Han Jinyi nodded, "Yes, my mother doesn't know what my father has been busy with in the past few months. She only knows that he is much busier than before. Who knew..."

Little did I know that I would play a big game as soon as I came here!

Song Yunzhao guessed that what happened last time had completely angered Feng Yi, but with the war ahead, Feng Yi had no time or opportunity to conduct a thorough investigation, so he could only appease people's hearts before making plans.

When the war is over, others will only focus on His Majesty's triumphal return, and few will care about the original military rations.

Song Yunzhao looked at Han Jinyi, "Master Han is working for His Majesty, for the people and soldiers at the border. The Emperor will definitely protect Master Han."

Han Jinyi felt slightly at ease after hearing what the imperial concubine said. The imperial concubine never told lies. Since she was sure of what she said, her tense body softened slightly and she sobbed: "I was really scared to death. My father this time It’s really shocking.”

Song Yunzhao agreed with these words in her heart, but thinking that this was Feng Yi's instruction, she was not so anxious.

After a few words of persuasion to Han Jinyi, her mood improved a lot and she calmed down, then she stood up and left.

The emperor in the court was furious, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the Ministry of War were all reprimanded, and Song Nanzhen was also swept to the end of the typhoon.

Speaking of which, he had some grievances. This matter had never happened to him since he took over as Minister of Household Affairs. It should have been done by the former Minister. Perhaps it was because his daughter was a noble concubine. After he took over, those people were afraid of being exposed. I haven't even contacted the Ministry of Finance.

However, the Ministry of Household Affairs is in charge of money and food and cannot escape its responsibilities.

The censor handed over one after another information about the matter. Feng Yi became even more angry after reading the information. He reprimanded several courtiers one after another, even the left and right ministers were embarrassed.

Since Feng Yi ascended the throne, he has governed the country with benevolence. Faced with the important ministers left over from the late emperor's dynasty, he still reused them. What's the result?

Looking at the documents presented by Han Zhengchun, looking at the shocking statements one by one, looking at the clear evidence, Feng Yi couldn't suppress his thunderous anger.

In the past few days, the number of memorials rejected by the court reached a new high, and the civil and military officials in the court were frightened and their scalps were numb.

This is the first time the emperor has been so angry since he ascended the throne.

Even though the implementation of the New Deal failed many times last year, the emperor never made such a fuss.

After the morning court ended, the courtiers walked out in twos and threes, all with solemn expressions. Han Zhengchun had already disappeared, and Song Nanzhen was tripped. The courtiers gathered around him, trying to get some information from him.

Song Nanzhen couldn't move even an inch and kept saying that he didn't know anything about it, but they didn't let him go. It was Meng Jiuchang who arrived and fished him out.

Song Nanzhen thanked Meng Jiuchang with lingering fears. These courtiers seemed to be really panicked. Could it be that they were all related to the military ration case?

Feng Yi was furious, and people from all over the court were invited by the Three Law Departments one after another to assist in the investigation. At this time, his relatives and nobles did not dare to act rashly. If there were people in the palace, they sent news to the palace to ask questions.

However, after Yun Zhao came to Han Jinyi's door, he immediately asked Concubine Shu to take care of the entrance to the harem. Recently, no matter which family submitted a message to the palace, they had to reject it.

Song Yunzhao leads by example, and the Song family is no exception.

However, the Song family did not send the post to the palace, and even the Right Prime Minister's wife sent it once. Concubine Shu struggled for a while, then gritted her teeth and refused.

The imperial concubine is usually very talkative, but once she makes a decision, she doesn't want to try whether it's an egg or a rock.

But this time, the storm suddenly happened. No one expected that the emperor had been keeping an eye on the military rations case, and actually ordered Han Zhengchun to investigate secretly, which caught them off guard. Many people who didn't even have their tails confiscated were busy begging grandpa to sue grandma. Trying to get out of this vortex.

The front court was shaken, and some people in the harem were also panicked.

Song Yunzhao rarely acted like a noble concubine. When he knew that someone was deliberately gossiping and trying to stir up people's hearts, he immediately sent Zhang Maoquan away, reprimanded the leader and put the latter in solitary confinement.

Yun Zhao would not punish Yun Zhao too severely if he was just gossiping, but it was not advisable to incite people's hearts. Once there were signs, he would naturally stop them in time.

"Have you found out? Where did this gossip first spread?" Song Yunzhao looked at Zhang Maoquan and asked.

Zhang Maoquan bent down and replied, "The matter first came from Zhao Liangren of Yujin Palace in Qingyan Palace. However, Zhao Liangren also heard about it when the palace servants around him went to the Huanyi Bureau to pick up clothes, and then he went back and said A few words."

"Is there an investigation at the Huanyi Bureau?" Song Yunzhao asked.

Places like the Clothing Bureau are the most chaotic. The palace servants here have a low status and can be regarded as servants in the palace. All the clothes in the palace have to be sent here for cleaning, so the workload is huge, so the palace servants here have a very low status. Also the most.

Because of the large number of people, people from all the palaces and palaces in the harem came to get their clothes, and there was constant traffic, so it was also a good place to spread news.

It is not easy to find out the source from such a place.

Zhang Maoquan shook his head, "My slaves were useless and couldn't find out who it was, but they caught a few of the ones who spread the word the most. After interrogation, they only admitted that they heard it from others, but they couldn't tell from whom. That’s what I heard.”

Song Yunzhao thought quietly, looked at Zhang Maoquan for a while and asked, "You said before that the person living in Yujin Hall is Zhao Liangren, with the surname Zhao?"

Zhang Maoquan nodded hurriedly, "Yes, Zhao Liangren is the daughter of Zhao Mingzheng, the editor of the Hanlin Academy. She was a beautiful lady who entered the palace with Concubine Shu and others. However, she offended Concubine Shu not long after entering the palace. From then on There was silence in the palace."

"Go and check. Do Zhao Liangren and Zhao Meiren have any contact recently?" Song Yunzhao looked at Zhang Maoquan and said, "Check again to see if editor Zhao is related to the Zhao family in Jiangnan, and whether they are the same clan."

"Yes, I'll go check it out right away." Zhang Maoquan hurriedly bent down and retreated. Seeing that the imperial concubine looked bad, he couldn't help but be a little suspicious. What does it have to do with Zhao Liangren and Zhao Meiren being of the same race?

However, he didn't dare to ask if the queen didn't say anything. He could only find out the matter as soon as possible before talking.

Song Yunzhao has been wondering whether there is any relationship between Zhao Liangren and Zhao Ling'e. A large family has many branches. Zhao Ling'e is a direct branch of the Zhao family. Zhao Liangren's branch has nothing to do with the Jiangnan Zhao family, maybe it is related.

However, the news first came from Zhao Liangren, which made Yun Zhao have to wonder whether Zhao Ling'e had said something to her.

Otherwise, she had never seen Zhao Liangren jumping out and jumping around in all the years she had been in the palace. Why did she suddenly appear in her sight now?

The person who failed in the fight with Concubine Shu had already resigned herself to her fate.

Now he is active again. She doesn't believe it if there is no connection here.

Recalling Zhao Ling'e's love for making friends before, now I think about it, this is a different approach.

Knowing that she couldn't easily see the emperor and display her charm, she started elsewhere and managed her reputation first.

After all, Yun Zhao's biggest shortcoming is his reputation as a domineering pet.

In contrast, high and low stand out.

One chapter will be updated in the early morning, and another chapter will be updated probably in the morning. My dears, it may not be too early. Let’s check it out at noon.

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