The secret war is silent

Chapter 849 Suspicion

Chi An sent Luo Yao and Gong Hui out of the clinic before he went back.

"Lao Chi lost two daughters in Xiangcheng three years ago, and his heart has been hurting. This time he finally gave birth to another daughter, which can be considered a relief." Luo Yao and Gong Hui walked in a deserted place. on the street.

They live not far away, about seven or eight hundred meters, and it only takes about twenty minutes to walk back.

"Yingzi's health has never been good. After giving birth to this daughter this time, it is estimated that she will not be able to give birth again." Gong Hui also sighed, "For this woman, giving birth to a child once is equivalent to losing half of her life. It's so painful."

This topic is difficult to answer.

Luo Yao chose to shut up.

"Why don't you speak?" Gong Hui turned to you and asked.

"Actually, what I want to say is that reproduction is a responsibility engraved in our human genes, and it is also the continuation of life from generation to generation."

"What if one day women no longer have children, or are unable to have children?" Gong Hui asked.

"Perhaps, if we get to that point, mankind will die on its own." Luo Yao said, "However, people of our generation probably won't be able to see it."

"Brother Yao, I also want a child, a child of our own." Gong Hui suddenly stopped and said seriously.

Luo Yao also stopped, turned around, and looked at Gong Hui like this: "Xiao Hui, in this cruel era, neither you nor I can choose the life we ​​want. Do you understand what I mean? "

"I know, but can't you comfort me?"

"Xiaohui, a man stands upright and promises are as important as Mount Tai. Whatever I promise you, I will definitely do it. I believe we will wait until that day." Luo Yao said.

"If the war of resistance is not won for a day, does that mean we can't be together for a day?" Gong Hui asked.

Luo Yao's heart trembled, he really couldn't agree to anything.

"Xiaohui, I will never marry anyone other than you. This is my promise to you." Luo Yao took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"Really?" Gong Hui was stunned. Although she failed to get the answer she wanted, Luo Yao's promise had already given her half of the answer she wanted.

Gong Hui jumped directly into Luo Yao's arms, burying her head deep into the man's chest, feeling the heat coming from his chest and the smell that made her addicted.

"Brother Yao, in this life, I, Gong Hui, have only one man, you. No matter where you go, I will follow you!" Gong Hui closed her eyes and murmured.

"Xiao Hui, wherever I go, I will take you with me and never leave you!" Luo Yao hugged Gong Hui and said extremely tenderly and affectionately.

When they separated again, they were holding hands.

Gong Hui was in a happy mood, her eyes were flying, she looked like a child, her heart was racing, and she was looking forward to continuing on this road home.

Luo Yao also felt a sense of relief. He knew his feelings very well, but how to face them, he had far more worries than Gong Hui.

His other identity is the biggest obstacle, especially the fact that he can't make it clear to Gong Hui. This is not only due to discipline, but also to safety reasons.

After all, Gong Hui had received the ideological training from the military commander. If she would become his fellow traveler just because of love, he did not dare to bet, and he could not bet.

"Xiaohui, how much do you know about Dr. Huang?" Luo Yao's thoughts quickly wandered to the other side.

"Is that Dr. Huang from the clinic?" Gong Hui was also pulled back from happiness by Luo Yao.

"Yes, that's her."

"She moved here from the city around May this year to avoid bombing by Japanese planes. It is relatively safe here because there are no targets that the Japanese want to bomb. She and Lao Chi's friends are from the culture we used to know. A friend of Liu Baimin, the owner of the service agency, this clinic was also opened with the help of Liu Baimin. As for their relationship, they should be lovers. However, Liu Baimin only comes here on weekends. He still has business in the city... "Gong Hui said.

"This woman gives me an unusual feeling, as if she is seeing flowers in a fog." Luo Yao said.

"Are you too anxious because of your uncle's affairs? I asked Xin Xiaowu to investigate Huang Yaqing's identity. There is no problem." Gong Hui said.


"No matter who is able to contact Lao Chi, I will conduct a detailed identity investigation. Once I find an unidentified person, I will take necessary measures, either leave by myself or let him disappear." Gong Huidao .

"Maybe I'm too worried." Luo Yao nodded.

After a while, we arrived at the door of our house.

"I have to go to the Xiaohei coal mine tomorrow. Tiger is not here, so I can only go there alone." Luo Yao said.

"Can't Cai Xiaochun accompany you? What if you encounter danger when you go alone?"

"Otherwise, I'll ask the third child to accompany me." Luo Yao thought for a moment and said, it's not that he doesn't believe Cai Xiaochun, but that he doesn't want anyone to know about this trip.

"Okay." Gong Hui nodded. Wen Zishan accompanied Luo Yao. It was not a big problem and the two of them could still take care of each other.

"rest early."

They said "good night" to each other and went back to their rooms to rest.

Macau, youth hostel.

Yang Fan, Xia Fei, and Mr. Luo Han stayed in this hotel. This hotel was cheap, but it was also crowded, and it was easy to escape if there was any disturbance.

"Uncle, this is the medicine you prescribed." Yang Fan came in from outside and handed Luo Han a large bag of medicine.

This time he came out in a hurry and didn't bring any medicine. Luo Han's asthma had an attack. He had no choice but to let Yang Fan go out to buy medicine.

Fortunately, he is a doctor himself. Otherwise, if he goes out, his whereabouts will be easily exposed. There are also Japanese spies in Macau.

"Brother Yang, you boil the medicine as I told you, and then make it into wax pills. This will make it easier to carry around..."

Yang Fan was no stranger to handling medicinal materials. Under Luo Han's guidance, he made the medicinal materials into wax pills, cooled them, and put them into bottles.

After almost half a month's supply, it was enough for them to go to Saigon.

Xia Fei also came back and brought back food, many of which were dry food for the road. The three of them stayed in Macau for two days. On the third day, they packed up and headed to the dock.

The three tickets were purchased for ordinary cabins.

The British didn't dare to offend the Japanese, so the Portuguese didn't dare to offend the Japanese, so naturally, Luo Han couldn't use his original identity.

Fortunately, Xia Fei was well prepared when he was in Hong Kong and found someone to make a fake identity.

"Uncle, we will get on the boat separately in a moment. You and Xia Fei will pretend to be father and son and get on the boat first. I will follow you. Stay calm and don't be nervous." Yang Fan explained and asked Xia Fei to help Luo Han to the front of the queue to get on the boat. .

"The past, the past..."

"Stop, can you please take a look at your ID and immunity certificates?"

"Well, have you been vaccinated against cholera and smallpox?"


"Okay, you guys can get on the ship." After checking their IDs and immunity certificates, Xia Fei and Luo Han boarded the ship.

Yang Fan, who was walking behind the team, breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly passed the inspection and boarded the ship.

Hong Kong, Nathan Road, "Shenmu" Trading Company.

"Madam, our people are keeping an eye on the airport, docks, and traffic routes, and we haven't found any trace of Guo Han!"

"Trash, how could this old man just disappear from the world?" The lady slapped the table, became furious and shouted.


"Is there any news from Poisonous Scorpion?"

"Mrs. Qi, Poisonous Scorpion said that the target may have come to Hong Kong secretly, but it cannot be completely confirmed. For several months, the target has been reclusive, rarely showing up, and has almost been forgotten." Another subordinate said.

"Where's the smuggling route? Don't you have any clues?"

"We're checking, but..."

"But what?"

"Madam, this is the territory of the British. We still cannot fully control it. The British are also very unfriendly to us now. Their relationship with the mountain city is easing or even strengthening!"

"Hong Kong, this Pearl of the Orient will sooner or later belong to our Empire of Japan!" The lady snorted heavily.

"Han Yun, you have been living with Old Man Guo for a while. Which path do you think he will take if he wants to leave Hong Kong?" Madam has not forgotten Han Yun, who is kneeling on the floor in the corner, wiping the table.

"Ma'am, I think he can take the water route."

"Baga, the waterways and the coast of China have long been controlled by the Japanese Empire. How can he go back?" Before the lady could speak, one of her subordinates could not help but scold him.

"Sakamoto-kun, please listen to Miss Han Yun first!" Madam looked dissatisfied at the man who spoke and scolded.

"Hai!" Hachiro Sakamoto agreed.

"Although maritime transportation is blocked, the coastline is very long, but he is only one person and only needs a small boat. If he walks along the coastline casually, there is always a place where he can land. As long as he is lucky and does not encounter our patrol boat, at this moment Maybe they have already landed ashore." Han Yun said.

When the lady heard this, her face instantly became clouded. This was obviously the last result she wanted to hear, because in this case, there would be no way to track it.

Although the coast of Fujian was blocked, the Japanese army was still unable to safely control the coastline on land. As long as there was a gap, all the previous efforts would be wasted.

One person's goal is too small.

"He will never escape alone. If there is a helper, or the fox of military command, madam, if we continue to pursue him, it will be a waste of manpower and material resources!"


"Hai, I just want to remind you, madam, not to act out of emotion. Director Suzuki hopes you won't waste any more time. We need to restore the intelligence team in the mountain city as soon as possible. We suffered a loss in the secret negotiations with the Chinese this time because of us. The reason why the intelligence team in Yamashiro was repeatedly cracked down by military commanders made us very passive in negotiations." Hachiro Sakamoto looked at his wife, and he didn't seem so afraid.

"Do I need you to teach me how to do something?" Madam's voice suddenly rose an octave higher.

"Madam, you are the daughter-in-law of the Aoki family and an intelligence agent of the empire. Please put the interests of the empire first!"

"Asshole, isn't it for the benefit of the empire to get rid of the military commander's fox? Do you know how much loss this person has caused to the empire's army?"

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