"came back?"

"Well, the Ministry of Finance doesn't care about food. If I don't come back, what will I do?" Luo Yao said angrily to Gong Hui, who came to see the joke.

"Haha..." Gong Hui pursed her lips and smiled. She knew that Luo Yao was unhappy, but she didn't know how much he was pretending.

"You're still laughing. I've been out for a long time, and all I saw were cold faces, and I didn't even drink a sip of hot water."

"Okay, I'll make you a cup of hot tea, but it's already past dinner time. Are you hungry?" Gong Hui was still laughing.

"What do you think? I haven't eaten for a long time."

"Fortunately, I asked Lao Cai to leave some food for you. I asked him to heat it up and bring it to you." Gong Hui said hurriedly.

"Xiaohui still knows how to love others."

The Kong family member is a man who is greedy for money. Even if a mosquito flies in front of him, a tube of blood will be left behind. If he doesn't pick up money while walking, it is considered a loss.

He has never had any good impressions of this kind of person, especially when such a person holds the high position of Finance Minister. It is really a tragedy for the country.

Mr. Song, on the other hand, is quite idealistic and seems to be much better than his brother-in-law. Unfortunately, he is in the United States, borrowing money for the old man.

Not only are these people trying to make a fortune for the country, but they also go to the people's bodies to break their bones and suck out their marrow. They are completely shameless scum.

Multigrain rice, two vegetarian dishes, one meat dish, and a soup. This kind of food is a level lower than that of the secret translation room.

This is not because food standards have dropped, but because prices have increased and money has depreciated.

Even state secret agencies and departments such as the military technical department are like this. You can only imagine how ordinary people live their lives.

"Xiaohui, can our technicians ensure the supply of one egg every day?" Luo Yao asked. This is a rule of his in the encryption room. Everyone who does mental work in the encryption room must provide at least one egg every day.

"It can be maintained for now, but I don't know in the future, especially those with children at home. They are reluctant to eat it, so they hide it and leave it to their children when they go home." Gong Hui said.

"This won't work. You can ask someone to do some statistics. For those who have children at home, we will find ways to provide additional subsidies. Their own nutrition must not be left behind." Luo Yao said.


"Where's Tiger? Why are you back alone?" Gong Hui asked.

"I asked him to do some errands. He will probably come back later, so don't worry." Luo Yao explained.

"I'm not worried about him, I'm worried about you going out alone. If something happens to everyone around you, there won't even be anyone to report it."

"We have captured Beichuan, so what are you worried about? Besides, it's broad daylight and I didn't go to any dangerous places. I don't know about my own safety yet?" Luo Yao chuckled and didn't care. said.

"Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the unexpected. Next time you go out alone, it's good to have two more people accompany you, and they can act as drivers."

"I know, Tiger only goes out to do errands occasionally."

When Lao Wu returned to the teahouse from the park, he immediately called Xiao Hai over and asked him to go to the liaison station to make an urgent appointment with Lao Zhou.

Soon, there was a response from the Eighth Office, and Lao Zhou made an appointment with him to meet on a boat by the river at six o'clock in the evening.

This way of meeting is not fixed and is safer. If something happens, the boat will leave directly from the river.

More suitable for meeting in the evening.

In the evening, the teahouse was closed, and Old Wu could move more freely. Even if he went out to do something, he would not be suspected.

"Xiao Hai, close the door. I'll go out and check the store. Wait until I come back." Lao Wu calculated the business accounts for the day, put the account books away, called Xiao Hai over, and gave instructions.

"Okay, shopkeeper."

"Remember, the secret code for opening the door is three short and two long. I will never open the door until I come back." Old Wu tidied up, put on a pair of rubber-soled shoes, put on a bamboo hat, and took advantage of the fact that it was not completely dark yet. Just went out.

There was still some distance to go from the teahouse. It would take him half an hour to walk there, and he had to be back before the eight o'clock curfew.

The moon was dark in the west, and the river was sparkling. At this time, it started to rain lightly, the sky was getting darker, and it was difficult to see pedestrians on the street.

A awning boat slowly sailed out from the reeds on the riverside.

On the bow deck, a man wearing a raincoat slowly moved the boat to the shore. Without looking carefully, it was almost impossible to spot the existence of this awning boat.

After receiving the signal, Lao Wu jumped directly onto the boat, opened the door curtain and got into the cabin.

There was an oil lamp in the cabin, and a man wearing a blue-gray gown was sitting inside. He had obviously been waiting for a long time.

"Comrade Hai Urchin, what's the important matter for the urgent meeting?" Lao Zhou took off his hat, put it on the small table, and asked directly.

"Comrade 0815 learned of a situation and asked me to contact you as soon as possible. The matter is urgent. I want to send someone to deliver a message. I'm afraid I can't explain clearly, so I can only make an appointment with you." Lao Wu sat down and explained.

"Oh, what's going on?"

"Do you still remember the last time I sent someone to send a message about comrades from another line of the organization who were lurking in the military command? Now this line has been completely exposed. It is not clear how many comrades have been arrested. The military commander has already mastered a list. …”

When Lao Zhou heard this, his expression suddenly became solemn. He knew earlier than Lao Wu, but the Eighth Office did not know much about the situation of the internal investigation of the military command, and even made some misjudgments.

Although this line was not built with organizational hard work, the higher-ups also have high hopes for this line.

Moreover, although this line did not operate for a long time, it provided a lot of important information to the organization and saved the border area from heavy losses, which was a great contribution.

Now that I heard the news that this line may have been wiped out, Lao Zhou felt a twinge of pain in his heart, but he was not responsible for this line.

According to the organizational division of labor, he is not allowed to interfere with the work of other intelligence lines, and he is not allowed to inquire, but he only works under the same roof, and he knows some things. Due to the principle of confidentiality, what he knows can only be rotten in his stomach. Here, you can't tell anyone.

Zeng Jiayan has two work groups, one is responsible for military intelligence, and the other is the Ministry of Social Affairs. The tasks of the Ministry of Social Affairs focus on the work of military unification.

Luo Yao's lurking was arranged by Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu had already given instructions for his use. Outsiders were not allowed to make changes without authorization. However, Mr. Wu was not in the mountain city at the moment. With a responsible leader, naturally he could not change Luo Yao without authorization. After all, the particularity of intelligence work is that it is most taboo to issue instructions at will and let potential intelligence agents do dangerous tasks that are not suitable for their status. This will not only expose the potential intelligence agents, but also cause irreversible huge losses to the intelligence work.

Luo Yao has a certain degree of autonomy, which Mr. Wu agreed to at the beginning.

Zhang Zhilin's line may not have such good conditions. In terms of specific use, he may not have expected so much, and the protection is not enough.

If the military commander can easily discover his own internal problems and then conduct a secret internal investigation, then something must have been done too hastily, allowing the opponent to see the problem.

However, we can’t criticize anything harshly. After all, the battle on the intelligence front requires not only courage, but also wisdom and constant summarization of experience. All of these are grown up through suffering.

"Others may not be able to be saved. Even if they are not caught now, they must be under surveillance." Lao Wu said, "There is only Zhang Zhilin's sister. She is not in the mountain city. If she can be notified in time to move, this may be able to save a group of people." Comrade."

"Comrade Hai Urchin, the information you provided is very important. I must go back and report to my superiors immediately. This matter cannot be delayed. You hurry back and pay attention to safety on the road." Lao Zhou doesn't want to stay any longer. Time is life. Sometimes, one step is faster. , that is a life, he has to worry.

"Comrade 0815 said that the military commander is very likely to use Zhang Zhilin to make a fuss and trick her into returning to the mountain city. Pay attention to the telegrams sent from the mountain city to Chengdu. Don't be fooled!"

"okay, I get it."

Old Wu didn't wait long, put on his bamboo hat again, and walked out of the cabin. The awning boat docked at another place and let him get on.

Soon, he disappeared along the tree-lined path along the river.

"Mr. Wang is returning to Jinling. In the past few days, Jinling has been in frequent telegram contact with Peiping and Jinghai. The manpower of the second group is not enough. There are a large number of Chinese coded messages waiting to be deciphered. Chen Zuxun has come to me to ask for them. Are you here?" On the top floor of Twilight Building, Luo Yao's temporary residence, Gong Hui was holding a glass of milk, slowly stirring the spoon in the glass, walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down, crossed her legs, and slowly sat diagonally opposite Luo Yaodao reads the newspaper.

"It's been published in the newspapers. Mr. Wang is determined to be a traitor, and there's nothing anyone can do about it," Luo Yao said.

"Sir, I have sent people to assassinate him several times, but none of them worked. This guy is really lucky."

"Wang himself is a master in this field. In his early years, he was a killer himself. Although he is a scholar, he pays great attention to his own safety. No one can get close to him unless he uses a huge bomb. , throw it at the official residence where he lives, and with a bang, everyone is finished!" Luo Yaodao.

"The Jew Pop who cooperated with us provided some information. Hong Kong recently asked him to conduct some mapping surveys of the foreign embassy area in the Nan'an District of the mountain city. In addition, there are also the official residences of military and political dignitaries and government agencies in the mountain city. Location, etc." Gong Hui said.

"It seems that the Japanese army is planning the next wave of larger-scale bombings. This can be used to allow Popper to slightly change the data during surveying and mapping. Just don't be too precise." Luo Yao ordered.

"Why hasn't Tiger come back yet? What time is it?" Luo Yao asked. They parted at the door of the Ministry of Finance. Counting the time, even if it rained outside, they should be back by now.

"Well, you haven't said yet what you asked him to do."

"I asked him to take Uehara Shizuka to Xiaohei Coal Mine for custody. If she confesses, it will become unsafe. You have to be careful." Luo Yao said.

"Are you still worried that someone will kill someone in our detention center?" Gong Hui asked in surprise.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. Once an accident occurs, it will be too late to regret." Luo Yao said, "Besides, Shizuka Uehara can be classified as a 'Y' project."

"Well, you are quite sympathetic."

Luo Yao didn't answer. Women's thinking angle has always been different from men's.

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