The Sect Master was Switched at Birth

Chapter 6: The head teacher is going to school (repair)

The members of the Wang family showed an expression of broken world outlook and doubts about life in an instant. I never thought that the master would be young and beautiful, even if he was so fierce?

However, without waiting for the Wang family to react and express any feelings, Chu Yue immediately shot.

San Qingling fell on the palm of her hand, and Chu Yue looked up at Wang Cheng: "What's your sister's name?"

"It's called Wang Ling." Wang Cheng was still hesitant: "Master doesn't need to make any preparations anymore, do you want to find a lucky time or something?"

"Calling a kid over for questioning, do I need to pick time?" Chu Yue asked in a puzzled manner, and then she said clearly: "I understand, you people in the city like the sense of ritual, right? If necessary, I can after-sales service. I will add a complete ghost recruitment ceremony for you to ensure that the process is complete, comply with the regulations, and there are a variety of ghosts for you to choose from."

Wang Cheng repeatedly waved his hand in horror, the people in the city didn't like the sense of ritual, the people in the city didn't need to hire ghosts for after-sales, and the people in the city didn't want to see ghosts at all!

Wang Cheng didn't dare to say anything, for fear that Chu Yue would really give him an after-sales service.

At this moment, Chu Yue had already shook three clear bells and drank to the person on the bed: "Wang Ling, come back; Wang Ling, come back."

Fang Li's cousin, Wang Ling, had an abnormal condition before, in addition to being imprinted by the evil spirit, she was also taken away by the evil spirit.

The person who was imprinted by the evil spirit and robbed of the soul can be manipulated by the evil spirit. Chu Yue uses the three clear bells to recall the lost soul, which is equivalent to directly grabbing people from the evil spirits and using evil The ghost's temper will definitely show up.

Following Chu Yue's call, Wang Ling frowned and showed an expression of pain. The temperature in the room also gradually dropped, and she began to show a permeating vision.

The chandeliers above everyone's heads, the windows and doors of the room creaked, and even the sunlight projected from the windows became distorted and bleak.

The Wang family and Fang Li shrank in fear, staring at the door nervously. Outside the door, there were knocking knocks again and again, as if they were knocking on people's hearts. vertical.

Fang Li had already grabbed his cousin's hand in fear, and the old Wang family hugged each other tremblingly.

"Ghost, there is really a ghost."

About feeling the fear of the people in the room, the ghosts outside the door became more rampant, the whimpering wind whistling, and the sound of cold water dripping from the living room, the shadows filled with water, the shadows cast by the decorations in the room, also Gradually twist the mutation.

The knocking on the door also began to increase, and the thumping, like unknown horror would break in at any time.

"Open the door, quickly let me in, let me in." The cold and ethereal voice sounded like a soul.

When everyone was so frightened that they were about to faint, Chu Yue said in a cool manner: "The play is pretty good. There are too many movies. If you want to come in, you can quickly roll in by yourself and let you in. Why don't you just let us lift up? The sedan chair invites you in."

There was a long time of calm outside, probably because the evil spirit outside felt that it was too shameful to come in like this, but it was impossible not to come in, and simply fell into a tangled dilemma.

Because of this, the Wang family felt a kind of comical in the terror, and the fear was a little less unconscious.

But then Chu Yue said: "If you don't come in, I will go out. What a fancy prelude is a waste of time."


The royal family wanted to go to La Chuyue in fear, but Chuyue had long legs, and the time to speak had already reached the door, and then unceremoniously opened the door directly, making a face with the evil spirit.

The tangled long-haired demon standing behind the door was taken aback.

The door was smashed by the strong wind, and the Wang family couldn't see what was going on. They could only hear the crackling outside. They all looked forward nervously, hoping that Chu Yue would come back safely.

I heard a hoarse evil spirit growl: "I can't help myself, a little girl..." Then the growl turned into a howling cry: "Beauty, be merciful, my long hair is my lifeblood. Ah, because everyone is of the same gender, don’t be bald, I don’t want to be bald!!"

The heart-piercing screams are so sad that those who hear them cry, even the royal family who has been trapped by evil spirits can't help but feel compassion. After all, whether it is a human or a ghost, baldness is a cause People/ghosts have unspeakable pain.

The miserable howling gradually weakened, and the members of the Wang family swallowed nervously, glanced at each other, and hesitated whether to go over and take a look.

At this moment, the door opened again, and all the chilling vision disappeared, and Chu Yue walked in with a bunch of dark things.

After Chu Yue walked in, everyone was able to see clearly that it was not something dark, but a female ghost who kept crying so that it overflowed with a black yin air.

I saw the terrible and terrifying female ghost shrank into a pitiful ball, her long hair covered most of her face, and only one blood-red eye was exposed, she was constantly shedding blood and tears, and she could still hear her. Because of crying too much, he made hiccups.

Although the image of the female ghost is indeed very terrible, this look is inexplicably pitiful.

Now even the old couple is not afraid, Fang Li's aunt stood up, relied on the master's support, pointed at the female ghost, and cursed: "You evil ghost shamelessly hurt my daughter!"

The female ghost cried even more sad, and she gave a long hiccup, carefully glanced at Chu Yue’s face, and said very aggrievedly: "I didn’t have one. I came here according to the rules. She did my business. What about me? It's all righteous to her."

"You fart!" Fang Li's uncle also yelled: "My daughter is honest and timid. How could she do business with ghosts? You must be shameless. You don't know what means to confuse her. Buying and selling is also doing business, false propaganda. It's also a business, who knows what you rely on to make this business."

"Master, don't listen to her ghost words and be fooled by her ghost words!" For fear that Chu Yue would not save his daughter, the old couple immediately defended their daughter's reputation nervously: "My child lives in a happy life, how can I follow her? Ghosts do business."

"You humans are dishonest, cunning and treacherous. When you do business, you boast about my products, and you turn your head and turn your heads to deny people!"

Seeing that these two human beings kept slandering their credibility, the female ghost with the hair was too much to bear and couldn't bear to worry about it. She was angrily defending her product image: "The quality of my hair restorer is so good. , Look at your daughter’s beautiful hair like a cloud, you touch your conscience and speak, where am I falsely propagating, it’s your daughter who saw my black hair like a waterfall, envied it very much, catching up with me to buy it, where am I Strong buying and selling!"

Wang Cheng laughed angrily and pointed to his younger sister: "Hair is growing in my stomach. You think it's good. If you have the ability to call yourself a ghost when you meet, you can see if my sister can buy it?"

Seeing that the two parties quarreled more and more fiercely, Chu Yue had a headache because of the quarrel, and said coldly: "Shut up."

Whether it was the royal family or the female ghost, Chu Yue looked at the female ghost with a amiable smile, but a fierce light appeared in her eyes, and the sky thunder talisman in her palm crackled: "I think you may still need to dial. After a while, you can speak human words, do you want to see my full meal this day, and keep it so that you will become a Buddha when you get lost."

The sky thunder talisman exuded a dangerous aura, but when she got a little closer, the female ghost Ru Waterfall's black hair instantly lost a bit, and she was almost shoulder-length short.

The female ghost cried again, blood and tears bursting down: "Master, I said, I speak human words, you are merciful and give the ghost some hair. It's really ugly to be bald."

However, Chu Yuelang's heart was ironic, completely unmoved, just watching the female ghost quietly.

The female ghost was afraid of baldness, so she sobbed: "I...I really just came out to sell shampoo, you know, I am a long-haired ghost, a long-haired ghost is well-known in the world, and my hair growth lotion is a well-known patent. They are all secret ancient recipes, and everyone who saw them was full of praise. I really just went out and wanted to do a business. She bought my products for the sake of a beautiful hair and agreed to be my shampoo raw materials. , We are considered to have signed a sale and purchase agreement, you can’t do this to me."

The people of the Wang family are speechless, and now the ghosts are so much. Look at what the advertisement says, it’s too professional. When I heard it, I really thought it was really selling shampoo instead of using shampoo as a gimmick to harm people. .

"You are under a lot of pressure from ghosts in your city. When I was in the country, I didn't need so many excuses to watch ghosts in the country. It's really hard for you." Chu Yue nodded thoughtfully.

The female ghost suddenly burst into tears with excitement: "Woo, master beauty, you are so advanced and enlightened, you understand the pain of being a ghost."

"The ghosts in our city are more than stressful. Now there are so many types of jobs, so few jobs, difficult to start a business, fierce competition and involuntary, 996 when we are alive, and 007 after death, like my colleague dream ghost. During the day, I have to engage in the environment, and at night, I have to engage in the environment in my dreams. In order to create a creative underworld environment, my head is bald. Every day I borrow money to buy shampoo from me, which is really painful."

What this said was that the community and animals present were all sympathetic, and even their hatred and fear of female ghosts had faded a lot. I didn't expect that being a ghost would be so bitter, which is really eye-opening.

"You know how to innovate. Why do you think of nasty marketing routines? Listen to what you mean. If you have colleagues, you still have a company. Would you mind to talk about your company's corporate culture and benefits?"

Chu Yue is now thinking about how to brand Xuanduguan as an enterprise. Recently, he has been studying related cases. He didn't expect that when he went down the mountain to the city, the ghosts in the city were so advanced that they had already started to enterprise.

Chu Yue is not an old antique. The three-person group must have my teacher. The identity position is not a problem. As long as it is a good experience, it can be used to learn.

"The company is..."

The long-haired ghost's favorability towards Chu Yue is now constantly rising, and he has forgotten the fear he had just now, and introduced it enthusiastically.

However, as soon as the Long-haired Ghost opened her mouth, the Yin Qi in the room froze instantly. The Long-haired Ghost suddenly cracked a big hole in his chest. The black Yin Qi was pouring out, a giant claw stretched out from the hole, and backhanded. The long-haired ghost with a blank face was squeezed into powder.

The change happened so quickly that Chu Yue had no time to stop it, so she could only watch the long-haired ghost being crushed before her eyes.

She immediately got cold face and pulled out the hairpin with her backhand. The hairpin turned into a slender peach wood sword, which was a sword towards the giant claw.

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