The secret war is silent

Chapter 842 Where are the people?

"How to say?"

"Su Ying'er's movie will premiere at Cathay Pacific the day after tomorrow. The content is about ancient wars. It tells the story of the Qi family's army fighting against the Japanese. She plays the female lead, Mrs. Qi..."

"Well, if it's no problem, you can go there. If you ask me, just say I'm too busy and don't have time." Luo Yao nodded.

"Well, I understand. I want to take Xiaonan there. What do you think?"

"Okay, this kind of movie should be suitable for children to watch. It wouldn't hurt to let her know about that period of history." Luo Yao nodded.

"Let me go and see if Xiaonan has done her homework well?" Gong Hui said.

Since the autumn and winter season, the Japanese bombing of mountain cities has gradually decreased. Because of the fog, it is difficult for Japanese aircraft to drop bombs accurately.

Some even lost their way in the fog and crashed into the mountains and were smashed to pieces.

For the people in mountain cities who are always on tenterhooks, this is a rare opportunity to breathe and recuperate.

Luo Yao did not go to Dai Yunong directly. For his own personal matters, this seemed not good, so he went to Shen Yu.

Shen Yu naturally agreed and would help him inquire about the relevant situation within the scope of his authority.

But Luo Yao's heart was still a little uneasy.

"Xiaohui, do you think I should reply according to the contents of the telegram?" Luo Yao asked Gong Hui.

"It's been such a long time, and you're just coming back now. Is it too late? If it's really a trap, then you might have alerted the enemy?"

"Not necessarily. If this is really a trap set by the Japanese secret service for me, then his purpose is to lure me to Hong Kong. Then there must be a death trap waiting for me in Hong Kong." Luo Yaodao, "Their goal is I, my father, am the bait, and they won’t take action on the bait until I show up.”

"I want to test it in the name of my mother." Luo Yao said with burning eyes.

"Isn't your mother dead a long time ago?"

"Yes, my mother did die a long time ago, but very few people know about this matter. The Japanese don't know my father. Even if they know that my father is in Hong Kong, it will be difficult for them to find him, unless... "Luo Yao thought of a possibility, but he really didn't want to believe that guess.

If that's the case, it's really a fight to the death.

In this era of limited information, Luo Yao was engaged in a special industry called intelligence work, which was basically isolated from ordinary people.

Not to mention that in Hong Kong, which is thousands of miles away, my father has no way to learn about his situation.

"Brother Yao, you have to think carefully. If something goes wrong, my uncle will be in danger."

"But if the situation is really as we expected, even if I take people there now, I am not sure I can bring them back, and if I am trapped, not only will my personal safety be in danger, but the current situation in the military technical room will also be broken. As long as As soon as I leave, Mao Zongxiang and Wei Daming will definitely fight back." Luo Yao said.

"But uncle's safety..."

"We can only hope that Tiger and Xia Fei will adapt to their circumstances." Luo Yao gritted his teeth and said.

As a son of man, of course he has to go, but he is still the deputy director of the military technical room and cannot leave his post without permission.

Even if you want to go, you need approval from above.

But Luo Yao estimated that even if he applied to the higher authorities, Shangfeng would not agree.


A bicycle bell sounded.

"Doctor Luo, telegram."

"Okay, come right away." Dr. Luo, who was sitting in the hospital, heard someone calling his name and immediately agreed, "Xiaoyun, help me go down and take a look. Maybe there is news about Xiaoyao."

"Okay, Dad." A young woman wearing a pink cheongsam and high heels walked out of the room, walking quickly past Dr. Luo who was diagnosing the patient's pulse, bringing with her a gust of fragrance.

"Who are you?" The postman asked in surprise as he had never seen Xiaoyun before.

"Doctor Luo is my father-in-law, please give me the telegram." Xiaoyun explained her identity to the postman.

"Oh, have you never met the young master of Dr. Luo's family?"

"He is doing business out of town..."

"Understood." The postman took out a telegram, asked Xiaoyun to sign it, took the receipt, and then handed the telegram to Xiaoyun.

Xiaoyun got the telegram and glanced at it immediately, showing a hint of panic, but she quickly stabilized her eyes, took the telegram, and quickly returned to the hospital.

"Dad, the telegram seems to be from brother Xiaoyao." Xiaoyun took out the telegram after the patient took away the prescription.

"Let's see..." Dr. Luo's hands were shaking with excitement. After almost three years, there was finally news about his son. How could he not be excited?

"This is Junzhu's tone. He wants us to go to the mountain city to reunite with him."

"Dad, since Brother Yao is in the mountain city, should we pack up and go there immediately?" Xiaoyun's eyes flickered and she asked.

"It's not easy to go to the mountain city now." Doctor Luo sighed. If it was earlier, he might be able to go north by land.

Now that the Japanese are stationed in Kowloon, even if they can cross the border from Hong Kong into the country, the long journey of thousands of kilometers must be extremely risky for him and Xiaoyun.

One is a dying man, and the other is a young woman. Neither of them has the ability to protect themselves while walking outside.

"Then what should I do, or else ask Brother Yao to come to Hong Kong?"

"I don't know what is going on with Yao'er in the mountain city. This telegram was sent after so many days. Compared with his life in the mountain city, his life is not good. Alas..." Dr. Luo's eyes turned red instantly, and he couldn't help it. Live a tear.

The corner of Xiaoyun's mouth twitched slightly. If she didn't know something about Luo Yao, she would really believe it.

"Dad, no matter what, at least I know that brother Xiaoyao is still alive. This is a happy thing. I'm going to buy some food. Let's cook a delicious meal tonight to celebrate?" Xiaoyun also had tears in her eyes. .

"Okay, I'm very satisfied knowing that Xiaoyao is still alive. It's time to celebrate!" Doctor Luo cried and laughed at the same time.

"Dad, I'm going to change clothes."


After Xiaoyun entered, she quickly changed into a simple long dress and left the hospital with a basket.

What Xiaoyun didn't know was that after Dr. Luo wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, he looked at the back of this "daughter-in-law" with a meaningful look.

Jordan Road, "Shenmu" Trading Company.

Manager's office.

"I have something urgent to ask for, madam!" The person speaking at the door was the woman named Xiaoyun, with a hint of urgency in her voice.

"Hold on."

After a while, the door opened and Xiaoyun walked in quickly.

"Didn't I tell you not to come to me if you have nothing to do?" Madam's cold voice sounded, obviously very unhappy.

"Madam, I have important news to report!" Xiaoyun lowered her head and was so nervous that she didn't even dare to breathe.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Today, Old Man Luo received a telegram from Shancheng. The telegram should have been sent by Luo Yao. Old Man Luo confirmed it."

"What's the content?" Madam frowned. Old Man Luo's telegram has been sent for a week, and you're just getting a call now?

If it were an ordinary person, this would be normal. After all, it is not that easy to send and receive telegrams. In addition, there are delivery time issues, delays at the telegraph office and other reasons. But he knew very well who Luo Yao was, and it didn't take such a long time at all. Time, even if it takes time for ordinary telegrams to be translated and delivered in the mountain city, coupled with the efficiency of Hong Kong, if the telegram is received there and the call is returned immediately, three days is enough.

After dragging it on for so many days, how could he not feel that there was something wrong with it?

"Luo Yao wants Old Man Luo to go to the mountain city."

After hearing this, the lady nodded slightly. This was not unexpected. Luo Yao held an important position in the mountain city and could not leave. This was normal. Even if he wanted to come, he had to get approval. It was impossible to leave without permission. of.

Based on this calculation, he must have been unable to obtain approval and could not come to Hong Kong, so he postponed sending this telegram.

This is understandable, why the reason why Luo Yao appeared in Hong Kong has not been discovered yet.

However, it cannot be ruled out that the other party used smoke bombs to deceive the enemy and deliberately delayed the time to send the telegram.

The other party is a young man known as the "Fox of the Military Command". He is insidious and cunning. Has the Imperial Japanese Intelligence Agency suffered too many losses from him?

"How did you get out?"

"I received the telegram and knew for sure that Luo Yao was still alive and in the mountain city, so I celebrated in the evening and went out to buy groceries."

"Very good. Now that you have finished shopping for groceries, go back immediately and make sure that Mr. Luo never leaves your sight for a moment!" the lady ordered.

"Yes, but what if Old Man Luo really plans to go to the mountain city?" Han Yun was a little anxious. If she followed him to the mountain city, everything would be ruined and there would be nothing to hide.

She was able to deceive Luo Yao's father only because of poor information. Luo Yao's father didn't know what happened between her and Luo Yao. If he knew, Mr. Luo would probably not let her go. daughter-in-law".

"You don't have to worry about this, I have my own arrangements!" Madam glanced at the other party, "Do your own thing well. After this incident, you and your father will get what you deserve."

"Thank you, madam." Han Yun knew the energy of the woman in front of her, which she would never dare to offend.

"Go quickly, don't make Mr. Luo suspicious."


When Han Yun finished buying vegetables from the vegetable market and hurried back to the medical clinic, there was no light inside the closed door.

Her heart contracted suddenly, sensing something was wrong, she stepped forward quickly, took out her key and opened the door.

The moment the door opens.

Instantly messy.

Where are people?

Many items on the table where Rohan usually consulted were missing. When he rushed into the room inside, the clothes in the closet were also missing.

It was obvious that Rohan had left the building empty.

how so?

Han Yun felt like her scalp was about to explode. What was going on?

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