The secret war is silent

Chapter 834 Training Class Plan

The matter of the goods being impounded was resolved, and Minister Kong had to give face to Dai Yunong if he came forward, unless he wanted to break up with the military commander.

Yang Si and the others also returned to their original jobs. Of course, they had to get used to it when they came back. The working methods and intensity of the Fifth War Zone were still different from those of the Military Technical Room.

It was wartime, and almost everyone had little time to eat and only sleep for six hours a day apart from work.

Such intense work obviously cannot last too long, otherwise the body will not be able to bear it.

After many people came back, they only had to eat and sleep. Some slept all day and all night. This period of time was really hard.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Yao has been back at work in the military technical room for a week.

Luo Yao came to work, which made Wen Yuqing much more relaxed. He could leave many things to Luo Yao.

And after the last conversation, Wen Yuqing also understood that Luo Yao had no intention of competing for the position of director of the Military Technical Office. On the contrary, Mao Zongxiang and Wei Daming were eyeing the position of director of the Military Technical Office, especially Mao Zongxiang, who was the old man's confidant.

This guy often said something casually in front of the old man, which would cost him who knows how much.

If he is smart, he should not target Luo Yao, but form an alliance with Luo Yao. As long as the two of them cooperate, Mao Zongxiang and Wei Daming will not be able to make any big waves in the military technical room.

As soon as Luo Yao came back, the consultant's office seemed to be a bit quiet. The rules were set by Luo Yao.

When he is away, you can take advantage of the opportunity. When he comes back, all those people have to return to their original positions.

Those who dare to do private work and ignore their own work will be punished very severely. The personnel power is in Luo Yao's hands.

Therefore, as soon as Luo Yao came back, the unhealthy tendencies in the military technical room stopped immediately, and Wei Daming and Mao Zongxiang were unable to do anything.

Unless they recruit a group of people and start a new business!

But if they dare to do this, Luo Yao doesn't need to come forward. The old man will not tolerate them in the first place.

"Xiao Wu, please give me a notice to hold a meeting at the section chief level or above before getting off work." Luo Yao told his secretary Xiao Wu when he went to work after lunch break that afternoon.

"Yes, Deputy Director Luo."

"Well, go and ask Secretary Wang to come over. I have something to do with him."


"Deputy Director Luo, do you have anything to ask me about?" Wang Weijun received the notice and did not dare to neglect, so he came over immediately.

"Come, Secretary Wang, sit down for a while." Luo Yao ordered, "I also called the chief of the personnel department."

"Deputy Director Luo, are you going to make some adjustments to personnel?" Wang Weijun was slightly surprised. Luo Yao had not taken any action for a week. He just started making adjustments to personnel. This was definitely a big move in the military technical room.

"No, I want to open a training class in the military technical room, mainly for the detection of secret signals, and also for the echelon training of deciphering talents. This is a plan I wrote, you can take a look first." Luo Yao handed Wang Weijun a plan Book.

Wang Weijun took it and flipped through it quickly. He finished reading it in a short time. At this time, the HR section chief was notified and came over.

"Deputy Director Luo, have you discussed the training class with Dr. Wen?" Wang Weijun returned the plan.

"Of course, I mentioned this plan to Dr. Wen, and he agreed. Moreover, we can also organize short training courses to improve the business capabilities of our internal personnel. In the future, wars will not end in one or two days, so we must do a good job Preparations for long-term battles, and even if the war ends one day, code communication security and deciphering will be top priorities. We need more talents, especially reserve talents." Luo Yao said.

"I agree with Deputy Director Luo's plan, but I'm afraid this plan will cost a lot. We have held such classes in the past. Many people in our military technical department came from the training class. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, they were constantly transferred. After arriving in Guiyang, it was stopped later." Wang Weijun said that he had worked in the Secret Inspection Office for a long time and he was very aware of this historical situation.

"Deputy Director Luo, if we hold a training class, where will the funds come from and where will the class be held? All these need to be resolved?" asked the HR section chief.

"I will figure out the issue of funding and class location. You don't have to worry about this. It is now a problem of teachers and requires coordination. Moreover, once personnel are removed to run training classes, even if they were part-time in the past, it will delay the main work of the Military Technical Office. Therefore, the military technical room needs to recruit another batch of manpower." Luo Yao said.


This is to expand the scale of the military technical room in the name of holding training courses, and the reasons are very good. Whether it is the Battle of Xiangcheng or this Northwestern Hubei Battle, cipher communication and cipher code deciphering play an extremely critical role.

Increasing manpower and material investment is also what the question implies.

Anyone who opposes it at this time is going against the overall situation of anti-Japanese war.

"This is just a preliminary plan of mine that still needs to be improved. I have called you here for a preliminary discussion. The three of us will first divide the work. I will be responsible for the submission of the plan and the source of funds. Secretary Wang, you will be responsible for the selection. As for the work of training class instructors and the selection of class locations, Section Chief Shen, you are responsible for recruiting students. As for the requirements, we will discuss them later. It is better to be lacking than to waste..."

"Today we have a short meeting before get off work. Two things. The first thing is about the issue of high temperature subsidies. I have communicated this with Director Wen and Deputy Director Mao. In such hot weather, can everyone still stick to it? In order to allow everyone to work smoothly in hot weather, we unanimously decided to issue a two-month high-temperature subsidy of 30 yuan per person per month, two It’s sixty yuan per month. You can get this money from the Accounting Section of the General Affairs Group tomorrow, but everyone has to stagger the time and don’t rush in. Every penny is a lot, and everyone is the same.”

As soon as the news was announced, warm applause erupted in the conference room.

No matter how good Luo Yao is, a leader who can give money to the people below is a good leader. At least in the military technical room, there is no such thing as salary deduction.

Now that prices are skyrocketing outside, an extra sixty yuan will be a big help to a family with a family.

Some people are already wondering how to use the sixty yuan.

It has been a long time since the children at home made new clothes. The old clothes were too small to wear, so I had to pull out several feet of fabric to make new clothes.

We don’t have much rice at home, so it’s time to buy rice. My parents in my hometown are old, and I have to remit medical expenses every month...

After all the miscellaneous calculations, it seems that there is not much money left to offset the rising prices.

"The institute is preparing to recruit a group of people. You can recommend your friends and colleagues in the past to apply. Those who pass the assessment will be selected on the basis of merit. This time there are thirty places, mainly for groups one, two, four, three and The fifth group will not increase its manpower for the time being." Luo Yao continued to announce.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone started talking, and everyone was asked to recommend thirty places. This was an opportunity. People who were dismissed due to the number limit during the merger had a chance to come back.

"In principle, people at the section chief level can recommend one person, and the team leader and deputy team leader can recommend two people. The recommended people need to pass a written test and an interview before they can be admitted. This will also be the case for our military in the future. The rules for recruiting new people in the technical room.”

"Deputy Director Luo, do new recruits in the future need to be recommended by someone above the section chief level?" asked Meng Guangzhi, deputy leader of a group.

"This is not necessarily true. We adopt a flexible recruitment system. The first is the recommendation of internal staff. The second is to hold training courses. First, we need to undergo training before taking up the job. There is also special recruitment. Open recruitment is very important for people like us. Keeping the unit secret is unrealistic..."

"Hold training courses. Our current tasks are so heavy, how can we have time to hold training courses?"

"That's right, Deputy Director Luo, even three shifts of our deciphering task are too busy..."

"Yes, I know that everyone's tasks are heavy and the work intensity is high. However, we are not just focusing on the present. We must consider the future and cultivate successor talents for the party and the country. This is also our unshirkable responsibility." Luo Yao said seriously.

"I support Deputy Director Luo. Without enough talents, how can our military technical department develop and grow? Now we can also select some of the people who have left in the past and call them back. What will happen in the future if there are no available people?" Huo Tian supported , "If you have to wait until there is no one to recruit before you think of a way, it will delay things."

"It takes money and space to run a training class. It's easy for the instructors to solve it. Let's squeeze in and find time. The most important thing is the students. Code deciphering requires very high professional quality. The average student may not meet our requirements." Requirements." said Ding Xu, deputy leader of the second group.

"Then go to a telecommunications school to select, or go to a university to recruit. Anyone with related majors can be considered. We will start with a small scale class, and then it will depend on the situation. The academic length cannot be too short. Those with a basic foundation in telecommunications and communication can be shortened, at least It can’t be less than a year.” Luo Yao said that there was still one year before the outbreak of the Pacific War.

There are no big battles to fight this year, so he should not be seconded again.

What he wants to do is to train a group of deciphering talents related to cryptographic communications and cryptographic code deciphering.

He needs a year to settle down.

"Training class for code deciphering and code translators?" Lin Weiwen was a little surprised when he saw the plan submitted by Luo Yao.

Young people like Luo Yao who are dedicated to the cause of the party and the country are too rare.

"Wei Gong, this is not a whim of mine, but I have been to the Ninth War Zone and the Fifth War Zone, and found that the national army below us is too short of secret communication talents, let alone our secret communication. There is no way to compare with Europe and the United States. For example, even our enemies have specialized courses in universities, but it can be said that none of our universities are involved in this field. If we don’t make efforts to cultivate it now, in a few years or more than ten years, when our generation is old, Who else can take the lead?" Luo Yao said sincerely.

"It's not a big problem to run a training class. You want the power to select people from major universities, right?" Who is Lin Weiwen? The key to training classes is people. Luo Yao's requirements are relatively high, so where are the people he needs? Only colleges and universities.

"Mr. Wei, you have to help me with this."

"You Ning, you have posed a difficult problem for me. The universities in central Sichuan are fine, but those in other places are difficult. But do you have a list?"

"That's definitely not the case. That's why I made this plan. Besides, I have a blind eye on the situation in those colleges and universities."

"Aren't you also from the Mathematics Department of Aurora University? Don't you have teachers and classmates that you can contact and contact them?" Lin Weiwen reminded.

"I have thought of this a long time ago. The problem is, it has been several years since I graduated. Besides, I don't know where they are now, and I can't find them if I want to contact them," Luo Yaodao said.

"The military commander can't find anyone, so I have no choice."

"So, I want to ask you to be an official." Luo Yao chuckled.

"What official?"

"Inspector of the Ministry of Education."

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