Han Tianjiao’s power and aura looked much more terrifying than Chu Yue. The black clouds around him were roaring, and the pale human face and pale limbs in the black clouds kept turning, sending out ghosts and ghasts that could overwhelm people’s minds. The sharp whistle.

Han Tianjiao rushed down with a gesture of destroying everything, and the huge black palm holding him turned into a heaven-shaking hand, pressing down towards the people below.

At this moment, no matter what kind of **** Han Tianjiao is, his cold and disregarding picture that overrides everything and regards everything below as ants is indeed full of divinity, a divinity that makes people chill and tremble.

Compared with the imposing Han Tianjiao, Chu Yue, who stood quietly in front of everyone, looked so small and weak, as if the fireflies in the storm would be directly swallowed and wiped out at any time.

Everyone in the golden light watched this scene nervously, their eyes involuntarily showing fear. At this moment, the darkness that overwhelmed the world and the earth has fallen, and it also gave them a sense of apocalypse. This feeling of carelessness and courage is purely because of the level of strength. Absolute suppression is like the feeling that human beings are facing helpless natural disasters.

At this time, even the Han family could not feel close to Han Tianjiao, let alone the greater joy of their ancestors. They also looked up at Han Tianjiao who was rushing down in horror, desperately hoping for Chu in their hearts. Yue can hold the opponent's attack.

Even if Chu Yue does not seem to have the slightest chance of winning, at this time everyone's hope is concentrated on Chu Yue, and at the same time they are also aware of the terrifying aspect of Han Tianjiao. If such power falls on ordinary people, then who is there? Can stop Han Tianjiao's pace?

Facing such a terrifying attack by Han Tianjiao, Chu Yue's expression remained unchanged. She just watched quietly as Han Tianjiao carried the supreme power and rushed over, watching the surging darkness fall like a world-destroying tide.

Chu Yue's tranquil appearance infected everyone, and everyone's anxiety calmed down. Together, they watched the world-destroying frenzy descend from the sky and smashed their heads toward him.

The golden light is like a flat boat in a huge wave. When the darkness overturns, it directly drowns the golden light. At that moment, the darkness seems to have directly swallowed all things, and directly swallowed the realm of the gods invited by Chu Yue.

The people standing in the Golden Light Realm quietly watched the surroundings being covered by unspeakable darkness. Those darkness rushed from them up and down, right and left like living things, protecting the golden light in the Golden Light Realm. Under the erosion of darkness, it is getting weaker and weaker, as thin as a cicada's wings.

Looking down from above, I can no longer see Chu Yue's figure and the golden light domain that protects everyone.

Han Tianjiao stood above the darkness like a **** looking down, manipulating the boundless darkness and swallowing all things violently. When he saw the last golden light swallowed up, a scornful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, thinking indifferently.

No matter how powerful the woman is, she is nothing but a mortal woman. Even if she has some shocking abilities, even the person who is on the cusp of Han Shaoshang's heart will eventually be destroyed by his divine power and become a victim. The puppet he controls.

The people in the golden light watched this scene quietly, their emotions changed from fear at the beginning to numbness. Now that they are so powerless to resist, they can only accept the ending calmly, lest they die too ugly. .

Of course, there are some people who are unwilling to be overwhelmed and swallowed, choking and crying with resentment, but at this time no one is paying attention to his mood anymore.

Only Chu Yue stood there quietly, no matter how terrible the darkness that Han Tianjiao overturned, she did not have a trace of movement, but steadily and slowly exuding a faint golden light, protecting everyone in this terrible darkness.

She quietly watched the darkness hit like a frenzy, and watched her golden light barrier become weak, but no matter how weak the barrier, even if it seemed to dissipate at any time, especially several times. At the edge of being destroyed, but in the end it was all shining with golden light again, still resisting the erosion of darkness firmly, and even protecting everyone intact.

Everyone was panicked and numb from the beginning, and finally discovered the situation. They suddenly looked at Chu Yue's figure in front of him in surprise, and their eyes slowly turned into gratitude.

After the first wave of dark frenzy subsided, Chu Yue actually protected everyone steadily. Her spot was like a fluorescent light, like a golden light mask that was broken with a single poke, and she persisted incomparably to the end, making Han Tianjiao's mouth awkward. The smile was completely frozen.

Han Tianjiao looked at Chu Yue evilly, and said coldly: "Don't think that the dark frenzy that can resist me is over, this is just the beginning."

Seeing Chu Yue's abilities, Han Tianjiao became more and more affirmed in his heart, he must kill Chu Yue, lest Chu Yue grows to be able to endanger his own existence.

Thinking like this in his mind, Han Tianjiao’s figure slowly grew from an ordinary human body, and then turned into a large group of darkness that cannot be described and cannot be directly looked at. This darkness is colorful. Like the mist and the light yarn, it is also the most terrifying nightmare that can't be imagined in the dream.

As long as you look at this mist, you will be polluted and alienated, your reason will be shredded by this darkness, and your spirit will become chaotic and disorderly, and you will only be transformed into the nourishment of this darkness.

If it weren’t for the protection of the Golden Light Realm that Chu Yue’s **** descended into, I’m afraid everyone is already mad at this moment. Even so, facing such a polluting black fog, even if it’s across the Golden Light Realm. The expressions of everyone in the field also became painful.

Unexpectedly, the so-called Cthulhu that Han Tianjiao transformed into was so terrifying, but everyone thought of the traces of the Cthulhu in recent years, and felt that Han Tianjiao’s power was also expected, and he thought of the explanation of becoming a **** that Chu Yue said before. Everyone almost knew the source of such a terrifying power of the Heretic God. The lives swallowed by the spirits of these years have nourished the Heretic God. It is through plundering the flesh and blood of others that Han Tianjiao has grown into such a powerful Heretic God.

Once thought of the power of the Heretic God, everyone couldn't help feeling desperate again, and the realm where the God descended could affect them, and she didn't know how long Chu Yue could hold on facing the Heretic God this time.

The black mist formed by the evil **** above is full of polluting evil babbles: "Chu Yue, you shouldn’t be able to hold on for long. The gods consume your life and spiritual power. If you are the only one, you can still get from mine. Escape in the power domain, but you have to protect so many people, your life and your spiritual power will always be exhausted, and then it will be the time when all of you will become my true **** puppets."

"You can try to see how long I can hold on." Chu Yue was not affected by the evil god's babbling, but just replied indifferently.

The voice in the black mist is ethereal and void, even if you plug your ears and don’t listen, it will go directly into people’s minds. The evil **** babbles maliciously: "Give up, give up, you can't resist me, you can't talk to me at all. Contend, give up, and throw yourself into the arms of God. You will know what eternity is and what happiness is. There is no point in resisting in this way. How can people fight against God."

Following the chatter of the Cthulhu, the expressions of some people in the Golden Light Realm became trance.

Chu Yue coldly watched Hei Mist do all kinds of evil behaviors, and that unspeakable shape also transformed into various polluting postures. The black mist was filled with creatures that had been swallowed by Han Tianjiao for so many years, precisely because Their existence has condensed such a powerful force as Han Tianjiao.

Spiritual creatures inherently have the power to swallow and pollute, not to mention Han Tianjiao has swallowed so many dead souls. He is equivalent to a huge spiritual pollution field, but the power of pollution is too strong. Even the metaphysician has no power to parry.

Chu Yue raised her hand and looked at Han Tianjiao coldly in the air. The peach wood sword turned into a golden arrow in her hand. She raised her hand and the golden arrow pierced directly at the black mist. , Actually pierced this piece of black mist through a huge hole.

Hei Mist suddenly roared frantically, and condensed into a huge group of skulls that were constantly changing. The skulls opened their mouths and swallowed towards Chu Yue.

"A lowly ordinary ant dare to hurt the true god. I will swallow you now. I want to see if you have the ability to safely walk out of the true god's punishment."

"Of course, Chu Yue, if you want to escape by yourself, you will be safe, but if you have to protect the mortals behind you, then you can only turn into nourishment to nourish me together."

Han Tianjiao tried to incite everyone's panic and let them attack each other. If Chu Yue really obeyed his words and gave up the people he was protecting, then the death of these people would become Chu Yue's heart demon in the future, and it would also make Chu Yue's heart demon. Yue was troubled by the demons during her practice and no longer survived.

Since Han Tianjiao was so incited, Chu Yue also sneered and asked, "Xiao Han, you just let him control and do not resist? What did you say before, you said you want to be with me, but now you let it go. Han Tianjiao came out to do a lot of evil in your face, and was unwilling to suppress him in reverse, so what are you going to do with me?"

Everyone looked at Chu Yue in amazement. They didn’t expect that Chu Yue would say such things, not to mention that Han Tianjiao instigated their internal unrest just now, and in turn, Chu Yue instigated their own internal unrest. This feeling is really subtle. what.

The huge skull face that Han Tianjiao transformed into was also distorted. Before he could say anything, the skull solidified by the black mist began to collapse, and it scattered into a mess of mist in front of everyone. The mist began to slowly and painfully struggled to split, and unexpectedly split into a **** who was extremely handsome and dressed in a black imperial robe. The god’s body was wrapped with black chains, and the chains extended into the black mist. The two sides looked like they were in the black mist. Pulling each other to see that the gods look like Han Shaoshang.

Just now, Han Tianjiao said so much, he didn’t instigate the people on Chu Yue’s side, but Chu Yue was just an understatement of reproach, Han Tianjiao actually split directly, and he fought with himself, this scene It looks so funny.

Seeing the **** of Han Shaoshang's incarnation appeared, Chu Yue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She was just a test, because after the heavenly demon forbidden the land, Han Shaoshang's body disappeared directly. At that time, Chu Yue had doubted what was in the forbidden land. Xian Qi is the Xiao Han after Han Shao Shang’s soul and body merged. The opponent's body was martyred in the forbidden land of the demon, and maybe it has been integrated with the evil god, which allowed them to safely leave the forbidden land of the demon. Presumably, Han Shaoshang had not disappeared, but was trapped in the body of the evil god.

The emperor and deity incarnation of Han Shaoshang sometimes blended with the evil spirit mist, and sometimes separated separately.

Although Han Tianjiao keeps saying that Han Shaoshang is only his own nourishment, depending on the actual situation, Han Shaoshang and Han Tianjiao can contain each other, and Han Tianjiao has no way to completely dissolve Han Shaoshang.

Han Shaoshang and Cthulhu are entangled with each other. His expressions are sometimes painful and sometimes evil. He cast his eyes down to Chu Yue Yang and said: "Sister, look, I will work hard. Don't forget me."

As Han Shaoshang finished shouting these words, he trapped the Cthulhu mist with an iron chain, pulling the Cthulhu and disappeared together.

The terrible Cthulhu came to an end in such a dramatic way, until the sky above everyone's head turned into a blue sky again, and everyone still couldn't react.

"Cthulhu left?"

"How it ended, I didn't react at all."

"There are no dead people, no alienation, no disappearance, and it's over. I can't imagine our luck."

We must know that in all the archives, wherever the evil **** descends and haunts, countless lives must be used to fill in the alienation brought about by the evil god, whether it is those who lost their lives in the alienation, or prevent the alienation from continuing to pollute. In this process, a lot of people are sacrificed.

So at the moment the Cthulhu appeared, even if they were protected by Chu Yue's Golden Light Divine Realm, they were ready to sacrifice at any time, but they didn't expect everyone to come back this time.

Thinking of the great heroes protecting all of them this time, everyone couldn't help but looked at Chu Yue with complicated eyes.

At this time, Chu Yue had already lifted the state of surrender and returned to the appearance of a normal person. She still stood in the same place with a cold face, looking mysterious and inaccessible.

Because of the previous scenes, everyone has completely myths Chu Yue from the bottom of their hearts. At this moment, seeing Chu Yue standing silently, everyone involuntarily calmed down, thinking that Chu Yue was observing the surrounding environment. Is it safe, or if there is a danger they don't know about, so even if they want to contact Chu Yue, they dare not disturb Chu Yue casually at this moment.

Only Xue Dongyang looked at Chu Yue suspiciously. Su Xiaoxing resisted the pain even more, let Hu Jiuzhao support herself, and came to Chu Yue with difficulty, and patted Chu Yue's shoulder with concern: "Teacher, you still All right."

But with such a shot, Chu Yue actually fell straight with his eyes open. Su Xiaoxing and Hu Jiuzhao were shocked. The two women hadn’t done anything yet, and Xue Dongyang, who was next to him, rushed forward like lightning. He directly hugged Chu Yue who fell down.



"Chu Guanzhu."

Everyone was calling Chu Yue anxiously, for fear of something wrong with Chu Yue, and even more worried that Chu Yue consumed herself because of excessive gods.

Xue Dongyang's body was extremely tight, and his blood-colored pupils showed a bit of madness. He tightly shielded Chu Yue and separated everyone from approaching. In the end, a cultivator of the Han family raised his hand weakly: "That, I know some medical skills. If Chief Xue doesn't mind, I can take a look at Chu Guan."

Although these people were under orders from the Han family before and they were indifferent to Chu Yue and the others, but after Chu Yue protected them in the hands of the evil god, they naturally received Chu Yue's life-saving feelings, and they were also somewhat grateful to Chu Yue.

Xue Dongyang's blood-colored pupils stared at the other person terribly, as if judging whether what the monk said was true or false. Su Xiaoxing glanced at the other person and whispered: "Brother Xue, what he said is true, you can let him try it. , He shouldn't hurt the teacher."

Hu Jiuzhao also raised his lips and said: "In this situation, they should not dare to attack the head teacher. After all, the evil **** is from the Han family. Who knows if swallowing his blood relatives will increase the power of the evil god. Back then, Nancheng Han Isn’t the family swallowed by the evil gods like this? They want to live safely and securely, not to be missed by the evil gods, and to keep our family in charge."

Xue Dongyang finally gave a word and let the monk from the Han family approach, but his eyes were still staring at the opponent terribly, watching the opponent's movements with a good error, look at Xue Dongyang's expression, once the other person said something wrong. If he makes a mistake, he can definitely break the opponent's neck directly.

The cultivator of the Han family naturally felt Xue Dongyang’s death sight. He shrank his neck in fear, but cautiously touched Chu Yue’s wrist. After touching it, the cultivator’s expression became weird. Then he touched Chu Yue's other wrist in disbelief, and his expression became even stranger.

His expression made everyone around him nervous, and Su Xiaoxing continued to ask: "What's wrong with the teacher, is there any problem?"

Xue Dongyang's vision was terribly as if he was about to eat people.

"That..." The monk hesitated for a while, and then organized some words: "There is nothing wrong with Chu Guanzhu, she...she just fell asleep on exhaustion."

Everyone: "..."

Hu Jiuzhao's bewitching eyes raised, and he looked at each other suspiciously: "What are you kidding? How could you fall asleep so quickly after a big fight? What's more, have you ever seen someone sleeping like this? Are you okay? ?"

Hu Jiuzhao pointed to Chu Yue's opened eyes. Seeing Chu Yue's appearance, it really didn't look like a normal sleep, but it seemed like something unexpected happened.

The monk of the Han family looked a little aggrieved, but thinking of Hu Jiuzhao's identity as a thousand-year fox demon, he didn't dare to clamor with Hu Jiuzhao, so he could only grieved and said: "So it's exhausted, because of exhaustion, after the battle is over. , The body entered the self-protection mechanism and just fell asleep. Chu Guanzhu's age was only eighteen or nine years old. It was when he was young and lethargic. What's weird about this situation."

The monk said, bending over to Chu Yue's ear and said: "Chu Guanzhu, the evil **** has left, the battle is over, everyone is safe, and you can sleep peacefully."

As the monk's voice fell, Chu Yue actually closed her eyes, then tilted her head and fell asleep leaning on Xue Dongyang.

At this time, everyone's expressions became wonderful, and even the expressions of Xue Dongyang's three people were also very wonderful.

The cultivator of the Han family said, "So I said, look at it, this is not what it means to be extremely tired."

Well, the big guy is the big guy after all, and even his performance after the war is different from everyone. After the war, everyone is stimulated and excited, and the big guy just fell asleep.

Su Xiaoxing shook her head and couldn't help but smile: "She is still a little girl after all."

The eyes of Hu Jiuzhao and Xue Dongyang also softened, and they also looked at Chu Yue, who was not awake.

Indeed, because Chu Yue was too powerful, they were all protected by Chu Yue, and they forgot that Chu Yue was just a young girl.

Other little girls as big as her are still coquettish children beside their parents, but Chu Yue has already fought with the supernatural beings, sinking and floating in the mysterious whirlpool, protecting all of them behind.

If it weren’t for this sudden drowsiness and the Han family’s monk had raised Chu Yue’s age, they would still habitually respect Chu Yue as the head teacher, but they never thought that the head teacher would be a little girl. People feel distressed.

Patriarch Han, who was still sitting on the ground in embarrassment, couldn't help but twitched.

It’s this young girl who directly brought people to quell his South Korean family. Isn’t this a girl who deserves to be distressed? It is a precocious Overlord Flower at all. If there is a hollow and distressed Overlord Flower that turned out to be born, then he will fall into it. Shouldn't the late old people be more distressed and distressed?

Why didn't anyone come and feel sorry for him, a tortured old man?

As Chu Yue fell asleep, the joke of the Han family's snatching of relatives also came to an end.

After the end of the war, the entire Han family was destroyed from the inside to the outside, and the original Han family's old house was completely ruined.

The people of the Han family were arrested and detained, and they scattered. The South-style Han family, which has ruled southern Zhejiang for many years, has completely become a thing of the past.

"The head teacher, you are asleep, so I don't know. Because of your anger, Brother Xue led a thorough investigation of the Han family and found out many unseen things. The head of the Han family and the elders have entered a large area."

It was still in southern Zhejiang. After Chu Yue fell asleep, Xue Dongyang was not in a hurry to send Chu Yue back, and he found a place to live in the Southern Zhejiang Branch of the Special Office, and arranged a few people in. Now everyone is staying temporarily. In the Southern Zhejiang Branch.

Su Xiaoxing also recovered completely after treatment, and was talking and laughing in Chu Yue's room at the moment.

It was also Ning Ke’s reminder. Chu Yue, who had originally planned to come over to grab relatives by herself, changed her mind the moment she boarded the plane and decided to formulate a strategy against the Han family to solve the Han family in one fell swoop, so as not to have a big tail, the other party again secretly rubbed against Su Xiaoxing , Is not good for Xuandu Temple.

Facts proved that this decision was indeed correct. If Chu Yue hadn't taken the initiative to use all the power of Xuan Du Temple, she would deal with the Han family alone, and there would definitely be something wrong, and Su Xiaoxing would not have left the Han family in such a healthy way.

After all, as a local force in Southern Zhejiang, the Han family has already become a local behemoth in Southern Zhejiang for so many years, and it is definitely not something that Chu Yue can completely solve.

And Chu Yue's snatching of relatives is not just about snatching Su Xiaoxing and leaving directly. It is as simple as Chu Yue's snatching of relatives, for the Han family, it is against the entire Han family, and the best way to deal with this behemoth is to use the same force. The forces of the people use the forces of destruction to resolve them.

Seeing Su Xiaoxing's cheerful and lively appearance, Chu Yue also became happy: "It is not surprising that Dongyang can detect so many things. The Han family's style of behavior is destined to do something that violates laws and regulations."

This Su Xiaoxing has a deep understanding. If it wasn't for her luck that she met Chu Yue in the rookie game, I am afraid that she quietly became a puppet or died in the Han family house, no one would know what happened to Su Xiaoxing. What happened.

Su Xiaoxing, a self-recommended person, does not believe that the Han family has been clean for so many years. There will definitely be people with similar experiences to her. These people may block the development of the Han family, or the Han family wants to seize something. , Will eventually be solved silently by the Han family in various ways.

"Senior Brother Xue found out that the Han family handled some black transactions, such as buying corpses by non-distribution methods to conduct secret experiments, selling ghosts, and some special magical artifacts, and some orders that shouldn't be accepted at all, but The old man, the Patriarch of the Han family, has a stubborn mouth and refuses to admit it." Su Xiaoxing said angrily.

"Let's go." Upon hearing Su Xiaoxing's words, Chu Yue suddenly stood up and stretched out, and walked toward the outside of the room with a smile.

"Where to go?" Su Xiaoxing was a little surprised.

"After sleeping for so many days, it's time to move your muscles and bones. Let's go and see Patriarch Han to see what he says is hard."

Su Xiaoxing was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, fearing that the world would not be in disorder.

The Han family is currently under investigation and has not yet been convicted, so the head of the Han family is locked up in the cell of the Special Office.

When Chu Yue and Su Xiaoxing came outside the special cell of the special office, the old man had a good mentality and was sitting in the cell drinking tea leisurely.

Seeing Chu Yue and Su Xiaoxing coming, Patriarch Han cast a glance at the two of them, and laughed ironically: "Why is Chu Guanzhu coming here? You have already snatched people away. What's wrong? I came to see Han's joke. Is it?"

"That's right." Chu Yue nodded: "The arrogant Patriarch of the Han family before, but now he wants to sit down in prison. Isn't this joke funny?"

Patriarch Han's smile solidified, and he felt the familiar myocardial infarction and the surge of blood that wanted to vomit blood.

He sneered at Chu Yue: "Chu Guanzhu doesn't have to be so impatient. Chu Guanzhu prides himself on being righteous, but isn't it afraid that one day he will end up like Han? After all, Chu Guanzhu is more powerful than Han. It's much scarier, I'm afraid it will cause people's dread."

Chu Yue was surprised: "What is self-proclaimed justice? I am clearly a good citizen who obeys the law. I study hard, study hard, and make contributions to the country in the future. If the country deals with me someday, it must be blinded by people like Patriarch Han. The eyes of the people, and then became the president of the country."

Patriarch Han's expression solidified again.

Su Xiaoxing couldn't help but laughed out loud. Although it was not the first time he had seen the teacher's sharp way of speaking, every time he saw the teacher smash other people, especially the people he hated, it still felt as happy as ever.

The Patriarch of the Han Family glanced at Su Xiaoxing, and said coldly: "You don't have to be so gloating, do you really think that others are fancying you? It's just using you as a **** against the Han Family."

Su Xiaoxing's face was full of anger, and she opened her mouth to say something, but Chu Yue, who was next to her, stopped the other person. She looked at Patriarch Han carefully: "So Patriarch Han realized that she had nothing, and that was the only way to look at me with a heady attitude. Did the disciple use harsh words to provoke divorce?"

The head of the Han family suddenly became angry: "There is nothing."

He said with a sneer: "The Han family has a big business, even if you lose the face of the Han family and blow up the main house of the Han family into ruins, what if the Han family’s centuries-old foundation is still there. Swallow the Han family, haha, even if you have a few powerful characters in Xuan Duguan, the century-old aristocratic family is not the one you annexed just as you said."

"Oh, isn't it?" Patriarch Han said so much, but Chu Yue's expression didn't change a bit, but she just responded indifferently.

Seeing what Chu Yue looked like, Patriarch Han had a bad feeling in his heart. He saw that the iron door above the cell was pushed open again. He walked down in a hurry, and said eagerly as he walked. Why did you go to the cell? Hearing from your second child that you had a fight with the evil god, and you fell asleep for several days, how about your health? What are you doing in a place like this when you just woke up."

As the other party spoke more and more hurriedly, the other party's face finally appeared in the sight of Chu Yue, Su Xiaoxing, and the head of the Han family.

It was a handsome, elegant and gentle face, and I couldn't see that it was a person who was about forty. On the contrary, because of experience and years of precipitation, he added a calm charm to his handsome and elegant. The person here was Ning Ke.

"Ning Ke, come here."

Seeing Ning Ke, Chu Yue beckoned to the other party.

Although Ning Ke was puzzled, he walked over obediently and looked at Chu Yue suspiciously.

Before Ning Ke muttered like an old mother, Chu Yue directly interrupted the other party: "Ning Ke, how sure are you to win the property affiliated to the Han family."

"Oh, this." When talking about the professional field, Ning Ke showed a confident smile on his face: "I discussed with Xiao Wei. If we two join hands, although things are a bit difficult to handle, it will take half a year at most. Right, those industries under the Han family will change their lintels."

"Well, it's done well." Chu Yue praised a few words and asked, "The Han family has no secular industry to support metaphysicians, so do the metaphysicians under the Han family have a place to settle?"

"Don't worry about this." Ning Ke smiled: "Some of them were taken into the special office by the third child. If you are unwilling to work for the country, you will leave your own spiritual imprint, do a casual practice, and some Weeping to enter Xuandu Guan, after all, the Han family has lost those secular industries that make money, and these metaphysicians always find a master who can support them."

Hearing this, the Patriarch of the Han family was already pale and looked at Chu Yue with fire-breathing eyes: "Who is he?"

"He." Chu Yue smiled slightly, like a devil: "Introduce, this is the big brother of Xuan Duguan, responsible for all the affairs of our Xuan Duguan, of course, there is also the identity of the richest man in Yancheng, except for Ning Ke. There is also a famous layman in Guanli who is also one of the richest children in Yancheng. Therefore, the head of the Han family really does not need to worry about it. The economic strength of the Han family is not in our eyes. As far as the strength of the Xuandu Temple is concerned, our Xuandu Temple will take care of it for you."

The head of the Han family was stunned, and the three views shook.

Su Xiaoxing was also shocked.

They originally thought that Xuan Du Guan had Xue Dongyang and Hu Jiuzhao already shocking, but after all these people are good at force, not as good as the Han family's hundred year-end academies, but who knows that there are still wealthy boys in their view, and Ning Ning Compared with the richest man like Ke, he is not enough to fight at the end of the century!

The Patriarch of the Han family was even more regretful at this time. If he had known that Xuandu Guan had such a strength, he would have to think twice about what he did.

However, Xuan Du Temple is too much. It is obviously the configuration of the famous grand temple. Why do you want to pretend to be a small Taoist temple with no name in the mountains? Is it fun to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger? Is it fun to be misunderstood? Thinking of it, I want the grievance of myocardial infarction.

"How about it, is Patriarch Han still guarding your broken Han family? Of course, I don't mind letting you out. You are just a cult that everyone shouts and beats. I will spend some money. Kung Fu will catch you back again."

Chu Yueman inadvertently left a sentence that made the head of the Han family in a daze, and left with Su Xiaoxing and Ning Ke.

Along the way, Su Xiaoxing also turned from shock and trance to lively excitement, pulling Chu Yue to keep asking: "Master, are there any other brothers I haven't seen in the view? Is there anything else? surprise?"

"Nothing." Chu Yue smiled helplessly, and said, "In order to deal with the Han family, I'm really out of my laurels. You've seen all of them."

It was just to break down the mentality of the Han family's Patriarch. She said she was so arrogant. In fact, before coming to Han's family, she was still a poor bald watcher.

"Little Junior Sister is really interesting." Ning Ke couldn't help but smile at Su Xiaoxing.

"Brothers are really amazing." Su Xiaoxing looked at Ning Ke with eyes full of admiration, "Senior Brother Xue and Senior Sister Hu are both so powerful. Senior Brother must have something more powerful. Someday, let the head teacher open a magic field, little sister. Ask the big brother for advice."

Ning Ke's smile stiffened, and he said to him: "That head teacher, I suddenly remembered that I still need to do the accounts. You and the younger sister will talk first, and I won't talk anymore."

After talking, Ning Ke slid and ran away without waiting for Chu Yue to speak.

Su Xiaoxing stared at this scene blankly: "What's wrong with the big brother, did I say the wrong thing?"

"No." Chu Yue couldn't help but smiled: "You, Senior Brother Ning Ke, committed a psychological shadow again."

"Hey?" Su Xiaoxing was full of question marks, feeling that Senior Brother Ning was really unpredictable, but it didn't matter. In the future, she would still have a long time in Guanli, and there would be more opportunities to ask Senior Brother Ning for advice.

After solving the Han Family Patriarch, Su Xiaoxing found time to talk to Chu Yue about the thing that Su Family had kept.

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