The secret war is silent

Chapter 810 He is the murderer!

The fighting at the front of the fifth theater has generally stopped.

This was clearly noticed by the 401st Group, which had been monitoring the Japanese military's secret communications. The frequency of the front-line Japanese troops' secret communications dropped off a cliff.

This is a signal.

It couldn't be more obvious.

"Brother, we got Sun Yan's confession. This is her confession." Yang Fan finally came back from the secret service camp and brought back Sun Yan's confession.

Luo Yao nodded slightly, took it, and browsed it carefully. As expected, Zhang Yuanliang stayed behind that night.

After he and Sun Yan helped Counselor Jin into the room, they had an affair next door. The crazy and resentful couple forgot about everything. After being exhausted, they fell asleep directly, without remembering that there was a man lying next door. people?

Obviously, the sentries standing guard at the door also knew, but they had been warned in advance and were not allowed to say anything.

It was indeed Sun Yan who discovered Jin Counselor's death. She woke up before Zhang Yuanliang, and when she went to the convenience store, she found Jin Zhaofu who was already stiff.

Then, she was so frightened that she ran over and woke up Zhang Yuanliang. Then, Zhang Yuanliang asked her to quickly clean up the scene of their "crime", taught her a set of rhetoric, and then pretended to find someone to find a doctor.

But Luo Yao estimated that Zhang Yuanliang did this to stabilize Sun Yan first, and then find excuses to exonerate himself.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly had a high fever the next day after the incident. Shancheng was extremely efficient and immediately appointed Luo Yao as the leader of the investigation team.

This caught Zhang Yuanliang off guard, and Luo Yao acted quickly enough. While he was in the hospital with a high fever, he had his safe house raided and took away Jin Zhaofu's body and Sun Yan.

This time he was completely passive.

If you want to find someone to take the blame, then Sun Yan, who just married "Jin Zhaofu", is the best candidate, and she is apparently from the investigation room.

But it's not easy to frame a living person. He didn't even think about how to leave, and the person was taken away.

Although he knew that "Jin Zhaofu" was not killed by him, he could not explain clearly. He brought him back alive and died in his safe house.

Also, that night, he slept with his newlywed wife...

This kind of bloody plot can only be written by a low-level novelist who does nothing all day long and only thinks about the next three ways.

"What about the testimony of the two guards on guard?"

"It's all attached at the back. It's signed and fingerprinted. It's unmistakable." Yang Fan said.

Luo Yao flipped through it, and sure enough, there were testimonies from two guards at the end, with detailed descriptions of time, location and related information.

"Counsellor Jin, Miss Sun and Director Zhang Yuanliang did not leave the house that night, and there were no signs of the doors or windows being broken. This means that the death of Councilor Jin was related to the other two people, unless Councilor Jin couldn't think of committing suicide." Luo Yaodao , "There is nothing wrong with my analysis and judgment, right?"

"The team leader is right." Yang Fan and Tan Xin looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"The problem now is that Senator Jin did not have any external injuries on his body, and there were no signs of poisoning. The cause of death can also be determined to be myocardial infarction, but how it caused myocardial infarction still needs a reasonable explanation!" Luo Yaodao.

"Brother, haven't we analyzed it before? Councilor Jin woke up from his sleep after being drunk and found that his newlywed wife was sleeping with another man. He was so stimulated that he suffered a heart attack and was unable to call for help. Finally, he died?" Yang Fan? road.

"But Sun Yan's confession said that she found Councilor Jin dead in bed. How to explain this?" Luo Yao said, "Is it possible that Councilor Jin was able to go back and leave peacefully while lying on the bed under the stimulation? ?”

"Could it be that Deputy Director Zhang woke up early and found that Councilor Jin was dead? He moved the body to the bed and pretended not to know?"

"This is illogical. Why would Deputy Director Zhang do this?"

"Because whoever discovers that Councilor Jin is dead first will be suspected of murder in the other party's mind. If Deputy Director Zhang already knew that Councilor Jin was dead, and he doesn't want to take the blame himself, then he can only pretend not to know..."

"Let's go to the scene again!" Luo Yao slapped the table and ordered directly.

"Director, Director, Team Leader Fang is taking people to our safe house again..." If there is any movement on Luo Yao's side, Zhang Yuanliang will know it immediately.

How could he dare to relax at all when his life and fortune were at stake.

"What is he doing there again?" Zhang Yuanliang was extremely panicked. Li Haihuai was coming and he would also serve as the director of the investigation room.

This is undoubtedly a huge threat to him. If he cannot pass this level, all his efforts will be in vain.

He was unwilling to give in.

"I don't know, why don't we let our people take a look secretly?" the subordinate suggested.

"Go quickly."

"Yes, Director."

He couldn't wait any longer, the noose around his neck would get tighter and tighter, he had to act quickly.

"Hey, they must have cleaned up the scene afterwards, and all traces of evidence were destroyed!" Luo Yao, who came back to the scene, looked carefully again, shook his head and sighed.

"Yes, these sheets are all new, as if they have never slept on them." Tan Xin walked over and reached out to touch the sheets.

"No, the sheets have been changed. What about the changed sheets?" Luo Yao asked.


"Hurry up and ask, whether it's the sheets in the room where Councilor Jin sleeps or the sheets in the guest room, find them for me!" Luo Yao ordered.


"Brother, I found it. It was taken home by one of Zhang Yuanliang's men. Zhang Yuanliang originally ordered him to get rid of the sheets. He saw that the good sheets were not damaged, so he didn't want to throw them away. He took them home and washed them for his own use! "Not long after, Yang Fan brought back a piece of news.

"Do you know why Zhang Yuanliang wants to deal with the sheets?" Yang Fan asked Luo Yao as he brought him to him.

"Go back, sir, the sheets are dirty, so we need to get rid of them..." The man was frightened and a little nervous.

“If it’s dirty, you can clean it, so why throw it away?”

"It's not that kind of dirty, it's that kind of..."

"Are you sure?" Luo Yao understood and continued to ask.

"I'm sure, I'll be like that after I finish things with my mother-in-law." The man's face turned red with shame, hesitating and speaking in a low voice.

"Did you give your mother-in-law the sheets to take home and wash?"


"Then you and your mother-in-law will make a record." Luo Yao ordered. Although the evidence was destroyed, it was at least circumstantial evidence.

Only Zhang Yuanliang, Sun Yan and the dead Councilor Jin know what happened in the house now.

not good.

"Tiger, call Captain Gao right away and say..." Luo Yao waved his hand and asked Yang Fan to come over and give instructions.

"Brother, that's not the case, is it?"

"Don't underestimate the ruthlessness of your opponents. In order to protect themselves, some people will do anything." Luo Yao said.

"Okay, I'm going to make a call now."

"No, you have to go back to Wuchang Hall to fight again. There must be his spies around here. Our every move is under surveillance."


It was a very restless night.

The archive room where confidential documents were stored in the Fifth War Zone Investigation Office was sneaked into, and when he opened the safe in the archive room, he was captured on the spot.

This person turned out to be a habitual thief. He was interrogated overnight and confessed that he was bribed to steal a piece of information.

The reason why he was able to avoid the guards and reach the archives room where the information was contained without any difficulty was because the person who bribed him gave him detailed information, including the building structure of the investigation room and the shift time of the guards and sentries. etc.

The investigation room immediately used this habitual thief to capture the briber at the agreed delivery location.

The identity of the buyer was immediately revealed.

This person turned out to be Zhang Yuanliang's adjutant. The adjutant refused to admit it at first, but the investigation room was full of tricks.

With a few moves, he easily revealed that Zhang Yuanliang had ordered him to bribe a gangster to steal confidential documents.

The military camp of the Secret Service was not peaceful either. In the middle of the night, a daring maniac actually sneaked in. Before he could do anything, he was captured by the soldiers of the Secret Service who had been ambushing him for a long time.

After interrogation.

This person confessed that he was a professional killer who was paid a high price to sneak into the military camp in order to kill someone and make it look like he committed suicide by hanging.

The target of this killer is Sun Yan.

When Sun Yan heard the killer's confession on the spot, she immediately collapsed, crying and fussing, and accused Zhang Yuanliang of killing Jin Zhaofu on the spot.

Luo Yao was also woken up from bed by a phone call from Gao Xingyun. He called Yang Fan and rode to the secret service camp in the middle of the night.

Gao Xingyun naturally informed Luo Yao as soon as possible about the case involving Councilor Jin. He could not overstep his authority.

"Miss Sun, please don't get excited. Let's recall what happened that night..." Luo Yao asked Gao Xingyun to find a quiet place, and said calmly while calming his emotions.

"That afternoon, Xu Anbang came to see me. She told me that after dinner in the evening, she asked me to stay as far away from Lao Jin as possible. I felt something was wrong. After repeated questioning, he refused to say more, so I told him that I secretly told Zhang Yuanliang..."

"Does Counselor Jin know about your relationship with Xu Anbang?"

"He knows a little bit, but he doesn't mind, because Xu Anbang and I have nothing to do, and everyone in this investigation room also knows."

"When did you and Zhang Yuanliang start?" Luo Yao continued to ask.

"About half a year ago, not long after the headquarters of the theater commander moved to Laohekou, he was transferred from the mountain city to serve as the deputy director of the political department. We met at a gathering at the headquarters. I didn't know his identity at first, but after we met , I found out his identity. He asked me to be his lover and collect information inside the investigation room. He said that there were Communist undercovers inside the investigation room. I believed it..." Sun Yan calmed down and began to talk. To be honest, what she told this time was much more detailed than Yang Fan's confession.

"In the past six months, I have been terrified. I have done so many things for him. I even seduced the traitor of the Communist Party and pretended to agree to get married just to be with him. I didn't expect that he would be so cruel. For the sake of your own future, you will kill me!" Sun Yan said sadly and angrily, "I am really blind, how could I trust such a man."

"Miss Sun, have you ever thought that from the beginning of his contact with you, he just wanted to use you and play with your emotions?" Yang Fan said, "So, killing you is as simple as throwing away an old piece of clothing?"

"Miss Sun, no matter whether you are willing to marry Senator Jin or not, you are still Senator Jin's wife. We cannot deny this. Therefore, we are obliged to inform you of the cause of Senator Jin's death." Luo Yaodao.

"How did Lao Jin die?"

"You call him Lao Jin. It seems that he is pretty good to you?"

"Yes, Lao Jin is good to me. Although he is not a good person, at least he is not so pretentious." Sun Yan said.

"Senior Jin died of a sudden myocardial infarction. However, after forensic autopsy, it was found that Senator Jin was in good health. Therefore, it is suspected that he suffered a sudden myocardial infarction after suffering some kind of stimulation. This should have something to do with you and Zhang Yuanliang. "

"Excitement, what excitement?"

"For example, he saw something that was unacceptable and shocking to him."

As soon as these words came out, Sun Yan's face instantly turned pale. It was obvious that she had thought of a certain situation.

"This is just an accident. Neither of you need to bear any responsibility..." Luo Yao looked at her face and said suddenly.

"No, Lao Jin's death was not an accident. He did it on purpose. He is the murderer!" Sun Yan's pale face was suddenly full of anger and ferocity.

"On purpose, what do you mean?"

"That night, I was unwilling, but in the end he insisted on following me..." Sun Yan gritted her teeth and spoke slowly.

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