The secret war is silent

Chapter 837 Picking people

"Mr. Osborne, this is a cashier's check from Citibank. Please keep it and cash it directly when you arrive in Hong Kong." Qi Zhibin solemnly handed a check to Osborne.

"Thank you, Qi!" Osborne was very grateful. He handed over many of his properties and business connections in the mountain city to Qi Zhibin.

Although these properties and connections were not necessarily useful, Qi Zhibin still gave him a good price.

"Goodbye then, Mr. Osborne, take care!"

With Osborne leaving, there is basically no chance of meeting him again. Thousands of miles across the ocean, Osborne may not have a chance to return to China just because of his health.

Osborne returns home.

This is not a small matter. After all, he is an American and has made considerable contributions in China.

After the old man learned about it, he specially summoned Osborne once before he left.

Also accompanying him was Dai Yunong.

The old man still spoke highly of Osborne, which made the American feel quite honored when he returned.

Then, the next day at Coral Dam Airport, Osborne boarded a plane to Hong Kong. At this time, there were very few flights from Shancheng to Hong Kong.

And it could stop at any time.

The Japanese had accumulated heavy troops on the Kowloon border near Hong Kong and might invade Hong Kong at any time. The British were afraid and compromised before closing the Burma Highway.

Osborne's departure did not cause any disturbance to the military technical room, and he was no longer a core figure, but for the Japanese intelligence agencies, everyone was celebrating.

Because the Japanese intelligence agencies have basically determined that the reason why the Chinese were able to decipher the Japanese military's secret messages was because of this American.

Now that he has left, it will be difficult for the Chinese to decipher Japan's secret messages.

The Americans did them a favor.

After sending Osborne away, Luo Yao got all the items related to the mountain city left by Osborne, including relevant information and research notebooks.

These things are still of considerable value. After all, Osborne was once an authority on code deciphering.

Osborne's translator Qin Chong was also retained by Luo Yao, and his task was to continue translating and organizing these materials.

This project is not small.

"Americans are always villainous..." After reading through a notebook by Osborne, it recorded dozens of secret meetings between him and Major Barrett, who was not related to the US Embassy, ​​in the mountain city.

The reason why Osborne left this notebook with Luo Yao was that it would get him into trouble if he checked it out when passing through customs. Later, he was also a little dissatisfied with the US government.

This thing was a kind reminder to him, telling him to be careful if he dealt with Americans in the future.

"Xiaohui, put this notebook away and don't let outsiders know about it."

"Yes." Gong Hui took it and put the notebook away. It would be decades before it was seen again.

In the final analysis, Americans despise China's ability to decipher cryptographic codes and have never trusted them. They are more defensive about Osborne and have never trusted him.

Although Osborne is a man who can't keep his mouth shut.

The old man agreed that the military technical office should hold a training class, so the people below naturally had no objections, and the organizational structure of the training class was quickly set up.

The class teacher Luo Yao was given over to Wen Yuqing, which many people did not expect, but everyone knew that the class teacher was a false position.

The person who really holds the real power is Luo Yao, the deputy class teacher. Just like when the military command ran the temporary training class, Dai Yunong was also the class teacher, but he only went there twice, and the deputy class teacher was Yu Jie. It can be said that Yu Jie was the temporary training class. The real teacher of this class of more than a thousand people.

It is not unreasonable for Dai Yunong to be afraid of Yu Jie. The more than a thousand people in the temporary training class have now become the middle force at the grassroots level of the military command. In time, when these people come up, it will be different.

Huo Tian serves as the chief instructor, and Chi An serves as the deputy chief instructor. There is no fixed number of instructors, and there are also external instructors.

Independent teaching base, military management, etc.

In addition, the military technical room has begun to recruit external personnel for the first time. These recommended people still need to be assessed and retrained to take up their posts.

It can be considered as a practice for the training class.

In this way, Luo Yao spent significantly less time in the military technical room, and shifted more of his work focus to the Danzishi Sun Family Garden Training Class.

As education supervisors, Yang Fan and I drove around major universities and shelters in the mountain city every day.

Recruit current college students and college students who have graduated.

For the sake of talents, Luo Yao will do anything to "trap, deceive, abduct, and deceive", but he is very demanding, so it is difficult to find people who can catch his eye.

The age range is between 18 and 24 years old, and the age limit can be relaxed to thirty years old for outstanding candidates.

Applicants must have a high school education or above, know at least one foreign language, and be proficient in reading foreign language documents and communicating. Two or more minor languages ​​are required.

Mathematics and linguistics majors are preferred.

Applicants with study abroad experience are preferred.

The physical quality should not be too poor, without any bad habits, and without infectious diseases.

There is no problem politically.

This time Luo Yao has relatively high requirements for cultural quality. They must be high school or above, and the minimum is college students. Those below this will not be considered.

The requirements are high, and the natural elimination rate is high. Moreover, it also requires follow-up inspections and two-way selection. Moreover, Luo Yao wants to cultivate future leading talents this time, and what he wants to cultivate is the Huangpu Phase I in China's cryptographic code deciphering industry.

Luo Yao and Yang Fan spent nearly half a month selecting six people from universities around the mountain city.

The youngest is sixteen years old, the oldest is twenty-eight, there are boys and girls, any one of them is an elite if they are put outside.

They are, Li Duoyu, Tang Xin, Ye Mi, Song Jiajia, Fan Mu and Liu Tao.

Among them, Ye Mi is the youngest at 16 years old. He is a language genius and can actually speak seven languages. In addition to Chinese, he can also speak English, French, German, Spanish and Latin.

The eldest, Li Duoyu, is twenty-eight years old. He graduated from the Mathematics Department of Yenching University and works as a teacher in a middle school in a mountain city. Apart from being poor at speaking and communicating, everything else is fine. Ye Mi is one of his students.

The remaining four people all have quite good talents, and each of them masters at least two foreign languages ​​​​besides Chinese.

Among them, two people can speak Japanese, and basically all can speak English. Others can speak French, and one can speak German.

But this is far from enough.

Luo Yao decided to leave for Chengdu. There were also many colleges and universities in Chengdu, and they should be able to recruit some talents.

Just as Luo Yao led his people to Rongcheng, in North China, the Eighth Route Army launched a massive "anti-mopping up" campaign. This was also a huge proactive offensive battle launched by the Eighth Route Army on the battlefield behind enemy lines.

That is the "Battle of One Hundred Regiments".

While the "Hundred Regiments War" achieved brilliant results, it also shocked the country in the mountain city and the world.

In China, not only were the Kuomintang troops in mountain cities fighting the Japanese army, but there was also a large but inferior army fighting to the death for the Japanese behind enemy lines.

It greatly inspired the morale and fighting spirit of the people across the country to resist Japan. The strong combat effectiveness displayed by the Eighth Route Army made the mountainous areas more vigilant and fearful.

Rongcheng is not a mountain city, and Luo Yao is not familiar with the place, but fortunately there are some lists provided by Lao Wu. Luo Yao finds people based on the lists, which makes it a lot easier.

Of course, those that are not suitable will be given up.

Luo Yao stayed in Rongcheng for almost half a month, and finally recruited four people and brought them back to the mountain city.

Thirty students were recruited, only one-third of them were recruited. There were five places in the military command, so that was only half.

With half of it left, Luo Yao decided to go to Diancheng, where there was a university that concentrated almost the best of China's top universities: Southwest Associated University.

After returning to the mountain city to rest for two days, Luo Yao took people by plane to Dian City. He planned to stay in Dian City for a month.

The first is to recruit students, and the second is to prepare for the establishment of the Diancheng branch of Twilight Company.

This time he also brought Qi Zhibin over.

In the next stage, Qi Zhibin will serve as the manager of the Diancheng branch and be fully responsible for Twilight Company’s business in the southwest region.

In addition, preparations will be made to establish Twilight Company’s offices in Yangon, Tengchong and Wanding.

One month may not be enough time, but time is tight and the task is heavy. Luo Yao considers that he must go back in mid-October.

After arriving in Diancheng and settling down, Qi Zhibin took people to find the address of the branch, while Luo Yao went directly to the Southwest Associated University.

In addition to Southwest Associated University, there are other universities in Diancheng. Luo Yao feels that it is not difficult for him to recruit fifteen students here.

Unexpectedly, he encountered a snag on the first day. People did not agree with him recruiting students at the university.

Luo Yao's status as an educational supervisor was of little use. He had no choice but to infiltrate to understand the situation and wait for an opportunity to take action. He spent a lot of money to acquire the status of an auditor.

The purpose of blending in is to understand the students' situation so that they can take action. In addition, it also has the purpose of listening to the class. You can't spend so much money just to come in vain.

Those professors who devoted themselves to learning were the opponents of experienced spies like Luo Yao, and they had no idea that a wolf had been wearing sheep's clothing and infiltrated the sheep.

After going back and forth, he almost got a feel for the students' situation and made several lists. However, these people were all the top students in the school, and it was estimated that the school would not let them go easily.

If it doesn't work, we can only resort to administrative means or other methods.

He has come into contact with all of these people, and they have even become good friends. He has also secretly made insinuations, and they are probably unwilling to leave without completing their studies.

In the blink of an eye, it has been almost a month since he came to Dian City. Although he has recruited a few students from other universities, most of them have not yet been accepted. Luo Yao knows that he has no time and must get things done in Dian City. Yes, I have to go back.

"For the eight people on the list, you send me an invitation and say that I will invite them to have dinner at the Diancheng Hotel." Luo Yao decided to have a battle to complete his work.

"Can all these people come?" Qi Zhibin was a little doubtful.

"I don't know if they can come, but they are not sweet. As long as they come today, they will not escape my grasp." Luo Yao said.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." Qi Zhibin nodded.

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