The secret war is silent

Chapter 801 Questioning

No. 19, Luojiawan, Mountain City, the headquarters of the Military Command Bureau.

"Boss Dai, Jiang Zhiren from Laohekou Station called. It's a telegram to apologize." Mao Qiwu walked into Dai Yunong's office with a telegram.

"How to say?"

"He said in the telegram that he mistrusted Zhang Yuanliang, which led to the failure of the operation, and requested punishment." Mao Qiwu said.

"Mistaken belief. He dares to give such a reason. What a fool. You Ning has already opened up to him. He actually doesn't understand where he went wrong at all. This person cannot be used." Dai Yunong was cold. He snorted, obviously extremely dissatisfied with Jiang Zhiren's confession attitude.

"Yes, but who will be sent to take his place now?" Mao Qiwu nodded. The people below thought that the mountain was high and the emperor was far away. If they refused to obey, they would naturally not be able to use it.

Dai Yunong glanced sideways at Mao Qiwu. The meaning was obvious. If I had a suitable candidate, why would I need to ask you?

Mao Qiwu hurriedly said: "How about sending a mature and prudent person over first to replace Jiang Zhiren and then make other arrangements?"


"What do you think of Li Haihuai, who returned to the mountain city from southern Hunan to report on his work?" Mao Qiwu asked.

Dai Yunong frowned slightly after hearing this. Laohekou Station used to be just an intelligence team, but now it has been upgraded to an intelligence station. According to the rules of the military, intelligence stations can be big or small. An intelligence station like Laohekou can only send a colonel at most. It's amazing, this is because the commander-in-chief of the fifth war zone is in Laohekou.

"Boss Dai, after all, Jiang Zhiren has been in Laohekou for many years. If he withdraws rashly, it will inevitably cause internal turmoil. We can establish a military command in Northern Hubei District, and let Li Haihuai serve as the district chief to unify and lead all the military commands in northern Hubei. Take this opportunity to strengthen The influence of our military command in northern Hubei." Mao Qiwu explained.

Dai Yunong couldn't help but feel a little moved when he heard this. He transferred Li Haihuai back to Shancheng to report on his work because he wanted to find another appointment. However, it would not be bad if he could support him here first and then find a suitable candidate.

"In this case, you go talk to Li Haihuai and test his tone." Dai Yunong thought for a moment and then ordered.

"Okay, what about Jiang Zhiren's side?"

"No need to reply."


"Zhai Xiaoer."


"twenty two."



The investigation into the bizarre death case of "Counsellor Kim" chaired by Luo Yao has officially begun. All persons involved in the case that night will be questioned and investigated.

There are also people in the investigation room who have had contact with Councilor Kim and have good relationships with them. They are also being investigated, and every detail is detailed.

This project is a bit big.

"Come here, sign here. If you don't know how to sign, just press your thumbprint!"

"If you are illiterate, you can ask someone to read it for you, and then press your fingerprint after confirmation!"

"Director, what is this person named Fang doing? This is just nonsense. Is he investigating the case like this?" In the special care ward of the war zone hospital, Zhang Yuanliang's close men came to see him and brought some fruits and nutritional supplements.

Zhang Yuanliang closed his eyes and meditated for a while, then opened his eyes and cursed: "What do you know, this is investigation, do you understand?

"Yes, yes, director, but he called us over one by one for questioning, and even signed and fingerprinted us. I'm afraid the brothers below are talking nonsense..."

"You won't tell the people below to stop talking nonsense?" Zhang Yuanliang scolded him. He couldn't live in this hospital anymore and had to be discharged from the hospital quickly. Although the man named Fang didn't press on him step by step, he knew that it was the other party. Now sit tight on the Diaoyutai.

The body is in other people’s hands, so it’s their business to explain it.

If you try to tamper with the confessions and testimonies of the investigation, you won't be able to clean yourself up even if you jump into the Yellow River.

Don't really think that people will really find out the cause of "Jin Zhaofu's" death. Even if they find out, so what? Will they tell you?

"Go and go through the discharge procedures for me. I will be discharged today!"

"Director, your fever has just subsided. If you don't stay in the hospital for a few more days, Fang can't do anything to you now," the subordinate said nonchalantly.

"You know nothing. If I tell you to go, just go!" Zhang Yuanliang rolled his eyes and cursed.

"Yes, yes, I'll go right away..."

"Director Wei, I'm sorry, but according to the rules, the investigation team will also question you accordingly." Luo Yao brought someone to the Political Department in person.

For people like Wei Yongcheng, naturally they cannot call the investigation team to the temporary station for questioning. It is an attitude to come to the door in person.

"Team Leader Fang is very polite. If you have anything to say, just ask. Wei will definitely cooperate." Wei Yongcheng did not dare to underestimate Luo Yao anymore. This young man is brave and resourceful, and his strikes are quick and accurate. After getting to know and get in touch with him, The alert has been raised several levels.

"Okay, let's get started." Luo Yao nodded.

Luo Yao's question is very detailed.

There were several times that Wei Yongcheng almost lost his patience and couldn't resist and had an attack, but he still held it back. He knew that it would be useless to break up.

I could only answer the questions patiently.

"Director Wei, I'm sorry. I like to dig into details when investigating cases. This may be related to my profession. Only details can expose problems. Don't bother me." Luo Yao expressed his apology sincerely.

The corner of Wei Yongcheng's mouth twitched. You are not picking out details. You are simply stripping people naked and looking at them with a magnifying glass in the sun.

"Director Wei, please take a look at this inquiry transcript. If there is no problem, just sign and fingerprint, and our procedure will be over." Luo Yao handed over a thick stack of transcripts.

"Did I just say so much?" Wei Yongcheng was surprised.

"More or less, I didn't record some of the insignificant things." Luo Yao chuckled.

Wei Yongcheng took a look and found nothing wrong. He picked up a pen and signed his name on the transcript, and then pressed his fingerprint.

"Team Leader Fang, I heard that you asked a forensic doctor to conduct an autopsy on Counselor Jin. Are there any results?" Wei Yongcheng asked.

"Forensic identification takes time, and some causes of death cannot be concluded in a short while." Luo Yao chuckled.

"Understood." Wei Yongcheng nodded, hearing that Luo Yao would not tell him the result, which he also expected.

It's just that they said it tactfully and didn't refuse directly, which is considered polite.

"Thank you, Director Wei, for your cooperation. If there is anything else you need to know, we can communicate at any time." Luo Yao stood up and said goodbye.

"Okay, I'll see off Team Leader Fang."

"I still have to find Section Chief Pang, please stay." Luo Yao said hurriedly.

A person at the level of a section chief naturally needs Luo Yao to come forward and question him personally. This is a form of respect and a way of working.

Let Tan Xin or Yang Fan ask. These people will be resistant and will cause trouble and cause trouble.

Luo Yao asked personally.

Since his rank is not low, the person being questioned will not feel that he is being looked down upon, but will feel as if he is being insulted.

The two parties will basically have a dialogue in a friendly atmosphere, and the work will be done more efficiently.

Furthermore, Pang Yusheng was Tan Xin's direct supervisor, so asking him to ask questions would be really embarrassing, and Pang Yusheng would inevitably feel uncomfortable.

"Chief Pang, don't have any worries, say anything." Luo Yao sat down and greeted Pang Yusheng directly.

"Team Leader Fang, don't worry. I know what I know and I won't hide it." Pang Yusheng nodded. He, the head of the investigation section, was a colonel.

In terms of military rank, he is no lower than Luo Yao.

"Okay, let's get started. Counselor Jin, whose real name is Xiang Hongyun. He came from the Communist Party. He contacted you from the beginning, right?" Luo Yao asked.

"No, he first contacted Director Wei. Later, Director Wei asked me to arrange a place for him and use a false identity."

"So, this Xiang Hongyun has always been under your supervision?"

"You can say that, but he is not a prisoner and has a certain degree of freedom. Even regarding his private life, it is not easy for us to interfere."

"Chief Pang refers to his love life, right?"


"Aside from liking women, does he have any other bad habits, such as smoking, gambling, etc.?" Luo Yao continued to ask.

"I'm glad to see him gambling. Smoking is normal, but heavy cigarettes shouldn't be the problem. He came from the Communist Party. Team leader Fang also knows that the Communist Party has strict discipline. How can he allow his subordinates to smoke heavy cigarettes, except for women? Apart from that, his other hobbies are eating, he likes delicious food and gorgeous clothes.”

Luo Yao recalled that the clothes on Xiang Hongyun's body were all valuable silk and satin, which was in line with what Pang Yusheng said.

"Does he have any usual problems, such as asthma?"

"He is in good health, has good skills, and has good marksmanship. I have hunted with him, and he has hunted more prey than me every time, and his riding skills are also good." Pang Yusheng recalled.

Luo Yao wrote down everything one by one.

"As for Xiang Hongyun moving out from Huangzhou Hall, can Section Chief Pang tell me in detail the consequences?"

"That woman surnamed Zhang was too greedy. Xiang Hongyun didn't want to be with her, so he fell in love with Sun Yan, a clerk in the third section of our investigation room. The two had a big quarrel. Xiang Hongyun asked me When I came out, I didn’t want to live in Huangzhou Pavilion anymore and wanted to move out. I asked Director Wei for permission, and Director Wei agreed, so I found him a yard outside..."

"Since Xiang Hongyun doesn't want to be with the woman named Zhang, then just drive her away. Why did he move out on his own? Who will guarantee his safety?" Luo Yao asked doubtfully.

"There is no problem for Xiang Hongyun and the woman surnamed Zhang to live in Huangzhou Pavilion. After all, the woman surnamed Zhang is not a member of the investigation room, but Sun Yan is different. She is a member of our investigation room. There is no name or distinction, and so does Sun Yan. I don’t agree, so I want to move out.”

"I heard from Director Wei that the banquet at Laohekou Restaurant that night was not only Xiang Hongyun's move-in ceremony, but also a wedding banquet for the two of them to forge a friendship between Qin and Jin?"

"Yes, the war is tense, so there is no big deal. Moreover, their parents and family are not here. We went there to bear witness to them." Pang Yusheng nodded.

"Did you drink that night?"


"How much did you drink? Tell me one by one?"

"Director Wei left the meeting in the middle of the meeting because he was busy with government affairs. He didn't drink much, only about two taels. Only Xu Anbang, myself, and Xiang Hongyun were left. Sun Yan is a woman and she didn't drink during the whole process..." Pang Yusheng continued.

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