The Sect Master was Switched at Birth

Chapter 54: Master teaches [repair]

Xue Zishu's sudden fall out of the elevator really caught people by surprise, but at this moment the elevator had been directly closed and drove upstairs quietly.

Naturally, everyone heard the task reminder from Xue Zishu. Since this is Xue Zishu’s personal task, only Xue Zishu can solve it. So Chu Yue was surprised, and then returned to normal, and looked at the elevator coldly. The door opened again.

This time, without having to fall out of the elevator passively, Hu Jiuzhao walked out of the elevator with his own style and smiled charmingly at Ning Ke and Chu Yue: "Teacher, Ning, I wish me good luck."

"good luck."

At Hu Jiuzhao's smile, Chu Yue also curled her lips and smiled slightly.

Only Chu Yue and Ning Ke were left in the elevator. Before Chu Yue could say anything, Ning Ke took a deep breath and said seriously towards Chu Yue: "The palm teaches me that I can do it. I will go to the next floor. ."


Although surprised that Ning Ke was no longer guilty of counseling, since the other party was able to take the initiative to take this step, Chu Yue was naturally happy for the other party.

Soon the elevator door opened, and Ning Kemai stepped onto the seventh floor. His face was pale and nervously smiled at Chu Yue. From this look, he knew that he was just pretending to be calm: "Master, give me some strength!"

Chu Yue shook her head speechlessly, Ning Ke is really the same, but she just thought that Ning Ke suddenly changed his temper and became bold.

Without waiting for what Ning Ke said, a stream of light popped directly from the gap in the elevator door that was about to completely close, embedded in Ning Ke’s chest, and when Ning Ke looked down, tears burst into his eyes, and he was extremely grateful: “Palm teaching is really an eternal god. ."

It turned out that at the moment when the elevator closed, Chu Yue popped a spell and stuck it on Ning Ke.

Amulet is a rare puppet amulet that can help Ning Ke resist a fatal attack.

At this moment, the elevator creaked to the eighth floor, and Chu Yue stepped out of the floor blankly.

As everyone went up to the corresponding floor, the icy voices of releasing the task rang in everyone's ears.

"Activate the side quest. This side quest is a player’s personal quest. The time limit is fifteen minutes. Players are invited to explore the secrets of this floor and deliver the meat stuffed by Mistress No. 444 to the residents of this floor. Remember to praise it a lot. Mistress No. 444 chopped out the meat, otherwise you will usher in the anger of Mistress No. 444."

Although the audience in the live broadcast room was air-conditioned, Chu Yue was not surprised, and even thought that this side mission was just what she wanted.

If you want to complete the main quest to find the core of this floor, exploring the floor is an unavoidable thing. For example, in the supernatural world of the floor of love, there will be problems on each floor of the residents, as long as the main brain of the task is not going to play disorderly killing. Games, then as long as you check the residents on each floor, it is possible to find any clues.

Thinking of this, Chu Yue directly knocked on the door of Room 844.

Yes, very coincidentally, these living residents live in corresponding rooms up and down.

For example, No. 444, No. 544, No. 644, up to No. 844 where Chu Yue is, even the first floor of the building is 144, maybe this is the preference of being a ghost.

Chu Yue, who had been hunting ghosts for a long time, knew better about the hobbies of these ghosts.

Not only will she not discriminate against this hobby, but even like the ghosts, she feels that this brand is actually quite smooth.

Not to mention the faintly open door 844 here, the audience in the live broadcast room has already begun to tremble.

"When everyone got together before the help, I still didn't feel it. Now it's separated layer by layer, and my goose bumps are all up."

"I didn't feel scared at all when Miss Sister was there. Now that everyone is falling into the hierarchy, I'm really worried about what will happen to them, ah, ah, don't give a flag!"

"What kind of death is what Chu Tong did? It's because I can't compare to the little sister, so I drag everyone to such a terrifying place to vent their anger. How can this Chu Tong be so distorted? She deserves everything she meets, but everyone else is innocent. Yeah."

"Now the screen is still layered, and the first floor gives us a video shot. Damn, this drone is too conscientious, I don't want to watch it at all. This **** drone also happens in the supernatural world. Has the spirit malfunctioned? I can't turn off the live camera and I'm sick."

"Stop brushing upstairs, you can't see anything you brushed."

"The setting of this playground is too vicious. One by one, all the propositions are presented. If it weren't for the big guys who came in, I think everyone would lie flat. Fortunately, there are Miss Sister and that Mr. Han, in my heart. Just feel a little more at ease."

"Don't worry, look at the shots of Xue Zishu, Gao Neng!"

"Scary, what happened to Xue Zishu."

"Damn, no matter how evil this building can be, what kind of human suffering is on every floor!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was talking, their eyes fell on Xue Zishu's lens, and they began to look at it.

When Xue Zishu fell out of the elevator, there was a momentary panic in his heart, but he quickly concealed his emotions and forced himself to calm down, firmly holding the meat in his hand, and grabbing what Chu Yue had assigned. Huang Fu started knocking on the door.

Seeing Xue Zishu's actions, the audience chatted.

"Leaving Chu Tong, this young master Xue has a much more normal mind. Judging from his current performance, at least he looks like a wealthy heir. What I saw before is really vomiting. If the wealthy heir is like this Xue Da Don't do this, I think his Xue family is not far from bankruptcy."

"It's Xue Zishu who has the problem, isn't it that the Xue family doesn't recognize Chu Tong at all? Even because Xue Zishu wants to be with Chu Tong, he pressures the two people, asking me to say that Chu Tong is poisonous."

"What the upstairs said is really reasonable. Who really touched Chu Tong and who died? The Chu family broke with her biological daughter in order to protect her and is now bankrupt. Originally, the Chu family, which had two faces in Yancheng, has no such household directly investigated. Xue Zishu mingled with her, and was viciously pulled into this world by her. At least, Xue Zishu has always been single-minded to her."

"That's right, the woman in this is terrible, she only has herself in her heart, she can't see others at all."

The audience in the live broadcast room distracted their fears by chatting, but Xue Zishu, standing at door 544, could only suppress the crazy heartbeat, watching the door 544 open quietly.

A penetrating air-conditioning pounced directly from the door, as cold as an ice cave, Xue Zishu, who was hit by the air-conditioning, trembled involuntarily, and his palms quietly clenched the yellow talisman.

Looking at No. 544 from outside the door, there was a dark area inside. I couldn't see anything. I could only hear a rough gasp, like a beast.

Xue Zishu sullen his face, holding the minced meat, and calmly called: "Is there anyone in the house? I'm the neighbor of No. 444 upstairs. No. 444 chopped the good minced meat today. I will give you a bowl. If it’s not convenient for you, I’ll put the mince outside the door and you can take it yourself.”

In the live broadcast room, 6666 began to be picked up again.

"This is really a good idea. Just put it at the door. If I don't go in, don't come out. We are both safe."

"Speaking of what Xue Dashao was the first to fall out, it seemed to be lucky. I just heard that the task for him was just to deliver mince, but the others had to explore the floor. Tsk, this guy is really lucky."

Xue Zishu stared at door 544 nervously for a long time, and saw that there was no movement in door 544. He just wanted to gently put down the meat in his hands, but he heard the sound of a heavy object falling from room 544, followed by a sound. The woman's cry.

Then a man came out cursing and grinning. The man looked at least about 1.8 meters tall, he was fat and strong, his face was like a pig's head, and his arms looked like a club. The whole person looked fierce and terrifying.

Although the man looks very violent, he is at least a normal human male, which is somewhat relieved.

At the same time, Xue Zishu also remembered what Chu Yue had said. This is a normal living world for the time being. These ghosts temporarily live in a living posture and will not attack other people for no reason.

As long as he doesn't randomly trigger the opponent's point of attack, it is always safe, not to mention the life-saving yellow talisman in his hand.

Thinking of this, Xue Zishu also relaxed a little.

At this time, the male host No. 544 stood at the door and looked at Xue Zishu rudely, with a fierce and cold light flashing in his eyes: "Little white face, what are you doing, come to my door silently to die, or say... you Want to steal someone from this bitch?"

As the male host spoke, what was being dragged by the other's hand was also revealed.

It was not something at all, it was a woman wearing a ragged red gauze skirt, and the pain, screams and heavy breathing that had just come from this woman.

The other party's long black hair was pulled in the hand by the male owner No. 544, and pulled out like a dog.

Compared with the rough male host, the hostess of No. 544 is thin and pitiful. When she is dragged by the male host and shrunk by the other's feet, she looks like a pile of thin rags.

Xue Zishu was also taken aback by the woman dragged by the host's hand, but this is not a normal world after all, so he just took a look and then withdrew his gaze, his expression remained calm, and even passed the meat in his hand: "You Misunderstanding, I came here to deliver mince for No. 444. This is the fresh minced meat that the hostess has just chopped. I sent it here for everyone to try. Take it back and make a dumpling today."

"Oh, it's the big girl downstairs." The male host of No. 544 showed a stunned expression, his expression relaxed a little, and he reached out and took the bowl of meat in Xue Zishu's hand.

Xue Zishu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the reminder to complete the side task.

When he just wanted to say goodbye to the other party and go downstairs, he listened to the hostess No. 544 in an uncomfortable tone: "Look at the eldest girl at No. 444, and serve the gentlemen in the house comfortably. I thought about giving the meat to the big guys. At first glance, a good woman is a good wife and a good mother. Look at you, a **** and lazy, who eats Lao Tzu's and drinks Lao Tzu's all day long. I don't know what to eat. Lao Tzu goes home and eats I can’t drink hot water, did the **** steal someone behind my back, ah!"

The male host of No. 544 spoke more and more fiercely, his expression also became tyrannical, and then he raised his leg and kicked the painful woman on the ground. The woman was kicked by him and fell on his back, revealing that pale and thin face. ,.

The woman has dark eye circles and bleeding corners of her mouth. This is obviously a family woman who has suffered violence for a long time. However, this family woman has a familiar face. It is Chu Tong who pulls everyone to this position.

At this moment, Chu Tong still had the arrogant appearance before coming in. She lay on the ground in pain and called for help, her long fingers gripped the man's trouser legs, crying and begging: "I don't have one, I don't have one, please don't fight. , Don’t fight, I really don’t have one."

While crying, she looked at Xue Zishu with a begging look, wondering if she melted into this building and became a ghost tenant of this building, or she still had her own consciousness and was forced to play the role by domestic violence. Residents.

In short, she is now looking at her lover, and her face is full of eagerness for her lover to save herself from the sea of ​​suffering.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was horrified.

"Fuck me!"



The neat and consistent operation shows the turbulence in everyone's heart.

"Chu Tong is this true or not?"

"What happened to Chu Tong that Xue Zishu saw outside the window before? Could it be that Fang Cunrui became a confession? Chu Tong was directly absorbed into the tube building and acted as a group of ghosts. Damn, what theatrical effect is this."

"Xue Zishu, you can be sober, the woman in front of you still doesn't know if it is true or not, dead or alive, you should hold it on first, and wait until the young lady comes over and you can ask questions before you become seizure."

"I now understand why Xue Zishu's task is the easiest, damn, there is a king bomb directly hidden in this simplest task, and Xue Zishu's previous urinary **** is really dangerous!"

"Xue Zishu, you **** sober up, Chu Tong is really not worthy of this woman!"

Just as the horrified netizens thought, Xue Zishu's heart was also stormy.

He involuntarily stepped back two steps, looking pale and looking at Chu Tong, who was crawling on the ground in a red gauze skirt. For a while, he was caught in a frenzy in his heart just like a netizen.

Didn't he see Chu Tong outside the window on the fourth floor before? Why did Chu Tong become the mistress of No. 544 again? What happened in the middle?

Could it be that Chu Tong became the mistress of No. 544 and was beaten by this rude man, so he asked for help outside the window?

Xue Zishu’s heart was filled with several questions. After all, he grew up with Chu Tong. When he was a child, he vowed to protect Chu Tong. When he grew up, he firmly believed that Chu Tong was his future wife. For a while, I just felt unable to look directly at it.

Chu Tong seemed to see the pity in Xue Zishu’s eyes, she crawled towards Xue Zishu: "You persuade my husband, this gentleman, I really didn’t steal people, and I really didn’t get lazy. I really feel uncomfortable. Lying on the bed with a terrible headache did not burn today's hot water. I didn't mean it, woo woo woo."

The woman was crying very sad and pitiful, stretched out her skinny hand towards Xue Zishu, eager for such an outsider to pull herself out of hell.

However, as soon as she stretched her hand to Xue Zishu, she was stepped on the sole of the foot by the big-waisted male host. The male host crushed the back of her hand fiercely. Chu Tong, who was stepping on the heel of the leather shoe, couldn't stop crying, his fingers directly Was trampled off.

"Help, help."

The man squinted at Xue Zishu, his eyes were cold and malicious, and he asked in a vicious voice: "What's wrong, you feel bad, Xiao Bailian, are you really that adulterer?"

In the live room

"One said, although Chu Tong is very hateful, I am very relieved to see her acting up, but this scene really hardened my fist."

"What kind of punches the world of ghosts and monsters do? Anyway, it's all the brutal spots of these ghosts. If you accidentally step on it, people will be gone."

"Xue Zishu, please calm down and don't respond. If you do, you will be over. This is obviously a trap. Now all you have to do is to quickly ignore turning your head and press the elevator to return to 444."

"What's wrong on the second floor, I seem to be a bit familiar with the plot of this tube building. It seems that I have seen it somewhere. How did the people on the first floor die? The news a long time ago, I don't remember clearly."

"What is the creepy story telling upstairs. I thought it was just a horror game made by ghosts, but you told me that it came into reality. Damn, I'm not good."

"Ghost, it was originally human."

Xue Zishu in the tube building was also a little dazed. He clenched the yellow talisman in his hand and moved his foot to the elevator involuntarily.

The male host of No. 544 stared at Xue Zishu with enthusiasm. As long as Xue Zishu said a wrong sentence, he would greet him with a crit.

Xue Zishu moved towards the elevator with a blank face, his eyes were not afraid, but guilt and self-blame.

Now Chu Tong doesn't know whether it's alive or dead. He should save himself first, and wait until it is safe to return to 444 before telling everyone about Chu Tong.

But are you really going to leave Chu Tong here alone?

Chu Tong's cry of pain scratched his heart like a steel knife, making Xue Zishu feel like a coward in pain.

He thought painfully, just glanced at Chu Tong, maybe he could see that Chu Tong had become an evil spirit, so that he would not blame himself in pain.

Thinking about this, Xue Zishu stopped and turned to look at Chu Tong at door 544.

The host of No. 544 tore Chu Tong's hair cruelly, and Chu Tong's ears and nose bleed like a fan.

Chu Tong looked at Xue Zishu with a full face of pain, with a pitiful pleading in his eyes.

Xue Zishu only felt that his brain buzzed. Although Chu Tong appeared vicious and mad before coming to this world, the other party was mad because he couldn't stand the dramatic reversal of his life experience and was stimulated.

Before the exposure of his life experience, Chu Tong had been the princess he had loved for more than ten years. She was always graceful and charming, but now she has become like this.

Xue Zishu didn't know what was wrong with him, maybe it was the impulse of the brain, maybe it was because he felt that he should have done this a long time ago. He walked to the 544 host in two steps and sternly shouted: "Let her go!"

The male owner of No. 544 stopped his hand in surprise and looked at Xue Zishu maliciously, with an extremely cold and vicious tone: "It looks like you really are the adulterer of this bitch."

The male host No. 544 said, just like pulling Chu Tong, he stretched out his hand to pull Xue Zishu: "You adulterer, dare to seduce my wife, so take my lesson!"

Physically trained Xue Zishu couldn't pull the male host unexpectedly. He staggered when he was pulled by the other party. Seeing the male host's smile became more and more distorted, Xue Zishu gritted his teeth and pressed the yellow talisman on the male host's body.

There was a lot of smoke from the host, and he screamed and rolled back into the gloomy room. There was a grunting sound from the room, as if the host had fallen to some deep place, and then the host didn’t. Up the sound.

Seeing that the male host fell in, Xue Zishu was relieved. He looked at Chu Tong in the red skirt lying on the ground with concern: "Are you all right? Everyone is at 444 now, let's go, I will take you up and let Chu Yue See what's going on with you."

However, Chu Tong, who was still begging with a weak face just now, suddenly grinned, his smile twisted coldly, and inhuman viciousness gleamed in his pitch-black eyes.

She stretched out her thin and pale hand, directly grabbed Xue Zishu's wrist, and then pulled Xue Zishu into the room violently.

Xue Zishu only had time to scream in panic, and Chu Tong tugged and rolled into the black hole. The door of Room 544, 544, snapped and closed, and then the video of Xue Zishu went black.

The audience in the live broadcast room: "Mom, Chu Tong scared me to death when he raised his head just now, the standard grimace, Xue Zishu really has a hole in his mind."

"Why didn't Chu Yue give them more protection for ordinary people? Xue Zishu is just an ordinary person, and he can't resist the temptation of a ghost at all. This is a living life. What should I do now? Xue Zishu shouldn't be dead, I'm so scared. , Chu Yue did too much."

"You are poisonous upstairs. If you are poisonous, get out. If I have the ability to save people, I will definitely not save you selfish people, and I will resent others after being saved."

"Yes, Chu Yue made it clear from the beginning that she can only save the people who can be saved. From the beginning to the end, isn't Xue Zishu looking for death on his own? What is the difference between what he did and Chu Tong? The charm was wasted on him. Didn’t the young lady ask him when he entered the elevator? He was selfish and unwilling to say it. The young lady was not the roundworm in his stomach. How could he know how he thought? Kneel down and beg him."

"Yes, a spell can protect him. If he can choose to go to 444 immediately, nothing will happen at all. It is because he has to be unclear about Chu Tong, so many chances of his life are wasted. "

"This is a spiritual world. Miss Sister can save her life once for every spell. There are so many people. Why are Xue Zishu all assigned to him because of his stupidity? What if there is a more dangerous situation in the future? Let everyone die for Xue Zishu's stupidity. ."

In order to avoid misunderstanding among ordinary people, the monk who watched at this moment also interrupted and explained: "It is not easy to draw a charm. It takes a week for a person like me to draw a middle-grade charm, and a month for a high-grade charm, and the environment must be suitable."

"There is no tool to draw charms in the tube building. This young lady... the charms left on her body are limited. Although she can protect herself, ordinary people and even people with average cultivation level must rely on her charms to protect their lives. If it is wasted, it means there is no protection. Now, this mid-S-level spiritual world is full of pits, and there are too many places where charms are used. Even if a cultivator enters, he must be cautious and forget it. This ordinary person is too self-righteous."

Surrounded and attacked by everyone, the person who questioned Chu Yue's character was afraid to speak.

It was just that after a while, something went wrong with Xue Zishu. Xue Zishu's live broadcast screen went black. Although everyone didn't wait to see Xue Zishu, their hearts were heavy, and no one spoke for a while.

Everyone watched other people's live broadcasts with bated breath, and prayed silently for the others in their hearts.

At this moment, the door of room 644 was opened. Two young boys with blue eyes and hollow faces stood in the door. Seeing Hu Jiuzhao, the two boys said quietly, "Sister, play games with us, come in and play games with us. Ah."

Hu Jiuzhao raised his bright eyebrows, leaned on the door in amorous feelings, and raised the chin of one of the yellow-haired boys with one hand. His voice was crisp and numb: "Okay, my sister will play the game with you. Let my sister go in now. "

Before these two cold male ghosts had time to control Hu Jiuzhao with fear, they were reversely controlled by Hu Jiuzhao's fox breath, and a shy red appeared on Tie Qing's face.

"Sister...Sister, hurry...please come in."

The two boys licked the dog from the cold and cold male ghost, nodded and bowed to lead Hu Jiuzhao into the door.

Hu Jiuzhao put the minced meat on the cabinet at the door: "Here, this is the minced meat that your eldest sister No. 444 left for you two. You don't look like you can cook, or you can just eat it raw. "

Two boys: "..."

Being a ghost turned out to be disgusting by Hu Jiuzhao.

Seeing the disgusting expressions on the faces of the two boys, Hu Jiuzhao covered his lips and laughed.

The two boys looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know how to react. They could only stand stiffly at the door, thinking to themselves, why is this sister not afraid?

"It's done, let my sister, let me see what game you two are playing." Hu Jiuzhao swayed around in the living room, and the two boys stood quietly on tiptoe behind her.

Hu Jiuzhao suddenly turned his head, there was no evil between his eyebrows: "Are you two little ghosts wanting to play a **** with your sister, ah, you really are a little ghost?"

The two male ghosts were summoned by Hu Jiu directly to Sao Chuang, and they couldn't say the next thing for a long time.

One of them held back for a long time, and then a little atmosphere was brewed: "We...we are playing a game of soul-seeking, is my sister afraid?"

"Oh, that's it, it's done, let's play with you when my sister is free."

Hu Jiuzhao’s eyes were green in the dark, and looked a little scarier than ghosts. Her gaze swept across the room at random, and she saw the black stains scattered all over the room, the messy hemp rope pulled on the ceiling, and the rope glued. The ghost symbols, as well as the footprints, candles, yellow paper scattered on the floor...

Basically, I have understood something. It is estimated that the two young people are playing and calling for souls, but they really recruited things and confessed themselves to them.

When the two male ghosts saw that Hu Jiuzhao was about to leave, their expressions suddenly became savage, and the door of room 644 closed with a snap.

As they approached Hu Jiuzhao, Hu Jiuzhao grinned sarcastically, and then squirted...

When the audience's video came on again, Hu Jiuzhao had already opened the door of No. 644 in a charming manner, came to the elevator door with great ease, and opened the elevator.

"Wow, sister Jiuzhao gave me a booster."

"I'm so happy to be my sister Jiuzhao!"

"I don't know what happened from start to finish, but sister Jiuzhao passed the test in seconds. It's so relaxed, it's great."

Ning Ke stepped into the door of room 744 with restraint. Although his face was as pale as a ghost, he still managed to maintain his decency as the richest man.

The audience in the live broadcast room started to share the live broadcast of the funeral home very badly.

It turned out that after the last funeral home and his party, the rich kid who offended Ning Ke was given a good lesson by Ning Ke.

I don't know how Ning Ke communicated with the other's elders. In short, the rich man was cut off his credit card after he went out, and was re-plugged back to the school for reform. Now he is a hard-working student party.

The rich family suffered a lot of losses, so he directly noted the incident, because he also watched this variety show because of Chu Yue, and he shared Ning Ke's fear of ghosts without saying a word.

"Take you straight to the true state of the richest man."

"Click me to watch the short video of the richest man."

The audience in the live broadcast room watched and laughed: "I'm going, the richest man turned out to be the richest man like this, I have seen it."

"It's no wonder that Jiuzhao always called him Ning Counsel. I thought it was some counseling, but it turned out to be this counseling, hahaha."

On the other side, No. 744 did not give Ning Ke any horror. The person who came to greet Ning Ke turned out to be a gentle-looking woman. After listening to Ning Ke’s explanation, the other nodded with a smile, and invited Ning Ke to sit down for a while. .

Ning Ke sighed in relief and sat on the sofa in the living room, and then watched the two children float out of the darkness hand in hand.

Two children, three and five years old, looked up at Ning Ke with their pale little faces, and said quietly, "Uncle, come and play with us."

Ning Ke tensed his body directly, closed his mouth and said nothing, and his eyes fluttered.

He put his hand on the phone several times and tried to click on the Heart-Cleaning Mantra to open the palm teaching, and finally gave up. The only reason left reminded him that he should not be able to expel ghosts directly when he did not find out the cause of death of this layer of residents. Explain the law to the master.

When the child saw that Ning Ke was not talking, he held his hands closer and closer, and then stared at Ning Ke with his black eyes, with endless malice: "Uncle, why don't you talk to us, you are so impolite? ."

"Yes, my mother said that impolite children should be punished, and impolite adults should also be punished."

Seeing that the two children were about to be forced over, the hostess who had walked into the kitchen finally came out. She held a small exquisite box and handed it to Ning Ke, and opened the two children: "The kid is naughty and makes you laugh. This is the gift I brought to 444. You can take a look first."

"No, since it's a gift to others, it would be rude to open it."

"Okay, then." The hostess's tone and expression were a little disappointed, and Ning Ke was even more glad that he answered correctly.

Seeing that both of them were quiet, Ning Ke couldn’t stay with a man. He simply had nothing to say: "I bought a house recently and plan to renovate it. I really like the style of decoration here. I can visit it. A moment?"


Ning Ke smiled politely at the hostess, and checked in Room 744.

There is nothing wrong with the bedroom, living room, and kitchen, but the more you go inside, the more a mushy smell, the smelly smell **** in your lungs, making people want to vomit.

I don't know if it was an illusion. The half-covered master bedroom deep in the corridor seemed to be faintly oozing air-conditioning. Ning Ke couldn't help pausing his footsteps, turning his head to look at the large and two small in the living room.

The faces of the woman and the child were a little blurred, they seemed to be smiling at Ning Ke, but their smiles seemed to be distorted.

Ning Ke quickly retracted his gaze, took a breath and gathered the courage to walk towards the master bedroom, he pushed open the door of the master bedroom.

The door was a little dark, the curtains were tightly closed, and the quilt on the bed was raised, as if someone was sleeping in the room.

Speaking of which, Ning Ke hadn't seen the male host yet, and couldn't help wondering if the male host was lying in the quilt.

He didn't dare to go over, for fear of seeing some discordant picture, but thinking of the task and thinking of the charm Chu Yue left for him, Ning Ke gritted his teeth and opened the quilt directly.

The thicker smell rushed towards Ning Ke's face, and three dead bones lay quietly on the bed, looking at the dead bones as if they were the mistress and the two children.

Ning Ke couldn't help taking a step back. He didn't expect the death at this level to be so miserable. The hostess and child were burned to death in their sleep.

"Oh, sir, you found it."

Just when Ning Ke couldn't help backing, a faint sigh suddenly came from the door of the master bedroom. Ning Ke tightened his body and turned his head, and saw the hostess holding the two children quietly looking at him.

The look in his eyes stopped Ning Ke's heartbeat for a few seconds, and he made a flustered expression: "What...what's going on?"

The hostess sighed, her long hair drooped, and the eyes on half of her face were cold and gloomy: "The kid's father has a junior, and he bought me a huge amount of insurance. He disliked our wives and gave us the money. Sleeping pills make us burn to death in our dreams."

Ning Ke didn't even know what to say for a while.

As if seeing Ning Ke’s soft heart for a moment, the hostess’s tone was also a little soft: "Our ladies live here alone and are very bullied. The beast can't count on it, so he hooked up with his mistress. , Sir, you are a good person, can you stay with us ladies."

The children also raised their faces to look at Ning Ke, and said in unison: "Dad."

Ning Ke: "I'm sorry, I'm single, unmarried, DINK, I don't have such a big child."

The woman said: "That's right, we make up a couple, you don't have to give birth to children, I have two ready-made here, my children are very good, and will be filial to you."

"No, I'm afraid of being filial piety."

Ning Ke's refusal angered the woman, and the woman and the child rushed over with their teeth and claws, and the dry bones on the bed began to crunch.

Ning Ke rushed towards the door without thinking about it, and both the female ghost and the little ghost roared and rushed forward.

Ning Ke's scream reverberated for a long time in 744, but the female ghost, little ghost, and dry bones did not harm him. Ning Ke, who closed his eyes and rushed to avoid the attack, made the female ghost's face distorted.

"You fool me!"

The female ghost was surprisingly angry, and the entire space of 744 was distorted.

Ning Ke wanted to cry without tears: "I was wronged, I didn't."

The female ghost didn't listen to Ning Ke's excuse at all, and rushed towards Ning Ke. Ning Ke smashed the spell indiscriminately. Jin Guang suddenly blew up the ghost of 744, and Ning Ke also took the opportunity to rush into the elevator.

Ning Ke breathed a sigh of relief when he arrived in the elevator, but he suddenly realized that he seemed to be still holding a box, which was the box the female ghost asked him to return.

Ning Ke's face changed and he was about to throw the box, but he was worried that he would be punished if he didn't give it, so he hugged the box with a bitter face.

At the same time, Chu Yue also opened the door of Room 844.

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