The Sect Master was Switched at Birth

Chapter 21: The head teacher moved

Xiao Yu's face changed, and he didn't even want to rush towards the seat. His footsteps thumped, causing the people sleeping in the carriage to curse.

"What's the matter?" Chu Yue hadn't rested yet. At the moment, she was looking at Champa's information, and she turned her head to look at Xiao Yu when she heard the movement.

"Big... Master, yes... yes..." Xiao Yu couldn't maintain the image of the boss at all, and his lips trembled. At a glance, he saw the middle-aged man sleeping on the opposite side, his heart beat twice, and his mind was blank. He closed his eyes and threw a yellow talisman in his hand, "He is a ghost."

The middle-aged man slept in a daze. He was suddenly smashed by the yellow talisman on his head and was immediately awakened by Xiao Yu. He squeezed the yellow talisman on his head and said, "What is this doing?"

Seeing the middle-aged man picking up the yellow talisman and looking unaffected, Xiao Yu was shocked: "Master, this ghost is so fierce!"

Middle-aged man: "???"

Chu Yue shook his head speechlessly, and reached out to take the Huang Fu: "He is not a ghost, but a human."

After thinking for a while, Chu Yue asked Xiao Yu, "What did you encounter just now? It took so long to come back?"

Only then did Xiao Yu calm down and realized that he was too nervous and made a mistake. He sat back in his position and looked at the middle-aged man for a few times before saying, "I just came out of the toilet and saw this big brother right. I beckoned. I thought I had mistaken the carriage, so I followed, and found that in one carriage were people from the sixties and seventies..."

Xiao Yu briefly said the matter: "Isn't I hitting a ghost?"

Chu Yue thought for a while: "Maybe it's not a ghost, you don't have any other yin aura."

Xiao Yulu's expression of error and shock, she heard Chu Yue continue to say: "I wonder if you have ever heard the story of dislocation time and space, which is parallel time and space and another me?"

"You mean, I accidentally walked into Parallel Space-Time just now, and I met this big brother in Parallel Space-Time?"

At this moment, both the middle-aged man and the student became interested, and the two of them stopped taking a nap, and listened enthusiastically to Chu Yue's strange stories.

The middle-aged man is also quite interested and authentic: "What do I look like in another time and space, am I also a good person?"

Thinking of the weird person he met, Xiao Yu shook his head with an ugly expression: "He makes me feel very uncomfortable. I always feel that if I follow him in, bad things will happen."

The student was surprised: "But since it is parallel time and space, it should be all human beings. How could it be?"

"A person in parallel time and space may not be a'person' like ours. There are thousands of parallel time and space. How do you know what the intersecting person is?"

Hearing Chu Yue's answer, the three of them only felt that the cold hair on their backs were standing up, and they were even more frightened when they thought about it.

"Speaking of it, I also remembered one thing, it should have happened to my father." The middle-aged man regained his energy and began to talk: "An ancient tomb with great archaeological value was discovered in Champa. This incident reached Yancheng, and the upper hand immediately arranged for my father’s research institute to take over. At that time, everyone was very excited. If this archeology goes well, it may be a shocking event that crosses the age."

"A group of historical experts and archaeologists immediately set off and boarded the train to Champa. As a result, the train stopped halfway and the power was cut off. When the electricity arrived, my father’s archaeological team disappeared. Until now, the people in one of the carriages were missing. The matter of the Champa tomb is gone. Speaking of it, it was this train that they had taken at the beginning, and it was also something that happened at this time and place."

In the dim light reflected by the mobile phone, the middle-aged man's tone was inexplicably gloomy, and the student next to him sighed: "Then Mr. Xiao just met the team from that year, right?"

Xiao Yu's expression was directly numb, and the story was not good at all. Chu Yue looked at the other party several times: "Are you here this time for what happened back then?"

The middle-aged man was stunned, and then he laughed: "Yes, I want to know what happened back then, and I also want to know where my father and them went. There must be a conclusion about life or death."

The sky was getting brighter, and the train drove across the platform to the Champa Railway Station.

"Then goodbye."

The middle-aged man bid farewell to the two of them, and the student also stood up with his bags to join his companions. The student and his companions came to Champa for a trip this time.

When I got off the train station, there was a burst of yellow sand outside, and the stop sign of the train station was shaky, and the whole picture of Champa was revealed.

This is a relatively closed small city with very few people. The people who live here are relatively conservative, and the packages are tightly packed. The people in Champa seem to be quite xenophobic. I saw Chu Yue and Xiao Yu, two outsiders, exposed under their hoods. The look in his eyes was very uncomfortable.


Xiao Yu has experienced several spiritual events, and now he is very sensitive to the strange eyes. Seeing the eyes of these people, he immediately looked at Chu Yue nervously.

"It's okay, let's take a look at the place where the crew had an accident."

Xiao Yu nodded and contacted the rescue team of the search crew. The voice of the person on the other end of the phone was a little tired and hoarse, and he told him where Xiao Yu was.

The two rushed to where the rescue team was. The leader of the rescue team was a thin man, wearing a blue work uniform. He originally looked at Xiao Yu expectantly, and then saw Chu Yueshi behind Xiao Yu. , The eyes are full of disappointment.

"Mr. Xiao, don't you want to support us? This is the support you brought us? I thought it would be a professional team. What can a thin girl do? She shouldn't be still in school, Xiao In short, this is a life-and-death rescue, not a tourist attraction where you bring your children to travel."

After receiving the rescue notice, the rescue captain rushed here with people quickly, but after searching the mountains and fields for many days, no trace of the crew was found. The huge crew seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

However, there are many mountains in Champa, and there are many places with steep terrain. It is extremely inconvenient to search in every corner of the mountain. After searching for so long, the rescue team leader has long been tired and irritable. Originally, he expected Xiao Yu to bring equipment and support. Who knew that Xiao Yu brought a weak little girl over, and her heart suddenly became a little angry, thinking that these rich people were too ignorant of priorities.

The captain of the rescue team looked at Chu Yue behind Xiao Yu, thinking irritably, such a beautiful little girl, I am afraid she is not particularly favored, she must be yearning and curious to hear this kind of mysterious incident, and then he begged Mr. Xiao to take care of her. Bringing it over, I never thought about how troublesome my own existence would be for others.

Thinking like this in his mind, he said with a high-pitched tone: "Rescue is not a game. Our vanguard must search the steep places in the mountains and find clues where the crew is going. You must not be able to endure this kind of suffering. You are still in the city. Find a hotel here."

"Team Zhang, you have misunderstood." Seeing the rescue captain said more and more, Xiao Yu hurriedly stopped: "This is the master I invited and came here specifically to search for the crew."

"Master?" Zhang Cheng looked surprised, and looked up and down Chu Yue several times. There was obvious distrust in his eyes. He clearly felt that this was Xiao Yu's excuse. After all, there is no young girl who is a master. Xiao always looks quite shrewd. Yes, I didn't expect to be deceived by the little girl.

Zhang Cheng's heart is even more speechless. These rich people are too unreliable, and they are engaged in feudal superstitions. The crew obviously encountered a complicated mountain situation and did not know where they were trapped. This Mr. Xiao actually invited one by one. Unreliable masters come to find someone. What they need most now is professional equipment and personnel. They are not such charming masters.

Feeling unreasonable with the other party, Zhang Cheng wanted to wait until they could not stand the harsh environment of rescue, and then send the two troublesome people back and let professional people come.

"This is where we are stationed, let's move to the village."

Zhang Cheng said, leading the two people down the mountain.

Xiao Yu and Chu Yue also looked at the village where Zhang Cheng was stationed.

The village is located in the most depressed place at the foot of the mountain. When viewed from above, it is grayish and yellowish, as if it is covered by a layer of sand, and it feels desolate and abandoned for a long time.

"This there really anyone living in it?" Xiao Yu hesitated, he is now very alert to the abnormal environment.

"Of course, we have been stationed here and searched for almost a week." Zhang Cheng glanced at Xiao Yu, thinking that he couldn't bear it. If he lives in the village for a while, the environment is rudimentary and bad, wouldn't it be even more unbearable. .

Just as Zhang Cheng was speaking, Xiao Yu suddenly heard a voice behind him: "Are you also here to stay?"

Xiao Yu turned around and saw a middle-aged man carrying a **** standing behind him, staring at him quietly with muddy eyes, looking like a local villager.

The appearance of this person was too abrupt and shocked Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu is the boss of an entertainment company. He usually sees handsome men and beauties. He hasn't seen someone as ugly as this person. Know what to answer.

The other person’s face looked strange, his forehead was big and wide, and it protruded outwards, as if a tumor had grown on his forehead. It was obviously a middle-aged person, but his eyes were muddy like an old man, and his chin was particularly narrow and long. What makes people uncomfortable is that they are crooked, which is the kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder patients who can't help but want to reach out and come back after seeing it.

His bare face, hands and feet were also very yellow, yellow like the sand in the village, and the people who looked at it were greasy and disgusting.

Xiao Yu just glanced at it, and was speechless in disgust.

When the villagers saw Xiao Yu not speaking, his expression suddenly became fierce: "I'm talking to you, can't you hear it?" He held the hoe, and with a bloodthirsty excitement that was eager to try, Xiao Yu suddenly retreated alertly. Half a step.

"Yes, we are here to stay. Is there a place to stay in the village?"

Seeing the loss of control further out of control, Chu Yue stretched out his hand to pull Xiao Yu behind him, and looked at the villagers with a smile.

After the villagers saw Chu Yue, their expressions returned to normal, but those muddy eyes looked at Chu Yue for a long time, and the charm in their eyes was extremely uncomfortable.

After a while, the villager grinned and showed a mouthful of yellow and smelly teeth: "Yes, of course, our village is the most hospitable. As long as the guests come, they will be treated well. Come with me."

They followed each other to an empty house: "You can live here."

After speaking, the other party said again: "I am the village chief here. If you have anything to do with me, you can watch the surrounding mountain scenery as you like, but there is only one thing that can't disturb the mountain god. If you don't follow the rules, don't blame us. You're welcome."

"Our special customs here are worshipping the gods, offering sacrifices to the gods, and getting married. When there are shows, you will be notified to visit. You can do activities in the village during the day, but you are not allowed to leave the room at night, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

After the village chief had finished speaking, he stopped talking. Zhang Cheng smiled and greeted him when he saw the village chief stopped talking. The village chief just gave Zhang Cheng a cold look and left.

Just now, Zhang Cheng didn’t intervene on purpose. When he first saw the village chief, he was frightened by the other's fierceness. Originally, he wanted to scare the two of Xiao Yu and take the initiative to leave. He didn't expect the little girl's courage. It was so big that he actually took the words of the village chief.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but glanced at Chu Yue unexpectedly, somewhat changed Chu Yue.

Chu Yue ignored Zhang Cheng and directly opened the door and walked in. Xiao Yu also hurriedly followed into the room door.

Zhang Cheng saw the two of them return to the house, he realized that he and the two were not the same type of people, so he spontaneously returned to his room.

In the room, Chu Yue checked back and forth, and Xiao Yu asked nervously, "How is it, is there that thing?"

Chu Yue shook his head: "It's very clean here." Before Xiao Yu could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Chu Yue continue: "Because it's too clean, it's not normal here."

When the two were talking, there was a fierce quarrel outside. Xiao Yu pushed open the door and saw that someone quarreled with the villagers. The quarrel was still an acquaintance. They were playing cards together on the train. Young man.

"Huh, is this person here too?" Xiao Yu was surprised.

Chu Yue also saw the other person. She was not surprised at all: "This person said before looking for an ancient tomb, so the ancient tomb should be in this place too."

"Master, you said that the crew had an accident and Lin Ling had an accident. Is it related to the ancient tomb?" Xiao Yu frowned and thought deeply. He hadn't thought of the ancient tomb yet, but he saw that the middle-aged card game man was also here. Thinking of the experience on the train, Xiao Yu couldn't help but doubt it.

"This can only be figured out by investigating." Chu Yue's curiosity about the village was completely ignited. The other party made such a mysterious and itchy hands, and wanted to see what the answer was.

The middle-aged man playing cards and the villagers quarreled quite fiercely. The villagers were very hostile and directly dealt with the middle-aged man. Xiao Yu was frightened, for fear that the other party would be killed by the out-of-control villagers. Fortunately, in the end The village chief came forward to stop everything.

The middle-aged man turned around cursingly and saw Xiao Yu and Chu Yue. His eyes lit up and he limped over to say hello to Chu Yue Xiao Yu.

"My surname is Chen, so you can call me Chen Song. I am a professor of folklore. It's a coincidence that I ran into you here."

"It's a coincidence." Chu Yue gave Chen Song a meaningful look.

Chen Song didn't notice the expression in Chu Yue's eyes, but just grinned openly and honestly: "It's really predestined to meet for thousands of miles. Anyway, what do you guys do here? Do you want to act together? The villagers here are really sick. I can’t ask that and I can’t go. The mountain is like theirs, and I don’t know where there are so many rules."

"We are here to find someone." Xiao Yu said in a few words about the crew: "I won't be with you."

"Okay." Chen Song was not disappointed either: "My father was in trouble because of the ancient tomb, so I came to look for the ancient tomb.

Chen Song said a few words and went back to the room. When Chen Song entered the room, Xiao Yu looked at Chu Yue inquiringly.

"This person is fine." Chu Yue looked at Chen Song's room. After the other party entered the room, he became extremely quiet, as if he had fallen asleep directly: "He is the same as here, without any yin."

Although Chu Yue said so, Xiao Yu didn't feel relieved at all. Instead, there was a faint horror, because he suddenly remembered the other half of the sentence that Chu Yue said in the room just now: It is because it is too clean, so it is not. normal.

The environment in which this sentence is usually said is not normal here.

With a nervous mood, Xiao Yu fell asleep in the room. The village was quite quiet at night. Xiao Yu thought he could not sleep, but he did not expect to fall asleep in a daze.

When Xiao Yu was asleep, Chu Yue opened her eyes. She glanced at Xiao Yu who was laying on the ground floor, and she pushed open the door and walked out. Although there was a moment during the day when she wanted to try a real-life Quest game, Chu Yue After all, he is not a patient person. After thinking about it, he decided to solve the problem directly and violently.

In the dark, Chu Yue looked like a nimble pigeon, walking through the village very lightly.

Every household in the village had their doors closed, and there was no sound of black holes in the house. The village was abnormally dark and quiet. Just when Chu Yue was planning to investigate the house one by one, the closed doors suddenly opened. , The villagers came out one by one.

The gray starlight reflected the faces of these villagers. Each face was pale and pale, with a blank expression of cyan, and the black eyes were hollow, like puppets without sane, moving in one direction together.

Chu Yue secretly followed behind the villagers. As the villagers walked out, they saw the villagers come to a flat recessed ground outside the village, where the village chief who had led them was standing there during the day.

Under the bleak sky, the village chief led the villagers to a place to kneel and worship. Chu Yue followed them all the way and saw the villagers come to a cliff. The village chief waved his hand to signal the villagers to come forward.

The villagers with stiff expressions rushed up, dragging things on the edge of the cliff and pulling them up. With the sound of clattering iron chains, they saw the villagers pulling up seven blood-red coffins.

"This is the sacrifice that Lord Mountain God wants this year. You should carry it to me. You are not allowed to go wrong halfway. If you provoke Lord Mountain God, and Lord Mountain God condemns you, all of us will not be able to escape."

With a slight anxiety in his eyes, the village chief instructed the villagers to carry the coffin to Lord Shanshen.

Chu Yue followed the villagers and saw them carrying the coffin all the way into the mountain. There was a river hidden in the depth of the mountain. It was late at night, and I couldn't see the color of the river water, I could only see the rushing darkness.

"Throw it in!"

The village chief gave an order, and the villagers carried the coffin and threw it into the river.

"Your mountain **** is this river?" Chu Yue thought it was weird. Why can't a good river be called a river god, but a mountain god? The people in this village are very strange.

"who is it?"

The village head's face changed in an instant, and the villagers looked over, their eyes a little scary.

"Now I suspect that my friend was put up as a sacrifice by you. I want to check your coffins, lest you take my friend as a sacrifice to the river god."

Chu Yue jumped down from the tree and jumped directly on the coffin.


The village head changed his expression and wanted to stop it, but it was too late. Chu Yue couldn't force the coffin to the ground with a little effort, while the strong man who was holding the coffin raised his wrist and cried out in pain.

"You... are you the woman who came to the village during the day?" The village chief pointed at Chu Yue with a fierce look in his eyes: "We kindly entertained you, but you insulted the mountain **** and even robbed the mountain god's sacrifice?"

"You can't say that. I didn't insult your mountain gods. There are so many sacrifices. I'm worried that they will not be consumed." Chu Yue spread his hands and said in an innocent tone.

The village chief became even more angry, and the expressions of the villagers changed. They all stared at Chu Yue with distorted expressions.

"You insult the mountain **** and defile the sacrifice. You are a sinner. The mountain **** blames you. We will use you to commit the crime. Hehe, sinners like you will all be punished!" The village chief sneered, "Catch her up and put her in the ancestral hall." Here, let her know what a woman’s job is."

Chu Yue's face was also pulled down, she didn't like to hear what the other party said.

What is a woman's job? The girl's job is to blow up this group of trash dogs.

The village chief and the villagers rushed forward. Under the bleak moonlight, their faces became paler and stronger, and they looked extraordinarily human.

Chu Yue had no fear, and directly greeted the group of villagers...

Ten minutes later, the villagers squatted on the ground with swollen noses and crying, staring at Chu Yue in fear.

This woman is not a woman at all, no, she is not a human at all!

Chu Yue smiled amiably and stared at the village chief at the forefront: "Will you tell me what a woman's job is now?"

The village chief shook his head frantically.

Chu Yue let out a sigh, and lifted his hand, directly flying the coffin board: "If I see you stunned and living as sacrifices, I will send you to sing behind bars now."

The village chief cried weakly to stop Chu Yue, but it was too late, so Chu Yue looked into the coffin.

I saw Hello Kitty lying quietly in the coffin, and there was a layer of bright candy under the Hello Kitty.

Ah, this...

Chu Yue pushed aside the other six coffins without changing his face, only to see Hello Kitty of various styles and colors lying quietly in the coffins.

Standing next to the coffin, Chu Yue fell into deep thought. This mountain **** has a very unique taste.

"This is what you said to insult the mountain **** and defile the sacrifice?" Chu Yue held up the kitty cat doll and looked at the village chief: "Is it because your mountain **** has so innocent taste that you are ashamed of seeing people?"

The village chief was speechless, and under the **** moonlight, his pale and ugly face seemed to show a trace of shame.

"In that case, why are you so mysterious and scary? You can easily be misunderstood like this, and send you to sing the skylight tears." Chu Yue really didn't understand the brain circuits of these people. Fortunately, I met her. Other people with insufficient abilities and strong vigilance will directly show them what the mountain **** should do with a sword.

The village chief dulled twice, and in the end, Ai Ai said: “I didn’t introduce the special folk customs of our village before, but I said that there are sacrifices to the gods and worship of the gods. How can I attract tourists without engaging in mystery and terror? It's a rare feature."

Chu Yue suddenly realized that he clapped his hands: "It's really hard. It's not easy for everyone to live."

The village chief shed tears: "Master, you are so considerate. Life is indeed not easy. It is hard to make money in modern society..."

Chu Yue understood the second half of the other party's unfinished sentence, and couldn't help feeling full of emotions. If it wasn't for the difficulty of making money, she wouldn't show up here most of the night.

Chu Yue closed the coffin board full of guilt, and stepped back half a step to signal that the village chief could continue.

The village chief commanded the villagers to continue sinking the coffin, and under the blood moon, their shadows stretched long.

"and many more."

The village chief and the villagers stopped their movements and looked at Chu Yue together. Hei Dongdong's eyes were puzzled: "What's the matter, Master?"

Chu Yue waved his hand: "It's nothing, you can go on."

At that moment, she thought these people's shadows were a bit strange, but when she saw it again, it seemed that there was nothing. It was the first time that Chu Yue encountered this situation, and she would inevitably want to ponder it a little longer.

Probably with Hello Kitty sacrifice first, I always feel that the ghosts here are all in a unique style.

The villagers threw all seven coffins into the river with a grunting sound. The river water didn't even turn out a wave, and the seven coffins sank directly.

"Sleepy, sleep."

Seeing that now, Chu Yue had completely lost interest, and yawned and waved with the villagers.

The villagers also all smiled stiffly and waved with Chu Yue.

Until Chu Yue's figure disappeared, the stiff smiles on the corners of these villagers' mouths also disappeared. They stood neatly by the river with expressionless faces. The river water behind them was churning, churning, churning, and smelling strange. taste.

Without words for a night, Xiao Yu opened his eyes in a daze, and a Ji Ling sat up, and when he saw Chu Yue at the door, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Master, you woke up early."

"You got up too late."

Chu Yue was not polite, and pointed directly at the window, and saw that it was already bright outside, and it seemed that it was at least nine o'clock.

Xiao Yu's eyes widened in astonishment. He usually has an early biological clock. How could he wake up so late this time.

"Just take it as a holiday."

Hearing what Chu Yue said, Xiao Yu was quite speechless, except for the master himself, who would dare to regard such a place as a place for leisure.

When I opened the window, I saw that the villagers in the village were busy with each other, and they were so busy that they couldn't tell that they were performing a play hard in the middle of the night.

Chu Yue sighed quietly: "I have found out now..."


"The people in the city are actors, and the ghosts in the city are also actors, ah, no, I'm not in the city now, so why is this? I can't understand the world outside Xuandu Mountain."

At this moment, Chu Yue suddenly missed the ghosts who were in duty near Xuandu Mountain. At least people wouldn’t do so many tricks. The tricks of conscientious and conscientious harming others are all the same. She used to collect ghosts and eliminate demons in one go. No need to guess riddles.

"It has to be a sense of ritual. It was like this last time. This time it is still the same. If you don't have a sense of ritual, you don't want to show your head." Chu Yue waved his hand a little irritably. Long and procrastinating, if she has a chance in the future, she must teach these ghosts carefully, what is flat and straightforward, simple and straightforward.

"It's probably going to be a repeat of the plot next, I'm tired of watching it."

Xiao Yu: "???"

The master looks so profound, what the master is talking about, I don't understand what's going on at all, the Xuanmen is really profound, and the sense of body is much harder than finance.

The weather in Champa is dry, but the climate in the mountains is changeable, making it hard to guard against.

In the afternoon, there was a heavy rain. The face hurt by the heavy rain, the eyes were blurred, and the distant objects could not be seen clearly.

However, in such a weather that everyone has to hide in the house, Professor Chen next door went to the tomb in the rain. The villagers could not stop him. Professor Chen bit to death and said that the heavy rain washed the soil and would leave the tomb out. If you rush out, if you don't seize the opportunity now, you will miss the appearance of the tomb.

Xiao Yu looked worriedly at Professor Chen's distant figure, and pointed to his head: "He is okay here, right."

Chu Yue's expression was also a little hesitant: "It should be...Is it."

After all, she couldn't be sure that people who shouldn't exist still have such things as brains.

However, Zhang Cheng, the rescue team leader on the other side, had to go out in the rain. Xiao Yu couldn't stop him. Zhang Cheng's attitude was very urgent. He insisted that people in the weather crew would definitely be in danger. There was still some rescue in the past. Hopefully, if they fall into a pit, they will drown after the rainstorm.

"If you two are afraid, just stay here and wait." Zhang Cheng even angered at the end: "I didn't expect you to help me."

Zhang Cheng glanced at Xiao Yu and Chu Yue, only to feel that both of them were a drag. He waved his hand angrily and disappeared directly into the rain.

"Ah, this..."

Xiao Yu glanced at Chu Yue at a loss.

"Don't worry, you won't die for the time being."

Sure enough, just as Chu Yue said, after such a heavy rain, two people came back one after another when it was getting dark for most of the day.

It was Zhang Cheng who came back first, and he actually asked him to bring someone back. Zhang Cheng was embarrassed and his jacket was scratched several times. The person he was supporting was also very weak and could only rely on Zhang Cheng softly. , Both of them were wounded and bleeding.

"Quickly, pour him a cup of hot water and get a blanket." Zhang Cheng hurriedly helped the person into the house.

Xiao Yu brought a cup of hot water and was shocked when he saw people. He was still an acquaintance. It was the student who played cards with them in the car: "Didn't you come to travel with your friends? What's the matter?"

It turned out that when Zhang Cheng went out, he did not find anyone from the crew, but instead rescued a student who was injured and trapped due to bad weather.

The student with a pale face, holding a cup of water and lowering his head, weakly said: "My friend and I came to the Heifeng Mountain in Champa for a tour. When we went up the mountain, we encountered bad weather. We were all washed away and I fell into a trap. Fortunately, this big brother passed by and saved me."

"Well, isn't it? Then your luck is so good that you actually came back alive." Chu Yue said in an unclear tone, like a smile.

Xiao Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what was going on. He took two steps back and looked at Chu Yue stiffly: "Master, is that... that's what it means?"

"What do you mean."

Zhang Cheng watched the two dumb riddles, inexplicably irritable: "What are you two talking about?"

Xiao Yu pulled Zhang Cheng over, with a nervous expression: "Stay away, he is dead, and the one you saved back is not a human being."

Zhang Cheng was about to speak sarcastically, when the student raised his head and said quietly, "I'm so cold, why don't you come to accompany me?"

"Big Brother Zhang, didn't you say that you must come to save me? You can't save me, so come and accompany me together."

Seeing that the student's face became more and more distorted, Zhang Cheng's expression screamed in horror: "Ah, ah, ghost!"

A yellow talisman flew over, and the student ghost was burned into blue smoke before he had time to make extra moves.

Zhang Cheng's shouting expression was still suffocated on his face, he showed Sanguan collapsed eyes, and met Chu Yue's cold eyes.

For some reason, Zhang Cheng suddenly felt cold on his back and was a little bit scared. He suddenly remembered that before entering the village, he had utterly spoken out about this awesome beauty and wanted to find a chance to get rid of these two burdens.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng blushed and felt ashamed that his face had a fever: "Thank you, if it weren't for you, I would definitely be entangled by him."

"You're welcome." Chu Yue looked outside indifferently, "There is one more."

Just when Zhang Cheng and Xiao Yu wondered what these words meant, there was movement again at the entrance of the village, and someone stumbled over.

"Big sister, big brother, hurry up with me. I found the entrance to the tomb. This is a discovery that bears witness to history. Hurry up. I will show you insights. Then we will be famous together."

Chen Song approached in excitement again and again, trying to drag Xiao Yu and Chu Yue away together.

However, Xiao Yu stepped back vigilantly, and Zhang Cheng also showed fear and fear.

Because Chen Song was bleeding step by step, his face was also blurred, and it was obviously not a living person anymore.

Chen Song also noticed the withdrawal and resistance of the two people, he hesitated for a moment, and then lowered his head.


Chu Yue looked at each other pityingly: "You have already died in the process of chasing the ancient tomb. The reason for this is just obsession. You, like your father, are trapped by the power of this place. , Because this city is infinitely immortal, and because this city decayed and died."

From yesterday to now, Chu Yue also understood the weirdness here. I don't know why there is an independent life in this place, and the creatures in it will cycle life and death infinitely.

Because Chu Yue and Xiao Yu had contact with Lin Ling, the power of this city allowed them to meet Chen Song on the train, and also made Xiao Yu penetrate the twisted time and space, and saw that it shouldn’t have existed in the 1960s. That team, this is also the reason why Chu Yue couldn't see the Yin Qi on the opponent. Since it was a time period when it was alive, it was naturally a living person, so how could Yin Qi come from it?

Chen Song realized something when he heard Chu Yue's words. He was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a weird smile: "Yes, I...I actually died long ago."

Following Chen Song’s words, his whole body suddenly decayed, turning into a puddle of mud and wilting on the ground. At the same time, there was an uncomfortable rumbling sound from the ground, as if there was a huge weird distortion. Evil things are breaking through the ground.

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