The secret war is silent

Chapter 851 Mercy

This is the best cell in the Xiaohei Coal Mine. No matter how much Liu Cheng takes care of him, he would not dare to move people out of the cell and live with them in the front.

The conditions in the front are naturally much better than the cells in the back.

The cell ensures that prisoners cannot escape.

It was different in the front, and Xu Zhen was weak after giving birth and needed someone to take care of her. We couldn't let the prison guards take care of a prisoner.

Even if Liu Cheng gave the order, no one would do it.

Don't think about it.

However, it is the greatest mercy that he can move people to the best and sunnyest cell in the prison.

This man still has a basic conscience.

Opening the cell door, there was a musty smell. Although it was very light, you could still smell it. This cell faced the sun, but it only had a vent. When the weather was good, you could see a little bit from the outside. Come in.

Below the vent is an abyss. Even if you can get out of the vent, you can't escape. What's more, there are various early warning facilities set up around the prison.

Unless you really have the ability to fly over walls and climb over walls, it would be a death if you go out.

Xu Zhen was sitting on the only bed in the room, with a "confinement scarf" tied on her forehead. There was another female prisoner in the cell, who looked young and looked like she was suffering from malnutrition.

Xu Zhen was feeding her baby when someone suddenly came in. She was so startled that she quickly reached out to cover the exposed part of her chest.

Luo Yao and others did not expect that a child was being fed inside, and when they saw this scene, they turned around in embarrassment.

"Xu Zhen, breastfeed first, and we'll come in later." Luo Yao, Liu Cheng, and Song Miao retreated from the cell.

"Director Luo, what do you think I should do?" Liu Cheng asked in a dilemma.

"Is the child's milk enough?" Luo Yao pondered slightly. No matter how big a mistake Xu Zhen made, at least the child is a life and he is innocent. Even if Xu Zhen is a traitor, her descendants will also be traitors. , then whose ancestor didn’t have an unfilial son?

If anyone becomes a traitor, his lineage will be exterminated. This is too ruthless and cruel.

Of course, if the ancestors were unfaithful, the descendants will definitely be affected, and it may even take several generations to calm down the impact.

Of course, the next generation can behave well and regain the respect of the world. After all, these are two different individuals.

Furthermore, parents cannot choose, but they can choose who they become.

At least you have to give people a chance to choose.

Only an inhumane person would be able to kill a child who has not yet reached the full moon. Luo Yao cannot do that, nor can he allow it to destroy itself.

"That's not enough. You know the conditions here. This child is lucky to be born."

"What if it's not enough? It's hard for such a young child to survive without enough food?"

"Now I can only get breast milk and rice soup. The child is so hungry that he cries, which makes me feel sad..."

"Don't you think of something to do to buy some milk powder while you're on vacation?"

"I bought milk powder, but for such a young child, he couldn't digest it at all. After eating it, he had diarrhea and almost died."

Luo Yao nodded. The baby's gastrointestinal function is not fully developed and can only be digested by breast milk. Milk powder is made from cow's milk, but its ingredients are still different from human milk. Adults are not immune to lactose, let alone such a small baby. .

"Okay, I understand." Luo Yao sighed. He couldn't ignore this matter since he was involved in it.

"Chief Luo, Warden Liu, I'm ready, you can come in." After a moment, Xu Zhen's voice came from inside.

Luo Yao and Liu Cheng walked in again.

It was the first time Luo Yaocai saw a baby wrapped in a towel. It was dark and small, but from the basic outline of the face, it could be seen that this little guy had Western characteristics, especially a bunch of yellow hair.

Luo Yao motioned for the female prisoner in the room to go out first.

"Xu Zhen, I really didn't expect that you would get pregnant and give birth to a baby here. Is this baby Osborne's?" Luo Yao sat down and asked, looking at the sleeping baby who was fed milk.

"I can't help it. I may only have this chance to be a mother in my life. Even if it means risking my life, I will fight for it once." Xu Zhen acted very calmly, but Luo Yao could hear from her voice that she was at this moment. Physical weakness.

"Mother's love is great. I just went to see another mother last night. She lost two daughters when the government moved westward, and now she has given birth to another daughter." Luo Yao said slowly.

Xu Zhen was silent.

"In your current situation, not only can you not survive, but your child may also die if you follow you. Think about it and cooperate with me?" Luo Yao said.

"You want to deal with my mother?" Xu Zhen is a smart person and understood Luo Yao's purpose as soon as she heard it.

Luo Yao did not deny that this was the only reason he could help Xu Zhen. Only for this reason could he convince "Dai Yunong" to let him take away the child and even Xu Zhen from Xiaohei Coal Mine.

If the mother and son continue to stay here, I'm afraid neither one of them will survive. The child is now Xu Zhen's motivation to live. If the child dies, she will have no hope, and she probably won't be able to survive.

The results are predictable and miracles don’t happen.

Xu Zhen was silent. She was actually suffering in her heart. She was a mother on one side and a child on the other. How should she choose?

"Sir Luo, can I talk to you alone?" Xu Zhen clenched her hands and let go.

Luo Yao thought about it for a moment, then turned his head and gave Liu Cheng a look.

"Oh, you guys chat, I'll go to the kitchen and take a look. Chief Luo is having dinner with us at noon, so we have to treat him well." Liu Cheng laughed, found an excuse and walked out of the cell.

"It's just the two of us now, Xu Zhen. If you have anything to say, just say it. It will come out of your mouth and into my ears. No other person will know." Luo Yao said.

"Chief Luo, you come to me, you must be here for my mother, right?" Xu Zhen slowly opened her mouth and asked.

Luo Yao didn't speak, but nodded.

He was indeed here for Xu Zhen's mother, Mrs. Aoki. There had been no news from Hong Kong, so he had to prepare for a rainy day.

Now the Japanese secret service hates him to the core. Xu Zhen and Ye Chuan are both subordinates of Mrs. Aoki. They are now in prison, and the other one has been permanently deported. The Japanese secret service failed to infiltrate the mountain city. He can be said to be the "chief culprit" The culprit".

Mrs. Aoki will definitely attack him, especially Xu Zhen is her daughter. Whether it is to deal with herself or Xu Zhen, she will confront him sooner or later.

No matter what happened in Hong Kong, he had to prepare in advance, lest it really happened and he would have no power to counterattack.

"I don't know where she is. If you come to me, I'm afraid it's just in vain." Xu Zhen said.

"You met her before in Hong Kong, right?"

Xu Zhen nodded. She did not deny this. Her return to the mountain city was arranged by her mother, Mrs. Aoki.

"Can you describe to me in detail the process of your meeting?" Luo Yao said.

"I didn't take the initiative to meet my mother in Hong Kong. She arranged for someone to pick me up, and then we met in the same room. It was different every time. She introduced me to some people. Ye Chuan and I were there. I met him in Hong Kong, and from that time I knew he was Beichuan." Xu Zhendao.

"Ye Chuan went to Hong Kong before arriving at Shancheng?"

"Yes, although she is under the command of my mother, she is not affiliated with the intelligence team led by my mother." Xu Zhen said.

"So, Baihu, you are the successor of the 'Viper' team. Beichuan came to the mountain city for another mission?" Luo Yao understood a little. Xu Zhen didn't speak before, and Ye Chuan was even more arrogant, and there were some inside stories that he didn't know. figure out.

"Yes, Beichuan does have another mission, but I don't know exactly what it is, but now that his identity is exposed, the mission is probably terminated." Xu Zhen nodded.

"Your mother has been in Hong Kong. Can I judge that?"

"I don't know, maybe."

"Do you think that if your mother knew that you were still alive, she would do everything possible to save you?" Luo Yao asked.

"I'm like this, can I still go out?" Xu Zhen asked with a sad smile.

"Don't be too pessimistic. We have a chance for everyone to reform. The Viper can survive, why can't you? Besides, half of the Chinese blood flows in your body, even if you hate your family Those people, but your father is not bad to you, he is willing to spend money for you to study, if he left early, maybe your destiny in life would be different, right?" Luo Yaodao.

"Yes, if my father had not died early, my life experience would have been very different, but it is not my fault. Can I choose? At the critical moment, it was my mother who saved me." Xu Zhen said.

"Yes, your mother saved you, but she also used you. If she really loved you, she shouldn't have dragged you into this whirlpool and asked you to find someone to marry. Wouldn't it be better to live a peaceful life? "

Xu Zhen fell silent again.

"You have read books. You are different from the country fools. What kind of war is Japan launching against China? They are burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil on our land. Your mother is also one of them, and you are helping them. !”

"Stop talking, Chief Luo, I understand the reason. I also know that your target is my mother, but if I betray her, I will be unfilial, and I can't do this."

"Since ancient times, it is difficult to have both loyalty and filial piety. Xu Zhen, don't forget that you are Chinese and your mother is also married. Her name is Mrs. Qingmu now. Do you think she has the ability to change your surname to Qingmu?" Luo Yao Said seriously.

The color on Xu Zhen's face suddenly faded, and her body trembled. Luo Yao's words hit her fragile heart.

Her surname is Xu, and her surname cannot be Aoki. Not only her mother's husband's family but also her own family cannot accept her. Her father is Chinese. Even if she has half Japanese blood in her body, it cannot change her. It's a Chinese fact.

"Xu Zhen, you have to think clearly. If you want to save your child and yourself, you have only one way. If you miss it, there is no regret medicine in this world."

"Chief Luo, can my child really survive?" Xu Zhen asked with a trembling voice.

"If you don't even think about it, no one can help you."

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