since he refuses to confess, the only option is to use torture.

Although Cai Song is not a very important person, he has become critical at this moment. If we can dig out useful information from him, it will undoubtedly be of great use.

This woman is much more ruthless than a man. Although Luo Xue is not old, she has received formal training after all, so she can use various punishments very easily.

Screams came.

Luo Yao immediately turned off the headset, and he could hear how painful it was through the glass wall.

The torture of the military commander is really not something ordinary people can bear.

"Where is Shizuka Uehara?" Luo Yao asked.

"Locked in a secret prison." Wen Zishan replied.

"We'll check it here first, then take me to see her." Luo Yao ordered.

"Yes, brother, please come this way."

The secret cell is separate from the ordinary cell. This is a place where secret prisoners are held and cannot be known to outsiders.

Axiang, Shizuka Uehara, has a special identity, and there are still secrets about this Japanese female spy that have not been discovered.

Although Shizuka Uehara was tortured, she was not tortured after she confessed. On the contrary, her physical injuries were treated.

Of course, her movements are restricted. She is not only handcuffed but also shackled. The abilities of this female spy should not be underestimated.

The secret prison must not be built on the ground, and the environment cannot be compared with a normal house. It must be dark and cold.

"Shizuka Uehara, get up, someone is here to see you."

Uehara Shizuka opened her eyes and saw that the wound on her forehead had scabbed over. Although the trauma on her body gradually healed, her body was still very weak and she could only lie on the ground in the corner of the cell with heavy handcuffs and shackles.

However, Wen Zishan was still humane and laid out hay, a straw mat, and a quilt for her.

In this place, even if it is a new quilt, it will probably become moldy after a few days because it is too humid.

If people stay here for a long time, a healthy person will get sick.

Being in jail is not only a loss of free time, but sometimes it also accelerates the passage of your life. The cost of being in jail for one year is likely to be a loss of two or even three years of life.

"Shizuka Uehara, do you still recognize me?" The jailer opened the door, and Luo Yao walked in alone and came to Shizuka Uehara, who had sat up and straightened up slightly.

Shizuka Uehara nodded.

"I know that you are not just Japanese. Tell me everything you know, and I will give you a way to survive, or let you change your way of living." Luo Yao said slowly.

Uehara Shizuka didn't speak and was silent.

"You may feel that this is a kind of betrayal, but in my opinion, what you do is a kind of betrayal. Although you have a Japanese surname, the blood of our Chinese descendants is still flowing in your bones. Why don't you want to do it openly?" How about a Chinese who is willing to help the invaders and kill and oppress his fellow countrymen?"

"Ryukyu is a place where Chinese people thrive. Sooner or later, we will take it back. If you continue to resist, you will die in the end. Do you expect them to treat you as a hero?" Luo Yao said, "You and I both know that. , those who work in the spy business are dead and worthless."

"You should have been trained since childhood. This training process must be very cruel. Judging from your ability, it must be very difficult to stand out. What is their purpose of training you? They don't want you to work hard for them. However, you What have I gained? I can’t choose my own life, can’t fall in love freely, can’t have my own family, and I don’t even have the qualifications to be a mother..."

"Stop talking, you can't understand the power of the empire!"

"Hahaha, what a joke, if it is so powerful, why did you fall into my hands?" Luo Yao laughed, "You should understand that once you are captured, you will be sacrificed directly, right?"

"You are so despicable!"

"Despicable, you came to our land to burn, kill, loot, and cause trouble. In the end, you were caught by us, and you actually called us despicable. No wonder the bad guys are unreasonable."

Shizuka Uehara shut her mouth. She was not good at words. What's more, she was now a prisoner and was at the mercy of others.

"You should think about it carefully. If you say it and we ask it, it's not the same thing." Luo Yaodao said. He didn't expect that he could get the other party to speak with just one persuasion.

"Brother, Cai Song is here..." The cell door opened, Wen Zishan came in, and whispered into Luo Yao's ear.

"So fast?" Luo Yao was a little surprised when he heard Wen Zishan's report, but it's not surprising, not everyone can withstand the torture of the military commander.

Cai Song doesn't look like the kind of person with strong willpower.

"Xiaoxue is reviewing it right now, there is some great information!" Wen Zishan was very excited because he heard some of the situation, but he was in a hurry to report to Luo Yao, so he didn't listen to the rest.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Uehara Shizuka's ear was pretty good. Even though Wen Zishan spoke very softly, she still heard the word "Cai Song".

After she was caught, Cai Song obviously became the most important person around Ye Chuan. Cai Song knew more secrets...

When they met, Uehara Shizuka felt exhausted.

Cai Song obviously knows much more than Inaba, Kawamura and Tanihara. The most important thing is that from Cai Song's mouth, it is confirmed that Ye Chuan is a spy. As for what level he is, it is It’s Cai Song who doesn’t know.

Of course, Cai Song also confirmed that Uehara Shizuka was also a Japanese spy, codenamed "Starscream". He, Inaba and others were all led by Uehara Shizuka.

But only Shizuka Uehara knows Ye Chuan's identity.

As soon as Cai Song opened his mouth, Ye Chuan's identity as a spy became clear, and all the seemingly unreasonable behaviors he had done before could now be explained.

This is a major breakthrough.

Although Ye Chuan's specific identity in this Japanese espionage organization has not yet been clarified, the identity of a "traitor" cannot escape.

"Third brother, this case has been solved. For you, that is a great achievement!"

"It's all big brother's planning. I just followed behind and picked up an advantage." Wen Zishan was very happy, finally getting a big success.

"Being able to pick up bargains is also a skill, so why is it you who is picking up bargains and not someone else?" Luo Yao chuckled.

Wen Zishan smiled coquettishly. What he said was obviously to praise him, but in fact, he was not praising himself.

"Continue the interrogation and see how many secrets this Cai Song can reveal in the end." Luo Yao ordered, "Uehara Shizuka should also put some pressure on her. If we can pry her mouth open, then maybe the harvest will be greater."

"Understood, I know how to do it." Wen Zishan grinned happily. He didn't even know how to do this, so he was regarded as a temporary training hero.

"What did Ye Chuan say?"

"I only admit to kidnapping Jiang Lin and deny anything else."

"Doesn't he deny that he collaborated with Shi Sanye and Lin Dongchuan to smuggle contraband and sell cough drops?" Luo Yao asked.

"No, he said, it has nothing to do with him."

"What's his relationship with Nanhua Trading Company?" Luo Yao frowned slightly, but Ye Chuan didn't recognize it. Maybe he not only wanted to push the matter to Shi Xiaoxian, but also didn't dare to offend Lin Dongchuan.

Lin Dongchuan is the only one outside now. If he bites Lin Dongchuan in, no one can save him.

"No, he doesn't admit that he knows Hu Youjia at all, let alone Nanhua Trading Company." Wen Zishan said.

"To hide it, has the Ye family's company in Shancheng been sealed?" Luo Yao asked.

"There was no evidence before. After all, even if Ye Chuan committed a crime, it had nothing to do with the Ye family's company. But it's different now. With Ye Chuan's identity as a spy, the company and assets under his name can be directly seized!" Wen Zishan said! .

"Then just seal it up!"

"But brother, the Ye family has sent someone to take over Ye's company in Shancheng. If we seal it now, will it directly offend Ye?"

"It hasn't been taken over yet. When the time comes, it will be found out that it has nothing to do with Ye Chuan, and then it will be returned to the Ye family." Luo Yao said.

"Okay, then I will make arrangements tomorrow. Anyway, we have figured out these companies and industries. After the seizure, how will Ye's staff be arranged?"

"You and I don't need to worry about this. What we need to worry about is the new person in charge of the Ye family." Luo Yao waved his hand.

"Okay." Wen Zishan nodded, "Brother, I have reserved a table at Niu Eryu Restaurant, how about we go back after dinner?"

"Okay, I finally have the opportunity to kill you." Luo Yao chuckled and readily agreed.

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