The secret war is silent

Chapter 812 The reception banquet (1)

Wei Yongcheng didn't know Li Haihuai, but he was also the director of the political department of the fifth war zone.

The status is one level higher than Li Haihuai.

In the Fifth War Zone, the investigation room worked under the leadership of the Political Department, and Wei Yongcheng could be said to be Li Haihuai's direct leader.

Of course, the investigation room has independent autonomy. The previous director of the investigation room had limited powers, but Wei Yongcheng can directly give orders to the three section chiefs of the investigation room, especially the third section, which is the core section of the investigation room and directly takes orders from Wei Yongcheng. .

The first and second departments are responsible for relatively less important work. The first department is responsible for general affairs, and the second department is intelligence.

When it comes to the third department, it is investigation and operations, which is the key point.

Even now that Li Haihuai is here, it's the same. He alone can't change the current composition of the investigation room of the Fifth War Zone.

Shancheng also knew that the situation in the Fifth War Zone was special. It was not easy to control the investigation room of the Fifth War Zone. It had to be done slowly.

Therefore, when Li Haihuai took office, he brought his personal adjutant and two guards with him, and then slowly increased the manpower depending on the situation.

"Wei Yongcheng, welcome Director Li to take up the post in the Fifth War Zone." As the master, Wei Yongcheng naturally had to speak first.

Li Haihuai didn't know Wei Yongcheng, and his military rank was higher than his own. Whether it was out of politeness or something else, he first saluted with a military salute: "Hello, Chief Wei."

Wei Yongcheng also returned a military salute.

Then the two shook hands and exchanged a few words.

Then it was Li Haihuai's turn to meet Luo Yao. Although Li Haihuai was not Luo Yao's superior officer, he was just a colonel, so he should salute first.

"Brother Haihuai!"

"Brother You Ning, we meet again." Li Haihuai laughed. He, Luo Yao and Yu Jie all had different opinions.

"Yeah, time flies so fast. It's only been a while since we met again." Luo Yao smiled slightly, nodded, and shook hands with Li Haihuai before letting go. He was accompanying Wei Yongcheng to pick up the plane today, so he couldn't take over the host. .

After picking up people from the airport, Luo Yao returned directly to Wuchang Pavilion.

Wei Yongcheng wants to take Li Haihuai to meet Li Delin first. This is a necessary step and must be met before joining the company.

When to meet depends on Li Delin's attitude. If he wants to meet earlier, then make arrangements immediately. If he wants to delay the meeting, there is nothing you can do to him. He is a person who can arm-wrestle with the old man, let alone Li Haihuai. Well, even if Dai Yunong comes and he doesn't want to see you, there is nothing he can do.

When Li Delin met Li Haihuai, it was just a routine work. It was regarded as reporting in. The subsequent work handover was the next thing.

Without this meeting, the subsequent work handover cannot be carried out. This is the rule and procedure in the officialdom.

The appointment of officials in the Fifth War Zone requires Li Delin's nod. Old Li Zhen is opposed to someone taking up a certain position.

The old man also needs to consider it.

It's definitely not the best option.

"Is Li Haihuai really here?" As soon as Luo Yao came back and washed his face, Yang Fan stuck his head out and asked.

"Well, Wei Yongcheng and I just picked him up at the airport. We came alone without anyone else." Luo Yao nodded.

"Hey, this is interesting. Jiang Zhiren hasn't been dealt with yet. Let's send Li Haihuai next. What's the purpose of this?"

"Whatever the purpose is, it's not up to us. Anyway, as soon as it's over, we have to pack up and leave." Luo Yao chuckled.

The fighting has stopped temporarily, but the wrestling will not stop. At this stage of the war of resistance, it has become a strategic stalemate.

If the Japanese army wants to defeat China in the short term, it is basically impossible to do so unless they devote all their efforts to conquer China.

This is another matter. It is estimated that no one in Japan dares to make such a decision. In other words, in the eyes of those war madmen in Japan, China is already in the bag. It doesn’t matter if you take it early or take it late, anyway. Is it a duck in a pot that can still fly?

They have greater ambitions.

Luo Yao obviously couldn't say this. He really admired little Japan for daring to think and do, but he was a bit overestimating his capabilities.

In Europe, the French were finished, and the mustachioed head of state set his sights on the British Empire, which was only separated from the European continent by a strait.

This country that was once known as the "Empire on which the Sun Never Sets" suddenly attracted the attention of the world.

The Germans want to unify Europe and become the European hegemon. They will not allow anyone to threaten them beside their bed.

Once the war machine starts, it is difficult to stop.

Japan saw the Germans conquering cities and territories in Europe, and his ambitions expanded uncontrollably, but he was not ready yet.

"When are you leaving?"

"It will probably be at the end of the month at the earliest, or early next month." Luo Yao thought for a while, it was almost late June, and it was the hottest season of the year when he returned to the mountain city.

The Laohekou side has beautiful mountains and clear waters, but it's not that hot. As far as the weather is concerned, it's a good thing that it's really missing when we go back.

"Then I have to buy something to take back..." Yang Fan said.

"The way back is difficult. Don't buy too many things. We may have to take a detour." Luo Yao warned, "Don't be unable to take things with you and waste money."

"I know, brother."

"Team leader, that Miura Kenichi has issued a challenge to us again." Wen Xueren knocked on the door and came in, handing Luo Yao a secret message.

"Ignore it, let's just pretend we don't know about this." Luo Yao shook his head, "Where's Xiao Lin, call him over."

"Okay, team leader."

Kobayashi is Kinoshita Shisui, which is his pseudonym in the 401 group and is also used to hide his identity.

If outsiders knew that he was Japanese and the information was exposed, it would be easy for Japanese intelligence agencies to deduce his identity.

Once Kinoshita Shishui's identity is exposed, the Japanese side will definitely try every means to rescue him. If the rescue fails, they will silence him.

In the process of deciphering the Japanese Army's communication code, Kinoshita Shisui played a key role. How could he not pay attention to such a person? He was also a key protection target in the 401 group and was never allowed to go out alone.

There are at least four bodyguards out there.

"Team leader, look for me." After Kinoshita Zhishui came in, he stood opposite Luo Yao with his hands lowered respectfully.

Habits that have been formed for a long time cannot be changed overnight. Luo Yao hoped that he would change, but he couldn't change the things in his bones even if he changed them all at once. In the end, he just let it go, as long as it did not affect his work.


"Thank you, team leader."

"Xiao Lin, be casual and don't be so formal. Although you and I have different identities, you are already serving the party and the country. I will treat you as a comrade and one of my own. Don't always resist the kindness and friendliness of others. Understand ?"

"Understood." Kinoshita Zhishui nodded slightly.

"You have been working for us for several months. What do you think of the Chinese people?" Luo Yao asked with a smile.

"Most Chinese people are simple and kind-hearted, just like us Japanese people." Kinoshita Shisui thought for a moment and said.

"You are right, but why did Japan invade China, plunder our resources, land, and kill our people?"

"I don't know. I don't understand politics or military affairs. I can only do research."

"You have a typical evasive mentality. There is an old saying in China that no eggs are left intact after the nest is overturned. If a building is about to collapse, can the people living in the building still live peacefully?" Luo Yaodao, "Actually, if this is not the case, During the war, I was just a small civil servant in the government, living a simple life from 9 to 5 without any pressure, because I didn’t have much ambition. Unlike you, you still have research to do and want to become a great person. .”

"Team leader, I know, what do you want me to do?" Kinoshita Zhishui raised his head slightly and looked at Luo Yao calmly.

"Your senior brother, Miura Kenichi has already issued a challenge to me twice, but I ignored him. I want to know what kind of person he is." Luo Yao said slowly.

"Brother Miura is ten years older than me. His family background is not very good, but he has shown great talent in mathematics since he was a child. He is a very strong and proud person. He skipped high school at the age of sixteen and was admitted to Waseda University. He studied with his teacher Ono Ueki. While studying with Teacher Ono, he fell in love with Teacher Ono's daughter, Yoko Ono. Although Brother Miura had a bright future, Teacher Ono did not want to marry Miss Yoko to him because Miss Yoko I have been engaged to someone since I was a child. The other person is not only a noble, but also has a powerful force. No matter how hard Brother Miura works, he can't compare with others. After graduating from college, Brother Miura directly joins the army..." This is Kinoshita Nao For the first time, Shui told Luo Yao about Miura Kenichi's life in great detail. Although he had told some stories before, his life experience was incomplete.

The Miura Kenichi that Luo Yao knew before was a very talented expert in the field of communication codes, and his impression was very stereotyped.

But after Kinoshita Shisui's detailed description, the image of this person became clear and full.

Born in poverty, he has been smart since he was a child, has extremely high talent in mathematics, and has a tenacious personality. He can be said to be a genius prodigy. He was admitted to a famous institution like Waseda University when he was a teenager. He is a master of mathematics and cryptography like Ono Ueki. His future is bright. Limited amount, but was frustrated in love, and finally joined the army and became one of the most secret code experts in the army. It can be said that he has made great achievements. In comparison, the noble later also joined the army, but did not develop much.

"My senior brother is not good at words, but has an extremely stubborn personality. He joined the army to compete with Senior Sister Yoko's fiancé and prove that the teacher's choice was wrong. He did it, but Senior Sister Yoko still married him. I have a fiancé, and we have a very good relationship, and we have a son and a daughter. In my impression, this is the only failure in Miura's life. At other times, he has won." Kinoshita Shosui said.

Proud, stubborn, extremely perseverant, and talented. Such people are easy to succeed, but they are also easy to go to extremes.

But this Miura Kenichi is obviously a very perfect person in Kinoshita Shisui's mouth, and the admiration in his mouth can be heard.

But are there really perfect people?

Luo Yao doesn't believe that he has done well enough, but he is not without shortcomings. For example, he sometimes accepts death and never looks back until he hits the wall.

To a certain extent, he and Miura Kenichi are the same type of people in terms of personality. They are both taciturn, rich in feelings and reserved...

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