The secret war is silent

Chapter 839 Father’s Telegram

"How's it going, teacher?"

"Teacher has gone back to Twilight Building these days. Twilight Company expanded too fast in the previous stage and couldn't take care of the children. Teacher went over to help take care of the children."

"So, the teacher has become a housewife now?" Luo Yao chuckled.

Gong Hui rolled her eyes at him: "Don't let the teacher hear this, he has become a joke within the military."

"What a joke, I would rather be a housewife and take care of the children, live a relaxed life, and worry less." Luo Yao said with a smile, "When the Anti-Japanese War is won, I want to be a housewife."

"If you want to do it, who will support you?"

"You support me!"

"Bah, I won't support you."

"If you don't support me, I will find someone else. Don't regret it!" Luo Yao said to Gong Hui's back as he walked out.

"you dare!"

Hard times are coming. Although the pressure on the frontal battlefield has been reduced, the Japanese army has implemented an economic blockade, which has made the already fragile economy even worse.

Needless to say, prices are also becoming increasingly scarce, especially during the three months when the Burma Highway was temporarily closed.

The prices of many domestic items have more than doubled, and some have even increased several times.

However, after the Americans took action against Japan, they stopped importing the other country's scrap steel. The British also discovered that the Japanese appetite was too great.

After Prime Minister Churchill came to power, he adjusted his appeasement policy towards Japan and began to gradually become tougher in his attitude towards Japan.

Japan was an ally of Germany, and Germany occupied most of Europe. France surrendered, and Britain also faced the threat of Germany, and a tragic air war broke out.

The closed Yunnan-Burma Highway was reopened three months later. The opening of this life channel played a huge role in China's resistance to Japan.

The arteries are open.

Li Fu is back. Firstly, he has some official business to deal with, and secondly, he is back to see his wife and children. He has done a good job in the Ninth War Zone.

Already mixed up with the colonel.

Among the three heroes who were temporarily trained, Luo Yao was the first colonel, Li Fu was the second, and only Wen Zishan was left. It is estimated that by the end of the year, or at the latest early next year, he will be able to become a colonel.

In the temporary training class, except for those who have qualified to join the class in the past, those with a solid background like them are the fastest to be promoted.

Of course, these are job ranks, and the actual military ranks must be discounted. They are just a means of treatment during wartime.

In terms of military rank, Luo Yao is the highest, lieutenant colonel, Li Fu, Wen Zishan, and even Gong Hui are majors.

Luo Yao's merits are enough to make him a major general, but his qualifications are still lacking and he will probably have to wait a while.

At least it will take a year or two.

If Li Fu didn't have the support of great achievements, he would have to be promoted to major general after he was thirty years old.

But even this speed is beyond the reach of many people.

This is the advantage of Juntong. It rises very quickly in the early stage because the promotion of Juntong has the final say internally. To be precise, as long as Boss Dai is willing, it is a matter of one sentence.

But generals can't play like this. This needs to pass the assessment of the Civil Affairs Department of the Military Commission.

If you don't have the qualifications, don't expect to be promoted. Boss Dai himself is only a major general, and Quan Xu's military rank is only a colonel.

Of course, within the military system, military ranks have little influence and do not represent the level of power, so they are not representative.

You know, there are a lot of major generals in the military command, and some are older than Dai Yunong. Luo Yao's teacher Yu Jie is also a major general, so is Wei Daming, so is Li Haihuai...

But these people are all subordinates of Dai Yunong, what can it mean?

Major generals in the military command are worthless. Among the major generals in the army, only those who lead troops are considered powerful. The central army is more powerful than the local factions.

The three brothers haven't gotten together for a long time.

Luo Yao called the two of them home and asked Lao Dong to cook some dishes. The three of them had a good drink. Li Fu was very drunk, and Wen Zishan also drank a lot, but they couldn't go back.

The investigation room of the Ninth War Zone where Li Fu was working had begun to secretly arrest the Communists. After they were caught, they were directly imprisoned in Xifeng Concentration Camp.

Li Fu was in charge of the back office, and the arrests were not his responsibility, which made Luo Yao feel a little relieved.

He was afraid that Li Fu's hands would be stained with the blood of his comrades. When the time came, he would have his brothers on one side and his comrades on the other, and he wouldn't know how to choose.

He could keep an eye on Wen Zishan, but Li Fu was so far away that he really couldn't take care of both, but it was hard to say anything.

There are some things that really can't be done.

Li Fu didn't stay in the mountain city for long and went back soon. The work in the war zone was very busy. He came back this time on a business trip, otherwise he didn't know when he would be able to come back.

The days are getting colder day by day.

One day at the end of October, Luo Yao had just finished teaching the new students in the training class when Yang Fan pushed the door open and entered his office from outside.

"Brother, your telegram."

"My telegram?" Luo Yao was surprised. How could someone send him a telegram through the telegraph office? It was completely unnecessary.

When Luo Yao looked up after reading the telegram, his expression immediately changed.

This was an ordinary telegram sent from Hong Kong, and there was nothing wrong with the content, but the person who sent the telegram was Luo Yao's long-searched father.

Because he has been publishing missing person notices in Hong Kong. Of course, he is not using his real name, but his mother's identity. As soon as his father sees it, he will understand and contact him.

He was already an underground party member when he was in Jinling, so he naturally learned some secret communication methods. He taught this method to his father in order to prevent them from getting separated one day. method to get in touch.

Maybe my father has long forgotten this method. In the past two years, he has been paying attention to some newspapers published in Hong Kong, hoping to find relevant clues.

But in the end it was all fruitless.

How could Luo Yao not be surprised when he suddenly received such a telegram? The contact person and identity on the telegram were forged by Luo Yao in the mountain city. The person did not exist, but the address did.

There is no doubt that this telegram was sent by my father.

Return to Huangjiaoya’s home in the evening.

After dinner, Luo Yao handed the telegraph newspaper to Gong Hui: "Tiger got it back from the telegraph office today."

"Sent from Hong Kong?" Gong Hui looked at the call sign and immediately recognized that it was a telegram sent from Hong Kong.

"Well, Junzhu is my mother's name. I publish a missing person notice every Thursday in the "Hong Kong Chinese News" in my mother's name. As soon as my father sees it, he will know that it is me. Looking for him." Luo Yao said.

"Is this from your father?" Gong Hui instantly understood how much this telegram meant to Luo Yao.

"Well, the tone is that of my father. My father's name is Luo Han, and the word is: Mingzhang. Look at the end of the telegram, these are the two words."

"Brother Yao, are you going to Hong Kong?" Gong Hui asked seriously.

"No, I can walk there now." Luo Yao said, "Besides, it is very dangerous to go to Hong Kong now, and I don't want to put myself in danger."


"I want Tiger and Xia Fei to go on a trip. Tiger is capable enough. Xia Fei is a native of Hong Kong and is familiar with it. There are ways to find out information." Luo Yao said.

"With the tiger gone, there will be no one around you to protect you?"

"Isn't there Cai Xiaochun and the others? Their ability is no worse than that of Tiger. Besides, Tiger can't always stay by my side. I have to give him a chance to be independent." Luo Yao said.

"In that case, it's quite appropriate to let Tiger go." Gong Hui nodded, and she felt inexplicably nervous about Luo Yao's father.

"I haven't seen my father for three years, and I don't know how he is doing now." Luo Yao still misses his father very much.

"When do you plan for them to leave?"

"See if there are any flights to Hong Kong recently and book tickets for them." Luo Yao said.

"Okay, if I go to the Department of Literature and Art tomorrow by plane, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to get a ticket. It's too difficult to get a plane ticket to Hong Kong now. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it." Gong Hui said, "But for us , it’s not difficult to get two plane tickets.”

"Well, I'll talk to Tiger tomorrow and you and Xia Fei can come over and the matter will be settled." Luo Yao ordered.


In fact, Luo Yao had a hidden worry in his heart, but he didn't say it out in front of Gong Hui for fear of worrying her.

"Go to Hong Kong, brother, what am I going to do in that unfamiliar place alone?" Yang Fan said.

"You are not alone. There is also Xia Fei. The two of you go together. He is a native there and is familiar with the environment." Luo Yao said, "I let you go because I can't be separated from you. Otherwise, I will go there myself."

"Okay, brother, what do you want me to do?"

"Find my father and, if possible, bring him back to the mountain city." Luo Yao said.

"Ah?" Yang Fan was surprised, "Brother, you told me earlier, don't worry, I will definitely bring the old man back to you."

"Tiger, although you are just looking for someone here, it may not be without danger. Xia Fei is familiar with the situation there. You must listen to his opinion on some things." Luo Yao took off the watch on his wrist and handed it over, "This is my The year I was admitted to college, my father bought me a gift. As long as he sees this, he will believe your identity. In addition, I will write you another handwritten letter. This letter will only come to you after you meet my father. Only then can it be taken out.”

"Brother, you are talking as if we are working under special circumstances. Is this necessary?" Yang Fan was a little confused.

"That was in Hong Kong. The Japanese were more powerful than us. Also, the Japanese intelligence agency knew my identity. They had been trying to kill me, but I was in a mountain city and they were beyond their reach. There was no guarantee that they would not take advantage of my relatives. Take action."

"You have been looking for so long for news about your father. How could the Japanese..."

"Don't underestimate the Japanese. I also hope that your trip will go smoothly, but I always feel that something is wrong in my heart, so I sent you there. I hope you will be more cautious and don't act rashly. Once you find that something is wrong, don't act recklessly." , understand?" Luo Yao warned.

"I understand, brother!"

"You also need to change your identity. Use the identity you used when you went to the Fifth War Zone. Then go back and prepare. As soon as there is a flight to Hong Kong, we will arrange for you to go there." Luo Yaodao.


Ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket!

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