The Sect Master was Switched at Birth

Chapter 52: Master teaching (1)

At this time, Chu Yue and his party looked up at the old-fashioned tube building that suddenly appeared in front of them.

The tube building is cramped, messy, and depressing. Most of the outer walls are peeled off. The wires pulled at will, and the small advertisements pasted everywhere make people look upset.

The old and gloomy floors spread upward in a mottled and silent manner.

Obviously it's broad daylight, but this building is actually dark. I can't see what's in the building at all. I can only vaguely see the dark figures standing by the windows on each floor. Those figures seem to be tight. Staring closely at Chu Yue and his party.

Such a depressed atmosphere made the expressions of Min Liu and Fang Cunrui not very good-looking, and even Ning Ke's face was faintly pale.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from not far away, and this scream made the already depressive atmosphere instantly stagnant.

Xue Zishu raised his head in astonishment: "This is Tongtong's voice, what's wrong with Tongtong, what happened to her?"

He said that he ran towards the source of the sound without thinking about it, but just as he rushed to the direction of the small forest, Xue Zishu suddenly turned back, his face pale and scary and ran back.

Before everyone could react, they saw countless pale and stiff ‘people’ in the woods behind Xue Zishu rustling out.

These people are tall like telephone poles, chasing them out staggeringly. The facial features on their faces are also exaggeratedly scary. Their eyes are bulging like light bulbs, their mouths are open to the base of their ears, and their teeth are like sharks. People were frightened, and there was no doubt that the other party could tear a piece of meat from a living person with one bite. Their extended arms were even more frightening, almost as long as their bodies, and they straightly grabbed at Xue Zishu.

A cold breath came from behind, and several times those arms wiped Xue Zishu's face. Xue Zishu almost tried his best before rushing downstairs to the abandoned tube.

The tube tower seems to have its own barrier, those strange things are not close, just staring at the people downstairs tube.

"You are obviously capable, why don't you save me?"

Xue Zishu was holding on to the wall and panting hard. He flushed and couldn't help but question Chu Yue: "You are relying on you here, everyone can only rely on you, so you deliberately want to see me embarrassed?"

Chu Yue didn't even read Xue Zishu, just stared at the group of monsters he was holding.

Before Xue Zishu had time to chase him, he would question again. Han Shaoshang next to him suddenly kicked up. The kicking Xue Zishu directly hit the wall of the tube building. A trace of blood shed from the corner of his mouth. He was directly injured by Han Shaoshang.

Xue Zishu clutched his chest and coughed embarrassedly. He gasped and looked at Shaoshang Han with red eyes like a sleepy beast: "Uncle, you and I are a family. Why are you treating me this way? You are not afraid to go back. Can't explain to the Xue family?"

Han Shaoshang’s pupils were dark and cold, and they looked like ghosts. The smile on the corner of his mouth also revealed a trace of darkness, cruelty and madness. He grabbed Xue Zishu’s collar and directly slammed Xue Zishu’s head outside the tube building. The group of monsters outside the tube building seemed to smell the fish, and kept leaning towards Xue Zishu.

Xue Zishu could smell the cold smell coming from the monsters. Death's sickle swept across his scalp countless times, and the close contact with the cold and weird faces of those monsters made Xue Zishu's scalp numb and blood flow back.

"If you talk nonsense, I don't mind letting you die now, understand?"

Xue Zishu nodded frantically. Under this circumstance, the courage and anger he had plucked up just now disappeared, only deep fear.

Han Shaoshang coldly withdrew his hand and let Xue Zishu slip down.

Ning Ke and Hu Jiuzhao next to them were also full of irony.

"The head teacher said before, she doesn’t care if she is dead. Didn’t Xue Shao ever hear a word, God doesn’t save people who cannot be saved, like you, God can’t control it. Our head teaches just a bit Ordinary people with abilities can't compare themselves to gods, and go to save people like you."

"It was Chu Tong who pushed all of us into danger. Why do you ask us to take the lead, Xue Zishu, if you have the skills, find out Chu Tong and ask to understand."

Just when Ning Ke and Xue Zishu scolded by Hu Jiuzhao couldn't lift their heads, Chu Yue spoke, her voice was cold, she was not scared by the monster tide at all, nor was she affected by Xue Zishu's mentality.

"Okay, stop playing around."

Hearing what she said, whether it was Ning Ke, Hu Jiuzhao, or Han Shaoshang, they stopped their movements obediently and looked at her.

"Ning Ke, Jiuzhao, you two stay under the tube building and look at Min Liu and the others, Xiao Han, you and I will go out to investigate the situation."

No one raised any objections, whether it was Ning Ke, Hu Jiuzhao, who belonged to the Xuan Du Temple, or Han Shao Shang, who had been selling ingenuity all day long, at this moment, they all responded extremely quickly to Chu Yue's request.

As for Min Liu and the others, they did not dare to have any objections. Now the environment is terrible, and they are expecting Chu Yue to take them back, so naturally they dare not offend Chu Yue.

The audience in the live broadcast room also flicked their screens.

"I have a little sister suddenly feel relieved."

"Miss sister is so handsome that she is giving orders. The key is that everyone listens to her well. This is what I think of as a woman. Instead of screaming and waiting for rescue, she handles various problems calmly and rationally, and will not be The moral kidnapping of insignificant people will not let the Virgin's heart overflow casually."

"This Xue Zishu is really emmm. Fortunately, his team has Jiuzhao and Ning's richest man, otherwise he will be disgusting."

"That Chu Tong just made it up and deserved it, so why should someone pay for the person who died."

On the other side, after Chu Yue finished speaking, she left the tube building directly with the peach wood sword and stepped into the tide of monsters.

Han Shaoshang followed closely, and the two figures were instantly swallowed by a tide of monsters.

"I'm so worried about them."

"Yeah, there must be nothing wrong with my little sister, and that Mr. Han, he is really handsome, he is in the hall and the kitchen, he looks dreamy and super rich and everyone is in awe, my God, What kind of boyfriend is this, a reliable man, I hope Mr. Han can get what he wants."

The few people standing in the corridor of the tube building were also worried. In addition to worrying about the comfort of the two, Min Liu and the others were even more worried that something happened to the two and their safety was not guaranteed.

However, the crowded monster wave made people uneasy. The group of monsters did not know where they came from. There were too many of them. They were piled up densely together. The people downstairs in the tube and the audience in the live broadcast room had everything. I can't see clearly, and I feel uncomfortable in my heart because of this suffocating picture.

At this moment, a cold radiance suddenly exploded from the monster tide, and directly swept all the monsters to the ground. Chu Yue leaped up lightly with the mahogany sword in his hand, and smashed a straightforward passage in the monster tide.

On the other side, Han Shaoshang's figure became taller and taller, and he gradually turned into a handsome emperor a few meters high. The emperor in black dungeon had solemn eyebrows, and his standard waved as if he had swept away ants. All the monsters surrounding him were swept away.

The dense group of monsters was much less visible to the naked eye, and a large area was cleared by the two of them.


The audience who watched the live broadcast got numb with Su's scalp, and for the first time knew that it was so cool to make a big move.

The fear of watching the live broadcast before has faded a lot, and those who were initially afraid of not being able to turn off the screen also calmed down, and they just watched as if they were watching a movie with a drink of fries.

In a place that no one can see, the darkness that spreads silently, because the firm mind of audiences across the country has faded a lot, and it has also relieved the mentally tight Special Office and the Taoist Association.

There were fewer and fewer monsters, but a thin mist began to fill the outside of the tube building, and even the scenery of the grove was distorted, as if to be swallowed by the mist.

There was a strange rustling sound in the mist, Chu Yue stopped, holding the peach wood sword and staring at it, and found that the remaining monsters had disappeared in the mist.

"Xiao Han?"

The fog became denser and denser, and Chu Yue realized that she was beginning to lose sight of the existence of the tube tower.

Her expression instantly condensed, and she looked at her companion in the mist.

The fog is thick as a barrier, and only a dark shadow can be seen faintly in the mist. The dark shadow walks out towards the depths of the mist with his head dull.

The alarm bell in Chu Yue's heart was great. She didn't even want to throw a mahogany sword directly at the shadow. The mist around the shadow was dispersed, revealing Han Shaoshang who had returned to his normal figure. Chu Yue also walked in two steps. He went over and held the opponent.

"Xiao Han, where are you going, what's wrong with you?"

In the mist, the eyes of the young Korean businessman are a kind of hollow pitch black, like a dark hell, without any light being refracted. The handsome and beautiful face reveals the bleakness of death, and the thin lips and lip line are dyed in black. The mole on the tail is also bleached. He is like a monster flower blooming in the dark, and like a black rose that is about to wither, as if the living inside has been drawn away, leaving behind a corpse-like exorcism. shell.

This look of Han Shaoshang made Chu Yue's heart startled, she took out the small gourd from her bag and poured two mouthfuls into Han Shaoshang's mouth.

Han Shaoshang didn't move or smile, and obediently let Chu Yue do it.

Seeing him like this, Chu Yue gritted his teeth, cut the tip of his index finger and pressed it on Han Shaoshang's lips.

This method can draw talisman in the air, can quickly attract dignity, and can also nourish ghosts and charms, but I don't know if it will be useful to Han Shao Shang.

Han Shaoshang was still dumb, staring at Chu Yue with lacquer-like eyes.

Just when Chu Yue hesitated to withdraw his finger, Han Shao Shang suddenly moved. He gently opened his lips and held Chu Yue's fingertips. The black mole on the tail of his eyes was fascinating, just like enchanting in the dark night. Succubus, unscrupulously tempted the fall of the gods.

Chu Yue was surprised at first and then stunned, but soon she frowned and withdrew her finger, with a calm expression: "You can go back now."

Han Shaoshang’s tall and straight figure suddenly became a little more demon-like. He twisted his body and deliberately exposed a piece of jade-white chest, and put his excessively slender waist against Chu Yue's arm: "I can't walk anymore, please. The fairy master will carry me back."

His voice also revealed a somewhat beautiful and demon-like ending.

Chu Yue glanced, and saw that Han Shaoshang’s legs below the waist and hips began to blur. She didn’t say much, just let the darkened evildoer lean on her shoulders, and then hugged Han with a cold face. Shao Shang's waist used clever force to lead Han Shao Shang towards the tube building.

At this time, the fog was thick enough to obscure the sight, and there was no way to see where the tube tower was. Chu Yue closed his eyes and sensed for a moment, and directly threw the peach wood sword. The peach wood sword whirled through the mist, revealing the shadow of the tube tower. .

Dragging Han Shaoshang to chase the peach wood sword towards the tube building, when he was about to walk to the tube building, Han Shaoshang suddenly leaned in to Chu Yue's ear: "Master, you fed me your blood. Accept me as your slave?"

"Although I am not a serious ghost, I can also."

Chu Yue finally broke his gong, his face twisted slightly, raised his hand and threw Han Shaoshang directly into the tube building.

The people standing under the tube building hadn't noticed what was going on. They only saw that the monsters were fighting less and less. Then Chu Yue and Han Shaoshang disappeared out of thin air, and then there was a terrible whimper in the tube building. .

Just when everyone was fidgeting, they suddenly saw Han Shaoshang being smashed out unceremoniously, and the other people suddenly surrounded him nervously when something happened.

The actress named Min Liu suddenly asked questions anxiously, but Han Shaoshang didn't respond to her at all.

At this moment, Chu Yue also jumped directly into the tube building out of thin air, attracting other people to look over. Hu Jiuzhao even leaned over and looked up and down nervously: "Master, are you okay, what just happened? "

"I'm fine." Chu Yue grabbed the Taomu Sword back: "The range is stipulated here. You can't leave the range in the tube casually. Once you leave, you will be lost in the mist."

After listening to Chu Yue's words, everyone's expressions became very solemn.

The impression given to them in this tube is very bad. If it is not a last resort, no one will want to enter this tube building.

Everyone was still wondering if they could just leave the tube building and find a new way out, but this method was completely blocked.

While talking, Chu Yue looked at Han Shaoshang who was sitting on the ground.

Han Shaoshang sat on the ground with his knees in his arms, and looked at Chu Yue with a pair of eyes shyly. When confronted with Chu Yue, he blushed instantly, lowered his head and stammered: "Yes... I'm sorry."

"I can't stand up now?" Chu Yue wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say to such a Han Shao Shang, so she could only ask dryly at random.

Everyone realized that the atmosphere between the two seemed wrong, and they didn't know what happened to the two in the mist just now, and they didn't dare to ask more.

"Yeah." Han Shaoshang seemed to know what he had done wrong, so he lowered his head and dared not ask.

Chu Yue stared at Han Shaoshang for a while, and finally reached out to help him up, and then took out a letter incense from the bag and handed it to Han Shaoshang. Thanks to Han Shaoshang for understanding Chu Yue’s dressing habits. , I sent a matching small bag by the way when I sent the clothes. This small bag is much more delicate than the one Chu Yue originally used. It is a bag made of silk that is not easily damaged. It can be used to hold some commonly used things: "Use it first. Okay, fill it up."

"Yeah." Han Shaoshang obediently lowered his head, chewing Xinxiang carefully: "Chu Yue, don't be afraid, I will try to restrain myself in the future."

What could Chu Yue say, how could the alienation be controlled casually? What's more, Han Shaoshang didn't seem to do anything bad except for becoming a seduce to her after the alienation.

"Is it affected again?"

"Yes." Han Shaoshang nodded, his expression was a bit dignified: "I feel the breath of an evil **** here."

Chu Yue was not surprised. In fact, when she heard about the spiritual field, she already suspected that it was related to the so-called evil god.

The viral post made by the basketball uniform male ghost in Yan University can be directly connected to the supernatural field of the basketball uniform male ghost, and it has a very similar effect.

Of course, the supernatural core of the male ghost in the basketball uniform is barely at the level of embryonic development compared with the one here.

Fan Shitson, the disciple who attacked Yanda with supernatural means, also mentioned that he wanted to make Yanda a supernatural field, and then swallow the entire Yancheng, which made it impossible for Chu Yue to connect them.

As the two whispered discussing the situation here, the audience in the live broadcast room also began to discuss.

"Mr. Han, what kind of double-label boyfriend is this? Did he change his face after learning from Sichuan opera? I'm really going to laugh at me."

"It's one attitude toward young lady, and another attitude toward outsiders, my goodness, I'm about to be cut to death."

"How did he make it sweet, cute, and innocent in front of the little sister, but he turns his face around, but the whole person can eat the devil."

"I love love, and from then on, I will hold that Shang Chu is worthy and will not waver, whoever dares to tear down I am worthy to die."

"Is this the sympathy of evenly matched souls? I love love."

Some people also noticed other points: "What happened when the two were fighting monsters just now? Why do I feel that Mr. Han was thrown out directly? In addition, he later apologized, emmmm, which made people want to not think too much. I can't even think about it."

The members of the Daoist Association, the special office, and some scattered monks who had exchanges with Han Shao Shang who also watched the show: "..."

"Sorry, the current netizens are really confusing. Anyway, you are happy."

But these people are also puzzled by Han Shaoshang's performance.

"Could it be that this person is superior in strength, that's why Mr. Han is favored?" A respectable elder of the Taoist Association touched his beard and wondered: "It's not right, the living **** of the Zhang family, Mr. Han didn't see it either. People are looking at it."

Since they can't leave through other methods, they can only continue to explore the tube building, not to mention the current tube building, they can't help whether they want to enter.

While everyone was talking, the tube tower and the outside world all changed.

It was dark outside for a moment, and the dim light was lit in the tube building. Then someone pushed open the old door and walked out. The person here was a middle-aged man in dark blue linen with a string hanging on his neck. The key, there are patches on the trouser legs.

This life’s big face, thin eyes, and wide mouth are much more normal than the monsters just now, but for some reason it always makes people feel uncomfortable.

Especially when he squinted his eyes and looked at people, it seemed as if he was looking at some meat animal, and his cold and greasy eyes were a little cold for no reason.

"Oh, you guys are here to stay."

Although they were talking about questioning, the middle-aged hunchbacked man was extremely sure of his attitude, and even led them directly into the tube building: "Come in with me, you are looking for Mr. Liu on the fourth floor."

Min Liu looked at each other, wondering if he should follow.

The middle-aged hunchbacked man took two steps, and saw that no one behind him had followed him, he couldn't help but turned his head and asked: "What are you doing, don't you want to follow?"

Under the dim corridor lights, the middle-aged man's tone was cold and spiteful, and he also showed a malicious smile, as if some people from Chu Yue objected, and he was about to make a big face change.

The bleak corridor lights, the gloomy tube building, and the weird hunched-back middle-aged man made Min Liu and the others who had just relaxed a little finally tightened in horror, and instinctively looked at Chu Yue.


Chu Yue just responded indifferently, and followed in two steps.

The middle-aged man's expression seemed a little disappointed, and he returned to normal. While holding the flashlights, he led the three of Chu Yue to the tube building, babblingly explaining.

"This tube building has a long history. It was contracted by the government to the subsistence allowance tenants. Later, there was a fire in the building and the residents moved out one after another. Now there are nine families left in this building. There is one household left on the first floor, and some people want to rent cheaply for convenience, but they moved out soon. You also know that the old buildings like this kind of village in the city, the public security has not been very good, the other day There has also been a vicious corpse division case. It is said that a young girl was raped, murdered, and divided by a takeaway. Hey, in this world, people are really inferior to ghosts."

As the middle-aged man told the story, the lights in the aisle flickered twice as if it were a scene, making the environment in the tube building even more gloomy.

The middle-aged man paused for a while, as if deliberately waiting for everyone's reaction.

Just listen to Chu Yue said with no emotion: "Yes, ghosts are very difficult to prevent these days, and there is no need to deliberately step on it."

The middle-aged man choked, turned his head and continued to lead the way, and refused to speak any more.

Everyone followed the middle-aged man all the way and found that although the tube building was old, there was still an elevator. Even the elevator looked dull and the buttons were stained with black stains, which made people look strangely uncomfortable.

The middle-aged man led everyone by the elevator and sighed toward the elevator: "This kind of old-fashioned house is a three-no-go area, and the residents are poor. Over time, the elevator is not repaired. The elevator is long and hard. If you are lucky, you can save a little effort. If you are not lucky, you will have to climb on your own legs. I don’t know if you are lucky today."

As the middle-aged man spoke, the elevator button flashed twice. A squeaky squeaky sound rang out, and the elevator opened directly. An air-conditioning air rushed toward the door of everyone. The black hole in the elevator was chilly. It's not like an elevator, it's like a black hole that swallows people.

Min Liu and Xue Zishu immediately couldn't help but back up two steps. Fang Cunrui wanted to back up too, but when he saw Min Liu quietly rubbing against Han Shao Shang, he gritted his teeth and stopped with a sullen expression.

"Hey, you guys are pretty lucky, today the elevator opened!"

The middle-aged man didn't care about it, but was full of surprises: "Let's go, it seems that you can save your legs and feet, otherwise you still want to climb the fourth floor with your legs?"

"You want to climb, but I don't want to climb."

Although everyone thought it was not a good thing to go to the elevator, but the surrounding area of ​​the tube building was darkened at this moment. Only the light of the torch in the middle-aged man’s hand was brighter, and the dark stairs also exuded an unknown feeling, as if not following the middle-aged man. It seems that bad things happen to men.

Chu Yue did not hesitate. She and Han Shaoshang almost followed the middle-aged man into the elevator one after another.

The two big men went in, and the others had nothing to say, so they could only hurriedly followed in.

At the moment of entering the elevator, Min Liu's eyes accidentally swept away from the side of the corridor. The queen suddenly screamed with pale face. It happened that the elevator door closed at this moment. If it weren't for Hu Jiuzhao, he quickly pulled Min Liu with his hands. , Min Liu was directly stuck by the elevator.

Being stuck in an elevator in this environment, without even thinking about it, is definitely not a good end.

"What's the matter with you?" Hu Jiuzhao gave Min Liu a wink, and the demon jokingly said, "You can still be distracted in this situation. It's not because you are fascinated by men."

Although Hu Jiuzhao said a bit too much, but under certain circumstances, it eased the tense and terrifying atmosphere. Not only the audience in the live broadcast room was relieved, but Min Liu also recovered.

Min Liu looked at the people in the elevator with a pale face: "Just...just now, the moment of entering the elevator, I...I seem to see a woman in a red dress with a disheveled hair in the corridor...she...she is looking at us. …"

As soon as Min Liu said what he said, everyone in the live broadcast room suddenly felt that their scalp was numb, and Ning Keji's face in the elevator also became ugly. Only the middle-aged man grinned, his black eyes gleaming maliciously. With a grin, he said: "Yes, since the hapless guy died, the tube building has not been flat. It is said that residents often see women in red skirts standing at the entrance of the corridor, waiting for her takeaway. In fact, the girl died. I was wearing a white skirt at the time, but because the death was so miserable, the blood stained the skirt red."

At this moment, the dim lights in the elevator flickered, and as the middle-aged hunched-back man told him, the flickering and dimming elevator was quietly cold.

Without waiting for the people to be tense, they were afraid of what a horrible face popped out of the elevator, and a cold and indifferent voice interrupted everyone's fear: "Didn't you say go to the fourth floor? Just stand and listen to you. Story, did you press the button on the fourth floor?"

The horrible atmosphere was interrupted by Chu Yue, and the elevator was stabilized again. The middle-aged hunchback gave Chu Yue a fierce look, his expression was gloomy, he was obviously a little unhappy, he mumbled and pressed the button at random.

Chu Yue saw that the buttons were also blurred. There were more than a dozen buttons from top to bottom. The buttons were worn out, and they were still stained with uncomfortable blood stains. He didn't know how the middle-aged man could distinguish four. The button on the floor, perhaps because it is too familiar.

The elevator opened with a ding dong, and everyone stepped out of the elevator. Nothing strange happened in the middle. The middle-aged man sent them to door 444: "Mr. Liu and his wife live here. Just go in."

"By the way, I am the manager of this building. I can find me if I have anything to do, but I warn you, it’s best not to disturb me when I’m bored, otherwise..."

The middle-aged man grinned, his smile was indescribably distorted and terrifying.

No need for him to explain, no one would take the initiative to disturb him. This middle-aged hunchback is really worried.

"Master, do we really want to go in?"

Although they had already been popularized by Chu Yue about the supernatural field before entering the tube building, they knew that everything here was distorted and terrifying, but it was one thing to know, and it was another thing to see that kind of thing with your own eyes, the lady in red just now It was completely different from the shock caused by the monster group outside. Min Liu just took a look, and his heart was shocked and almost collapsed, and his face became paler.

Seeing the lady in red, and seeing this house number 444, you don't need to think about it to know that there is absolutely nothing good to live in this house number. Min Liu was even more resistant in his heart.

Chu Yue glanced at Min Liu, did not blame Min Liu, but took out a yellow talisman from her bag: "This is an amulet, you can wear it just in case."

Min Liu thanked him thankfully. Fang Cunrui and Xue Zishu also looked eager, but neither of them dared to open their mouths, especially Xue Zishu. After so many times, they finally realized where they were and finally realized. Chu Yue was the life-saving straw that took them away alive, so she didn't dare to do the same as before.

But he was still a little bit sour in his heart. He didn't expect that Chu Yue would really not treat him any preferential treatment. So was the secret love he mentioned at the beginning really deceiving, and Chu Yue really didn't have him in his heart?

Chu Yue didn't care about these people. Instead, one person issued a charm, but it was a special talisman inside the door that Ning Ke and Hu Jiuzhao were given. Han Shaoshang, who was next to him, saw him and asked for one.

This kind of talisman can only be activated by people who have practiced, so it is useless to give Min Liu three.

Door 444 was quietly concealed, and there was a thumping sound of chopping meat from the door, and the heavy sound of the knife cutting the cutting board, so that the people standing outside the door didn’t look good, so they really Do you want to live on this number 444 temporarily?

"Do you want to go in and head teacher?"

Ning Ke took a deep breath and watched the air-conditioning leaking from the crack of door 444, his expression was extremely tangled.

Han Shaoshang on the other side has directly pushed open the door of Room 444 and stepped in.

As soon as everyone walked into No. 444, a weird and funny laughter rang out of their heads. It was the sound of the clown who was blown up by Han Shao Shang.

"Welcome to the S-level horror playground "The House of Love". This building is also known as the temptation to go home. It is committed to building a home of Ligui, so that you can feel the meticulous love of our Ligui employees. Have fun playing in the home game, strive for reluctance, separation of mind, and liver and intestines!"

Accompanied by magical laughter, the clown simply said the game mission: "1. Survive for 24 hours. 2. Unlock a side mission.

3. Perfect the complete story line of the building, perfect one-third will extend the survival rate of 48 hours, perfect two-thirds will extend the survival rate of 36 hours, perfect 100%, and extend the escape time by five minutes. "

4. Give the building of love a real name.

"Since you are all newcomers." The clown snorted sarcastically: "You have an opportunity for a newcomer to ask questions, please ask, after all, after this opportunity, you might have to stay as guests."

"Okay." Chu Yue asked the first question: "Is your immediate boss, the brain, an evil god?"


The image of the clown in everyone's mind unexpectedly began to show signs of poor network connection.

Just listen to Chu Yue continuing: "I have completed the S-level task, can I have a friendly meeting with your boss?"

The clown was directly irritated, and became annoyed and said sharply: "You stupid and arrogant human!"

Chu Yue tilted her head slightly and sneered: "Then you are useless, idiot."

Before the clown was angry enough to explode, a slender and huge hand suddenly popped out of everyone's mind. The hand was surrounded by golden light and looked holy and beautiful, and then the slender hand, as thin as the moon, gently waved it unceremoniously. Swinging the fly directly seemed to sway the clown away, but without knowing how far he flew, the clown disappeared.

Not waiting for everyone to feel happy and relieved, the clown's last call from the negative test came: "The last reminder, there is a ghost hidden among you, and you can live by catching it. If you kill a living person by mistake, you will die. ."

The clown’s voice disappeared, and everyone was quiet. They were all people who came in from the auction together. After they came in, Chu Yue and Han Shaoshang followed. Where did the ghost in the tube building have time to replace it, even in the middle Chu Yue and Han Shaoshang are gone, but Ning Ke and Hu Jiuzhao are still there, with them two, if the ghost in the tube building turns into a companion next to them, they will definitely be aware of it.

For a while everyone couldn't help but look at each other, even Chu Yue frowned.

After Han Shaoshang came in, he was very quiet. At this moment, he still stood quietly beside Chu Yue, as if waiting for Chu Yue's instructions at any time.

However, Han Shaoshang is usually more socially frightened, rarely communicates with people other than Chu Yue, and treats outsiders very coldly, so his performance is not surprising.

"What do you think?"

Even so, Chu Yue still asked Han Shaoshang an opinion in a low voice.

Han Shaoshang shook his head. In the middle, he and Chu Yue went out together, how could he know who was replaced?

Chu Yue looked at Hu Jiuzhao and Ning Ke. Ning Ke glanced at the three Xue Zishu and said seriously: "The teacher, we have been standing together from the very beginning, and the three of them have nothing special. That middle-aged hunchback. Before the man appeared, the tube building had been quiet and quiet, although I was a good cultivation base, but it was impossible for me to notice the movement of ghosts."

Hu Jiuzhao also nodded, leaning against the wall enchantingly: "Master, after you have gone, I have arranged nine-tailed fox breaths around. If a ghost with short eyes moves my fox's breath, I will notice it. of."

Chu Yue didn't speak, but looked up at door 444 in front of him.

Although the first half of the clown’s sentence is worthy of scrutiny, the second half is also very interesting. When the middle-aged male dormitory in the tube building opened the door, the middle-aged male tube did indeed look like a living person at that moment. The residents here are all alive for the time being.

Before the residents become ghosts, if they act on these living people, it would be a violation of the rules.

Chu Yue had seen this situation once. When Lin Ling's soul was detained in Montenegro. When she rushed to tourist attractions in Montenegro with Xiao Yu, the student and middle-aged man she met was because of the Yin and Yang of Montenegro. The inverted ability returned to alive state briefly from death.

It now seems that this Tongzilou may also be in this state, and the state of the residents is still the state of a living person, and if you deal with the residents, it is no different from killing innocent people indiscriminately.

The clown contained a series of traps in a short sentence. No wonder Xue Dongyang’s message said that Chu Yue must be careful and vigilant. There are traps everywhere in the S-level supernatural field. If you step on it inadvertently, you will be crushed. No wonder that Xue Dongyang would have paid such a high price when he left the S-level supernatural field.

Chu Yue expressed his guess: "The residents are all alive for the time being, and they will not attack others for no reason while they are alive. Of course, if they attack them, they will probably be punished. The ghost said It should be in this state, just like the residents, but alive for the time being, but since they are ghosts, they should be aware of their state sooner or later, and transform into ghosts again, and then find out to deal with them, it is not a violation of the rules."

Hearing what Chu Yue said, everyone felt nervous and frightened but also a little relaxed. After all, no matter what, living people are better to get along than hell. Even if these residents are living people for the time being, they won’t attack them casually. Just work hard for 24 hours.

Hearing this, Fang Cunrui even had the thought of joking: "If you have to talk about ghosts, then Chu Tong is not counted. At this time, the fake lady of the Chu family should become a real ghost."

Fang Cunrui's joke was so cold, everyone ignored him, only he himself smiled awkwardly.

Xue Zishu stared at Fang Cunrui fiercely: "Chu Tong will be fine, not to mention that Chu Tong is not by our side, not within the scope of what the clown said. Instead of talking about something, you might as well suspect that you are still alive.

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