The Sect Master was Switched at Birth

Chapter 88: Current year (1)

No one had expected Xiaoyu's sudden alienation. Fang Tao and Zhou Wen were caught off guard, and they didn't even react at all, so they were attacked by the alienated Xiaoyu.

The corrosive black resentment directly entangled Fang Tao and Zhou Wen. The two were entangled in the black resentment. They only felt dizzy and full of ghosts crying in their ears. They couldn't react at all, so they were pulled by Xiaoyu. Falling towards the bottom of the dry well.

Before Qiu Xian opened the road to the real world for them. After the three of them walked out along the road, they came to the bottom of the dry well. The dry well also returned to normal. Obviously, the passage to the forbidden area was directly closed.

But at this time, Xiaoyu pulled Fang Tao and Zhou Wenchao down, and the road below the dry well was obviously opened again. The dark dry well connected to another hellish world. Looking down from the top of the dry well, we could see the sentient beings below in the black hell. Struggling in the fire, they stretched out their hands towards Fang Tao on the dry well, and countless dry hands pulled them down and fell together.

At this critical moment, a chain composed of countless runes grabbed Fang Tao and Zhou Wen, and pulled the two from the danger of falling. Fang Tao and the two stood by the well in shock, watching Xiaoyu fall resentfully. Going down, still screaming: "Why don't you save me, why do you leave me alone!"

The outstretched hands under the dry well, like a jackal smelling blood, greedily pulled Xiaoyu towards Xiaoyu, and pulled Xiaoyu into the darkness below the dry well. The darkness surged indefinitely, and then the dry well was completely closed. The contact with the main house of the Han family was completely disconnected.

"Master Chu, what is going on?"

Watching Xiaoyu fall into the dry well, Fang Tao couldn't help stepping forward, trying in vain to reach out his hand, but the passage was closed, he looked at Chu Yue puzzled.

Chu Yue didn't have any expression on her face, but she looked at Dry Well with cold eyes. She shook her head: "I don't know too well, maybe her soul is too weak to recover."

Xiaoyu is different from them. The three of Fang Tao and Chuyue fell into the heavenly demon forbidden land in a healthy and healthy manner. Although Fang Tao and Xiaoyu are the same, the two of them suffered the most severe erosion from the warlord’s old house, but Xiaoyu’s own cultivation ability She was weaker than Fang Tao. She was already affected in the old house and fell into a coma, and then fell into the Heavenly Demon Forbidden Land with the three of Chu Yue.

Even with the help of Han Shaoshang, they did not entangle in the forbidden land for too long, but the pollution of the forbidden land is too strong, and Xiaoyu’s soul body is too weak, so even if there is Chu Yue’s charm to stabilize the soul, In the end, she did not escape the fate of being contaminated.

When Fang Tao returned to the real world with Xiaoyu on his back, the erosion that Xiaoyu suffered began to appear. Her soul had probably been left in the forbidden area of ​​the demon unknowingly. Naturally, she was not reconciled to the fact that Fang Tao's few people could live, so she wanted Take Fang Tao away.

Or maybe it is that the Heavenly Demon Forbidden Land is unwilling to be closed again, so it wants to use Xiaoyu to continue to pollute the real world outside, turning the whole world into a purgatory like the Han family.

Hearing Chu Yue's explanation, Fang Tao showed pain and self-blame on his face: "I have been carrying her, why haven't I noticed Xiaoyu's abnormality? If I find out earlier, maybe Xiaoyu can still be saved."

Both Chu Yue and Zhou Wen were silent, and they didn't know how to comfort Fang Tao.

As a metaphysician, they all understand that the situation of the forbidden land is not just for fun. The forbidden land of the gods is confusing and polluting. Let alone whether Fang Tao can find Xiaoyu's abnormality, it is Xiaoyu in the forbidden illusion. After being dropped, they may not be able to find out in time. After all, as the most dangerous spiritually polluted place in the world, they may be blinded by the environment at all times when they are in it.

Maybe I don't know when, the ubiquitous pollution has already eroded Xiaoyu behind Fang Tao. After all, the attack and pollution are erosions at the soul level, but they haven't discovered it in time.

As a metaphysician, Fang Tao may not be aware of this, but at this moment, he is just an ordinary man, suffering from the loss of a partner and a friend he likes.

Fang Tao knelt beside the dry well, clutching the weeds on the ground with grief. He stared deeply at the dark dry well, but could do nothing.

At this moment, a messy sound interrupted Fang Tao's grief. The messy footsteps rushed towards the ancient house, and someone shouted happily: "Broken, the barrier of the ancient house is open, you can go in."

"Everyone must be careful, here is the forbidden land of demon."

"If you see the surviving candidates, don't get excited. Maybe they have already suffered alienation. Don't be blinded by alienated creatures and cause unnecessary losses."

"According to the above arrangements, if there is no need to save, we will deport the entire Nancheng residents and level the land."

"We can't suffer more losses."

Hearing the voices of these people, both Zhou Wen and Chu Yue looked towards the entrance of the ancient house, Fang Tao stopped grief, stood up from the ancient well and looked at the entrance of the ancient house together.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the heavily armed metaphysicists to rush in. It seemed that they were all elites from the Taoist Association and the Special Office.

Seeing these people, Fang Tao and Zhou Wen both breathed a sigh of relief, and walked over with a relaxed face.

Although they escaped from the devil's forbidden place, the exit was the house of the warlord Li. Before they went down, Mrs. Qiuming Yulin was fighting with two guys of unknown origin in the house. They still don’t know which one survived. Although the house looks calm and peaceful, the two of them feel a little embarrassed in their hearts, for fear that they will bump into any of the four. After all, they have come out of the forbidden land of the gods and are already exhausted and can't stand the tossing anymore. If you come again Bo, that must be a direct hit on the street.

So at this time, seeing that it was his own person, the two of them immediately relaxed.

Unexpectedly, Fang Tao and Zhou Wen had just taken a step towards these people, and the leader's expression was tense, and the weapon in his hand was directly aimed at the two of them: "Don't move, don't come over."

Fang Tao and Zhou Wen were surprised by the error on their faces. They looked at each other, and they couldn't figure out what was going on.

The leader of the humanity said: "The heavenly demon forbidden land is no small thing. No one could live out of it back then. You fell into the forbidden land that was banned for a hundred years. How did you come out safely? It is very strange that you can live out. Who knows if the forbidden land is alienated? It's still not a living person, and is it forbidden to release it deliberately."

Ah, this... Fang Tao and Zhou Wen were stunned, how can they prove that they are alive, not alienated monsters?

Zhou Wen tentatively said: "We met a weird person in ancient times. It was he who gave us clues. We were lucky enough to come out alive. Would you like me to show you a set of Taoist scriptures now?"

Seeing Zhou Wen coming, whether it was the leader or the people behind, they all stepped back together, raising their weapons and aiming at Zhou Wen, Zhou Wen suddenly stopped in embarrassment.

"Then how do you let us prove it."

The atmosphere froze for a while, and Zhou Wen and Fang Tao looked at Chu Yue for help. Although Chu Yue was younger than them, they had already been very convinced of Chu Yue and regarded Chu Yue as the leader. people.

Chu Yue bypassed Fang Tao and Zhou Wen and walked to the front. She looked at the leader indifferently, then took out a talisman from the cloth bag and threw it up.

The extremely authentic five thunder talisman exploded in the sky of the ancient house in an instant. In an instant, the dark clouds were filled with lightning and thunder. Don’t thunder and smash down the thick thunder and lightning. The ghosts under the southern city were howling, and there was black smoke everywhere. Scurrying around, Li Gui cried and hugged his head and ran, and even the gloomy sky affected by the forbidden area was washed a lot.

This five thunder talisman instantly awakened everyone's fear of being dominated by rookie Er Chuyue's talisman. Not only the leader, but the other metaphysicians who rushed in also instinctively held their heads, looking at the thunder and lightning in the sky with horror.

Fortunately, the thunder and lightning did not strike them, they immediately retracted their hands in embarrassment, and looked at Chu Yue in fear.

"Is this proof enough?"

Chu Yue looked at the leading metaphysicist, with a faint expression: "If it is not enough, I can continue to show it."

"Enough is enough, this is enough." The leading metaphysicist raised his hand and said repeatedly. He didn't want to appreciate the boss using spells on him. He always felt that the boss would kill himself every minute, not to mention this level of spells. It's not that foreign matter can be disguised. If someday the foreign body can camouflage this kind of sky thunder talisman, then they don't need to remove the foreign body. It would be better to lie down directly.

"Since there is no doubt, can we go back and rest?"

The leader nodded again and again, and stepped away in awe.

"Hold on."

Just as Fang Tao and Zhou Wen doglegally followed Chu Yue towards the outside of the ancient house, a voice called Chu Yue.

I saw an acquaintance coming from outside the door and looking at Chu Yue with a light and ironic look. This person was when Chu Yue was wronged by the Chu Tong family before, and the Daoist Association law enforcement against Chang Wu indiscriminately took Chu Yue away. Director.

Director Wu is still as arrogant and disgusting as before. He looked at Chu Yue with uncomfortable eyes: "Chu Guanzhu, even if you can prove that you are not corroded by foreign objects, you are still a living person, but it does not prove that you are Innocent, I suspect that you are in collusion with the cult, and even more that the opening of the forbidden area is a play you directed and acted on yourself, otherwise you will have no way to prove how you got out of the forbidden area in a safe and sound manner."

Chu Yue frowned and looked at the other party. Just as he was about to say something, Xue Dongyang also followed in, and his blood-colored pupils looked at Director Wu dangerously: "Wu Feng, try another rant!"

The people around didn't dare to show up, watching two high-ranking people standing in the old house and tearing each other.

Wu Feng's face was ugly: "What's the matter, Chief Xue is going to use the power and fists to press people, or Chief Xue also has to protect such suspicious people, then Wu has to doubt the whole special office. Is there any problem?"

The faces of the people in the special office became hard to look at, standing behind Xue Dongyang and glaring at Wu Feng.

Wu Feng just sneered: "The Heavenly Demon Forbidden Land, so many powerful metaphysical masters have been damaged in it a hundred years ago. No matter how powerful this Chu Yue is, it will never be possible to come out so easily, unless it was a play in the first place. I can’t explain clearly, Xue Dongyang, if you speak for her, it’s a cover, which proves that your special office is not clean. Otherwise, why the good-looking rookie conference has been held for so many years without any problems, but it happened when she participated in the conference. The matter of the Heavenly Demon Forbidden Land?"

"Chu Yue must go back with us to be interrogated by the various Xuanmen factions. If a metaphysician like her has a relationship with a cult, she will only be called harming the world by letting it go."

"Xue Dongyang, I know that you are deeply taught by the Xuandu Temple, so I am grateful for the kindness of the Xuandu Temple, but it is all the kindness of the previous session of the master, why do you blind your eyes because of that kind of grace? Shelter this kind of suspicious person?"

Xue Dongyang just sneered. He didn't say anything, only a long spear studded with red tassels emerged from his hand. He waved the long tasseled spear, and the muzzle was aimed at Wu Feng, with a dangerous breath. It began to diffuse from him.

Needless to say, Xue Dongyang's actions have already shown his attitude.

Wu Feng's face became particularly ugly. He coldly said: "Xue Dongyang, you are so arrogant only because you have a backstage behind you. You are the dog above, and you have forgotten the rules in the Xuanmen. China Special Affairs Special Affairs Office, are you trying to become one with the evil spirits? If so, even if you are desperately devastated, I will return peace in the world."

Xue Dongyang only raised his lips sarcastically.

Fang Tao and Zhou Wen were full of grievances. They fled from the forbidden area all their lives. Before they had time to catch their breath, when they climbed up, they were first suspected of not being a human being, and then they were beaten as evil spirits, but they were clearly pitted by their evil ways. of.

"Below we were helped by a person named Xian Qi. He pointed us to an immortal master. The immortal master still has a sense of wisdom, and they brought us up."

"Yes, we were able to come up because Xian Qi, regardless of safety, jumped into the core of the devil's pollution and prevented the opponent's steps, so that we could escape from the forbidden ground smoothly."

Wu Feng mocked: "What is Xianqi? I just don't know the so-called, made up in a random manner. The place where the demon was born has been sealed a hundred years ago. The people inside have already become irrational foreign objects. Where is there a living person, how can it be returned? Someone keeps their minds, are you dreaming?"

Fang Tao and Zhou Wen still wanted to argue about something. Chu Yue raised her hand to stop the two of them. She looked at Wu Feng with a cold look: "You have said so much, do you really suspect that we have a problem, or do you want to give Han Home cover?"

Wu Feng's expression instantly turned dark: "What do you mean, what I'm talking about is your problem, what do you want to do with the Han family, the Han family is a century-old family, it is the righteous way to frighten demons, don't you? Do you want to pour sewage on the Han family?"

Standing around, the monks of Xuanmen who had been looking silly, looked at Xue Dongyang, Wu Feng, and finally at Chu Yue, feeling that they had listened to the shocking gossip.

"The right way is clear? Spill the sewage?" Chu Yue tasted the word, and then she smiled: "Why rush to tell the Han family, I haven't said anything yet."

Fang Tao and Zhou Wen, who were half-dead next to him, also reacted, and they argued with Wu Feng in a word.

"Yes, the Han family was responsible for the birth of this heavenly demon. If you doubt us like this, wouldn't the Han family be more worthy of suspicion?"

"If it wasn't for the Han family in Nancheng who wanted to resurrect the dead, there wouldn't be a banquet tragedy. Has the Han family confessed to the Xuanmen?"

"Speaking of that Han Shuangxue is also from the Han family, and she took something to open the forbidden area, so why don't you ask that Han Shuangxue what happened?"

What the Chu Yue three people said also shocked the crowd around the audience, but the Han family did it forbiddenly by the Heavenly Demon?

What exactly is going on?

Wu Feng's face sank completely: "The matter of the Han family in Nancheng has been settled in dust. What does this have to do with the Han family in Nancheng? The tragedy of the Han family in Nancheng was a pain in the heart of Xuanmen. I don't know how many people were injured. Entering, there are many elders of various sects and rookies from the back of the profound door. Is it interesting for you to mention this?"

"The dossier clearly stated that the son of the Patriarch of the Han family in Nancheng who could not bear the foreign body was displaced outside, so he brought him back to his careful education. Because the Patriarch's admonition was too strict, his son's wildness was difficult to tame and resentment, so he used evil methods to kill himself and became boundless. The devil and evil things swallowed the entire Han family, and were eventually sealed in Qishan. If the Han family made a mistake, then the Nancheng Han family back then had just committed the mistake of human love and softheartedness."

It's no wonder that no one has ever explored the old things of the Han family. It turned out to be prevaricated by such a set of rhetoric. Also, a large part of the party died that year, and it is estimated that there is no way to find out the truth.

However, can't bear it? Educated carefully? Too strict?

This Han family's record is also quite good at whitewashing peace.

"What's more, what I'm talking about is your problem. What do you do about Nancheng Han family's old things?" Director Wu said righteously.

Chu Yue sneered slightly. This was the first time everyone saw such a chilling sneer on her face. She stepped forward and looked at Wu Feng: "I said the Nancheng Han family because I think the Han family is the culprit. The culprit is not only the South Korean family, but even the South Korean family. I suspect that they are in collusion with the cult. If you want to investigate me thoroughly, yes, I don’t have to resist, but I ask the South Korean family to conduct a thorough investigation together. otherwise…"

Without waiting for Wu Feng to chirp and crooked, Chu Yue's hand flashed, and a crystal clear rapier emerged from her hand. She raised her hand and slashed, and the sharp golden light passed Wu Feng's ear, before Wu Feng didn't react. , Directly cut Wu Feng's collar into pieces, and said coldly in Wu Feng's ugly face: "You can come to my Xuanduguan gate and clamor for a try."

After finishing talking, Chu Yue gave Wu Feng a cold look, retracted the peach wood sword, and walked directly to the door of the ancient house.

"Chu Yue, your Xuan Du Temple is just a small Taoist temple with only two or three disciples. Do you really think you can clamor with the Xuan Sect under Heaven?" Wu Feng's anxious voice came from behind.

Chu Yue snorted coldly, "Is it the Profound Clan under Heaven or the Han Clan?"

"By the way, I forgot to tell you." Chu Yue stopped and turned his head to look at Wu Feng seriously: "Xuandu Temple is no longer a small Taoist temple. At the Taoist Exchange Conference next year, my Xuandu Temple will be the first one. , I am also honored to be a special member of the conference, Director Wu, I have the opportunity to see you at the exchange meeting next year. Let us learn from each other."

Chief Wu had an ugly face, but he was powerless to stop Chu Yue from leaving. Not to mention Chu Yue's own combat effectiveness, it was Xue Dongyang's combat effectiveness. He could not stop him from getting on with the people behind him, and could only let Chu Yue leave.

Fang Tao and Zhou Wen were very comfortable, and they were so happy to follow the boss. It was the first time they saw the arrogant and arrogant Director Wu like this. Seeing Director Wu’s stinky face, they simply didn’t want to. So happy.

Leaving the scope of the ancient house, it's time to separate. This time the competition caused too much pain for everyone. Because of Xiaoyu's accident, Fang Tao's whole person was a little depressed, and he lost his original ambition. He said that he would go back to his hometown and stay quiet for a while. He also said that he didn't want to be a metaphysician anymore, and he planned to go back to open a fried chicken shop and become an ordinary fried chicken shop owner.

After Fang Tao left, Zhou Wen hesitated and asked about Chu Yue’s Xuan Duguan. Chu Yue also said truthfully. Zhou Wen was a frank person, so he directly asked Chu Yue’s impression of him. After expressing the idea of ​​going to Xuanduguan to take up the post, Chu Yue was naturally very welcome, especially when she learned that although Zhou Wen looked rough, but had a set of family cooking skills, she was even more happy.

Zhou Wen was also very happy. He said goodbye to Chu Yue, and planned to go home to discuss with his wife and children, so he took his family and moved directly into Xuandu Temple, where he would serve in Xuandu Temple in the future.

After sending Fang Tao and Zhou Wen away, Chu Yue looked at Xue Dongyang: "How is the situation in Nancheng?"

"It's already under control."

After the incident about the Heavenly Demon Forbidden Land came out, the Taoist Association discussed that Nancheng should be sealed up directly, but this matter is of great importance, and the special office needs to nod together. Xue Dongyang did not nod. He believed that Chu Yue could come out alive. .

What's more, if according to Chu Yue's speculation, Han Shaoshang is a demon, but Han Shaoshang is not a demon **** who wants to destroy the world, and the forbidden land is where Han Shaoshang was born, then Chu Yue may not be dangerous to enter the forbidden land. .

Sure enough, as Xue Dongyang guessed, Chu Yue came out safely.

Chu Yue nodded, and briefly said about the forbidden land: "The Nancheng Han family had tortured and killed Han Shao Shang at the beginning, and wanted to use the forbidden law to resurrect Han Tianjiao. I am not particularly clear about why the gods would destroy the world. , But I have a little guess in my heart."

At that time, the time emergency was also urgent. Chu Yue only had time to make a cursory observation of the ancestral hall and dungeon, and was urged to leave by Xian Qi.

Although it was only a glance, it was only a rough look, but Chu Yue also had some superficial conjectures in her heart, but this was just a conjecture. Before he got more information, Chu Yue would not confess this conjecture at will.

Xue Dongyang also frowned, it turned out to be like this, never expected that the truth of the Heavenly Demon Forbidden Land turned out to be like this.

"I originally thought that the Han family was just lacking in greed, wanted to expand their power, and also wanted the right to speak and influence. They were so bold that they did such a frenzied thing and made a decent face. I want to hide the whole world."

Chu Yue summed up: "They wanted to reverse life and death, but they got out of control. But what role the South Korean family played in it is not clear. The Han family was extinct, and it was also during the banquet. No one came out alive, and the South Korean Han family didn't know if they knew the situation back then."

It’s been a hundred years, and everyone who knew the truth died. Although Han Shao-shang turned into a demon, he was imprisoned in the backyard from beginning to end. He probably didn’t know about the undercurrents. Now, no one says. It is not clear whether there is any connection in secret.

"However, whether you know the original situation or not, judging from their current style, it is not innocent."

Speaking of this, Chu Yue remembered one thing: "That Han Shuangxue, I suspect she is Chu Tong."

Xue Dongyang was also stunned: "Isn't Chu Tong already dead?" Moreover, it was the same way of death as the soul flies, and the death can't be more clean.

Chu Yue shook her head: "I didn't find Chu Tong's soul at the beginning. It doesn't mean that she must have lost her soul. Now think about the methods that Chu Tong used at that time. We didn't suspect that there was a profound door behind her. ?"

Xue Dongyang said silently, "Are you suspecting that Chu Tong has also entered the profound way through the corpse?"

Chu Yue shook her head. She felt that Chu Tong's situation was more than that. The other party's hatred and prejudice towards her was so strong and inexplicable. If she had to say it, it would be like Xiao Han's entanglement in her previous life.

And when they left the Heavenly Demon Forbidden Land, the Qiu Xian who claimed to be the Tianqimen also made Chu Yue very concerned. She always felt that these things were like scattered clues, and there was only a vital thing that linked them together. NS.

Originally, Chu Yue was not a person who cared about the reincarnation of previous lives, but at this time she was eager to blow away the fog of previous lives, and wanted to know the causes and consequences of these things.

Even speaking of it, even the grandfather's adoption of her seemed to be filled with fog, and the feeling that Qiu Xian gave her was too familiar.

Thinking of this, Chu Yue looked at Xue Dongyang and said, "Do you know that there is a sect called Tianqimen in Xuanmen?"

Xue Dongyang frowned, "I've heard it, but this sect has disappeared a hundred years ago. Master, what do you ask this for?"

"Dongyang, please send me relevant information about Tianqimen."

Xue Dongyang didn't ask too much, but directly accepted it, promising that Chu Yue would find out the information on Tianqimen as quickly as possible.

After talking about Tianqimen, Chu Yue said goodbye to Xue Dongyang. Xue Dongyang still had to stay to deal with Nancheng's affairs, while Chu Yue had to ask the organizer for some things.

Seeing Chu Yue coming, the organizer thought Chu Yue was here to ask about the prize money, and the organizer's person in charge, Cheng Qi, hurried over with the big game accounting.

"Master, please sit down, please sit down."

This time Chu Yue came to the organizer's building and the treatment was completely opposite to the last time. It is no longer a courtesy, basically a flattery. After all, the Xuanmen is a place where fists are respected. This kind of place can all come out with all the tails, and it can also keep two candidates coming out. This strength is absolutely scary.

In addition to her being soft and hard, Xuantu Guan is also developing and growing. Seeing that Chu Yue is about to become a figure like the light of the Xuanmen righteous way, for such a person, a small figure like Cheng Qi can only hold it well. Coaxed.

After all, as the person in charge of the organizer of the rookie contest, he did not rely on his strength to sit in this position, but on his smoothness and personal connections.

Chu Yue was also a little speechless about Cheng Qi's flattery. She didn't bother with Cheng Qi, but said: "You can just call my account for the bonus. I'm not here to ask for the bonus this time."

Hearing Chu Yue's words, Cheng Qi not only didn't feel comforted, but even more saddened. The boss came to ask for money more terrible than asking for money, maybe it's fatal.

Sure enough, I heard Chu Yue say: "What is going on with Su Xiaoxing, I don't believe she will retire."

Thinking of Su Xiaoxing's safety, as soon as the rookie game ended here, Chu Yue over there hurried over to inquire about Su Xiaoxing's situation.

After all, the contact between her and Su Xiaoxing lies in only one WeChat. Once WeChat can't be contacted, she doesn't know what is going on with Su Xiaoxing.

Cheng Qi sighed, and wanted to raise some big guys: "Whether Su Xiaoxing voluntarily retires or not, she is Han Fengxing's fiancée after all. The Han family did not let go. She said that she broke the relationship and that would not be counted. I heard that now The Han family wanted her and Han Fengxing to get married as soon as possible, so she was not allowed to continue doing business outside. She was a girl who was always running around on the field and she had ambitions. It was indeed not suitable. Her parents left early. She is the only one left by the Han family, and she is actually her elder."

Chu Yue's face suddenly became cold: "Su Xiaoxing doesn't like Han Fengxing at all."

Cheng Qi shook his head: "You don't need to like the marriage contract, just fulfill it."

"This is really unreasonable." Chu Yue sneered: "The rules of the Han family are greater than the laws of the new era, and the freedom of marriage in our country is well known."

"Who said no." Cheng Qi sighed, "But, after all, it is the South Korean family. If you add the history of the Han family, they have more than a hundred years of heritage. This kind of ancient family has more or less modern concepts. the same."

"Su Xiaoxing is a disciple of my Xuanduguan. If she wants to fulfill this marriage contract, she should also ask me as the master." After Chu Yue finished speaking, she stood up directly from her chair, no longer talking nonsense with Cheng Qi, but directly towards Walked outside the organizer’s building.

Cheng Qi chased for two steps: "Oh, fairy master, fairy master, where are you going."

"Marriage grab." Chu Yue left a word, and disappeared in a flash. She turned out to leave with a spell.

Cheng Qi stared at Chu Yue's disappearing back with a stunned look, and then a gossip flashed on his face, he quickly took out his phone and started chatting on the forum.

"Extra, extra, this year's big guy who crushed the rookies is going to grab a marriage!!"

As soon as this post was posted, direct traffic exploded on the Xuanmen forum.

"Is it Immortal Master Chu Guanzhu?"

"My God, is it so exciting? I wonder why Su Xiaoxing retired halfway, because it turned out to be forced to marry by Han Fengxing?"

"The person I like will pick me up on the colorful clouds. Mom, too, my legs are weak, and the subjective sexuality doesn't need to be so deadly, I think I can too."

"Unexpectedly, one day, the person who realized the stage of my dream turned out to be a girl."

"What kind of fairy right match is a master-disciple match, it's probably like this."

After the rookie three games ended, as Chu Yue had hoped at the beginning, Xuandu Guan did indeed begin to show up in Xuanmen, and the fame of Chu Yue and Xuanduguan also began to circulate in Xuanmen.

Because of the abilities that Chu Yue demonstrated, many metaphysicians began to consider the option of Xuan Du Guan, and planned to consider Xuan Du Guan in future rookie competitions.

After knowing where Su Xiaoxing was going, Chu Yue booked a flight ticket to Southern Zhejiang and planned to rush to Southern Zhejiang as soon as possible. However, she didn't expect to receive a call from the school saying that her vacation was used up and she needed to renew it.

Hearing the call from the counselor, Chu Yue was speechless for a long time. During this time, she was busy participating in the rookie competition, also busy with Xuan Duguan, and even more busy with the miscellaneous things of Xuanmen, she had forgotten. I am still a student.

Thinking of sins and sins, Chu Yue hurried to school to ask for leave.

The counselor knows Chu Yue's situation a little bit, and understands Chu Yue's behavior of asking for leave from time to time. What's more, there are also special people above who greeted the school, saying that Chu Yue worked for a special unit of the country and needed to take up a task at ordinary times, so he asked for leave from time to time. , The school also gave accommodation.

"Although the school opens the door for you, but after all, some professors are veteran, and the people are still very real. I saw, are you planning to continue to graduate school?" The counselor communicated with Chu Yue in a gentle voice.

Chu Yue nodded. Although she is a Taoist master and a metaphysician who is fighting on the front line, on the other hand, she is also an 18-year-old college girl who has a certain pursuit of learning. So she also joined the postgraduate entrance examination army. Of course, she is only a freshman now, and she is not in a hurry to prepare, but the counselor also understands her intention.

"If you want to stay in this school for postgraduate entrance examinations, some professors still need to have a good relationship. Let me take a look at your course this year. Well, do you know Professor Shen?" The counselor looked up at her: "It's your philosophy and The professor of art courses, although he is not very old, he is about 30 years old, but he is more serious. You have taken his courses this year and have not attended a few classes. I am afraid you need to explain to him yourself."

Chu Yue was a little embarrassed. As she reached the end of the year, she didn't know what was going on. There were more and more things. She hadn't taken a few classes properly, and she probably didn't have a good impression on the professor.

The counselor smiled: "Don't be nervous. Although Professor Shen is a staid and serious person, he is also a reasonable person. He majors in physics and has published many high-quality papers abroad. Teaching this course is also of my own interest. , Academically, he is still a very powerful person. Whether you want to continue your advanced studies or want to jump to a major in the future, it does not hurt to have a good relationship with him. Otherwise, he will give you a zero for the final exam this year. ."

Chu Yue, as powerful as Xuandu, could not help but lose his face.

The counselor comforted Chu Yue and told Chu Yue about Professor Shen's contact information, office, and course of action. Chu Yue sighed and resigned himself to the so-called young and old scholar to explain.

The life of this Professor Shen was really boring. With three points and one line of action, Chu Yue could easily wait for him in his office.

Sitting in Professor Shen's office, watching a gentle and dull man wearing a simple white shirt and black-rimmed glasses walked in at the door, Chu Yue knew that the other party was Professor Shen.

"Hello." Chu Yue got up and greeted Professor Shen.

Professor Shen frowned and glanced at Chu Yue. He was clean and fair-skinned, and looked a little handsome, but there was a shallow vertical line between his eyebrows, and he looked very serious and conservative: "Are you a student in the faculty? I said. It’s useless to come to me. I won’t change your grades, let alone accommodating. What grades are what grades are."

As soon as she opened her mouth, she was serious and old-fashioned. No wonder the counselor asked her to explain the situation on her own.

"I'm Chu Yue from the Philosophy Class." Chu Yue briefly introduced herself: "Professor, I didn't come here because I missed a course, I asked for leave."

Professor Shen frowned and thought for a long time, and finally figured out who Chu Yue was, but his face was still not very good: "You only came to one class in my class." Professor Shen complained: "Just took one. In class, you also want to pass and dream."

Chu Yue: "..."

This professor is more difficult to deal with than Evil God.

"It's like this. I have many things to be responsible for outside. It's really unreasonable. The school is also accommodating. Professor Shen, can you..."

Professor Shen became angry: "I want to use the school to suppress me and dream."

He sneered at Chu Yue and sneered: "What's the matter, I feel complacent when I have achieved a little outside. I look down on my reading career in school, and I can't calm down to learn knowledge. Little girl, people grow up, books and knowledge never Should be taken lightly, this is much more important than your so-called business."

Professor Shen mistakenly thought that Chu Yue was a student with little success in doing business.

Seeing that it didn't make sense, Chu Yue had no choice but to use her housekeeping skills. She approached Professor Shen silently, intending to show Professor Shen up and down, left and right.

Professor Shen was taken aback by Chu Yue's approach, and said coldly, "What are you doing?"

But the closer Chu Yue got closer, Professor Shen suddenly became annoyed, and took a half step back: "Classmates, pay attention!"

He mistakenly thought that Chu Yue didn’t make sense, so he planned to change it.

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