The Sect Master was Switched at Birth

Chapter 23: The head teacher moved (1)

"Oh my god, the master caught a ghost, why did you marry yourself out? So I didn't see the master when I got up this morning. Is it because the master is busy getting married? If the master marries the mountain god, then we will be the mountain god's in-laws? This group of villagers who don't know that they are people or ghosts shouldn't do anything to us, right?"

Zhang Cheng opened his mouth wide and muttered to himself: "I didn't expect the master to dress up so beautifully, the mountain **** would definitely like it, but the master is so fierce, I don't know if the mountain **** can bear it, then he won't regret the marriage."

Xiao Yu glanced at Zhang Cheng, only to feel that after being shattered by the ghosts, the rescue team leader seemed to have some serious illness in his mind.

Chu Yue in the wedding car apparently noticed the two people below, and she even waved at them with quite a mood.

The gorgeous phoenix crown and scarlet dress, black hair, black eyes and black lips, the black moles of tears flowing around the corners of the eyes, that lazy and noble temperament when raising a hand and waving, because of the heavy black makeup and clothes, A smile that looked like a ghostly seduction.

For a while, Xiao Yu and Zhang Cheng were a little stupefied, as if they had stepped through time and space, and as if they were wearing them back a thousand years ago. In the ghost realm of Huangquan, they witnessed a decadent and grand wedding and witnessed the beauty with their own eyes. The ghostly dark bride, riding in the nether wedding car, flew away from the dark night sky.

If they weren't aware that the master sitting in the wedding car was not for them, they would really think they saw a ghost bride worthy of the name.

Who came out to marry the master to the mountain **** is so talented.

Chu Yue's wedding car had gone away, and the villagers had also finished their bows, and once again stared at them and surrounded them maliciously, facing Xiao Yu and Zhang Cheng with a gloomy smile.

Zhang Cheng swallowed nervously: "What should I do now, I knew I ran away just now."

It's all because they were shocked when they saw the master wearing the wedding gown. It's all right now, and it's hard to go if you want to go.

Xiao Yu's expression was a little weird. He hesitated for a moment and said intermittently, "Master...let us...well, let's catch it with one's hands."

Zhang Cheng: "???"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao, are you sure this is not what you imagined?" After all, the master just flew over their heads just now, and there was no time to talk to them.

Xiao Yu shook his head and squeezed the puppet puppet in his hand.

At the moment when Chu Yue waved her hand, in front of so many villagers who bowed their heads, she threw something directly into Xiao Yu's arms.

The thing was wrapped in a yellow talisman, and it was thrown at such a fast speed, Zhang Cheng was busy in surprise, and didn't even notice the movement here.

After Xiao Yu instinctively grasped the thing, Huang Fu was burned to ashes in his hand, and he heard Chu Yue's voice ringing in his ear: "I have found the whereabouts of the girls on the crew, you go to the other crew People, follow the villagers. This puppet is Miss Lin. When necessary, I will contact you through Miss Lin. Manager Xiao, you can take care of it, or your wife will be lost."

Xiao Yu immediately grasped the puppet puppet nervously, and carefully placed the puppet in the inner pocket of his shirt.

Maybe it was too nervous, or maybe the environment was too weird and terrifying. Xiao Yu didn't tell Zhang Cheng about it, but chose to hide it.

At this time, the villagers leaned in threateningly with a hoe. Xiao Yu didn't resist desperately as before, but let the villagers grab him and tie him firmly.

Zhang Cheng originally wanted to say something, but seeing that Xiao Yu was honestly tied up, he felt it was difficult to scream alone, so he honestly followed Xiao Yu and was threatened by the villagers to a cave.

After entering the cave, Zhang Cheng opened his mouth wide in surprise, and Xiao Yu was shocked.

I saw one after another hemp rope hanging in the cave, and one after another stripped people were tied to the hemp rope. These people were hanging in the cave like lambs to be slaughtered, struggling with horror in their faces. It was the crew who had disappeared for a long time.

Looking at Zhang Cheng and Xiao Yu, the naked crew members sobbed desperately, the dangling rope swayed, and the white flesh of human flesh was quite a bit spicy. Fortunately, everyone was a man, so I just saw it.

"What do these two people do, and wash them out and let them dry?" After the villagers forced them in, two people were left behind to guard them. The two villagers looked up and down Zhang Cheng and Xiao Yu, and one of the villagers asked.

Xiao Yu lowered his face, thinking about the way to get out. He couldn't let the people here see the puppet puppet with Lin Ling.

"It's too late. The bride has already been sent. The feast for the gods is about to begin. Don't wash it, just cross it up and send it to the feast for the gods. I think these two people are quite clean. One or two less washes, too, Lord Shanshen I won't care."

After discussing for a while, the two villagers decided what to do with this group of people, what to do with their stomachs, to clean their intestines, to cut their heads and to let blood...

The face of the crew listened to earthy colors.


The mountain **** float flew directly towards Heishan with Chu Yue, and the float didn't stop for a moment in front of Heishan, and flew directly towards Heishan.

Chu Yue raised her eyebrows in amazement, and bent her eyes: "Oh, humiliating, interesting."

Her long nails were also painted in death-punk black, and her fingers were astonishingly white. At this time, she was leaning on the float made of black bones, with her chin resting lazily on the back of her hand.

The corners of the eyes stained with black tears, elongated long black eyeshadow, cold and charming eyes, set off the white arms, exquisite and gorgeous face, and the evil smile embellished by makeup, just like the most extreme The flower of death blooming in the darkness of her instantly ignited the most frantic and chaotic emotions of mankind. She just wanted to be kissed by her hand of death and fell into the deep mud.

Although those who greeted the floats were all vassal ghosts of the mountain gods, who only longed for the blood and flesh of human beings, at this moment, they were still shocked by Chu Yue on the floats.

For a moment, the ghosts who gave the float felt that they were not welcoming the bride of the mountain god, but the one and only black mandala that could stand shoulder to shoulder with the god, blooming from the **** of death, being the god’s side and despising everything. , The dark lady who makes all ghosts creep.

Was it really the sacrifice of the gods that they sent in, not another extremely dangerous person?

At the moment when the mountain **** floats submerged into Montenegro, the group of ghosts who were sending off their relatives couldn't help but shake their doubts.

Chu Yue originally thought that Black Mountain was an evil **** and a living creature. The so-called offering of sacrifices meant that Black Mountain would devour sacrifices, but he didn't expect that there would be space in Black Mountain.

The moment the float entered Black Mountain, as if some barrier had been broken, Chu Yue came to a place completely unfamiliar and completely different from the village of Champa.

This is a place similar to a palace. The tall black building towers straight into the sky. You can't see the top of the building when you look up. The huge black stone pillars support the palace, and the top of the palace is carved with beams and painted buildings.

It is magnificent and wide, but dark and gloomy. When the float falls in the palace, the palace is quiet, and the silence is like a spider's silk that binds people, suffocating, oppressing, fearing and despairing.

In the very center of the hall, a black coffin was quietly placed. The huge black coffin was like a luxurious wedding bed, exuding a gloomy atmosphere.

Chu Yue walked to the coffin and hesitated for a while, directly raised his hand and pushed, and looked into the coffin.

There was a handsome man lying in the coffin, handsomeness is no longer enough to describe him, maybe it is more appropriate to use beautiful.

Although he was lying quietly in the coffin with his eyes closed, he could still see how amazing he would be if he opened his eyes.

His eyebrows are stained with ink, and the closed eyelids are smeared with black raised. Although the eyes are tightly closed, the corners of his eyes are clearly outlined by the black, making him even if he closes his eyes. The evil spirit is strange, and the corner of his eye is also dotted with a black mole of tears. This mole of tears is dotted with his evil spirit, making his evil spirit a little seductive.

His lips were also dyed black, and it was easy for a man to look damsel in his makeup, and black was even more weird, but it fell on his face, but it was a shocking evil and evil spirit.

The breathtaking evil evil temperament mixed with his beauty, making him like a place of 100,000 shadows, quietly winding out of the black lotus that swallows all things.

The crown of his head is a symbol of power. The cold jade beads lie on his cheeks, contrasting with his black makeup and charming face. Cold and gorgeous, ice and evil, the extreme color rendering and collision. People who are shocking enough are confused.

His black complex wedding dress is embroidered with dense gold and silver threads, which draw mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars.

The wide robes are laid out one after another in the coffin, like the enchanting ghost in the coffin, and like the bloodthirsty black lotus floating in the dark hell.

This is the God of Montenegro?

Chu Yue curled her eyebrows and looked at the people in the coffin for a long while, feeling that the other party was a little familiar, and at the same time she felt that the other party was already rotten, even a **** was a fallen god.

It is this fallen **** who sheltered the existence of evil like Montenegro, making the villagers of Montenegro become puppets of sin, using human flesh and blood to feed Montenegro, maintaining the existence of Montenegro, and even devouring the entire Champa?

Chu Yue was a little unable to judge for a while, if he wanted to leave the predicament of Montenegro, he had to deal with the **** of Montenegro.

But this Heishan mountain **** had fallen, and his rotten body was lying in the black coffin, and Chu Yue couldn't kill him again.

This group of villagers confuse passers-by and donate blood to feed the gods of Montenegro. Is it to awaken and resurrect him?

But it's not much like it. If this is the case, the gods who have not been resurrected will have no way to protect the villagers, let alone create supernatural phenomena such as the time cycle and the surface and the world.

Chu Yue felt troublesome for a while, and when she was hesitating whether to stretch out the god's rotten body, a gloomy sound suddenly sounded in the hall.

"It's good time, it's time to enter the bridal chamber."

Then Chu Yue felt a huge force coming, and that huge force pushed her into the coffin when she was unprepared.

Then with a squeak, the black giant coffin closed directly, and Chu Yue was forced to lie beside the black-clothed mountain god. The cold and unique rotten fragrance came from the other side, and Chu Yue laughed directly.

So does the mountain **** also need to be happy?

Or do these villagers think that by regularly holding Chongxi weddings for the mountain gods and sending a Chongxi lady in from time to time, the decaying mountain gods can be brought back to life?

Chu Yue let out a cold voice, and directly raised his hand to smash the coffin.


Chu Yue opened his eyes and found that he was sitting in the bedroom of the carved beams and painted buildings, there were lights and festoons everywhere, plastered with red happy characters.

Dragon and phoenix candles were lit all around the bedroom, golden candles and tears fell on the jade tray, the drape made of shark silk was hung down, and the pearls of the North Sea were hung on the beams in strings, showing a low-key luxury everywhere. Come.

Chu Yue herself was still wearing that gorgeous and complicated wedding gown. She was sitting on a Babu bed made of thousand-year-old mahogany.

"You... are you my bride?"

Chu Yue turned his head, and saw a man in a majestic and complicated black wedding dress sitting next to him. The man looked only in his early twenties, his face was tender and fluffy, and he was beautiful like a jade sculpture with thick black eyebrows and long eyes. Her eyelashes were raised, her butterfly wings fluttered, her big bright eyes, and a mole in the corners of her eyes swayed radiantly.

The diadem made of jade beads hangs down, concealing his innocent eyebrows and eyebrows. The half-hidden effect makes people want to pull the jade beads away and carefully evaluate his ink-dyeing face and the other party’s clothes. His appearance was exactly the same as the Montenegro mountain **** lying in the coffin before, except that he didn't have the evil spirit of the mountain **** in the coffin, instead he appeared pure, young and kind.

Seeing Chu Yue turning his head and looking over, the man's face turned red all of a sudden, he yelled, and he looked at Chu Yue's expression with his big eyes timidly, and said with some kindness: "They said they want to marry me a bride. , You are my bride, you are really beautiful."

Chu Yue didn't pay attention to the other party, but stood up and looked around the environment of the dormitory.

The man stumbled behind her when she saw it, and cautiously struck up a conversation: "You... don't be angry, are you unwilling?"

There is no strange place in the palace, the strange thing is this **** who should have passed away.

Chu Yue turned his head back, and looked at each other with a smile.

The man was startled and saw Chu Yue approaching. He even got red at the base of his ears and backed away helplessly.

"Me? You don't know if I am, let alone you have married so many brides before, what's wrong, are you still not satisfied, Lord Shanshen?"

A trace of injury flashed through the man's eyes. He lowered his head, letting Chu Yue force him to tremble and ask. He dullly said, "I'm sorry, bride, I'm so useless."

When Chu Yue was wondering why the man said this, there was a sound of footsteps from outside the bedroom. The sound of footsteps was like a drum, which made the heart beat faster and the blood was spurting. At the same time, there was the sound of footsteps. The invisible forest was cold and gloomy, and the sky was overwhelmingly pressed down. The giant net generally made people nowhere to escape, and could only be a dying prey in a cage.

The young Mountain God's face suddenly changed, his face was pale and his lips were pale, and his eyes were full of horror.

He dragged Chu Yue to the corner, trying to tuck Chu Yue behind the curtain.

"You... you hide first, I will find a way to deal with him, and when I entangle him, you will quickly find a way to escape."

Obviously the Mountain God himself was afraid of dying, but he wanted to find a way to give Chu Yue a chance to escape.

"Don't you want to know why I have so many brides, those brides they want me to marry back to satisfy him, he will kill you, you go quickly, if you have a way to escape, don't come back."

Chu Yue was stuffed behind the curtain by the mountain god, her face was speechless.

In a terrifying mountain village, even if you get a Chongxi bride, there is still a plot to marry for you. This is really unconventional.

Seeing that the little rabbit mountain **** was still trying to hide himself in the clothes basket, Chu Yue finally brushed away the opponent intolerably.

The young mountain **** stared at Chu Yue blankly. He didn't understand what Chu Yue wanted to do. He anxiously persuaded: "That thing is about to come in, you go quickly, I didn't lie to you, he will really eat For yours, what he likes most is to eat the bride sent."

Chu Yue glanced at the mountain god: "If you are afraid, hide yourself first."

Chu Yue had already painted heavy makeup and was very aggressive, but when he glanced over, he was stunned by the sight of the small mountain god, blushing, and the small mountain god's eyes drifted.

When the small mountain **** had recovered and wanted to persuade him again, Chu Yue had already hurled open the door of the sleeping hall.

The heavy door of the palace inlaid with gold and jade was suddenly opened by Chu Yue, and the things standing outside were also taken aback by the sudden situation and directly stopped in place.

It was an indescribable dark thing. It had no specific shape or appearance. It was just a group of darkness condensing the most evil and horror. It was like an abyss that is even more evil than the Hell of A nose. Just look at it. Can make people fall into the crazy night.

It has no nose or eyes. It swayed and flowed like running water. The swelling mist made him appear infinite, weaving the hopelessness that people cannot escape. It swayed into the bedroom from the outside of the bedroom, and it was approaching in an instant. After Chu Yue, he looked like he was going to swallow Chu Yue directly.

Koyama God's face changed suddenly. He was so scared that he was trembling, but at this time he flushed and rushed forward, closing his eyes and lashing at the indescribable: "Go away, go away, you are not allowed to bully her. , You are not allowed to eat him, you disgusting idiot, get out of my bedroom!"

He took off the crown of his head, and his long black hair was scattered all over his body, making his beautiful face more naive, his face flushed like jade, and his big beautiful eyes were filled with fear and anger. Because the beating was too fierce, the collar of the black wedding dress was scattered, and the priceless jade beads on the mian's face were also shattered all over the floor.

The black inexplicable angrily swelled to a larger size, and wrapped around the mountain god, who closed his eyes in despair.

He was engulfed and invaded as expected. In the end, the familiar feeling of losing oneself did not come again. Instead, he heard a low and polluting roar.

Xiaoshan Shen opened his eyes in astonishment, and saw his beautiful bride wearing a phoenix crown and a hail, holding a cold-lit thin sword in his hand. The horizontal sword stopped the dirty thing, and he was pulled by the collar by the bride. Pulled directly behind him, he was protected by his bride.

The small mountain god's eyes suddenly softened, and he looked at Chu Yue's sword-slashing monster in admiration, his eyes rippling.

The black thing was completely irritated, and it expanded more and more, as if it wanted to deal with a small mountain god, it directly wrapped Chu Yue.

"Sister bride, be careful, it will contaminate everything you touch, and even my divine body can't stop it, and my divine personality has been contaminated by it!"

The small mountain **** warned Chu Yue nervously.

Chu Yue pushed hard and directly pushed the small mountain **** to the depths of the bedroom. The small mountain **** slammed into the bed and watched this scene scaredly while holding the snow satin bedding. His clear eyes opened wide, and it was a good mistake. Staring closely at Chu Yue.

After pushing away the small mountain gods, Chu Yue also directly greeted the group of black things. He didn't know how this thing was formed, but he could perceive that the other party was condensed with endless malice and darkness. Horror and chaos were it. The part of the body, where it flows, everything is contaminated, falling into a cycle of unsurpassable horror.

Chu Yue's eyes also became cold and sharp. The opponent was the strongest opponent she had encountered since going down the mountain. It was neither a ghost nor a god, but a monster composed of chaos and maliciousness.

Holding the glowing peach wood sword, Chu Yue rushed forward to greet him.

She was entangled with the darkness, the luxurious and complicated phoenix crown shook with the movement, the golden beads and emeralds collided with each other, making clear and beautiful playing, her scarlet phoenix tail wedding dress flying in the air, cold eyes, cold face There are also icy jade white swords, but cold as white snowy mountains.

At that moment, she was like a sword slashing the gods of the world's monsters, and her icy jade face was deeply engraved in the mind of the small mountain god.

The peach wood sword turned into a dazzling white light, and Chu Yue gradually melted in the white light. She seemed to be with the peach wood sword, turning into a breeze into a bright moon, into the mountains and rivers of thousands of mountains and rivers, she is everything, everything is her, she is that handle The sword that broke the darkness pierced the sky.

The black shadow was shattered in the sword light, and the mountain **** temple that trapped Chu Yue also began to collapse, like a domino that was overthrown, melting from the center of the palace to the surroundings.

The silhouette of the small mountain **** who ran over in surprise gradually melted away, and a trace of pity rose from the bottom of Chu Yue's heart to meet the other's stunned eyes.

This is just a young **** who has been forced to fall before he can grow up.

What remained here was just a trace of the soul that had time to dissipate in the future.

From beginning to end, the villagers of Montenegro were not the real mountain god, but a monster occupied by a magpie's nest.

That monster didn't know why it occupied the mountain god's temple, occupied the remaining godhead of the mountain god, and even tried to swallow the spirit of the mountain god, turning the spiritual Black Mountain into the source of evil.

I don't know whether it is the villagers' evil thoughts that breeds monsters, or the appearance of monsters breeds the villagers' deformed desires and hopes.

With such doubts, Chu Yue broke through the mountain in the Black Mountain. At this time, all the phoenix crowns and clouds on her body had disappeared, and she changed back to the refreshing and clean blue long dress. She stood on the top of the Black Mountain facing the mountain. Looking down, she has a panoramic view of the village at the foot of Montenegro.

The girls in the ancestral hall were shivering while hiding in the exorcism formation. The infants and ghosts crawled outwards along the ancestral hall, tearing at the villagers passing by while crawling, and only evaded them when they passed the exorcism formation.

On the other side, Xiao Yu used the charm to break free of the rope. He and Zhang Cheng stunned the villagers on duty, and put down the naked crew members one by one. The crew members also didn't care about the death of the club and went crazy. A cloth was torn from the villagers and wrapped in a scribble, a group of people began to flee in a hurry.

At the same time, the consequences of the collapse of the temple were revealed. The Black Mountain collapsed from the inside to the outside, and the village at the foot of the mountain also shook. The villagers stopped their movements and opened their mouths to look at the collapsed Black Mountain.

The black monster that had been chopped up by Chu Yue emerged from the inside of the Black Mountain and was pieced together indiscriminately. The darkness fell, and the villagers all knelt to the ground in horror and muttered admiration.

The black monsters uttered polluting noises. All the villagers who heard the monsters screamed with painful expressions. The human skin on them peeled off and turned into blood-red monsters with tangled muscles. This The group of monsters were holding large hoes and knives, their triangular heads patrolling around, and the beasts seemed to run wildly in the direction where Chu Yue was.

At the same time, the river behind the mountain that can't see the color shook loudly. Red fish jumped onto the river. The evil fish eyes were staring at the people on the shore, and the teeth in their mouths were bloodshot. Take a closer look at where the fish is. It is clear that they are all drowned girls.

Female ghosts, baby ghosts, female baby fish, and blood-red monster villagers. They gathered towards the black monsters amidst the babbling of the black monsters. The limbs of the black monsters kept fogging and spreading, and began to infiltrate the village. At this time, even the residents of Champa rushed toward the village like puppets.

Xiao Yu and Zhang Cheng led the crew to search for a safe place hastily. The corpses of the two villagers on the ground were alienated when the black monster appeared.

Two flesh and blood monsters with triangular heads stood up from the villagers' bodies and rushed towards the crew with their axes.

The crew screamed in an instant, Xiao Yu gritted his teeth and picked up the stick on the ground and drew it at the flesh and blood monster. The stick was originally used to tie their sacrifices, but now it is used to deal with the alienated villagers.

However, the alienated villagers contaminated by the black monsters were so powerful that they were not afraid of the blow of the stick at all, and grabbed the director of the crew.

The director is a middle-aged man in his forties, who can't stand the toss at all. When he was caught by the villagers of flesh and blood monsters, he chuckles and rolled his eyes.

"Let go of him!"

Xiao Yu's face was cold, and while the monster villagers were not paying attention, a stick hit the villagers' eyes. The villagers screamed and let go. The enraged villagers waved their axe and smashed Xiao Yu's head.

Seeing that Xiao Yu was about to be hit by an axe, his chest suddenly shone brightly, and the puppet puppet carrying Lin Ling's soul flew out and directly met the villager's axe.

"Lin Ling!"

The villager smashed the puppet with an axe, and Lin Ling's soul emerged, staring at each other with the surprised crew.

Xiao Yu was panicked and caught the falling puppet puppet. Fortunately, the puppet was not broken. It was the charm left by Chu Yue that protected Lin Ling.

"Hurry up."

Zhang Cheng yelled at everyone, because the villagers were blocked by Lin Ling, giving the crew time, and the crew hurriedly followed Zhang Cheng.

"I found a safe place to hide for a while, and I will take you there."

The situation was critical, everyone didn't think much, and hurriedly ran into the mountains with Zhang Cheng.

However, the darker he ran, and the darker he ran, Xiao Yu first stopped alertly: "Zhang Cheng, where are you taking us?"

Outside the gloomy cave, Zhang Cheng's eyebrows were cold and cold: "Mr. Xiao, I am trying to save your lives!"

Following Chu Yue's experience, Xiao Yu's alertness was already extraordinary. He stepped back two steps and looked at Zhang Cheng defensively: "You are a ghost, Zhang Cheng, you have already died in the Black Mountain village. "

"Oh, you found it." Zhang Cheng didn't pretend, his face became terrible, his body dripping with water, faintly said: "Yeah, I was dead a long time ago, but I didn't die in the village. , But died on the road to rescue. When I rescued that student that day, he was dragged by him and soaked in the water together. None of the team members who came to the rescue with me crawled out of the puddle. We Have been left in Black Wind Mountain."

Only then did the bewildered crew react. They thought their safe and reliable companion was a hidden ghost. The crew was shocked and ran behind Xiao Yu.

However, it was too late. As Zhang Cheng’s wet footsteps sounded, they found that their bodies were getting colder and colder, and the surrounding air was getting less and less, as if they were drowning in the water, people struggling desperately. Reluctantly opened his eyes and saw that he was actually in a puddle, and all around were foamed corpses. Those corpses were somewhat familiar, and one of them was Zhang Cheng.

Female ghosts, baby ghosts, girl baby fish, monster villagers, and puppet residents surrounded Chu Yue under the command of the dark monsters, so that even the top celestial masters of the world would face a slight change in the grand scene.

However, Chu Yue just stood in the air. She stood in the fragmented place of the Black Mountain, looking down at this scene condescendingly.

"You say that you are a god, then let you see what is the real righteous god."

Chu Yue's eyes were endlessly cold. She stared at the dark and chaotic monster, and a cold and contemptuous smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

The dark monster was enraged, and directed the demons below to attack. Facing such a terrible scene, Chu Yue slowly closed his eyes.

"Master Patriarch, please come."

Without any fancy spells, just a simple thought, a dazzling golden light fell from the sky and poured down on the top of Chu Yue's head.

In the next second, Chu Yue's body grew taller and bigger. She was like a dark monster overwhelming the sky, transforming into a cold and radiant deity. She stood between the sky and the earth, and the dark monster could not hide in her divine eyes.

She is the breeze, she is the bright moon, and she is the rule of the world.

She is the heaven, she is the earth, she is the unchangeable will of the heaven and the earth.

Her body turned into the five elements of heaven and earth, and the will of heaven and earth turned into a long sword in her hand. She slashed towards the darkness, and her boundless anger turned into a thunder flame, burning all sins.

The dark monsters were torn apart, vanished under the purest power of light, and the sinful villages of Montenegro were left to the ground.

The river that had drowned countless baby girls dries up, the ancestral hall that suppressed baby ghosts and female ghosts collapsed, the coffin buried in sin cracked and turned to ashes, and the sinful offerings between Black Mountain and the village were completely wiped out.

Chu Yue fell from the high sky.

After the golden light dissipated, she turned back to a normal human being. She leaned on the ruined walls of the Black Mountain and panted, with blood overflowing from the corners of her lips, and the slender and white mahogany sword fell into the dust with a crisp sound, but Chu Yue did not have the energy to look.

The infant ghosts, baby girls and other things that had lost the control of the dark monster were out of control. They crawled towards Chu Yue. Chu Yue was too lazy to look, but rested on the broken pillar of the temple.

However, in the next second, this group of monsters had an internal stick. The baby ghost stopped the baby girl who was drowning the fish, and the female ghosts tore the villagers and puppet residents who rushed over.

This movement finally attracted Chu Yue's attention, and Chu Yue looked over in surprise.

The female ghosts and the infant ghosts solved the other monsters. They all looked at Chu Yue together, staring at Chu Yue quietly with their horrible black eyes, and then they both grinned.

That smile was ugly and ugly, but also very real.

The next second there was a scream of something crashing down, and the female ghosts and infant ghosts flew into the sky, and then, like a firework explosion, their stinking souls exploded and turned into fluorescent light in the sky.

In the fluorescence, all the beautiful or ordinary women, as well as the physically disabled but innocent babies, smiled at Chu Yue.

Then they dissipated.

Chu Yue stretched out her hand, the fluorescent light fell on the palm of her hand, and it melted, and Chu Yue curled up the corners of her lips and smiled slightly.

"Why thank you." She folded her palms: "You can't get rid of the pain you have suffered, and you can only get away from it if you seek relief. How can you ever feel sorry for others."

The sudden ghost cry and wolf howling broke the tragic atmosphere, Xiao Yu held the puppet puppet crying and rushing over, followed by a string of bare **** crew members behind him.

"Master, help, master, please help Lin Ling, she is broken, broken."

Chu Yue raised his hand, shook his head with a sharp eye, and then reached out to cover his eyes.

The Black Mountain that had accepted the evil sacrifices melted away, and the crew finally walked out of the world in Black Mountain. They pulled out their bodies from the vegetable plots of the dilapidated village filled with yellow sand, and dragged them one by one. With his own body, he followed Chu Yue to cultivate in Champa, waiting eagerly for the master to raise his body and bring them back to life.

I don’t know if the crew is lucky or unfortunate. They were taken as sacrifices by the villagers because of their excellent looks. The villagers’ souls were dragged into the inner world by the villagers, and their bodies were preserved in the outside world. After waiting for Chu Yue's rescue, she wouldn't have died in Heifeng Mountain inexplicably like Zhang Cheng, Chen Song and the other students, and her soul was also trapped on Heifeng Mountain.

Black Wind Mountain is the surface world of Black Mountain. That area and even Champa City has long been eroded and polluted silently by the monsters in Black Mountain. Taking the appearance of Black Mountain as the boundary, when the weird face of Black Mountain appears, the village enters. In the world.

Because the villagers in the inner world worship the evil Mount Black Mountain God, that is, the monster who has invaded the mountain god's position, they will live forever and stay young. They will always be strong and strong men, and they are also living in the inner world.

But in fact, they can only use the flesh body that they maintain by believing in the evil gods in the inner world, but it's just deceiving the general immortality.

The surface world outside the world in Black Mountain, these villagers are in a state of no human beings and ghosts, repeating everything from the past forever, and those who strayed into the Black Wind Mountain and died in an endless cycle of time. Zhongchang is immortal, and I don't know whether it is a curse or a god-given.

At that time, Montenegro accepted the worship of the villagers and gave birth to a new deity. The power of the deity was still weak and could not complete the sanctuary and divine gift well, but he did his best every time.

But the desires of the villagers are getting more and more inflated. They don’t know which day they will start. They dream of achieving longevity forever without hard work. The abnormal thoughts and desires began to breed and spread. They don’t know who started it first. Knowing who thought of the way, they threw the baby girl into the river behind the mountain, stuffed the unhealthy baby into the jar, and only the healthy baby boy survived.

Perhaps at first it was just a simple patriarchal boy who only wanted the healthiest boy, but slowly the village found that the bones of a woman could suppress the infant spirits in the jar. They restrained each other and drowned the river where a large number of infant girls were drowned. In the Nursing Village, sinking in a coffin filled with women can also comfort drowning female babies. These babies and women give power to the mountain **** to make the mountain **** stronger and make the people in the village healthier and longer live.

Then things started to get out of hand. The villagers threw a lot of children at first, and then they were dissatisfied, imprisoned women kept giving birth, and there were not enough women. They abducted women from outside into the village, or bought or abducted or robbed them. Not enough, they began to spread information about Montenegro, using Montenegro to lure ignorant people to travel to investigate.

The ancient tombs that Chen Song and Chen Song’s father saw were actually a corner of the Black Mountain Temple. Because the villagers’ greed and the polluted mountain **** gradually fell, an evil **** was born from the body of the mountain god. The spider web lures prey into the Black Mountain village, slowly devouring everything.

Chu Yue sat in a humble hotel in Champa, playing with the black statue in the palm of her hand.

The statue was extremely dark and had terrifying features. At first glance, it looked a bit like a combination of a black monster and a black mountain.

This is when she left Montenegro that day, in the ruined walls of the Temple of Montenegro, her body was already translucent and was about to melt.

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