The Sect Master was Switched at Birth

Chapter 42: Master teaching

After hanging up the phone, Ning Ke walked towards the front yard with a bitter face.

Although the owner of the funeral home is very persuasive, how can Ning Ke, a fox in the mall, couldn't hear the urgent urging in the other party's words.

In other words, the owner of the funeral home has already started trying to see him. The other party thinks that he has trapped Xie Yun and Chu Yue, and now Ning Ke is alone, so he can attack him.

Although last night, the ghosts in the funeral home looked like he was a distinguished guest and were extraordinarily polite to him, but Ning Ke was not a fool. How could he not detect the meaning of the other party’s politeness? It was nothing more than the feeling that he was falling in the palm of his hand. The fat sheep to be slaughtered.

After a while, he went to the boss and didn't know what terrible thing he was going to use to entertain him.

Thinking that Ning Ke's whole person is not good here, he glanced at the morgue eagerly.

The morgue was empty, and after Chu Yue took Xie Yun up, there was no more sound.

Ning Ke knew that he was not looking forward to coming to the teacher and regretted it, so he turned his head back and forth step by step and left the backyard of the funeral home with tears.

Even if he was extremely reluctant and tried his best to linger, the distance from the backyard to the front yard was only two to three hundred meters, and it was inevitable to pass through the arch.

Just as Ning Ke guessed, the owner of the funeral home couldn’t wait. He stood looking forward to the backyard in the front yard. When he saw Ning Ke coming out, the funeral home owner’s gloomy face squeezed out a kind smile. , That smile made Ning Ke shiver abruptly.


The funeral home owner seemed to be unable to see Ning Ke’s reluctance. He walked over with great enthusiasm and pulled Ning Ke upstairs: "Boss Ning, I have brought all the financial statements of the funeral home. Let’s go to the office upstairs slowly. Look, by the way, how did you feel when you watched the funeral home last night? The funeral home made by us is still in line with your taste, right?"

Ning Kexin said that the boss can really speak, and with a smirk on his face, he said in a bargaining tone: "You funeral home...seems a bit unclean. If it is really haunted, I paid a lot of money. Isn’t it just a loss if I put it down? Is it possible that I can turn this place into a horror theme park? It’s impossible, right? The lowest price in the market, you can rest assured that I will keep you here as the technical director in the future."

Because of Ning Ke’s remarks, the funeral home owner’s face turned gloomy for an instant, and he immediately controlled his expression, barely denting the sleek shape of a businessman: "Boss Ning doesn’t know the rules and routines of doing business here. , My funeral home is not that bad, the boss goes up to see my financial statement to find out."

Ning Ke looked suspicious, but still followed the funeral home owner upstairs suspiciously.

The upper floor of the outer courtyard is really the office of the owner of the funeral home. There is a landscape painting on the wall with all the tables and chairs. It looks like an ordinary boss's office at first glance, nothing special.

"Boss Ning, come in and talk."

Ning Ke walked in with the owner of the funeral home. After entering the door, he suddenly smelled a weird and sweet scent. The scented Ning Ke was a little dizzy. He couldn't help pressing his forehead and restrained the dizziness for a while.

The owner of the funeral home next to him showed a caring expression and hurried up to support Ning Ke: "Boss Ning is okay, look at me, this is true. Boss Ning has obviously been busy looking around the funeral home last night and failed to take a good rest. As a result, when I was impatient, I pulled Boss Ning to talk about business. I'm really sorry."

"It's ok."

Ning Ke waved his hand: "Maybe it's a little bit of low blood sugar every breakfast. I just sit and rest for a while."

Hearing Ning Ke's words, the funeral home owner's eyes were slightly dark and joyful. He pretended to be concerned and said: "Since Ning is uncomfortable, let's sit in the house and rest for a while. There is a recliner in my office. I usually I lay there and rested. As for the financial statements, boss Ning doesn’t have to worry. I can ask the director of the finance department to read it to the boss."

Ning Ke was a little hesitant. Hearing the sincere tone of the funeral home owner, he nodded: "All right."

The owner of the funeral home led Ning Ke into the inner room.

Just as the funeral home owner said, there is a secret door in the office. After opening it, there is a fully functional rest room. There is a large soft recliner in the middle, but the light is a little dark, and there is a strange smell in the room. The sweet scent on the outside is a bit similar, but sweeter. The sweet scent made Ning Ke feel more drowsy.

He involuntarily followed the boss's strength and lay on a soft recliner, and listened in a daze to the boss about the annual profit of the funeral home.

"and many more."

Although Ning Ke's mind was a little dizzy at this time, he was a rare business prodigy after all. He only noticed something wrong after hearing a sentence or two.

"I didn't say that your funeral home can't make ends meet, so you have to release the news to pull resources, why the annual profit is still so high, your report will not be false, right?"

"Haha." The owner of the funeral home smiled twice, staring at Ning Ke with a gloomy look, and said with some temptation and seduction: "I wonder if Boss Ning has heard of dead men's business?"

"Dead business?"

Ning Ke was startled by the words of the funeral home owner, and couldn't help muttering it again. His drowsy brain was somewhat sober. He couldn't help looking at the funeral home owner, waiting for the other party to explain clearly.

"Yes, dead people's business, unprofitable business, boss Ning, can you say that this is not a huge profit?" The funeral home owner stared at Ning Ke and slowly said: "I think boss Ning is also a brave person. He dared to live last night. In a haunted funeral home, I know that the funeral home is not only not afraid of being haunted, but I want to buy my funeral home at a low price. In that case, I don’t know if Boss Ning is interested in doing some more profitable business, which can make more than just doing funeral business."

Ning Ke seemed to be shocked by the words of the owner of the funeral home. He hesitated and said: "What kind of business is a huge profit, shouldn't you be lying to me? Are you not afraid?"

The funeral home owner asked meaningfully: "Why isn't Boss Ning afraid of the strange thing that happened last night, I think Boss Ning is also calm and calm and wants to take the opportunity to lower the price?"

Ning Ke laughed twice. He rubbed his painful forehead, and covered his waist pocket with one hand, which contained a few yellow charms left by Chu Yue.

The funeral home owner smiled: "It seems that Boss Ning already has the answer in his heart. Yes, Boss Ning has a chance to get this amulet, and use the amulet to do some low-cost recycling business that is not afraid of ghosts. Then I naturally have a little way to protect myself. Yes, boss Ning is cooperating with me in this business. I guarantee that boss Ning will not only not lose, but can make a lot of money. As long as boss Ning helps me expand the scale of the funeral home, and then use contacts to help me settle some disgusting people."

"It looks like you have a big picture." Ning Ke looked at the funeral home owner thoughtfully: "You are so mysterious, how to obtain violence from the dead, it makes me curious."

The funeral home owner smiled weirdly: "Boss Ning is unwell now. It's better to take a break and think about whether to continue cooperating, or I'm afraid Boss Ning will not be able to stand the stimulation for a while."

Damn, he can't stand the irritation anymore in this weird environment in ancient times, okay, I'm really afraid that the funeral home owner will suddenly touch his face and play a high-powered plot, but now Ning Ke still dare not say anything, so he can only follow along. The script of the funeral home owner went on playing, making a look dizzy and helpless.

The owner of the funeral home withdrew from the room very thoughtfully, leaving Ning Ke to cultivate in the office lounge alone.

The light in the room became dim, and the sweet scent became heavier. Ning Ke kept looking around, but couldn't find where the sweet scent came from.

At this moment, the door of the office rest room was opened. Ning Ke thought it was the funeral home owner who didn't plan to play mystery, so he went back.

However, seeing a red figure slowly dangling in from the door, Ning Ke froze instantly.

I saw a woman with black hair wearing a red embroidered peony cheongsam and a pretty smile with red lips and snowy skin coming in.

As the other party walked into the lounge, the sweet smell in the air was about to overflow.

The cheongsam woman came to Ning Ke in a charming manner. The white and tender hands with red nails lightly put her hands on Ning Ke's shoulders, and her voice was delicate and delicate: "Boss, I am Xiaomei from the Personnel Department and Finance Department. , Our boss asked me to take care of President Ning. Why is President Ning uncomfortable? If President Ning wants to hear about our funeral home, then Xiaomei can dictate to President Ning."

"How about this, Xiaomei massages the boss to relax, while dictating how well the funeral home is going?"

Xiao Mei thought that she laughed all kinds of charming and charming, but in Ning Ke's eyes, it was pale and stiff, and the so-called white tender little hands were cold like quick ice.

Ning Ke: "..."

The owner of this funeral home is so talented, what kind of brain circuit actually makes the female corpse come over to seduce the partner.

Ning Ke forcibly resisted the urge to flee, squeezing a coordinated smile on his face: "Then... you said."

Xiao Mei thought that Ning Ke was agitated and stiff. She knew that she was definitely a stunner in the eyes of the other party at this time, so she smiled more and more charmingly, and she felt like Ning Ke such a handsome and yang man in her heart. I like it very much.

But I didn't know that in Ning Ke's eyes, it was the pale and stiff female corpse grinning. It felt even more terrifying.

Xiao Mei smiled and took out a contract: "President Ning, you can relax and listen, and then consider whether to sign the contract or not. The business of our funeral home is guaranteed to surprise you."

He was already shocked and wanted to cry. The business of this funeral home shouldn't include pimping the corpse. What kind of perverted hobby is it that will let live people not like it, and turn his head to like one. Cold and smelly body?

Ning Ke's body was already tightened to the extreme, and Xiao Mei was utterly seductively and ethereal in his ear: "Boss, sign, sign."

Ning Ke was struggling to death and flexibly avoided Xiaomei's approaching hand. Since he had sacrificed his hue, he decided to ask the matter clearly: "You have to make it clear what the business is before I can sign."

Xiaomei didn't expect Ning Ke to be so persistent. There was a flash of surprise in her eyes, and she smiled slightly, leaning towards Ning Ke's ear: "Of course... secretly making money to death."

"Don't look at the corpses that look scary and tight, they are all scare people who are useless. Every corpse is money."

Ning Ke understood something instantly, astonishment and disgust flashed across his eyes.

Just listen to Xiaomei whispered: "These people ask us to pay us to dispose of the corpse, but they don’t know that they are paying for us to make money. This neat-looking corpse can be sold to the nephew, and the tattered corpse can be picked. Pick and pick and sell organs. There are so few unclaimed corpses every month. Who will ask, even if they have family members, those who are powerless and powerless will not entangle us for too long because of a dead body. , Boss, every one of these is money, more than a non-capital business. Those people send money and ask us to collect raw materials."

Xiaomei giggled maliciously as she spoke, and she touched Ning Ke silently with her hand: "Boss, look at this, what a good business, so please sign and sign, let's work together. When this unprofitable business grows, the boss will have money to spend while lying down."

"So these corpses have been secretly sold by you. Where did you sell them, and the people from the next family will accept them. This report is also written in it?"

Ning Ke endured Xiaomei's approach with the chill and corpse air, and gritted his teeth and asked softly.

Xiao Mei was a little surprised. She didn't expect Ning Ke to ask questions at this time: "Boss, you ask so much what to do, is Xiao Mei not good enough?"

"The boss is very smart. You guessed it. Our boss has been in business for so long and has already developed a lot of new homes. So the boss doesn’t have to be afraid of not being able to sell after expanding the scale. We only worry that the corpses are not enough, and our boss There are other abilities. Our boss can manipulate the corpse. You can let the corpse do any heavy work. This funeral home doesn’t even have to worry about labor shortages."

The little Mei Yao demon squeezed the pen into Ning Ke’s palm hardly, and smiled at Ning Ke. The sweet scent in the room was getting heavier and heavier, and the temptation in Xiao Mei’s tone was already threatening: "Hurry up and sign. Oh boss, sign it soon."

"As long as the boss signs, Xiaomei belongs to the boss. The boss can do whatever he wants. Does the boss like it?"

Hearing this sentence, Ning Ke finally couldn't help but violently, the yellow talisman in her pocket directly fell on Xiaomei's face, Xiaomei suddenly screamed black smoke, and turned to look at Ning Ke terribly: "Why haven't you been tempted by me, it's impossible for me!"

Ning Ke jumped a few steps away from Xiao Meihao with a disgusted face: "Sister, your honor, I'm almost vomiting. You still want to seduce me, didn't you look in the mirror by yourself?"

"you wanna die!"

Xiao Mei roared and rushed towards Ning Ke.

Ning Ke didn't want to rush out of the lounge and ran outside.

The movement of the lounge naturally attracted the attention of the boss. The owner of the funeral home quietly blocked the corridor and looked at Ning Ke gloomily: "Why are you okay? I extracted this beautiful fragrance from the body of a virgin woman. You can’t be completely unaffected by the special corpse oil, why haven’t you been deceived?"

The owner of the funeral home did not say that it was okay. When Ning Ke said it, his face was spit up. It turned out that the scent he smelled from beginning to end was the smell of corpse oil.

The owner of the funeral home ordered special corpse oil in the office. The corpse oil can confuse people's mind and make people do things beyond their control. This damage not only made him smell the corpse oil, but also sent a female corpse to make a beautif, which is simply a brain. The big abnormality of the circuit!

Ning Ke vomited again when he thought of Xiaomei's hands and feet on him. He had smelled the body oil for so long.

At this moment, Xiaomei, the ghost of the son and daughter, had dropped the body she possessed and rushed towards Ning Ke. She was not a corpse Xiaomei at all, but the sister Li Guihong who had tried to seduce Ning Ke before.

Sister Hong showed the appearance of a ghost, and rushed to Ning Ke terribly. Her hair was scattered with blood-red eyes, and her hands were like sharp claws, extending indefinitely.

"Smelly man, do you dare to treat my old lady like this and wait for my old lady to **** you up!"

The funeral home owner’s expression was not so good, he snorted slightly, and stared at Ning Ke coldly and maliciously: “I just wanted to lie to you to sign the contract and let you control it unconsciously, since you don’t like Wu Pain control, we will be made into puppets in a while."

Sister Hong was getting closer, and the cold breath hurt Ning Ke's back, and Ning Ke threw out a yellow talisman without looking back.

Sister Hong was very jealous of the power of the yellow talisman and avoided it without thinking. Ning Ke took the opportunity to kick the funeral home owner, kicked the unprepared funeral home owner to the ground, and ran downstairs for his life.

"He is just lucky. He has a few amulets that can save his life. As long as he consumes the amulet, he can only catch it with his hands!"

The funeral home owner reminded loudly.

Sister Hong naturally understood that she was chasing after Ning Ke, and her long hair became as long as thousands of steel needles, and it was wrapped around Ning Ke's neck.

One person and one ghost panting, Sister Hong's body was burnt with a few cavities, while Ning Ke was holding on to the wall to catch his breath. He reached out and dig into his pocket, but nothing came out.

At this moment, the owner of the funeral home also chased from upstairs, and the owner of the funeral home and Sister Hong stared at Ning Ke gloomily.

"Hehe, boy, you don't have a talisman anymore, Xiao Hong, it's now!"

Sister Hong rolled her eyes directly at the funeral home owner, and said gloomily, "I need your mother to do something?"

The owner of the funeral home was choked and his expression became more gloomy.

Sister Hong stared at Ning Ke coldly, and rushed towards Ning Ke again with a terrifying expression.

"Pharaoh, stop him on the other side for me!"

Upon hearing this, the funeral home owner quickly blocked Ning Ke's escape route.

Sister Hong and the owner of the funeral home were getting closer, directly driving Ning Ke to a dead end. Sister Hong rushed to Ning Ke with a grin, and the owner of the funeral home also stretched out his hand to press Ning Ke's shoulder.

The next second Sister Hong's expression suddenly solidified, she looked at Ning Ke in amazement, a big hole was pierced in her lower abdomen.


Ning Ke was holding a small, crystal-clear mahogany sword in the palm of his hand. It was the mahogany sword that looked like an ornament, and directly stabbed Hong Sister Hong and a ghost to half to death.

The funeral home owner was shocked. Before he had time to react, Ning Ke raised his hand and threw the peach wood sword. The peach wood sword whirled and became bigger. He threw the funeral home owner directly to the ground.

"You are not the boss who came to talk about business, you are a child of the Xuanmen, are you playing me?"

The owner of the funeral home pointed at Ning Ke, his eyes cold and terrifying.

"Don't say that. Everyone will each other. Why do you play me and I play you, so why bother to hurt each other."

Ning Ke smiled and put a yellow talisman on Sister Hong's face, and nodded appreciatively when he finished, feeling that the ghost talisman he had posted was quite fair.

However, in the next second, Ning Ke saw the **** terrifying face of Sister Hong’s seven orifices. He instantly changed his face, turned around in fear, and patted his chest in fear: "Mom, I'm scared to death. He looks too ugly. It's scary."

Sister Hong: "..."

Mom's old lady was beaten to death by you. You are scared to death. If you want to scare, the old lady should be scared to death, okay?

Seeing Ning Ke pretending to look like a white lotus who was afraid of ghosts, Sister Hong felt very aggrieved, and suddenly she could understand the idea that the little ghost had a male corpse yesterday.

Ning Ke didn't dare to look at the ugly face of the female ghost again, especially when he thought that he had cooperated with the other party's temptation just for the sake of arrogance, and his psychological shadow was heavier, so he looked at the funeral home owner who was struggling to sit up on the ground.

The funeral home owner’s face became gloomy, and he looked at Ning Ke with a sneer: "Do you think you are a child of the Xuanmen, do you think you can be mad if you have a handle of the heavenly profound artifact, boy, since you already know the secrets of the funeral home," You hurt me, so don’t want to go out alive today."

As the funeral home owner's voice fell, the walls and floor of the funeral home appeared mixed with evil black patterns, and the funeral home owner muttered to himself with a gloomy expression.

The entire funeral home seemed to have directly entered the weird dimension, and the surroundings were quiet and terrible for an instant, only the sound of the funeral home owner’s curse became louder and louder, and then a icy mist began to fill, and the funeral home became colder and colder. It seems to be in an ice cave.

Sister Hong’s dissatisfaction began to stop dissipating. Gradually, a black yin engulfed her, filling the holes in her lower abdomen little by little. Ghost symbol.

Hong Jiesen laughed coldly, staring at Ning Ke with terrible eyes. Ning Ke clenched the peach wood sword in her hand in a vigilant and frightened manner, and muttered in her heart, why the master hasn't appeared yet.

The owner of the funeral home smiled coldly, his chanting voice became louder and louder, and finally shouted: "Listen to my order, come out!"

However, it was quiet all around, nothing happened, and the prelude of horror fell through like a joke.

The funeral home owner’s expression was distorted, and he blushed and then he said, "Get out!"

However, nothing happened. The funeral home filled with black icy mist quietly, as if mocking the funeral home owner mercilessly.

The funeral home owner couldn't believe it, and kept shouting: "Out! Out! Out!" His forehead was already bounced because of anger.

That caused Ning Ke to smile.

"Impossible, how is it possible, come out to me!"

The owner of the funeral home screamed fiercely.

"Are you calling them?"

Just when the funeral home owner and Sister Hong didn’t know what was happening, an indifferent voice sounded, and then the fog spread to both sides, Chu Yue, in green clothes and trousers, walked out of the fog, followed by countless descriptions of terrible twists and wriggles behind her. Corpse.

The pale-faced corpses were densely packed, and the black eyeballs stared straight at the funeral home owner, his mouth made a terrible hiss.

They filled the entire backyard, and the sight of them was enough to make your scalp numb.

Xie Yun had turned pale, and followed Chu Yue stubbornly. He didn't dare to look at the group of corpses for fear of causing him some incurable psychological trauma.

Chu Yue walked to the funeral home owner and stopped, and the group of corpses also stopped. The headed young male corpse stared at the funeral home owner with terrible blood and tears in his eyes.

Chu Yue glanced at the corpse. She raised her hand, and the peach wood sword spontaneously fell on the palm of her hand. Chu Yue looked at the funeral home owner: "Have you figured out what posture you will use to sing behind bars?"

"Impossible, this is absolutely unwilling!" The owner of the funeral parlor's eyes widened, watching Chu Yue mutter to herself: "This is my ancestor's secret method of removing the corpse, how could you break me? The control is impossible, absolutely impossible."

"What's impossible." Chu Yue snorted: "Do you think your control is perfect? ​​To me, it's just a piece of paper, or do you think they are willing to be controlled by you and won't look for opportunities? Rebellion, won't resentment like a serious ghost?"

Chu Yue pointed to the group of corpses. The corpses stared at the funeral home owner in terror.

The owner of the funeral home took a half step back with a numb scalp, fearing the corpses for the first time.

He understood everything in an instant, and screamed out of his mind: "You are all playing me and lie to me, you are not here to talk about business sincerely."

Ning Ke took a pitying look at the funeral home owner. The child's Three Views had been shattered by the head teacher. He actually forgot that he was a sorcerer, and he really regarded himself as a businessman. At this time, he still cared about the business. I lied, and the business didn't go through. It really makes me want to sigh three times for him. It's so miserable.

Until Xue Dongyang brought people from the special office to deal with the funeral home, the funeral home owner was still demented and muttered to himself: "Liars are all liars. It is too difficult to do business now. There are scams everywhere. "

The red ghost was also taken away with special handcuffs.

Seeing that the corpses all returned to the morgue, and the ghost in red and the owner of the funeral home were taken away, Ning Ke finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"well done."

Hearing Chu Yue's admiration, Ning Ke was overjoyed: "Teacher, then my vacation..."

Chu Yue nodded.

Ning Ke unexpectedly gave birth to the urge to look up to the sky with excitement like a student.

Finally, there is no need to look at the corpses and ghosts of disgusting dead people!

The calm Ning Ke even wanted to cry in gloom for a while, and that appearance attracted the attention of others.

"Unexpectedly, Ning's richest man would also hide deeply."

"That's right, it broke such a big case of selling corpses in a funeral home. It seems that the richest man Ning rejected the special office before. It must be because the case was not difficult enough, so he didn't bother to take it."

"Well, next time you can suggest that the Director find some interesting cases to show the richest man Ning."

Hearing the compliments from the members of the Special Office, Ning Ke's joyful expression instantly stiffened.

Help, he finally ran out of the funeral parlour. Can you stop reminding the head teacher? Hey, the investment of the special office this year is not desired again, right?

Xue Dongyang also raised his fingers at Ning Ke and squeezed out a smile: "Big brother, eh."

Ning Ke: No, he is not awesome at all, and he doesn't want to do extreme challenges anymore, so can the youngest take his hands, he doesn't want to like it now.

However, as soon as he turned his head, he met Chu Yue's smiling face, always feeling that the meaning of the palm teacher's smile was very subtle.

So Ning Ke felt that his whole person was not good.

With the evidence that Ning Ke and Chu Yue found out, the case proceeded very quickly.

The funeral home owner and the Hong sister turned out to be a couple, and both were sorcerers.

The innocent woman in red who was rumored to be burnt to death in the incinerator was actually Li Guihong sister.

It turns out that the owner of the funeral home once found the secret technique of removing corpses in his home ancestral home when he was young. He did have some talents, and he quickly mastered the notebook and learned the technique of removing corpses. With this special skill, he entered In the funeral home industry, I met Hong Jie who is also a sorcerer.

The two people had similar stinks and soon became partners. Then the owner of the funeral home ordered the Yanjiao funeral home. They could use the funeral home to make money, and they could use the ready-made materials in the funeral home to continue their practice.

Gradually, the two of them couldn't be satisfied with the way of making money in ordinary people's lifestyle, and the funeral home owner started thinking about doing a dead man's business.

He resells the organs of unclaimed dead corpses, pimps the dead corpses and sends them to have **** with them. As for those corpses that have family members or are difficult for family members, he uses the ability of corpse **** and treats the corpses as cheap labor in the middle of the night. , Rush to work around.

Because every time you go to work is in the middle of the night, the employers have no doubts.

The corpses didn't want wages and were not afraid of tiredness, so they naturally made a lot of money.

But this also has loopholes. Although some corpses are dead, they even still have grievances before their souls are dissipated. Such unceremonious squeeze makes even the corpses angry, and some give their families dreams.

At the beginning, she almost made a mistake, and then Sister Hong came up with a new method. She let herself burn to death in the incinerator. Sister Hong herself was a sorcerer. After she died, she turned into a ghost directly, and then began to practice with a ghost body. Some clumsy ghosts use the power of ghosts to beat those unconvinced ghosts, or simply swallow them directly.

Among the corpses, there were also surrenders who helped the funeral home owner and his wife to enslaved other weak corpses.

So layer by layer, the corpses and the little ghosts in the funeral home have formed layers of food chain relationships, allowing the owner and wife of the funeral home to control the funeral home steadily.

After that, the funeral home owner and Sister Hong became more and more excessive, practicing sorcery with dead corpses, and making contrabands such as beauty incense. They actually forced the good-looking corpses to betray, color, and appearance.

For example, Xiaomei, the female corpse who seduce Ning Ke, may be possessed by Sister Hong, but that is because Sister Hong has a crush on Ning Ke, and there are situations in which Xiaomei is required to seduce customers or supervisors alone.

Under the influence of Beauty Fragrance, those who were seduced thought that they were enjoying themselves with peerless beauties, and they didn't know that the other party was actually a female corpse.

The male corpses who shed blood and tears at Chu Yue were even more miserable.

Sister Hong's temperament has changed drastically since she turned into a ghost. She especially prefers to practice with the corpse of a young opposite sex. She will choose the concubine as if she has to pick and choose among the male corpses, trapping Zhou Zheng's handsome male corpse, first playing with it and then practicing, which is undesirable Just swallow it.

The male corpses were afraid and afraid of Sister Hong.

They were usually suppressed by the guards of Sister Hong and the owner of the funeral home. Until last night, the arrival of Chu Yue broke the calm. Chu Yue locked up the little ghosts who had helped him to abuse, and these corpses had a chance to escape. After finding Chu Yue to complain, it was obvious that they also realized that Chu Yue was their only chance.

After checking the matter, everyone who heard it was dumbfounded.

What a peculiar criminal brain circuit!

There is no need to elaborate on the punishments received by the husband and wife in the funeral home. After the incident was selected and polished, the part of the announcement except the sorcerer was announced. It also caused the consternation of everyone on the Internet and aroused heated discussions.

People can't help thinking about what's going on in this world. Living people are deceived and squeezed by this all day long, and even dead bodies are sold in cycles by black-hearted merchants. It's simply impossible!

The matter has attracted the attention of the authorities, and the penalty level for stealing and insulting the corpse has been adjusted without repeating it. It is said that after returning from the funeral home, Chu Yue ushered in the second live broadcast.

With the live broadcast experience last time, this time Chu Yue opened the phone in a familiar way.

Now she has accumulated a lot of fans under her account. Seeing Chu Yue's live broadcast, these fans swiped their screens to say hello in excitement.

"I'm very confident to say, Miss Sister Kang Kangwo."

"Ms. Sister is going to do live broadcast today. The candy tower I made last time is still in my mind. Doesn't Ms. Sister really consider opening a candy tower direct purchase link?"

"What nonsense the people upstairs are talking about, Miss Sister is not selling candy, Miss Sister can live broadcast according to her own wishes, no matter what Sister's live broadcast, we love to watch it."

Chu Yue smiled while looking at the dashing screen that was passing by. She looked at the message sent by Wang Ling: "You should know that I am running the Xuandu Temple. I say that I am operating the Taoist Temple, but it is actually for the Taoist Temple that is on the verge of decline. Not to be forgotten..."

The pop-up screens below have been swiped up: "Support traditional culture, support traditional religion."

"So this time I will live broadcast a day in the Taoist temple to everyone."

"Of course, given that Xuandu Temple has not moved, some scenes in Taoist Temple cannot be reproduced, but everyone can understand that it means this."

The following is 66666.

Just when Chu Yue adjusted the lens and planned to start reading the morning scriptures, the live broadcast room was suddenly attacked, and then a video account was suddenly connected, and the account was inserted without Chu Yue's consent.

Immediately afterwards, a pale, haggard face, crazy confused eyes, and a distorted expression appeared in the video, and his voice yelled sharply: "She is a demon. She is a means to accumulate wealth. In order to show her ability, she will not hesitate to poison ordinary people. Murderer lunatic!"

"Have you seen me? Look at what I look like now. It's because I said on the bus that I don’t believe in Taoist priests or ghosts and gods, so she made me like this, and then pretended to be an expert. You, let you be defenseless against her and treat her as a god."

"Look at what I am now, and see what I have become by her!"

In the video, the boy's limbs are withered like bamboo poles, but he has a big belly tall and he looks weird, twisted and deformed. It was the boy who sat on the bus at the beginning of Chu Yue and satirized her and Zhu Xixi.

The live broadcast room was silent for a while, and everyone watched the video in horror and consternation.

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