The Sect Master was Switched at Birth

Chapter 108: Daomen Conference (1)

The terrifying demon power of the nine-tailed fox was overwhelmingly pressing at Ning Song and his party. The Ning family's face was ugly and sweaty.

The people of the Ning family never thought that Ning Ke turned his back on the human race and took refuge in the demon race, and behind him was a nine-tailed monster with such a powerful demon power.

Without waiting for the Ning family to say anything, Hu Jiuzhao sneered and pulled his tail over, directly hitting the Ning family's teeth all over the floor, with blood pouring out of his lips.

"I didn't know how to weigh it before I provoke people. Not everyone in this world can be provoke by you idiot ants."

Wei Zhao looked at Hu Jiuzhao, who was full of anger, and said, "Sister Hu is so angry."

Su Xiaoxing glanced at Wei Zhao, and said to her heart, wasn’t it just that you were very happy just now? What kind of high-quality green tea is installed at this moment? People in Xuanduguan only need to have eyes. Who doesn’t know that Senior Sister Hu is here during this time Try every means to please Senior Sister Ning, let alone these inexplicable people stepping on Senior Sister Hu's inverted scales. With this kind of heroic opportunity to save the beauty, it is strange that Senior Sister Hu does not perform well.

Fang Tao stood by and commented for a while, and exclaimed: "Sister Hu's demon is more fierce than in the battle of the Han family. Sister Hu's cultivation has increased recently."

Zhou Wen next to him nodded in agreement: "In addition to the master of Xuan Du Temple, Senior Sister Hu and Senior Brother Xue should have the highest cultivation bases. They don’t know who is better. He said that Senior Sister Hu had been taught by the master. He was seriously injured, now in the body of a rebuilt nine-tailed fox, maybe Senior Sister Hu's injury has completely improved, so the cultivation base is getting higher and higher."

The people of Xuan Duguan stood watching the big show and looked at the Ning family as if they were lying on the ground in embarrassment. They didn't even give alms to the Ning family on the ground in their eyes. They just admired Hu Jiuzhao's majestic posture.

Ning Ke looked at Hu Jiuzhao's majestic Nine-Tailed Demon God inexplicably, just snorted softly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ning Song and the others were first completely ignored, and then stepped on and humiliated by the people on Ning Ke's side. Moreover, it was an important place such as the Taoist Exchange Conference. In the presence of so many colleagues, their faces were completely stepped on the ground back and forth. After crushing, Ning Song's face turned black and black, and he yelled at Ning Ke angrily: "Ning Ke, you are the Ning family, just watch her humiliate our Ning family like this, or say you are a monster His patron, forgot his identity as the righteous path of the Profound Sect?"

After seeing Hu Jiuzhao appear, Ning Song thought that he wanted to understand Ning Ke’s current situation. The sect that Ning Ke belongs to must be the kind of wild sect that worships the fox demon. Righteous cultivation, maybe Ning Ke dedicated himself and became a slave to the fox demon, and only then could he gain the protection of the nine-tailed fox demon, and he was proud of himself in front of the old Ning family.

But I didn’t expect that Ning Ke would have such good luck to obtain the protection of the Nine-Tailed Demon, and signed a contract with the Nine-Tailed Demon. The shameful thing, but the situation of the Xuanmen today, if it can be guarded by a big demon, it is enough to make a school one of the best in the local.

Thinking of this, Ning Song’s eyes flashed with greed. If he could find a way to get this nine-tailed fox demon, then the Ning family wouldn’t have to be tired of running around to barely maintain their current status. Maybe there is still a chance to replace the Han family. Become the leader of the Southern School.

Now that the Han family has collapsed, the Han family’s power is a big piece of sweet pastry. The Southern School doesn’t know how many small and medium-sized families are greedy. They can only watch those large-scale family members divide the Han family’s power status. Although Ning Song’s cultivation is average , But I also want to benefit from it.

Although enshrining the fox demon and seeking the protection of the big demon to walk the world, privately is also a way of practice by the Xuanmen, but now it is a Taoist exchange meeting after all. To show his demon appearance in front of the orthodox face of the world, it would be too unreasonable to put the Xuanmen line in his eyes.

Thinking of this, Ning Song even raised his voice: "This is the Taoist Exchange Conference, and the people who come and go are the world's leading Taoists, the mainstay of the right way is clear, and you, a monster, is here to hurt people unscrupulously. Isn't it too bad for us to be orthodox Xuanmen? In the eyes?"

Ning Song shouted these words, and the people standing around also whispered to communicate. Although everyone was surprised that Hu Jiuzhao turned out to be a nine-tailed demon fox, they were also very afraid of Hu Jiuzhao's strength, but Ning Song's words are also true. The Dao Sect Exchange Conference is like this. In this place, a nine-tailed fox beat people from the orthodox family of Xuanmen to find teeth, and it would indeed make people laugh at them that there is no one in Xuanmen.

For a while, everyone's eyes on Hu Jiuzhao were hostile.

Although some Yeluzi sects will sign an agreement with the demon and the like to help each other, but that is a private matter. Those sects will not use their own deterrents as a deterrent on such occasions. This fox demon is too arrogant to expose his original shape so boldly and directly to hurt people.

Hu Jiuzhao didn't care about the gazes of people around him at all. He just stared at Ning Song on the ground coldly: "I think you really want to die."

The people on Xuanduguan's side are also extremely speechless. The relatives of their big brothers are simply the best relatives. They have even made up for any demon pets, and they have engaged in confrontation between the demons. It is a dream of returning to the Qing Dynasty, full of feudal poison, with In terms of their leadership, it is a lack of socialist ideological and political education.

It's really a poor big brother, who is a relative with such a person, he must have been tortured by each other when he was a child.

Ning Ke's expression was also a little cold, and he looked at Ning Song also coldly: "Don't be ashamed of Ning Song."

Ning Song was startled. I don’t know what Ning Ke meant by saying that. It’s obviously that the demon master Ning Ke served over did too much. How could he be embarrassed? Which sentence did he say wrong? Ning Ke is such a waste, if If you are not trading your own flesh and blood, how can you get the protection of a big demon like Kyuubi?

Ning Ke was so angry that he wanted to die without admitting it?

Liu Xiang, who had filed a complaint before, was also full of crazily twisted jealousy. He looked at Ning Ke bitterly. Why did Ning Ke have such good luck for being born in the Ning family and being expelled by the Ning family. Haoming got the protection of the nine-tailed fox. What benefits such a waste can provide to a big monster like nine-tailed, why is it so attracted.

If he was favored by the Nine-Tailed Demon, then he must have already been well-known in the world now, not like Ning Ke, who is still unknown, only a pheasant brother of the Yeluzi sect.

Ning Ke was originally everyone's wealthy boy, and everyone was usually afraid of bumping into each other. At this moment, hearing the Ning family's people insulting Ning Ke full of foul language, naturally all were full of unhappy.

Su Xiaoxing snorted coldly: "What nonsense about these trash, I call Brother Xue to come and throw them out..."

While talking, Xue Dongyang came over alone, and happened to see the lively scene here.

Xue Dongyang is the head of the special office, and everyone knows that he is known as a mad dog in the Taoist Association. It can be seen that the people in the Taoist Association are afraid and hate him.

Although the special office and the Daomen are two different organizations, due to the special status of the special office, the annual Daomen Exchange Conference invites Xue Dongyang, the director of the special office, to come and sit here.

After all, a Xuanmen is a relatively special existence in the country. Although it is a special case, it can be supervised as strictly. The special office is used to supervise and contain the existence of the Daomen. Therefore, the Daomen Exchange Conference must be approved by the special office. Get it done.

Second, Xue Dongyang also needs to arrange for the special office to come and maintain the order of the Daomen Exchange Conference. It can be said that the special office is almost equivalent to the existence of Daomen Supervision.

So seeing Xue Dongyang coming over, the metaphysician in the exchange meeting immediately began to discuss, thinking that with Xue's mad dog temper, I am afraid that he will fight the troubled fox demon, and then everyone may have a good time to watch.

When Ning Song saw Xue Dongyang coming, his eyes lit up, and he glanced at Ning Ke sarcastically, and quickly got up from the ground, bringing the Ning family's people and Xue Dongyang to file a complaint.

"Director Xue, this year's Dao Sect Exchange Conference actually came in to pull a monster to make trouble, and it seriously hurt me. His heart is shameful. In recent years, the domestic monsters have been moving continuously. I am afraid this monster is hiding evil intentions. Director Xue must Strict investigations are required to prevent these demons and ghosts from taking the opportunity to do anything to harm the world. As for those who are mixed with demons, they must be strictly investigated..."

Ning Song took a bit of flattery and didn't speak, Xue Dongyang glanced at Ning Song coldly. The look was so cold that Ning Song's expression directly froze on his face, and he stopped in embarrassment. .

"What's the matter, someone who doesn't have eyesight provokes you?"

Xue Dongyang only glanced at it, and basically knew what was going on. He looked directly at Ning Ke and asked.

Ning Ke smiled bitterly: "The third child, let you watch a joke."

Hu Jiuzhao also restored his enchanting queen appearance, and glanced at the stunned Ning family in disgust: "These people don't have long eyes to provoke our boss, the youngest, you are just right. Just now this person was full of pheasant Taoism, rubbish. The sect is screaming, rush them out quickly, lest the head teacher notices it later and annoys the head teacher."

Ning Ke was guilty: "Sorry, it's all the trouble I caused."

Hu Jiuzhao immediately stared at him with dissatisfaction: "No one said you, Ning Zou, didn't you claim that you would not suffer a loss? Now this white lotus who always apologizes is still you, where is the prestige when you stunned me?"

Facing Hu Jiuzhao, Ning Ke directly changed his face and turned his head indifferently: "I said, I have nothing to do with you, Hu Jiuzhao, we'd better keep our distance."

Hu Jiuzhao suddenly laughed, and the romantic and enchanting big demon leaned in threateningly: "Little crying bag, when I use it, it is the second nine summons, and when I don’t use it, it’s okay Hu Jiuzhao, you treat me as I am. Your dog, who is screaming and drinking, who gives you the courage?"

Ning Ke curled his lips with a smile: "Who made me your senior brother from the palm of your hand? What's wrong, if you are not convinced, you can ask the palm to teach theories and ask her to remove the title of my senior brother."

Hu Jiuzhao immediately froze. Recently, anyone in Xuan Duguan didn’t know that Ning Ke was Chu Yue’s good heart. Not only was Ning Ke taking care of everyone’s expenses, it was also because Ning Ke helped Chu Yue share a lot of chores and lightened it. A lot of burdens, Chu Yue liked Ning Ke very much. Who would dare to say bad things about Ning Ke in front of Chu Yue, wouldn't that be looking for trouble.

Su Xiaoxing and others saw that Ning Ke and Hu Jiuzhao were quarreling again, and they all looked at each other and smiled knowingly. In a way, Senior Brother Ning was really different from Senior Sister Hu. At least they had never seen Senior Brother Ning behave so stubbornly with them. Quite unreasonable.

Ning Ke is always personable and elegant in front of outsiders. If it weren't for seeing Ning Ke and Hu Jiuzhao getting along in the Xuan Du Temple, other people would not dare to imagine that the richest man in Yancheng, who was in the shopping mall, would be like this in private.

It is said that beating a woman is personal cursing or love. Perhaps Brother Ning is also this kind of person. When he is in front of Hu Jiuzhao, he will not be able to speak normally.

The Ning family, who was waiting for Xue Dongyang to teach Hu Jiuzhao and his group, were shocked, and the people around were also stunned. It turns out that this big demon and the man with a moderate cultivation level are not contracted masters and slaves. Listen to the meaning of these people's names. , This person is really everyone's big brother. Which school is so strange in terms of rules? How did they choose the big brother? Is it based on whose cultivation is the difference?

What surprised everyone even more was that the big demon was so well-behaved in front of the other party, he didn't turn back despite the other party's reprimand, and still willingly called the other brother, who on earth can tame the nine-tailed big demon so obedient, or to say The seemingly unremarkable big brother, what kind of hidden master is actually?

Otherwise, how could people like the Nine-Tailed Demon and Chief Xue willingly call each other's senior brother, did the abandoned son of the Ning family have any adventures and practice secrets after leaving the Ning family? Chief Xue and Nine-Tailed Demon are so obedient?

If everyone in Xuanduguan could hear the voices of the people around them, they would be very sure and answer in unison, that is the power of money.

The people of the Ning family were also stunned by this scene. Ning Song and Liu Xiang had no idea that it was such a development. The Ning Ke they looked down upon was actually such a group of great masters of metaphysics.

Although the two men behind Ning Ke were not top-notch in cultivation, they were also one of the best players. Even if they went to the martial arts, they were also elite. It was surprising enough that they were willing to recognize Ning Ke as a big brother. Chief Xue and Nine-Tailed Demon also respectfully call Senior Brother Ning Ke, which is simply unbelievable.

What kind of luck did Ning Ke take? It is no wonder that Ning Ke looks down on the Ning family because he can be coaxed by so many people with advanced cultivation.

At this time, Ning Song finally realized one thing, that he shouldn't provoke Ning Ke from the beginning.

Thinking of this, Ning Song couldn’t help but stared at Liu Xiang fiercely. If it weren’t for Liu Xiangye to run to him and claim that Ning Ke didn’t know what method he used to get into the conference, then he wouldn’t have come to find Ning. Ke, asking Ning Ke to return to the Ning family with the mentality of watching a joke, then he won't fall into the way he is now, and he will end in embarrassment under the public.

Especially when he heard that Xue Dongyang came from the same sect with them, and the pheasant sect they just kept talking about turned out to be Xue Dongyang's sect, Ning Song's heart was already frightened.

Liu Xiang was stunned by Ning Song. He was filled with endless resentment. He only felt that Ning Ke’s bad luck was so good that he could even climb into a group of bigwigs and become the bigwig of these bigwigs. Brother, it's simply unfair.

After hearing Hu Jiuzhao's complaint, Xue Dongyang looked at Ning Song indifferently, with no expression on his face, except for a blood-colored pupil: "Is it because I ask you to leave now, or do you take the initiative to roll away?"

What Xue Dongyang said was really ugly. Although he didn't directly say to let Ning Song go off, he would not appear in the Dao Sect Exchange Conference from now on, but no one understood the meaning of it.

Ning Song's face was red and white and ugly. This was a Dao Sect exchange meeting. Everyone who had a face in the Profound Sect attended this meeting. If the Ning family was kicked out of the Dao Sect meeting in front of everyone, there would be no place for the Ning family to stand in the future. ?

Perceiving the eyes of the people around him watching the jokes, Ning Song gritted his teeth and said: "Director Xue's handling of this is a bit biased. We didn't know that they were out of the same school as Chief Xue, not to mention that Ning Ke used to be after all. People of the Ning family, as the Patriarch of the Ning family, I saw him mixing with the monsters. It was a matter of uttering a few words to persuade them. At best, it can be regarded as the innocence of those who do not know. Foothold?"

Xue Dongyang sneered: "I count three, 3, 2..."

Ning Song also looked serious: "If Chief Xue really wants to be like this, our Ning family would rather be jade fragments than tiles."

If they were kicked out so embarrassingly today, then the Ning family would really be over.

"Whether the Ning family is jade broken or Waquan has anything to do with me. You can't be humiliated by the Ning family. Can my teacher be slandered and arranged by you at will? You humiliating the teacher is tantamount to killing my parents. Patriarch Ning, you are Don’t understand?"

"The third child is good." Hu Jiuzhao stared at Ning Song with cold eyes, clapped his hands and said: "Patriarch Ning, you just have the energy to squeeze your fingers, so why are you talking about all the jade broken tiles now? Allow you to insult our teacher, but not allow us to defend our dignity for the teacher?"

After all, metaphysicians are different from ordinary people, and they are more fancy to the teachers. Although at first everyone thought Xue Dongyang said a little too much, but now hearing these words, they feel quite reasonable. You are in front of others. Saying that they are a pheasant master, isn't that just looking for fault? Now that they are being driven away by others, it can only be said that they are responsible for themselves.

Ning Song knew that the situation was over when he heard this. He couldn't help gritting his teeth: "I don't know where Chief Xue learned from. I don't even know that after my brother left, he came to such a powerful teacher."

Even if he died, he still had to know where he was defeated, and what kind of school Ning Ke entered.

"I saw the noise here just now. I thought something interesting happened. I heard that someone questioned my disciple?"

When Ning Song questioned, a clear voice came from far and near, but it fell in front of everyone in an instant, standing directly in front of Xue Dongyang and Hu Jiuzhao and looking at Ning Song.

Chu Yue raised his hand to Ning Song, and politely held the ceremony: "What kind of teachings can Patriarch Ning give? It's not like me, the master of Xuandu Temple, exchanged ideas."

Xuan Du Guan, it turned out to be Xuan Du Guan!

After watching the movie, everyone now felt a sense of shock that the abandoned son of the Ning family was actually taken in by Xuanduguan, and he became the big brother of Xuanduguan.

During this period of time, Xuan Du Guan had grown from a little-known Taoist temple, and became a guest at the exchange meeting. Who hasn't heard of such deeds of Xuan Du Guanzhu.

The other side turned out to be wonderful and beautiful. Even in places like the Forbidden Land of the Devil, he would come in and out. In the rookie conference, no matter how bad people or ghosts were, it was like cutting vegetables. Thinking of Chu Yue’s demeanor, everyone couldn’t help but feel like it. With a sense of clarity, it is no wonder that disciples like Xue Dongyang can be raised, and it is no wonder that even big monsters like the nine-tailed fox can be included.

Thinking that the Ning family offended it was Xuan Du Guan, everyone couldn't help but feel gloating. If the Ning family continued to stalemate, it would not be good at all. The Chu Guan master was not a polite person, and it was not long before the Han family fell. The reason for the previous incident was that Chu Guanzhu’s disciple was the future daughter-in-law of the Han family. The Han family forced the other party to marry. As a result, Chu Guanzhu directly killed the South Zhejiang and even overthrew the entire Han family.

For a while, if Chu Guanzhu felt that the Ning family was bullying her disciples, it would not be something that Jade Broken Tile could solve. Perhaps Chu Guanzhu had a temper and directly overturned Ning's Tianling Gai.

Ning Song didn't expect that behind Ning Ke was a behemoth like Xuan Du Guan. Compared with Xuan Du Guan, the Ning family was like a worm. It was rumored that the Chu Guan master was a very short-term character, and he was insulting first. Xuan Duguan lashed out at Ning Ke again, wondering if Chu Guanzhu would hate the Ning family.

If he had known that Ning Ke was born in Xuantu Guan, and that Chu Yue was the killer star standing behind him, he would definitely think twice, weigh it carefully, and be blind, and didn't see Ning Ke.

But I didn't expect that after Ning Ke left the Ning family, he would still have such an adventure, and he would be taken in by Xuan Du, because his seniority directly became Xuan Du Guan's senior brother.

Ning Song couldn't help feeling jealous and regretful when he thought of this.

Liu Xiang, who had just waited to see Ning Ke's jokes, was also stupid. He didn't expect them to be against someone he couldn't afford to provoke.

Ning Song said in a sullen tone, "Chu Guan's subject is serious, how can the Ning family dare to ask Chu Guan's master."

Chu Yue smiled slightly: "I thought that Patriarch Ning was looking at my Xuan Du Temple, what's wrong."

Ning Song waved his hand again and again: "No, no, yes... yes..."

He flushed, not knowing what to say.

Chu Yue chuckled: "The ruler has some strengths and weaknesses. I send practice to cultivate the mind. It is naturally different from the superficial practice of the Ning family. The Ning family master does not have to be ashamed of this, and feels that we are deliberately playing tricks on you. "

What Chu Yue said was too shameless. Ning Song's face instantly turned red. He didn't dare to argue with Chu Yue. After all, the lessons from the Han family are vividly remembered. Which of these southern families dare to talk to the Han family? By comparison, even the Han family was directly lifted by Chu Yue, a small family of the Ning family, how dare to clamor with Chu Yue.

Even if Chu Yue was equivalent to mocking their Ning family's cultivation base **** not on the stage in front of all colleagues, so the frog at the bottom of the well couldn't see the doorway of Xuan Du Guan, Ning Song could only endure it.

"It is not only cultivation base that is everything. Ning Ke is an indispensable existence for my Xuandu Taoism. If it weren't for Ning Ke, Xuandu Taoism would not develop to the present level. His talents fall in places like your Ning family. , It's just spoiled."

Ning Song didn't expect that Ning Ke really sat in the position of big brother based on his strength. He could not help being surprised and embarrassed. If Ning Ke really had a talent that they didn't know, but this talent was discovered by Xuan Duguan, and let Xuan Du Guan discover it. Viewing the growth to the present stage, wouldn't it be even more proof that the Ning family had no eyes.

Hu Jiuzhao, who was next to him, couldn't see what Ning Song was thinking at this time, she sneered: "You Ning family really have eyes and no beads, holding baby bumps as charcoal stoves, and complaining that the fires are not strong enough. They are obviously gold. baby."

After Hu Jiuzhao and Chu Yue had made the righteous name, the people around also realized that Ning Ke might have a mediocre cultivation level, but there must be something powerful in order to become a big brother of Xuan Duguan, and I couldn't help but feel that the Ning family was embarrassing.

"As for the association with demons, it is even more nonsense. Jiuzhao observes and cultivates in my Xuandu, and he has always cultivated a pure and upright body. If Patriarch Ning is too idle and likes to talk about things with someone else's identity, it is better to read more and learn more. After thinking about it, I think there is still this minor course set up by the Taoist Association. I recommend Patriarch Ning to learn more, maybe next time you won’t see the wrong person again.”

Speaking of this, Ning Song couldn't stay any longer. His face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and his eyes were full of shame.

They look down on people casually, but they lose their faces in front of their colleagues.

The Ning family left, and the farce came to an end. Hu Jiuzhao and Su Xiaoxing gave Chu Yue a thumbs up and exclaimed around Chu Yue: "I'm still a master teacher, so just tell him away, otherwise it will be endless. "

Chu Yue smiled and said, "This kind of person is the most pretending to be a big empty face, so it's enough to make him unable to stay."

After speaking, she looked at Ning Ke: "Ning Ke, are you okay?"

Everyone in Xuan Duguan was trying to find a way to restore face for himself. Ning Ke only had a deep warmth in his heart. How could he still care about the past, he shook his head and smiled: "Thank you, my teacher, thank you."

"Why are all the family thank you, Lao Ning, if you are so polite, I think you are going to throw up the palm teacher." Wei Zhao hammered Ning Ke's shoulder with a big grin and smiled jokingly.

Everyone laughed together.

People from the Taoist Association also knew what was happening here. Chairman Zhang hurriedly came over to apologize to Chu Yue, and re-arranged seats for Ning Ke and his party. Xue Dongyang and Chu Yue came to the main seat of the upper platform together. .

On the high platform, Chairman Zhang gave a simple speech with a smile on his face, announcing the beginning of this session of the Taoist Exchange Conference.

Everyone was quiet and listened to President Zhang's speech, and at the same time guessed what the theme of this exchange conference was. Then they heard President Zhang say: "Everyone should know that evil demons are rampant and endangering the world. It is imperative. At this point, both the Taoist Association and the Special Office are tired of dealing with various abnormalities. We only know today that it is because of the re-appearance of the demon who wants to destroy the world, and secretly develops many believers, in an attempt to sacrifice human life. The whole world is shrouded in darkness, the situation is extremely tense, and everywhere is rampant. Whether it is our Taoist Association or the power of Director Xue’s special office, they are completely unable to cope with the present. Because of the situation, this exchange meeting was held to convene Xuanmen colleagues to fight against the demon."

It never expected that Chairman Zhang would say such a serious and terrible thing. Not only was the Profound Gate attending the meeting below startled, they all looked at the high platform in astonishment, and even the few people on the high platform frowned.

Chu Yue and Xue Dongyang looked at each other and saw the suspicion hidden in each other’s eyes. President Zhang wanted to announce such an important matter. Why didn’t he discuss it with them in advance? The Dao Sect Exchange Conference has become a Demon Exterminating Conference. This kind of thing is not Should a few important heads of the Xuanmen discuss it together first?

"Chairman Zhang, what do you mean by these words? Lao Na knows the frequent movements recently, but what is the situation of the demon breaking through the seal and wanting to destroy the world? Why didn't Lao Na hear such news? Didn't tell Lao Na in advance?"

It was said that it was a Taoist exchange meeting. I don't know why, but a respectable host was invited. At this time, the old monk sitting next to Chu Yue twisted the Buddha beads and looked at Chairman Zhang in surprise.

Chairman Zhang looked at the people on the high platform apologetically, and then said loudly: "This incident is also my mistake. It's just a big matter. I was very surprised when I heard this disappear, but promised that a senior can't. Leak it casually, so as not to attract the attention of the demon, let the demon know our plan, what happened, and then the demon will escape cunningly and bring great disasters to the world."

"Therefore, it is declared to the outside world that it will be held every five years. In fact, this exchange meeting is a meeting for the elimination of demons. Only in this way can it not attract the attention of the evil spirits and the outside world, and then we can discuss the plan for the elimination of demons together."

"According to the information provided by the senior, I learned that the demon was secretly planning a very terrible thing. Because he was sealed by the Xuanmen a hundred years ago, he has escaped the seal and has always hated what the Xuanmen did back then. He has already had his heart to avenge everyone. He will order the followers to trigger various spiritual events in the dark. Once you have no knowledge to clear out those spiritual phenomena, you will fall into the trap of the demon's head. The head is planning to take the lives of the people of the world as a sacrifice to accomplish his own magical karma."

What President Zhang said was very sensational, and everyone below immediately talked about it, and the expressions on his face were also very nervous and ugly.

If what President Zhang said is true, the demon escaped the seal and flew outside to make chaos, then it must be a catastrophe, and everyone in the Profound Gate must do their best to prevent this disaster.

Thinking of the tragic situation of the mysterious seal of the Heavenly Demon a hundred years ago, the hearts of all the people present at the mysterious gate were heavy, and the joy of participating in the exchange meeting disappeared.

Only the people of Xuantuguan had a weird expression. They followed Chu Yue and knew a lot of inside stories. They also knew that the so-called extinction of the gods was not the case, so who was the one who provided the news to President Zhang. , Why don’t they know about it?

When everyone’s minds were different, Chairman Zhang on the stage said again: "Today that senior will also attend this exchange meeting. Speaking of the background of that senior, if there is a solid foundation in the sects present. Those who have been deeply involved in the battle to seal the devil a hundred years ago should have heard of the once glorious sect. The sect a hundred years ago was the well-deserved No. People come from that school..."

Hearing this, a strange feeling rose in Chu Yue's heart, and her face also became very strange.

Xue Dongyang also read the information about Tianqimen because Chu Yue was going to pass through the Tianqimen. At this time, he also raised his eyes to look at Chu Yue.

At this moment, I heard President Zhang tremblingly say: "That is the Tianqimen, and the predecessor who told me all this is the only descendant of the Tianqimen. This is also the news that the predecessor risked his life to get. According to what the senior revealed, she was also an important person who participated in the battle of sealing demons. She survived to this day just to see the demon's destruction. Originally Tianqimen wanted to seal the destruction of the world's demon. After the demon's extinction, that senior planned to live in pain. After this remnant life, hearing the movement of the heavenly demon at this time, the senior finally couldn't bear the evil deeds of the heavenly demon and went out of the mountain, also to inform us of the terrible nature of the heavenly demon, let us know the crisis we are facing, and more I want to expose the conspiracy of the open-air demon to us, so that we can defeat the heavenly demon and return to the peace of the world."

What President Zhang said was full of enthusiasm, and everyone in the Profound Clan below listened attentively. Some young metaphysicians who still existed in the second stage of the second fantasy were even more excited. President Zhang was agitated by President Zhang and wanted to smash the demon together with that predecessor. .

Moreover, because of President Zhang’s vague remarks, many people speculated that the senior was the main force who sealed the demon back then. In fact, the senior who sealed the demon did not disappear from the world because of the high level of cultivation. The demon fights to the end.

Only the people on the high platform above looked at each other in a daze. They didn't know when such a character came out. Why didn't they know that there was so much more in the Profound Sect.

Chu Yue twitched the corners of her mouth, and Xue Dongyang's **** eyes flashed with a cold and sharp mockery.

Chairman Zhang was extremely excited: "Senior is here, please come to your seat, senior!"

As President Zhang shouted hoarsely, a figure fell from the sky like a celestial lady. It was a beautiful woman in a green dress full of the atmosphere of the south of the Yangtze River. She wore a simple and elegant white jade hairpin, like a fairy in the legend. Landed gracefully.

Although everyone present was a metaphysician, everyone grew up watching TV novels. They only felt that when this female crown appeared on the stage, it was like a hermit master landing in the novel, and the whole person seemed to be shining with highlights, even The metaphysicians who were accustomed to seeing the wind and waves were shocked by this way of appearance.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. I just feel that when this person descends, it’s as if there is a golden light lingering behind him, the sky is also faintly heard, and the illusory pink petals are falling. The elephants have all disappeared, only the lady in the green crown stood in the same place, the wind blew, and the white face of the lady in the green crown seemed to be filled with divine light, she was like a nine-day goddess facing everyone. Smile lightly.

The metaphysicians on the high platform were shocked by this person's way of appearance. The people under the high platform only felt that they deserved to be the main surviving force of the war at this time, and this kind of spirit is probably close to the soaring immortal master.

The people on the high platform felt that this person could not see the details of his cultivation, and was surrounded by surging and pure spiritual power. Those spiritual powers were as deep as the sea, and they were set off like small rivers. For a while, they did not dare to question casually.

President Zhang looked at the green female crown enthusiastically, as if the green female crown was a goddess who could redeem the world.

Only Xue Dongyang raised his eyes coldly and glanced at him, then sneered: "Pretend to be."

Chu Yue frowned and looked at the green female crown. This woman... feels too familiar to her. It reminded her of Han Shuangxue and also of Chu Tong. Although her appearance was constantly changing, she felt the same. .

The green female crown heard Xue Dongyang's sarcasm, she raised her eyes to look at Xue Dongyang, and her voice was as shallow and ethereal as a divine voice: "Chief Xue doesn't seem to believe what I said. It's all in vain to prove one's strength."

After finishing speaking, the green female crown waved her sleeves towards Xue Dongyang, and countless peach blossom phantoms whirled and flew out from her sleeves, and the condensed peach blossoms went toward Xue Dongyang's face like a whirlwind.

Although the scene of the green female crown attack looks extremely beautiful, the phantom peach blossom that tells the whirling and dancing is not a human attack at all. It is like an unavoidable dream. The cold fragrance hides the cold murderous intent, which makes people unable to escape. Dodging under the hood, he wanted to swallow Xue Dongyang.

President Zhang's face changed drastically, and he pleaded with a bit of flattery: "Senior is merciful, Chief Xue doesn't know that he is not guilty. He is such a temperament. You must have evidence to believe it. Seniors must not care about him. !"

President Zhang called for such a call, but there is a kind of holding Xue Dongyang to set off the status of the green female crown

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