The secret war is silent

Chapter 831 Days in Mountain City

"Is this girl Xiaonan asleep?"

Although Luo Nan is very attached to her adoptive father, she is a girl after all, and she has spent more time with Gong Hui, and they are closer to each other.

This is natural.

A woman who is not yet married actually becomes a mother. This is somewhat of a comedy, but Gong Hui actually does it very well.

Luo Yao knew very well that half of it was due to his own reasons. If Luo Nan was not his adopted child, Gong Hui would never spend so much thought on her.

"This child finally has a normal life, and the pain of losing her parents has gradually healed. Even sometimes, she can still be seen secretly crying." Gong Hui nodded.

"She is still a child, let's train her to become a talent." Luo Yao also felt a little sad.

He also missed his father a little. There was no definite news, and he could only say that he was still alive.

In a few years, you may not recognize the people standing in front of you. When people get older, they age quickly and change a lot.

I have changed a lot in the past two years, and I can't see the pale and decadent look I had more than two years ago.

"You go to sleep too, I'll clean up here myself."

"I have to go back to work in a while. I will have a day off tomorrow. It just so happens that you are back. I have to give myself two days off anyway."


"What's going on with the British recently?" Luo Yao asked.

"The last batch of supplies has been shipped from Yangon. It is expected to arrive in Lashio the day after tomorrow, and Wanding in two days." Gong Hui said, "The little money we have accumulated is almost gone."

"It doesn't matter, the money has been exchanged for supplies, and the supplies can also be cashed in. We won't lose money," Luo Yao said.

"The prices of materials are rising day by day. Even if they are not smuggled, it will be a huge profit." Gong Hui said, "Part of the materials we hoarded before were released during the bombing, and the money earned was invested again. This wave, The assets of Twilight Company suddenly increased several times. Sister Xing used part of it to acquire some good enterprises and companies, which indirectly helped many people and also attracted the jealousy of many people. The conscience price we offered was better than those who had already The people who are looking at us can't do anything about our military commander's background, but there are many people who hate us secretly."

"Then let them be very careful. We get rich from the people and use it for the people. Wealth is not brought with us during life and will not be taken with us after death. So what if you are a billionaire? You will not live in such a big city after death. In a box, it doesn’t matter if you build it with gold and jade, it will still be remembered by others, and there will be no peace after death!" Luo Yao said.

"This is the truth, but how many people in the world can break through this confusion?" Gong Hui nodded.

"Xiaohui, you have to keep your original intention in life. Once you jump into the shackles of power and money, it will be difficult to wake up again." Luo Yao reminded.

"I know, greed is the original sin." Gong Hui nodded.

"Many people say that you are trying to buy people's hearts by doing this and that you are an ambitious hypocrite." Gong Hui said.

"Isn't it bad to be ambitious? Besides, it wouldn't be bad if I could be a hypocrite for the rest of my life." Luo Yao said.

Of course Luo Yao knew how terrible people's slander was, especially in a greedy and corrupt government like the Kuomintang, which liked to fight for power and gain, there was a huge market for it.

Things in the future were happening bit by bit in his memory. It was not a dream, which was enough for him to realize clearly.

He does not belong to this decadent regime, so there is no need to cling to the power and status it comes from.

When the great times come, everything will turn into decay.

"Anyway, while you were away, there were quite a lot of these noises, but no one paid attention to them," Gong Hui said.

"Well, once such rumors spread, it is indeed not a good thing. Let Huhu pay attention later and check who is spreading the rumors." Luo Yaodao, Shen Yu reminded him, Gong Hui added, this will make He had to be alert.

The power of public opinion is very scary. He has personal pain. If he doesn't pay attention to it, he will really be in trouble.

"Then I'm leaving. You go to bed early." Gong Hui nodded, closed the door and went out.

I woke up early the next morning and moved my hands and feet with Xiao Nan in the yard. This little girl is practicing very hard now.

He got up earlier than Luo Yao and practiced stances in the yard. Luo Yao was past the best age for learning martial arts and his achievements were limited.

Although Xiaonan's health is not very good, she can make up for it as long as she keeps up with her nutrition. In addition, this girl is very smart and hardworking, and is a good candidate for learning martial arts.

Yu Jie liked Xiaonan very much. He gave birth to three boys in one breath, and the last one was a daughter, which was what he wanted.

But if his daughter was asked to learn martial arts, he would probably refuse to do so. She practices in the summer and in the winter. How can ordinary people endure that hardship!

Yang Fan has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he can be regarded as half of Xiao Nan's master at home.

"Xiao Nan, come here for breakfast. Your mother Xiaohui should be back soon!" Luo Yao stretched his muscles and then stopped. After washing, he put on clean clothes and called out to Xiao Nan.


"Come on, daughter, eat an egg. You are growing tall, so you must eat at least one every day." Luo Yao peeled off an egg and handed it over.

"Thank you, Dad." Xiaonan accepted it happily. Her current life was something she never dared to imagine before. It would be great if her biological parents were still alive.

"I've eaten everything. It seems I've come back at the right time." Gong Hui and Jiang Xiaoyu came in from the outside and saw Luo Yao and others having breakfast in the yard.

"Well, you are back at the right time. Let's eat together. Old Dong did a lot today." Luo Yao greeted.

"Xiao Yu, come here, you haven't had breakfast yet, come together." Gong Hui washed her hands and called to Jiang Xiaoyu.

"Brother Yao, are you going to work today?"

"Wei Gong has allowed me three days' leave, but I definitely can't stay at home, so I'd better go. When Lao Yang and the others come back, they have to go back to their original work. There are a lot of things that need to be familiarized and arranged. I'll be there soon. "Luo Yao nodded.

"During your absence, Wei Daming pulled some people to form a small group in the consulting room, with Zhu Lieming in charge, specializing in studying the secret messages of the CCP and Wang Puppet." Gong Hui said.

"Isn't this overlapping with the work of the second research and translation team?" Luo Yao asked strangely. Wei Daming is just a consultant. How useful can he be in forming a small group in the military technical room?

"The source of funding for his small group comes from Deputy Director Mao Zongxiang. I can't ask about this matter." Gong Hui explained.

"These people just don't do human affairs. It doesn't matter. If they are in the military technical room, they won't cause any big trouble!" Luo Yao said.

"Now, Wei Daming is eyeing your position, and Mao Zongxiang wants to replace Wen Yuqing."

"Are you in a hurry?"

"Can they not be anxious? You have repeatedly made military exploits in the fifth theater, and your position in the military technical room has become more and more stable. If they don't take action, they will have no chance." Gong Hui said, "This time you come back, the military technical room There’s already an undercurrent surging.”

"What's Dr. Wen's attitude? He just watched Wei Daming act like this?" Luo Yao asked. He was not the person in charge of the military technical room's business. Wen Yuqing would not stop Wei Daming's blatant behavior in the military technical room. ?

"Who knows what he thinks, maybe in his eyes, you are a bigger threat than Wei Daming." Gong Hui said.

"Even if I want to take over the position of director of the military technical room, it will take at least two years. My qualifications are not enough at all. What is he worried about?"

"Whether you want to be the director of the Military Technical Office or not, that's not a question of qualifications or ability, it's a question of the Chairman. If the Chairman wants you to do it, there's no problem. Don't you understand?" Gong Hui rolled her eyes at him. .

This is true. If the old man really wants to employ people, no one can stop him. Dai Yunong was not promoted to the director because he was not qualified at the beginning. Instead, He Yaozu was appointed as the director concurrently and Dai Yunong took charge of the work as the deputy director. This was the success. Boss Dai’s great reputation.

The military technical office can completely handle it this way, but the problem is that Wen Yuqing is not He Yaozu. They don't care about the false name of the director. He has other part-time jobs, which are much higher than the director of the small military command bureau.

Wen Yu cleared this, what else could there be?

Mao Zongxiang also had a part-time job, but the part-time job in the Military Technical Office was very important to him, because the Military Technical Office was a confidential department, which could add points to his future career.

The director of the military technical department not only has the power, but also allows him to continuously make meritorious deeds. When working next to the old man, if you want to gain long-term honor and favor, you have to make meritorious deeds.

"It seems that I have to have a good talk with Dr. Wen." Luo Yao smiled slightly.

Yu Jie shook the chopsticks he was holding pickles with and reminded him: "You Ning, your position in the military technical room is solid, so don't be too strong. Although Dr. Wen's abilities are limited, he has a close relationship with the Song family after all. He can do his best not to offend. Don’t offend.”

"Why did I offend him? If I squeezed him away, I wouldn't be the target of public criticism." Luo Yao said with a smile.

"Yes, as long as Dr. Wen makes no mistakes and stays in this position for another one or two years, the position of director will belong to you." Yu Jie nodded.

"The position of director is not that important to me. The task of the military technical room is to decipher the Japanese military's secret messages, and deciphering the secret messages is not an easy job. I don't care about technology now, it is very easy. Once I take charge of it, the responsibility will be It's all up to me." Luo Yao smiled.

"That's true, haha, let's eat, don't talk about business while eating..." Yu Jie laughed, took two mouthfuls of porridge, put down the bowl, turned to Yang Fan and said, "Tiger, come with me to the city today, are you free?"

Yang Fan looked at Luo Yao, who nodded to him and immediately said, "Yes, Mr. Yu, when will you come over?"

"I'll be there soon. I'm going to stay at Xiaohui's place for two days." Yu Jie chuckled, "I miss the baby too."


"I won't sit in You Ning's car. It's too bumpy. Xiaohui, can you lend me your car?" Yu Jie said.

"Okay, teacher, I just don't go out today and am staying at home with Xiaonan." Gong Hui nodded.

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