The Sect Master was Switched at Birth

Chapter 35: The head teacher has grown up with fans [Repair]

It turns out that this is the truth about Guo Meier's suicide.

After Guo Meier's short and chaotic life was played, the notebook fell to the ground with a clatter and turned to ashes.

The source of the matter was found, not Lin Yu was at fault, but Guo Meier, but the truth was not pleasant.

"These girls are really..." Van Chitsen didn't know what to say. He thought that Guo Meier was a bad boy before. Now it seems that most of the other party's bad reputation is rumors: "It's just a little friction. It can be so big."

Chu Yue glanced at Van Sittersen and thought of the scene in the diary that had just been slid in: "I didn't expect that your teacher was also one of the fuse for these girls to attack Guo Meier. Should you say you are a scourge?"

Van Chitsen touched his nose awkwardly and smiled bitterly: "How do I know what they think? They just speak ordinary words. Guo Meier told me her troubles, so I just listened to comfort and comfort. In fact, it was right. They are not very impressed. Lin Yu is excellent and easy to learn, and often answers questions. In fact, there is no difference between them in my eyes."

"Hey, but what you said was right, and it was also my fault. If I had been able to pay more attention then, perhaps such a tragedy would not have happened." Van Chitsen sighed and blamed himself: "Speaking of which, I also have a problem. It’s because I don't care enough about the students."

Chu Yue was noncommittal about Van Chitsen's feelings. She looked at the warehouse and wanted to trace the specific circumstances before Guo Meier's suicide.

"Well, with Guo Meier's resentment, that Yanyan might be in danger."

"Up to now, only Yanyan and the other five girls in the dormitory have not been in contact." Van Chitsen thought of something and exclaimed: "Lord, we can't make things worse, Guo Meier is crazy. After that, we will attack innocent passers-by, and we must rush to stop Guo Meier."

Chu Yue thought so too, but she always felt that something was overlooked, especially the situation before Guo Meier's death, she wanted to take another look.

Van Chitsen yelled, "Miss Chu, Guo Meier has killed two people now. Only the unconscious girl and the Yanyan are left. With her growth rate, we won't rush over to protect her. These two girls, I'm afraid they will become the power to fill Guo Meier."

"Although Guo Meier's experience is regrettable, for the safety of Yan University, we can't let Guo Meier continue to grow, otherwise the entire Yan University will become her blood."

This is indeed the case. Although Guo Meier’s experience is regrettable, once Guo Meier kills her enemies one by one, she will turn her resentment to her classmates, her teacher, and finally everyone, until the whole Yanda becomes her purgatory. field.

The anxiety in Van Chitsen’s eyes was already clear, and he kept urging Chu Yue to act quickly: "Maybe that Yanyan had been killed by her when we were there. Once she kills all the roommates and then hides, she The motive for killing is truly irregular killing. When that happens, things will become more troublesome and more people will die."

Chu Yue also wrinkled her brows tightly. She knew that what Van Chitsen was saying was the truth. Even now, even if she was disgusting with Guo Meier's roommate, for the safety of the whole school, she had to rush to find the Yan. Yan, catches Guo Meier through Yanyan, prevents Guo Meier from growing into an unreasonable grudge, and then tortures and kills other innocent passers-by.

Van Chitsen got relevant information about Yanyan through his colleagues, and the two hurried to Yanyan's bedroom.

At this time, Yanyan, the only one remaining in the five-person dormitory, stayed in the dormitory restlessly, and urged the calling express train to come and pick her up quickly.

Yes, since Lin Yu, the girls in the vocal music department, and the girls in the dance department have been involved in the accident, Yan Yan has realized that this is Guo Meier's return to seek revenge.

With this thought, Yanyan couldn't wait to leave Yanyan University as soon as possible. As long as she left Yanyan University and returned to her hometown, she would not believe that Guo Meier could catch up with herself.

Yanyan chanted the express train hurriedly with a pale face, but did not notice the abnormality in the bedroom. At this time, the bedroom suddenly became quiet. The roommates who were still there were gone, and only Yanyan was sitting at the desk alone. He kept looking at the phone.

Until a cold wind blew, Yanyan heard footsteps behind her, she frowned and raised her head: "Why are you turning the air conditioner so low?"

When she raised her head, Yanyan suddenly realized something was wrong. How about the roommate who was just next to her discussing the celebrity?

Yan Yan was shocked, and she wanted to run out of the bedroom without even thinking about it, but she felt a hand lightly on her shoulder, and something cool and icy fell. She turned her head stiffly and looked at it. Guo Meier, who had come out of the Beatles, stared at her faintly.


Yanyan suddenly screamed, desperately trying to struggle.

However, the cold air on Guo Meier's body seemed to penetrate directly into her body, making Yanyan's body extremely heavy and unable to break free from Guo Meier's hand.

Guo Meier's face was getting closer and closer to her. Seeing that Qiqiao bloody, twisted and terrifying face was about to stick to her, Yan Yan struggled resistingly, and backed away screaming in horror.

She felt the rotten breath invading her own lungs, and she seemed to fall into the cold and terrifying darkness.

Just as Yanyan was waiting desperately to die, another gloomy wind blew by, Guo Meier disappeared, and the dormitory regained the bustle.

"Yanyan, what's the matter with you, you seem to be not quite right lately?"

Yanyan didn't take the comfort of her roommates. At this moment, she just wanted to leave this horrible place as soon as possible.

"Yanyan, where are you going?"

When the roommates saw her pale and their eyes straightened, they couldn't help but want to stop her with concern.

But Yanyan ignored her, pushed her roommates away, and walked out of the bedroom like sleepwalking.

Leaving the dormitory, Yanyan rushed towards the stairs, wanting to leave the girls' dormitory as soon as possible.

However, the stairs where people usually come and go have become quiet, and the corners are inexplicably dark, as if there is something unknown, standing quietly in the corner, staring at her maliciously and maliciously.

Yanyan was so frightened that she kept chanting: "Don't find me, don't find me, I didn't harm you. I just wanted to make a joke with you. I didn't expect that you would really jump. I planned to let you out. , You didn't hold on to it yourself."

No one took care of her on the gloomy stairs. The horrible silence made Yanyan almost mad. She thought of the tragic situation of the vocal music girl. She felt terrified and cried shivering. When she swept across the corridor, she saw a white color. 'S shadow stood there and looked at her silently.

Yanyan screamed and rushed down the stairs frantically. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, a red figure fell from the ceiling.

The terrifying death Lin Yu looked at her painfully, with a cold voice: "Yanyan, run, she's here, she's here!"

Lin Yu's voice was shrill and terrifying, and the irritating Yanyan burst into tears. She knew that this was Lin Yu's warning to herself. If Guo Meier caught up, she would follow in their footsteps, and she rushed out the stairs without thinking about it. , Stumbled and ran out of the dormitory.

"Yanyan, run, I will block her for you."

Lin Yu's voice came from behind, Yanyan felt uncomfortable and wanted to cry. She knew that Lin Yu had bought time for herself. Although she had always felt that Lin Yu was hypocritical and nauseous, she never thought that after the other party died, she would still read her former dormitory. Friendship, help her escape in the hands of Guo Meier.

Yanyan's scared brain went blank, and she didn't notice where she was running, let alone rushing into the dark wood next to the dormitory, and a white shadow chased her into the woods not far away.

On the other hand, when Chu Yue and Van Chitsen went to check in the warehouse, Liu Xiangdong also walked towards the girls' dormitory.

Different from the direction of Chu Yue’s investigation, Liu Xiangdong still carefully screened Lin Yu’s social circle at Yanda University. I don’t know if he was lucky enough to let Liu Xiangdong find a photo. In the photo, five girls were standing together smiling like flowers. Taking a group photo, it is really Lin Yu.

Seeing the other two girls in the photo, Liu Xiangdong realized something in an instant, and even checked the other girls with him.

He originally wanted to discuss with Chu Yue, but he didn’t expect Chu Yue to ridicule for a while, so he swallowed the news back, sneered in his heart and thought, since Chu Yue is so ignorant of current affairs, then he will find Guo Meier first and take this The big case that endangered Yan University was closed, let's see what Chu Yue was still arrogant at that time.

With this thought in mind, Liu Xiangdong walked directly to the target bedroom, only to be hit by Yan Yan.

"How do you walk?"

Liu Xiangdong opened his mouth with an ugly expression.

Yanyan looked up at Liu Xiangdong with a pale face, the fear in her eyes almost rushed out, she firmly grasped Liu Xiangdong's hand: "Help, there are...there are ghosts...there are ghosts...there are ghosts who want to kill me..."

Liu Xiangdong didn't react at first, and then he realized something and suddenly became ecstatic.

It was a **** who helped him. He didn't expect that the target clue would hit his arms head-on, which relieved him from worrying about looking for the other party and worrying about the other party's death first by Guo Meier.

With Yanyan in hand, Guo Meier is not yet ready.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiangdong showed a soothing smile: "Don't be afraid, I am the special office..."

Before Liu Xiangdong's words were finished, Yan Yan, who was full of fear, suddenly stretched out her hand and pushed hard, and ran to other places.

Before Liu Xiangdong was angry, he ran into a pale and stiff face. He cursed in his heart. Now the little girl was so **** vicious that she pushed him out as a cannon fodder and ran away by herself.

Chu Yue and Van Sittersen left the instrumental building warehouse without delay. The two hurried out of the instrumental building to walk towards Yanyan's dormitory.

Before reaching the dormitory, Chu Yue, who had been frowning, suddenly said: "No, just in case, someone should be watching the comatose dancing girl. Guo Meier may not choose Yanyan, but there is a certain probability to choose. That girl."

"You're right." Van Chitsen also stopped: "Then we two act separately. You go find the dizzy girl, and I go to Yanyan?"

Chu Yue was about to answer, when he saw Liu Xiangdong from the forest stumbled out, his face was covered with blood, and he was clutching his silver small gun in embarrassment.

Liu Xiangdong saw Chu Yue and Van Chitsen at a glance, and his eyes lit up and shouted: "Quickly, support me, Guo Meier is too strong. She took Yanyan away and also controlled the vocal auditorium. Now the whole vocal music The auditorium has fallen, and I can't beat her at all, so I can barely rush out of the vocal auditorium."

Guo Meier's speed was so fast, it seemed that she was really grieving, and she had grown to such a terrifying step in just a few days.

If Guo Meier really swallows the vocal auditorium and uses the vocal auditorium as a base, innocent teachers and students passing by the auditorium will also be directly involved and become the nourishment in this supernatural meat grinder.

Both Chu Yue and Fan Citesen's expressions were stunned, and they rushed directly to the Vocal Auditorium with Liu Xiangdong.

As Liu Xiangdong said, the vocal auditorium has completely fallen into the base of Guo Meier. Before getting close to the auditorium, one can already feel the terrible yin in the auditorium, covering almost all the surroundings of the auditorium.

The faint dark yin air spread out with teeth and claws, like the tentacles of a monster, plundering every life passing by.

The quietly standing auditorium is quietly dark, and the wide open door is like a mouth that swallows everything, quietly waiting for the prey to be caught.

In the room where Lin Yu's corpse was placed, a strange empty sound suddenly came, and the shipping container containing Lin Yu's corpse suddenly collapsed one by one.

The icy cold air spread along the container, and then a huge force lifted the lid of the container directly, and a hand with bright red nails pulled up the door of the container, and the body of Lin Yu, who was supposed to be sealed in the container, sat on it. She got up and opened her blood-red eyes.

Lin Yu's parents sighed in the hotel where outsiders were housed in the school, with packed suitcases beside them.

The daughter's accident made the parents look a lot older. They just wanted to take Lin Yu home and have a good burial.

Every day at school is a torment for them. The old couple discussed it last night. They didn’t want to wait any longer and didn’t want Lin Yu’s body to be wronged in the school. They just wanted to bury their daughter well. Get up, ask a master to calm Lin Yu's grievances first, and let his daughter be buried first.

As for the murderer who killed his daughter, he could find him if he could find them.

Just when Lin Yu's parents thought about it, they were going to go out to see their daughter's body, the door of the hotel opened quietly, and a figure in a big red skirt stood quietly outside the door.

Lin Yu's mother glanced over, her face suddenly changed: "Lin Yu?"

Lin Yu in the red dress smiled horribly at his mother.

The girl lying unconscious in the school hospital suddenly opened her eyes, and she looked around blankly.

There was no one in the ward of the quiet school hospital, only the curtains were rattling.

The door of the ward was silently pushed open, and the girl who majored in dance opened her eyes wide in fear.

Lin Yu, Guo Meier, Yanyan, and Fang Yun stood at the door holding hands and smiled at her.

"Come on, come on, didn't you say it's good, a good roommate for a lifetime?"

"Just waiting for you, Tian Cheng, there are five people in the entire dormitory. You are the only one left. Come and join us."

"A good roommate will never be separated for a lifetime, Tian Cheng, it's you."

The charm on Tian Cheng burned, and the deepest Yin Qi poured into the ward. The horrified expression on Tian Cheng's face gradually turned into a crazy smile, she got off the bed and joined the ranks of her former roommates.

Good roommate, for a lifetime, not to be separated!

Chu Yue, Liu Xiangdong, and Fan Chitsen all saw the changes in the vocal auditorium, but none of them hesitated, and they all walked directly into the black hole auditorium.

The first floor of the vocal auditorium was originally used for performances and exhibitions, so the auditorium is extremely wide and there is a long circular corridor.

When the light is on, it is easy to go in the wrong direction in the circular corridor, not to mention in the dark, it is easier to be misled by the power of ghosts and the senses.

The three of them had walked twice along the circular corridor, and none of them found Guo Meier's hiding place.

Liu Xiangdong's tone has become anxious: "When Guo Meier came in with Yan Yan, there were students in the vocal auditorium singing chorus here, and I don't know what happened to those students."

What else could be, of course, was influenced by Guo Meier and became Guo Meier's living puppet.

Just as Liu Xiangdong was talking, there was a pedaling sound from the circular corridor, and the three of Chu Yue ran into a group of pale-faced students head on.

These students were still wearing costumes, their faces were pale and miserable, their eyes were stiff, and they roared and rushed towards the three of Chu Yue.

The number of students was still quite large. For the sake of the students' lives, the three Chu Yue couldn't directly kill them. They had to block their mobility first.

After all, these students were only controlled by Guo Meier, and they were still alive. If they were killed and injured, it would be bad.

For a while, Chu Yue and the three were plunged into the vast ocean surrounded by students.

Van Chitsen’s bagpipes have been mutated. He uses his voice to reversely manipulate the students, but after all, he is a mortal body, which is different from Guo Meier’s grievances. Guo Meier’s grievances are endless and tireless. Van Chitsen was already about to blow off his strength.

Liu Xiangdong was already injured. When he dealt with ghosts and monsters, he solved it with a single shot.

Chu Yue dealt with the group of puppeted students with a cold face. Her speed was already at its extreme. Every time the spell was spilled, the students screamed, black smoke flew out of her body, and then she lay on the ground stiffly. Moved.

It's just that the number of these students is too much, and I don't know how many students there were in the Vocal Auditorium at that time. In short, Chu Yue alone has always had errors in dealing with these students.

What's more, the spells are limited. If Guo Meier is not found before Chu Yue finishes the spells, she can only attack again.

When everyone was in a melee in the circular corridor, a figure in a red skirt hung upside down from the ceiling, Lin Yu's painful and distorted face flashed among the students, she fell on the ground with a click, her distorted limbs crawling around. .

Fan Shitsen and Chu Yue guarded Guo Meier's new tricks and looked at Lin Yu vigilantly. Chu Yue had already pulled out the mahogany sword.

But Liu Xiangdong’s eyes lit up: "Quickly, follow Lin Yu, Yan Yan told me that it was Lin Yu who delayed her time so that she could escape from the dormitory, so that she was lucky enough to meet me, Lin Now that the rain appears, it must be to tell us where Guo Meier is hiding. As long as we can find the hiding place of Guo Meier, the abnormality of the vocal auditorium can be resolved."

The situation was too chaotic at this time, and there was no better solution. In addition, Lin Yu did not show any intention to attack, but turned his head to look at them from time to time, making terrible screams in his mouth.

Lin Yu's meaning of leading the way was too obvious, and it was hard to ignore it. Chu Yue simply used a spell to open the way, and the three of them hurriedly followed Lin Yu.

Sure enough, they successfully left the circular corridor and came to the deeper part of the vocal auditorium.

It's dark here, only the gray lights are on the stage, and the stage and the auditorium below are even more gloomy. The shadows of the stage and the auditorium seem to hide countless black figures, and they are watching gloomily. Come.

In fact, this is also true. When the three of Chu Yue followed Lin Yu to the performance area of ​​the Vocal Auditorium, Lin Yu's figure disappeared, and at the same time the people sitting in the dark auditorium turned their heads. , The dull and cold eyes looked at the three of Chu Yue at the same time.

"Come here, come and watch the show together."

"The starring content is a good roommate, don't you want to see this kind of moving roommate?"

"Sit in your seat while watching. It is forbidden to walk around. Why are you still not seated?"

"The joint performance of the dance majors and the vocal music majors is about to begin. It will be performed by our best students. Do you have any comments if you don't speak?"

The expressions of these people are getting more and more horrible, their voices are getting more and more gloomy, and their faces are getting more and more distorted. It is the teachers who are also controlled.

At this time, five gloomy figures also appeared on the stage. They were the five good friends of Guo Meier's bedroom.

This time the five good friends finally gathered, although after death, on the stage under the control of Guo Meier.

"Sorry, I am not interested in your performance. I have read the diary, and your performance is not new anymore."

As Chu Yue said, she sighed boredly: "Why do you have to come up with a ritual every time, is it really a waste of time, understand?"

Just when Liu Xiangdong and Van Chitsen hesitated whether to observe the situation first, Chu Yue had already spoken out and directly refused the invitation from the underworld.

Liu Xiangdong and Van Chitsen looked at Chu Yue in amazement, ah hey, my sister, you are too stubborn and straightforward. Even if you refuse the invitation from the underworld, you still laugh at what the ghosts are doing.

Everyone knows that you can't agree to the female ghost's invitation to the underworld, but the question is whether this situation directly irritates the female ghost too much.

When Chu Yue uttered these words, Liu Xiangdong and Fan Chitsen's expressions became painful. The two took the time to breathe, and hurriedly posed to deal with the angry ghost.

Sure enough, as they had guessed, Guo Meier immediately screamed and furious, and the dense gloom was overwhelmingly rolled up, and the entire vocal auditorium was distorted as a result.

At the same time, the teachers and students under the control of Guo Meier, as well as the four roommates who also became ghosts, rushed towards the three Chu Yue underneath.

"Although your experience is painful, I deeply regret that you have not allowed you to get justice while you are alive, but this is not your reason for implicating innocent passers-by."

Chu Yue's expression was condensed, staring at Guo Meier who was leaping over indifferently.

"Death, I want you all to die with me. Why do you treat me this way? Why, everyone who has said bad things about me, everyone who stands by, I want you to die with me!"

Guo Meier didn't seem to be as beautiful as she was before she was born. At this time, her face was distorted and she rushed towards Chu Yue terribly.

Chu Yue sighed, "Obviously we can communicate well, so why do we have to make trouble to this point?"

"Die, die, die!" Guo Meier has obviously been controlled by resentment. She has only resentment and hatred in her eyes. She stares at Chu Yue ferociously, her hair lashing towards Chu Yue like a steel wire blade: "You guys Everyone is sorry for me, I want you all to die, to die."

Chu Yue stepped back slightly. She rubbed her wrists and held the Taomu Sword. She raised her wrist slightly and used a starting gesture. Then she violently violently, and the Taomu Sword's sword light flashed like a cold moon. Guo Meier's hair was chopped off every inch.

Guo Meier snarled angrily, her body exuded a stronger black resentment.

Affected by her, the puppet teachers and students all became restless, and the four ghosts also rose sharply, and the situation looked extremely grim.

"For the sake of your grievances that you can't control yourself, I'll give you another chance." Chu Yue raised her lips slightly, but there was no smile in her eyes: "Want to continue? I'm actually not that violent person. It doesn’t mean trampling on your ghost ghost power."

As Chu Yue spoke, the puppet students and teacher quietly surrounded Chu Yue.

In the next second, Guo Meier's whistling sound, including Guo Meier, they all rushed towards Chu Yue.

Chu Yue sighed: "Well, I have given you the right to choose. The scene is too ugly for a while. It's not that I don't have empathy and don't speak for the victim."

Obviously, after passing the villa Xie Huan, Chu Yue has now learned how to courteously and then fight to defend her image as much as possible.

Obviously, Guo Meier didn’t put Chu Yue in her eyes. She thought she had a lot of ghosts and everything was foolproof. Chu Yue was just talking big. Soon she would be able to make these ghost exorcists who don’t know the sky and the earth are thick and have no empathy. Being taught, even turned them into puppets, let them taste their own humiliation.

At the same time, Van Chitsen and Liu Xiangdong also moved.

Van Chitsen got entangled with the other four ghosts, and the sound of his bagpipes was so intense that the ghosts could not get close to him at all for a while.

Liu Xiangdong held the weapon and rushed directly to Chu Yue in the center of the puppet encirclement: "Wait for me to help you."

Guo Meier stared at Chu Yue with bitter eyes, and slowly revealed a cold and ironic smile.

If it were before, Chu Yue might still be concerned about the safety of the puppet teachers and students, but now that Guo Meier, the master, has already appeared, she only needs to leave the puppet teachers and students aside and take Guo Meier directly.

With this thought in mind, Chu Yue directly ignored the puppet teachers and students and leaped towards Guo Meier.

Guo Meier's hair also turned into a life-threatening blade, bypassing the front and sneaking from behind Chu Yue.

At this time, Liu Xiangdong also rushed over and rushed towards Chu Yue's back: "Nie barrier, I want to attack!"

He said that while raising the gun to shoot at Guo Meier, he took out the dagger with vicious eyes and pierced it towards Chu Yue's vest, and Chu Yue seemed unprepared for this.

In the next second, it is reasonable to say that Guo Meier's peach wood sword was drawn to Liu Xiangdong's face.

Before Liu Xiangdong's face had time to take shape, the twisted malevolence was directly deformed.

He looked at Chu Yue in amazement, his face was already swollen high, blood spurted out of his big teeth, and fell directly to the ground like a worm that had been run over.

He was struggling to vomit blood on the ground, looking at Chu Yue with bitter eyes.

Why, why didn't Chu Yue get the trick.

How did this woman discover the anomaly, how could she be so cold, she was so defensive and sensible towards her companions, she didn't have the sensibility and panic of a woman at all.

Why is he the only one who has become a lowly scumbag manipulated by ghosts? He is not reconciled. He wants to drag everyone to **** together.

After a while he roared, his limbs twisted and alienated into a monster.

Van Chitsen, who was next to him, was startled by this incident and couldn't help asking: "How did you find out? How do you know that he has been controlled by the ghost?"

Chu Yue moved the corner of her mouth, and glanced at the cockroach on the ground as if Liu Xiangdong gave Liu Xiangdong a look: "He has such a cheap mouth, and is so ordinary and confident. Suddenly he doesn't proudly show off his man's power, and his mouth doesn't spray dung anymore. Isn't it strange enough? ?"

It was because of this reason that a flaw was revealed, even if it had been manipulated by a ghost, Liu Xiangdong's face couldn't help but twist.

Van Chitsen choked even more directly, feeling a little bit of empathy for a while, feeling that his male self-esteem and face were equally hit so hard.

"Even if you find out, what if you are not like me, you can't avoid being betrayed by your so-called friends. I want to integrate you into my part, so that a person like you can feel me. pain of!"

Guo Meier's gloomy face was instantly distorted, and her voice carried an invisible attack force and exploded sharply in the vocal auditorium.

Then her four ghost roommates were sucked in by her with horrified expressions, and then the five girls turned into extremely terrifying and deformed ghosts with many hands, many heads and many feet. Each ghost's face was a distorted expression, Guo Meier The whole body also swelled infinitely, rushing towards Chu Yue like a giant spider.

Van Chitsen yelled, "Yue, I will deal with these puppets, and you will deal with Guo Meier."

Chu Yue also said nothing, but greeted Guo Meier with the peach wood sword.

At this time, Van Chitsen's figure was already submerged among the puppet teachers and students, and only the fierce bagpipe sound came.

"You, all of you, want to stay and stay with me!" Guo Meier's deformed ghost laughed terribly coldly, and his ten hands turned into powerful strangulation weapons and rushed towards Chu Yue.

"Tsk, trouble."

A trace of impatience flashed through Chu Yue's eyes, carrying a peach wood sword and lashing at this mutated ghost humanoid spider.

It's about five minutes.

Guo Meier, who was still awe-inspiring just now, became smaller and thinner, and his grievances shrank. Finally, with a bang, the form of the ghost spider was immediately dissipated.

Guo Meier's eyes were in a daze, watching Chu Yue like a ruthless ghost-smashing machine, raising the mahogany sword again and again, and again and again, seeing that inconspicuous crystal thin sword raised high, giving birth to her. Huge pressure to hide from.

Guo Meier couldn't hold it anymore. With a bang, the five girls holding hands fell to the ground with pain. The dark resentment in Guo Meier's eyes disappeared instantly. She hugged her head in fear, and she screamed loudly. Cried.

"Why am I so unlucky? I was bullied when I was alive, and bullied even when I died. You are all bad guys. You bullied me because of your own strength. Why am I so unlucky, uh uh uh..."

Guo Meier's cries are quite distinctive, and her crying err err loudly.

The other four girls also frightened and defended.

"Boss, don't fight, it's not that we are going to fight you, it's Guo Meier who controlled us."

"Yes, we are all involuntarily, if you want to find it, please ask Guo Meier for trouble."

"Although we weren't humans when we were alive, we still want to be ghosts after we die."

There are even those who try to come over and shy face masks almost: "Master, I led the way to help you find Guo Meier, do you look at me as a beast?"

Among the still puppet teachers and students, Fan Shitsen's eyes when looking at Chu Yue gradually changed. He opened his mouth wide, revealing his eyes that looked like a violent metamorphosis fanatic.

Even Liu Xiangdong, who had become a puppet, couldn't help shrinking back several steps, embracing himself into a ball in fear, for fear that Chu Yue would come to him to settle the old account in the next second.

The objects he shot and conquered were all women, and the one in front of him no longer belonged to the category of women, no, it should not belong to the category of humans.

Beating such a terrible ghost into a weak crying bag, he felt that Xue Dashao's mission was impossible for him, after all, he was not strong enough to fight against a ghost.

The blue veins on Chu Yue's forehead jumped, and her face turned dark.

Guo Meier's five girls are even more scared.

Chu Yue gave an irritable tut, so she hated these ghosts the most, as if she had an invisible hobby every time.

She hugged her arms and looked at the ghost in the dormitory impatiently: "So, can you talk well now?"

Lin Yu was the first to float over flatteringly, trying to get closer to please Chu Yue: "Master, I have been under the control of Guo Meier recently, and I often reflect on myself. I am deeply aware of my mistakes. Watching other people bullying Guo Meier coldly, the five of our good sisters who were killed in the end were reduced to where they are now. I regret to rehabilitate now. I am completely a good devil. Master, please see if you can give me a favor when you deal with us for a while. Convenient, my family is rich in business, and my parents will give you filial piety to the master at that time.

Lin Yu's expression became more and more flattering, and his group got closer and closer.

"Really?" Chu Yue sneered, her black eyes sharply trying to penetrate Lin Yu's hypocritical face: "Small friction? Regret to rehabilitate?"

"Hehe." Chu Yue sneered, and the sharp tip of the peach wood sword touched Lin Yu's neck one by one, stopping the approaching Lin Yu in fright, and the expression on his face solidified.

"I don’t think it’s not necessarily, the drama is a horrible ghost, the murderer behind the scenes, you are quite evasive, why? Is that idiot attacking nearby?"

"Do you think I'm right, Mr. Vanchterssen Wundtwah?"

In the next second, Chu Yue's expression changed instantly. She moved away from Lin Yu in an instant, and the Peach Wood Sword whirled directly toward Van Chitsen's neck.

And Van Chitsen's face still kept a silly silly expression, looking as if he was shocked by the sudden change.

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