The secret war is silent

Chapter 815 Miura Kenichi

In Jiangcheng, the former Japanese Concession, north of Liuhe Street, there is a Japanese-style villa covering an area of ​​about two or three acres.

There is a sign hanging at the door, in Japanese, which is some kind of scientific research institute.

However, the place is heavily guarded and few people come out. People entering from the outside are also very mysterious. The surrounding residents are also Japanese expatriates.

The Chinese are never allowed to get close.

Obviously there are some secret and harmful things going on here. Anyway, nothing the Japanese do is good.

This is the simple cognitive view of the Chinese people, and it remains the same to this day.

This is actually where the Miura unit of the Japanese Army's Eleventh Army is stationed, with its commander, Ken Dazuo Miura.

He is the king here!

"Sir, the other party still ignored him." The adjutant pushed open the door of Miura Kenichi's office and reported solemnly.

"I know, you go down." Miura Kenichi was practicing calligraphy, which he became obsessed with after coming to China. When he was in Japan, he didn't think calligraphy was that good. It wasn't until he came to China that he learned about Chinese characters. He gradually fell in love with the broad and profound culture. He was originally a smart person and learned quickly.

And practicing calligraphy can help him calm down more easily, which kills two birds with one stone.

To decipher Chinese encrypted messages, you naturally need to understand Chinese characters, be able to speak Chinese, and understand Chinese culture. Otherwise, even if you decipher the text, you will not be able to understand the meaning of other people's messages.

Their many weird encryption methods are really amazing, such as acrostic poems, omissions, etc.

Japanese writing cannot be so subtle.

A black car slowly drove into the courtyard. There was a plaster flag on the car. Anyone who could ride in such a car was obviously not an ordinary person.

The car door opens.

A short, lean middle-aged man got out of the car, wearing a suit and tie.

Judging from the way he walks, he is always arrogant.

After communicating with the guard at the door, he was let in. It was obvious that he was familiar with the visitors here, or that he did not dare to stop him at all.

"Sir..." The adjutant came in again.

"I know, please invite him in." Miura Kenichi had a slightly displeased expression on his face, as if he didn't welcome the visitors, but he couldn't turn them away.


Miura Kenichi put the brush on the pen holder, walked over, washed his hands with water, dried them with a towel, straightened the collar a little, buttoned up, put on the military uniform, and buttoned up the buttons one by one.

Since he has to meet guests, he must not neglect etiquette. Over the years, he has been learning the etiquette of nobles, and these have been integrated into his bones.

After everything was ready, he nodded slightly to the adjutant.

The adjutant walked over and opened the door.

Kondo Keiichi in a suit and leather tie walked in from the door. When he saw Miura Kenichi sitting in a dangerous position, he smiled: "Miura-kun, I'm sorry to bother you."

"You're welcome, Chief Kondo. Please sit down." Miura Kenichi waved his hand slightly, making a "please" gesture.

Kondo Keiichi nodded slightly, walked over and sat down on the sofa.

The adjutant served freshly brewed tea.

After a few casual greetings, their respective adjutants were invited out. They did not need to be present for the chief's conversation.

"Miura-kun, in the Yichang battle, although the empire won the final victory, the empire also exposed many shortcomings, including insufficient troops and too long battle lines. These are problems that are difficult to solve in a short time. Only by winning by surprise can we achieve Lingshan City. The purpose of surrender." Keiichi Kondo talked about it.

"Isn't the Empire negotiating with them?"

"Negotiations are still ongoing, but the base camp's prediction of the negotiations is not optimistic." Kondo Keiichi said.

"Kondo-kun, I am a technical officer, what are you doing here to see me?"

"Miura-kun, although you are a technical officer, you are also an intelligence officer and an officer of the empire. Don't you want to perform meritorious service for His Majesty the Emperor?" Kondo Keiichi asked.

"Kondo-kun, just tell me why you're here." Miura Kenichi picked up the tea cup and slowly put it down.

"There is a Chinese intelligence team hidden in Jiangcheng. Our situation is always quickly known to the other party. My predecessor was incompetent and did not discover its existence. But now, this intelligence team has threatened our security. We must Dig it out,” said Keiichi Kondo.

"Kondo-kun, this is your responsibility, what does it have to do with us?" Miura Kenichi asked in confusion.

Catching spies and agents is not your secret service's business, so what does it have to do with him?

"Miura-kun, their communication is fast and timely, which means that they cannot use artificial transmission methods. They must use secret radio stations. Miura-kun, this should be your specialty." Kondo Keiichi asked.

"You mean, Jiangcheng hides the secret radio station of this intelligence team?" Miura Kenichi's mind moved slightly.


"How to prove it?"

"I just want to test it out, and then I'll find out." Kondo Keiichi said with a slight smile.

"How to test?"

"I have revealed an intelligence here. It is true, and I will ask Miura-kun to search for all the radio signals sent out by Jiangcheng after the intelligence was leaked..."

"Okay, I'll help you with this." After considering it, Miura Ken nodded and agreed, "But, I have a request."

"Miura-kun, please speak."

"If there is a secret radio code book, I want to study it." Miura Ken said.

"Of course, if the code book can be seized, it will be no problem to give it to Miura-kun for study." Kei Kondo said.


"Kondo-kun, wait a moment."

"Miura-kun, is there anything else going on?"

"I want to ask Kondo-kun about something." Miura Kenichi asked.

"Miura-kun, please speak."

"I have a junior brother, his name is Kinoshita Shisui. I wonder if Kondo-kun knows him?" Miura Kenichi asked.

When Kondo Keiichi heard this, his expression changed instantly. Kinoshita Shosui was once his subordinate. Last year, as a communications technician, he participated in the sneak attack mission against the Chinese "X" team. As a result, except for him, everyone else was wiped out.

He never expected that Kinoshita Shisui was Miura Kenichi's junior brother.

However, after he came back, he reported to his superiors that all these people were loyal to the Japanese Empire and were broken into pieces.

If so many people were captured by the Chinese, he would be responsible. Later, after he regained his freedom, he was still worried for a while, fearing that the Chinese would announce the news and if these people were still alive, he would be in trouble.

Fortunately, no relevant news was heard, and he was probably executed by the angry Chinese after being captured.

"Last year, the empire launched the Hunan-Jiangxi Campaign. I personally commanded an elite imperial squad to sneak into the enemy's rear and prepare to sneak attack on a special unit of the enemy. Unfortunately, they were ambushed by the enemy. As a result, except for me, the rest of the team waited They all fell. At that time, we were planning to lurk down disguised as Chinese refugees, but our identity was discovered. I was the only one who survived. There was indeed a man named Kinoshita in the team. He was a communications expert. I don’t know if he was Miura-kun. The Kinoshita-kun I mentioned." Kondo Keiichi said.

Miura Kenichi also had a source of information, and Kondo Keiichi did not dare to hide it.

"How is my junior brother?"

"Captured by the Chinese, they should be shot." Kei Kondo said, "They are not soldiers, and they were not captured on the battlefield. According to convention, agents and spies are not protected by the Geneva Prisoner of War Treaty. If they are caught, they can be directly Shot."

Miura Kenichi was startled for a moment. This bad news was a bit hard for him to accept. After all, when he was in school, he had a very good relationship with this junior, and they were considered to be one of the few friends he could talk to.

"Miura-kun, are you okay?"

"It's okay, Kondo-kun, can I know whose hands Kinoshita died in?" Miura Kenichi asked.

"It's a Chinese named Qin Ming. He is an agent leader of the military command. He also has many aliases. Qin Ming is just one of his many aliases. He also leads the secret code deciphering agency of the military command. It can be said that he is also An expert in the field of code deciphering, he is a very cunning and difficult opponent. Moreover, he was involved in the Yichang operation we launched this time. One of my elite teams was also destroyed!" Kei Kondo! The hatred in Yiyi's eyes was also extremely intense for a moment.

"Nani, this Qin Ming is actually an expert in deciphering secret codes?" Miura Kenichi was surprised.

"Yes, our biggest defeat on the battlefield in southern Hunan last year was because he deciphered our communication code and made preparations in advance, causing our surprise attack plan to fail completely, which in turn led to our subsequent plans being disrupted and the battle failed! "Kondo Keiichi.

"I know this. I just received the transfer order at that time, but I couldn't take care of the work at hand, so I didn't come over. This person is such a great threat, didn't the empire find a way to get rid of him?" Miura Kenichi asked.

"Of course, we have tried many methods, including assassinations, assassinations, etc., and even used our most powerful agents in the mountain city, but we still can't get rid of him. This person has become a target of the imperial intelligence department. "Kondo Keiichi said.

"The staff reviewed the battle of the 39th Division at the Pumpkin Shop. There were many incredible things in it, including how the Chinese Army replaced itself with our army's baggage train, and how they deceived Our reinforcements, and their grasp of our troop mobilization will be so accurate. The news is definitely leaked, but how and how it was leaked is not an accurate statement, but I judge that there should be a problem with the secret communication. , suggested that the commander of the garden department change the communication method, use wired or manual transmission for confidential communications, and continue to use radio communication for secondary communications. The effect was immediate. This allowed us to take the initiative in the battle to capture Yichang and win it in one fell swoop. Come to Yichang!" Miura Kenichi said proudly.

"Miura-kun's analysis is correct. Miura-kun and I have the same view. The battle at the Pumpkin Shop was by no means a mutiny by our supply team. It was clearly a military adventure carried out by the Chinese Army taking advantage of their possession of the secret code we deciphered. It is unfortunate. Yes, we had no research on this and were unprepared, and ultimately allowed the China Army to take advantage of the loophole!" Keiichi Kondo analyzed.

"This is a new tactic. If the Chinese can use it, so can we." Miura Kenichi said.

"Miura-kun draws inferences from one example. This is exactly what I thought..."

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